6/2/2008 7:18:27 AM |
Which Breed of Dog for Retired Person? |

Fresno, CA
age: 62
Hi, pet lovers. I am retired, own a house with yard, have cats and finches. I have been considering a dog
and not sure which SMALL breed is right for me. Want a one person dog, smart, live in a hot climate,
want a dog that can go on long walks, not overly yappy. Any suggestions?
6/2/2008 1:08:04 PM |
Which Breed of Dog for Retired Person? |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 50
I always recomend a trip to a few local shelters. You can check out the dogs personalities in person and see how you get along. The best companions that I've had over the years are the ones who have chosen me, rather than the other way around.
Shelties are always a good choice and you might want to look into a manchester if you don't care for that much grooming. Don't be afraid of mixed breeds from the shelters either.
6/2/2008 3:25:33 PM |
Which Breed of Dog for Retired Person? |

Boca Raton, FL
age: 39

I definitely recommend going to the shelters also...You also might want to check with a breed rescue, although you need to know what kind of dog you are lookin for first.
I am a cat person and I do not own any dogs at this time. During my childhood, we always had dogs and cats.
My mom has a pekinese and they are super dogs. They are small and a one person animal. My mom has always had a peki and her mother always had one too. They have a good life span of 12 to 18 yrs. Sometimes, they do have problems with their eyes but I dont think anything that cant be avoided by proper grooming and vet care.
Personally, the best dog I have ever owned was a spitz.....a lot of white fur and about medium size...one person owner and super smart.
You might also want to check with the american kennel club. They have lots of literature.
Good luck with finding your new family member.
Keep us posted
6/2/2008 4:45:07 PM |
Which Breed of Dog for Retired Person? |

Fresno, CA
age: 62
Thank you both. Have avoided the shelters because am not a dog person, I can pick "the right cat for me" out
of a thousand, but do not know dogs that well. A minature sheltie may be a good idea.
PS, Yes, the spitz are great dogs!!! My climate is very hot (many days over 100, even 110+)
in summer. Chi's are the most commonly seen dog here, very popular.
[Edited 6/2/2008 4:47:47 PM]
6/3/2008 10:41:59 AM |
Which Breed of Dog for Retired Person? |

Middleport, OH
age: 50
small breeds i like yorkies, poms , and pekinese.
6/3/2008 2:03:34 PM |
Which Breed of Dog for Retired Person? |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 50
Most of the small dogs mentioned have a problen keeping up with people on walks. I live in the Desert southwest, as well, and even though it seems like a good idea to get a shorter coated breed, don't forget that that coat protects the dogs skin from the sun.
I wouldn't worry about picking the right dog for you...just go check a few out and let the dogs pick you out. You'll know it when you find the right one. Take your time, don't fall for the first one that you see, and ask questions.
6/3/2008 3:20:57 PM |
Which Breed of Dog for Retired Person? |

Boca Raton, FL
age: 39
small breeds i like yorkies, poms , and pekinese.
My neighbor has a yorkie and he is as cute as a button.....very friendly, she says he is a one person owner. She also said he is 8 and she has had no problems with him. She also stated that she had no problems with the dog and the heat index here. She leaves him outside (fenced in) in the early morning and late evening hours.
Your heart will know when you find the perfect fit
6/3/2008 5:24:23 PM |
Which Breed of Dog for Retired Person? |

Fresno, CA
age: 62
Thanks again to everyone for suggestions!
6/3/2008 8:24:36 PM |
Which Breed of Dog for Retired Person? |

Harrisburg, PA
age: 59
Boston Terrier.
6/4/2008 4:40:40 PM |
Which Breed of Dog for Retired Person? |

Cleveland, OH
age: 43
GET TO THE ANIMAL SHELTER!!!!! Have had dogs (among other animals) all my life, and personally I find the mix breeds to be healthier. Not too much inbreeding going on in a mutt!! Though shelters do come across purebreds too if that's what you want. I occasionally volunteer at our local shelter so I had to do a bit of advertising here!! Good luck in your search.
6/4/2008 6:01:25 PM |
Which Breed of Dog for Retired Person? |

Fresno, CA
age: 62
Thanks again to all!
6/5/2008 9:56:04 AM |
Which Breed of Dog for Retired Person? |

Roseburg, OR
age: 67
In my opinion.............Lhasa Apso, hands down. I've had two for 13 years now and I hate to think about life without them.
6/6/2008 7:22:33 AM |
Which Breed of Dog for Retired Person? |

Cicero, IN
age: 61 online now!
Hi Alice. My Chi is definitely a lap dog but he loves to get out and run in the yard. Really good hot weather dog. But they shed like crazy. Might want to keep that in mind when you start looking. Yorkies do not shed at all and are so sweet also but need regular grooming. I guess it would depend on how much time you want to put in on the pet's grooming.

6/6/2008 2:34:02 PM |
Which Breed of Dog for Retired Person? |

Fresno, CA
age: 62
Hi, Chi's are VERY popular breed here, and I do like them, but .... I am attracted to the LONG LEGGED
DEER chis' Are you able to put me in contact with any breeder who has this variation? I am
attracted to leggy, elegant dogs and cats. Thanks for sharing! What I do like about chi's
is the humor and one man dog aspect.
ps shedding not an issue. I brush my cats daily, do not mind.
[Edited 6/6/2008 2:35:24 PM]
6/6/2008 8:41:03 PM |
Which Breed of Dog for Retired Person? |

Glen Burnie, MD
age: 57 online now!
...Ms. Alice, I have had the good fortune to live with, it turned out to be the best friend a person could have, her name was Snickers and she was a Boxer. For 14 years she put up with me and gave me the company I needed. The wonderful thing about boxers is their ability to adapt. They are content to live on a farm or in an inner city apartment. The degree of emotion they display is unbelieveable. Your boxer will be committed to you 100%, they are gentle with children, (although you have to watch them as they love to jump up for affection) but if they sense danger (at nite) there is no better protection. They are a medium size dog, 50-60 lbs., loves to sleep with you and are a sofa dog. Alice, once you look into the eyes of Your boxer, you will understand...I do not know you, but in my heart I truly believe if you found Your friend, one day you will sit back and say thank you Cracker....God Bless