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Forums: Religion:
British Israel: The Hidden Hand Behind the "End Of Days" Deception
10/20/2012 12:17:19 PM |
British Israel: The Hidden Hand Behind the "End Of Days" Deception |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
British Israel: The Hidden Hand Behind the 'The Kingdom of God on Earth' Deception (July 10, 2005)
British Israel Uses Christian Fundamentalist Evangelicals to Promote the "Kingdom of God on Earth' Scheme to Deliver Up A One World Society-Both Feudal and Fascist
"British Israel" is a term used by the anonymous author of a brilliantly written 1970 book titled The Union Jack, to describe the manipulative efforts of elite British oligarchs (on behalf of the Rothchilds) to create a one world feudal society-controlled by British oligarchs of course-by first creating the state of Israel (via the British inspired 1917 Balfour Declaration), and then using Christian fundamentalist propagandists to promote the idea that Christ will physically return to Earth and will rule a "Kingdom of God on Earth' for a thousand years (the 'Millennium') from His earthly throne in....you guessed it... Jerusalem!
The only problem is, that after million upon millions of deceived Christian fundamentalists passively give up their constitutional liberties, their country's sovereignty, and their freedom in the mistaken belief that the Apocalypse, Armageddon and End Times scenario is an inevitable 'prophecy' from God that must take place before we can be delivered into the Happy world of the New Millennium, they will finally discover that they've been delivered into a satanic, feudal slave society that will no longer tolerate any talk of Christ or Christianity- assuming they are still alive to enjoy the 'Kingdom of God on Earth'.
The frontline promoters and propagandists of the 'Kingdom of God on Earth' scenario include all the well known TV evangelical personalities like British Israel promoter John Hagee, Benny Hinn, Jack Van Impe, Paul & Jan Crouch of Trinity Broadcasting , Jesse Duplantis, Kenneth Copeland, Pat Robertson, Billy Graham, Robert Shuller, Jerry Falwell,, Rod Parsley, Fred Price, Kim Clement, and Kenneth Hagin among others, but their ranks are also swollen with lesser known evangelical, pro-Israel promoters who show up on UHF, cable TV, and radio stations every Sunday morning to pitch the soon-to-be-realized Great Tribulation and End Times "prophecies".
A large percentage of these televangelist employ shouting, flamboyant movements, repeated phrases, and various histrionics to pump up the emotions of the audience in order to achieve a very specific technique of brainwashing called 'conversion'.
The Illuminated Ones play both sides of the Christianity card to manipulate the gullible into delusion. They either utilize pseudo-historians like Acharya S (The Christ Conspiracy, The Greatest Story Ever Sold) to sell the idea that Christ never even existed, or they use their opposite, the fundamentalist 'Kingdom of God on Earth' promoters, to sell the Apocalypse/Armageddon/End Times package.
Either way, the naive and gullible lose. They either lose their spiritual foundation altogether and acquiesce to the humanistic or Masonic Gnosticism ploys, or they go whole hog into cheering for Armageddon and the End Times scenario to unfold so they can "get it over with" and race into the arms of 'Jesus' who will greet them from His golden throne in the newly rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. These End Time 'prophecies' have no relationship whatsoever to the words or earthly mission of Jesus Christ. .
Sincere Christians need to recall an important statement that Christ made while on Earth. Christ said that " My Father's Kingdom is not of this world". Christ was specifically rejecting the "prophecies" being promoted by a dominant Jewish sect of the day known as Pharisees. The Pharisee priests had been predicting that a Messiah would come to earth and establish a "Kingdom of God' and rule from his throne in Jerusalem, after overthrowing the Roman oppressors who ruled Judea at the time.
This is EXACTLY the same tale that the above named 'Christian' fundamentalist preachers are selling to multitudes of deceived people around the world. It's Pharisee-ism plain and simple! Once this realization sinks in-and you need to remember that it was the Pharisee priests who got Pontius Pilate to condemn Christ to death- you can then begin to remove the mist from your eyes and recognize these fundamentalist 'Christian' propagandists for what they are-- agents of the satanic British oligarchy.
Christ came to Earth to remind humanity that man is more than flesh; that man is spirit clothed within an outer vestment of flesh. Christ wanted to remind mankind that the virtues of love, honor, and forgiveness were the most important attributes to guide your daily life. Christ's example thoroughly rejected the materialism, corruption, and deception so plainly witnessed in the lives of the above named End Times propagandists.
Honest Christians need to awaken and throw out the satanic infiltrators within their midst (and in their pulpits) and return to embracing the true message of Jesus Christ. This deception is nothing short of diabolical in the extreme. Here we have Masonic con artists posing as fundamentalists evangelical 'Christian pastors' who are duping naive and gullible people into swallowing the British Israel End Times scheme hook, line, and sinker. As subtitled in one of the chapters from The Union Jack below states-- they are "using Christians to destroy Christianity". Truer words were never spoken.
The Union Jack, is posted below in its entirety thanks to the assistance of a thoughtful reader who supplied the previously missing chapter and addendum notes. The Union Jack was initially published somewhere around 1970 and later updated by the anonymous author in 1985 and again in 1988. The additional articles posted below will also further illustrate the deception (and the promoters) of the End Times hoax described here.
If you are a sincere and honest Christian, especially if you are a fundamentalist, then you need to read every chapter of this book and wake up to the deception being perpetrated upon you from within.
Read The Gods of Eden by William Bramley if you want to understand more about the "End Times" ploy and how it has been used REPEATEDLY throughout recorded history to scare people into thinking there was going to be a thousand year period of bliss following the "End Times" tumult.
...Ken Adachi
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10/20/2012 1:04:40 PM |
British Israel: The Hidden Hand Behind the "End Of Days" Deception |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
Seeing that Christianity could not be consumed by so many and great persecutions, but from them instead the impetus to "fill the whole earth," the workers of wrath have attacked the conscience of the world by fabricating a counterfeit Christianity.
More deceptively however, they have added the dimension of feigned persecution to their stratagem of "Fundamental Christianity," the reaction to which is to deceive humanity into a world social state in the name of Jesus Christ. Americans will be surprised to learn that America is being used as the major incubator of this neo-orthodox Christianity which is not antagonistic to Marxian Communism at all, but is indeed the spirit of it.
It is this spiritual Communism in the guise of Christianity that is to emerge as the crowning achievement of world revolution.
In this discourse we shall demonstrate the incredibility that the British Empire is the source of the world's agony and that it has disguised this fact to the millions of humanity that it controls. While the Empire has advanced what Americans understand as international Communism with increased momentum since World War II, it has for over one hundred years been preparing the people of America through their churches for what would appear as a spontaneous reaction to the threatened evil of a world Communist slave state.
Through a long process of religious re-education, British propaganda (called British Israel in this context because of its self identity with Christianity) has solidified the thinking of the American people to an unshakeable Phariseeism which has led them to expect divine deliverance from Communism into the universal kingdom of God on earth.
To recognize the gangster perpetrators of this stratagem all that is necessary is to recognize the veiled identity of the British Empire. It is given to us as the kingdom of God on earth. It is the kingdom of God British Empire that has sown world chaos in the name of Russian Communism. It is through the established conflict of Russian Communism versus the fiction of Christian Civilization that is planned to deceive the world into the most absolute tyranny under the sanctimonious pretense of God's kingdom on earth.
Of course it seems ridiculous to suggest that the international villain is the British Empire to the American people, who have been told a million times over that the Empire is nigh extinction and only through the grace of Uncle Sam remains even a semblance of political and economic stability. Of course we Americans do not think in terms of Machiavellian power politics and therefore we cannot understand what we cannot see. We emphasize that the British Empire today is hidden beneath its pseudonym, kingdom of God on earth. Unless one can translate in his mind this fact he cannot be convinced of the yet universal power of the British Empire, nor recognize its propaganda.
To make truth of the accusation that the British Empire is all powerful and is working intrigue through the spiritual deceit of a synthetic Christianity, we shall decode the meaning of the kingdom message propaganda that has swamped America like the black plague, completely oblivious to a people preoccupied with the decoy of Russian Communism.
The overthrow of the American nation appears to the American people to fit their logic of dividing war and chaos between the bad guys and the good guys. But the thought processes of Satan do not cater to the ideal and the conventional. The American people are entangled in myth and countermyth which has brought them to a planned state of confusion. They are in, what seems to them, an ideological split between Christianity and Communism.
We make it our task to prove that this pretended Christianity is as materialistic and Communistic as its supposed adversary. Then we shall show the essential ingredient of this Christian-Communism and establish for it a common denominator which will demonstrate many times over that it is inseparable from what Americans have been propagandized to believe is a world despotism with the name Communism.
The norm of revolution does not allow for human understanding and reason. Revolution and the overthrow of national governments does not transpire at the ideal level. What cannot be measured by a ruler does not exist to most Americans and their inclination to choose between those ideals that appear stands in opposition to the fact of revolution which has no ideal but parasites upon ideal. Satan builds synthetic truth and proceeds to persecute it the more to make it flourish. The so-called freedom of the American people today is a monument to despotism and unless we come to an awareness hitherto unknown for a century our legacy to posterity shall be disgraceful.
Americans are controlled through confusion and as they separate in their thinking what they believe to be different ideologies, they gravitate mentally, socially, and politically to that arena which has been defined for them as conservatism or liberalism, not realizing or understanding the certain analogy between that which they are and that which they presume to oppose. "Free" Americans who "think for themselves" cannot originate the mental initiative to break through the preplanned stratagem within which there is no alternative to treason.
Communism versus Americanism (Fundamental Christianity) is a Siamese twin sired by the same serpent to block all outlets to spiritual and mental freedom. They must eject their inquiry outside the sphere of "Christianity versus Communism" in order to see the twin conflict strategy which is working Americans against themselves to a state of total destruction. Then they can view those yet within and observe that the minds that planned revolution planned the issues and the battles to be fought.
If Americans can comprehend the subversive spiritual force of "Fundamental Christianity" they can understand that which is forbidden to be known - that is that the conflict which is being promoted between Communism and "Christianity" is intended to produce a unified world political-religious state. To apply this world state to the language of today's Christianity, it means universal salvation for every creature.
As the objective mind moves outside the whirlpool of created conflict he sees that antagonisms which once seemed like life or death become for him unrelated to the underlying cause and he begins to see the analogy of the substance of supposedly different ideologies. The combatants dim in distinction and they become essential allies, unaware of course, to the outcome of their war.
It is a matter of recognizing that there is one evil with two heads.
Forums: Religion:
British Israel: The Hidden Hand Behind the "End Of Days" Deception