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12/2/2012 9:44:40 AM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Mansfield, AR
64, joined Dec. 2011
The christians god and muslim allah get plenty of "on air time" in this forum so I thought other gods needed some exposure in this forum.
any and all welcome, spread your knowledge!
Remember any gods/goddesses other than the big two.

by Micha F. Lindemans
The ancient Persian water goddess, fertility goddess, and patroness of women, as well as a goddess of war. Her name means "the immaculate one". She is portrayed as a virgin, dressed in a golden cloak, and wearing a diamond tiara (sometimes also carrying a water pitcher). The dove and the peac*ck are her sacred animals.
Anahita was very popular and is one of the forms of the 'Great Goddess' which appears in many ancient eastern religions (such as the Syrian/Phoenician goddess Anath). She is associated with rivers and lakes, as the waters of birth. Anahita is sometimes regarded as the consort of Mithra
When Persia conquered Babylonia (in the 6th century BCE), Anahita began to show some similarities with the goddess Ishtar. Since then her cult included also the practice of temple prostitution. During the reign of king Artaxerxes (436-358 BCE) many temples were erected in her honor; in Soesa, Ecbatana, and in Babylon
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

12/2/2012 10:14:23 AM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
Okay, showing up for Goddess duty!!!
I am def not one of the big two, but believe we ,man and woman they, were made in the image of God/Goddess and are incarnations, as we are all ,and everything, made of the same elements!! 
I want to be a loving goddess,but am no pushover, and have war like qualities as well. Rather be a lover than a fighter!! 
12/2/2012 10:45:14 AM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |


Sanbornton, NH
60, joined Jul. 2012
White Buffalo Calf Woman

Bringing the gift of the Pipe
"She taught them seven sacred ceremonies.
One of them was the sweat lodge, or the purification ceremony. One of them was the naming ceremony, child naming. The third was the healing ceremony. The fourth one was the making of relatives or the adoption ceremony. The fifth one was the marriage ceremony. The sixth was the vision quest. And the seventh was the sundance ceremony, the people's ceremony for all of the nation.
She brought us these seven sacred ceremonies and taught our people the songs and the traditional ways. And she instructed our people that as long as we performed these ceremonies we would always remain caretakers and guardians of sacred land. She told us that as long as we took care of it and respected it that our people would never die and would always live.
When she was done teaching all our people, she left the way she came. She went out of the circle, and as she was leaving she turned and told our people that she would return one day for the sacred bundle. And she left the sacred bundle, which we still have to this very day. "
Joseph Chasing Horse
What I have always loved about the pipe is that any man can take it up, stand on his feet before the creator and make a prayer. No priest, no church, no Jesus in the middle.
12/2/2012 12:38:48 PM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |


Sanbornton, NH
60, joined Jul. 2012
"Aphrodite is known as the Greek Goddess (Roman Venus) of love, desire, beauty, fertility, the sea, and vegetation. It is said that when Cronus was castrated by Uranus, and his part was thrown into the sea, Aphrodite was thus born and arose on a large shell, which was then carried to land, thus her name being translated "foam-risen". The sea nymphs dressed her and adorned her with flowers and gold. She now represents Erotic Love as a form of Divine influence, which has resulted in many men becoming capable of falling in love with her. There are many other tales of Aphrodite, as her Roman name is Venus, she is also known as the daughter of Zeus and Dione."
"Aphrodite's more admired child is Eros.Eros or the Roman Cupid. Eros (Cupid) means desire, for Eros is the god of Love. Just as Aphrodite was married to an ugly god, Hephaestus, she had her son follow in similar footsteps. Eros was in love with Psyche, a beautiful princess. Except Psyche was a mortal, and Aphrodite hated her for her beauty. Aphrodite had Eros persuade Psyche to fall in love with a monster (Eros really), so he hid his identity from her, for she believed him to be hideous. She would only see him at night, as Eros kept her hidden away from all people. One night, Psyche's curiosity got the best of her, and she looked upon Eros by candlelight as he slept. Eros was so enraged by her spying that he left her to wander the world in misery, but he knew that his love for her was too strong. He begged Zeus to change her to an immortal, and they were finally married. We see Eros today as the symbol of love on Valentines day, and other sweetheart moments. Many of the portraiture of Aphrodite is recognizes by the image of Eros by her side, such as Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time by Bronzino."

12/2/2012 12:56:56 PM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
Brings to mind "Venus" by Shocking Blue.
12/2/2012 2:32:12 PM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Wilmette, IL
41, joined May. 2011
Anubis : the Jackal God
A funerary God of the Dead associated with mummification and Spinx's.
12/2/2012 3:10:11 PM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Mountain View, AB
54, joined Aug. 2009

Shakti is the concept, or personification, of divine feminine creative power, sometimes referred to as 'The Great Divine Mother' in Hinduism. On the earthly plane, Shakti most actively manifests through female embodiment and creativity/fertility, though it is also present in males in its potential, unmanifest form.
Not only is the Shakti responsible for creation, it is also the agent of all change. Shakti is cosmic existence as well as liberation, its most significant form being the Kundalini Shakti, a mysterious psychospiritual force. Shakti exists in a state of svatantrya, dependence on no-one, being interdependent with the entire universe.

12/2/2012 3:26:04 PM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
A fine Goddess for a humaness to "try" to emulate!!  
12/2/2012 4:06:23 PM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Aynor, SC
48, joined Feb. 2009
This is Thanatos, the God of death

12/2/2012 4:18:45 PM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Aynor, SC
48, joined Feb. 2009
This is Hecate the Goddess of magic

12/2/2012 6:30:06 PM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |


Saint Petersburg, FL
68, joined Apr. 2010
Aphrodite was the great Olympian goddess of pleasure, joy, beauty, love and procreation.

12/2/2012 7:07:44 PM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
Okaaaaaaaaaay adonis 
12/2/2012 7:15:41 PM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Mansfield, AR
64, joined Dec. 2011
@ kingsean007 wrong thread
@ shane okay if you say so
everyone else 
12/2/2012 7:24:09 PM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Hicksville, NY
54, joined Dec. 2010
Isis and Horus.

Remind you of anything?
12/2/2012 8:15:04 PM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |


Kingman, AZ
73, joined Sep. 2010
Didn't Shakti used to be on the group 2 or 3 years ago?

Shakti is the concept, or personification, of divine feminine creative power, sometimes referred to as 'The Great Divine Mother' in Hinduism. On the earthly plane, Shakti most actively manifests through female embodiment and creativity/fertility, though it is also present in males in its potential, unmanifest form.
Not only is the Shakti responsible for creation, it is also the agent of all change. Shakti is cosmic existence as well as liberation, its most significant form being the Kundalini Shakti, a mysterious psychospiritual force. Shakti exists in a state of svatantrya, dependence on no-one, being interdependent with the entire universe.
12/2/2012 9:20:47 PM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |


Sanbornton, NH
60, joined Jul. 2012

Goddess Durga represents the power of the Supreme Being that preserves moral order and righteousness in the creation. The Sanskrit word Durga means a fort or a place that is protected and thus difficult to reach. Durga, also called Divine Mother, protects mankind from evil and misery by destroying evil forces such as selfishness, jealousy, prejudice, hatred, anger, and ego.
The worship of Goddess Durga is very popular among Hindus. She is also called by many other names, such as Parvati, Ambika, and Kali In the form of Parvati, She is known as the divine spouse of Lord Shiva and is the mother of Her two sons, Ganesha and Karttikeya, and daughter Jyoti. There are many temples dedicated to Durga’s worship in India.
In Her images, Goddess Durga is shown in a female form, wearing red clothes. She has eighteen arms, carrying many objects in Her hands. The red color symbolizes action and the red clothes signify that She is always busy destroying evil and protecting mankind from pain and suffering caused by evil forces. Following is the symbolism associated with Goddess Durga:
¦A tiger symbolizes unlimited power. Durga riding a tiger indicates that She possesses unlimited power and uses it to protect virtue and destroy evil. The eighteen arms of Durga signify that She possesses combined power of the nine incarnations of Lord Vishnu that have appeared on the earth at different times in the past. The tenth incarnation, the Kalkin (a man on a white horse), is still to come. Thus, Goddess Durga represents a united front of all Divine forces against the negative forces of evil and wickedness.
¦The sound that emanates from a conch is the sound of the sacred syllable AUM, which is said to be the sound of creation. A conch in one of the Goddess’s hands signifies the ultimate victory of virtue over evil and righteousness over unrighteousness.
¦Other weapons in the hands of Durga such as a mace, sword, disc, arrow, and trident convey the idea that one weapon cannot destroy all different kinds of enemies. Different weapons must be used to fight enemies depending upon the circumstances. For example, selfishness must be destroyed by detachment, jealousy by desirelessness, prejudice by self-knowledge, and ego by discrimination
12/3/2012 6:03:16 AM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |


Saint Petersburg, FL
68, joined Apr. 2010
Isis and Horus.
Remind you of anything?
How about Madonna and Child?

12/3/2012 9:24:16 AM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Mountain View, AB
54, joined Aug. 2009
Didn't Shakti used to be on the group 2 or 3 years ago?
She was the articulate and confident young woman who publicly rebuffed Begbear when he clumsily hit on her in one of her threads, which seemed to trigger his (probably inevitable) meltdown.
12/3/2012 9:59:00 AM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
I am so happy to have this thread to learn more about the many Gods/Goddesses,and to see the rich assortment of posts. If it's one thing I love to learn more of it's all the Gods/Goddesses
I want to tell about Ochun' ,a Santerian Goddess or Orisha, one of many God/Goddesses with in the Santarian pantheon.
Ochun' has many aspects,and comparing her,we will find aspects familiar with many different Goddesses. She is a Goddess of love and passion,a flirty one at that!She is very black,and very beautiful,especially when she's dancing. She is the Goddess of the sweet waters, the lakes , rivers, streams,springs, and has been known to frequent or even reside in the waterfalls.
Offerings to Ochun' could be anything from the following, She is sweet like Honey,but when offering it to Ochun' ,remember to taste it first to show her it is safe. Leave this offering beside the sweet water, and if possible beside waterfalls.She loves precious metals especially gold,brass,and copper.
Her colors are oranges,yellows,and reds,and she wears a beautiful yellow mantle.
Yellow candles are great for honoring Ochun'. She is very much connected with the sun as well.
Ochun' and Yemaya ,who is the Goddess of the big waters, often foster one another's children,and are sisters in the waters. If you are a child of Yemaya, always you will find Ochun' watching from a short distance away. This is reciprocal.
Ochun' is said to be the patron Goddess of single mothers and seamstresses. One need not be intitiated into the tradition to be influnced by the Orisha's guidence and protection.
Just a bit about Ochun'. 
12/3/2012 10:45:39 AM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |


Hermiston, OR
57, joined Jul. 2010
Quetzalcoatl (for some reason could not get the image to copy).
The winged serpent. Purveyor of knowledge.
(One might speculate on the correlation with Chinese dragon-gods, the serpent in Genesis, and the Caduceus)
According to Von Daniken, there is a prediction of his return sometime in 2014.
12/3/2012 10:58:44 AM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Bellevue, WA
66, joined Dec. 2010
Ya'all gonna piss off the christians.
What do you mean, you people are wrong, there is only one God.
12/3/2012 11:11:22 AM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |


Hermiston, OR
57, joined Jul. 2010
Actually, I think this is a misconception, within Christendom.
If it were a given that there is only one god, then why would J-H-V-H issue a commandment mentioning others?
And there are even other specific "gods" mentioned by name in the biblical scripture.
IMO more proper phrasing is only one "true God".
Which means, as I see it, the only one who actually is looking out for our best interest, and/or the ultimate authority.
The "one true God" of Judaism, Islam, and Christendom, could be likened to Odin, or Zues, in their respective pantheons. Just as "Loki", and "Coyote" are akin to "Satan", or the serpent, or devil.
12/3/2012 11:29:54 AM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Mansfield, AR
64, joined Dec. 2011
Ya'all gonna piss off the christians.
What do you mean, you people are wrong, there is only one God.
Jim you sound like bombass, whatsup with that
Bard here you go.

[Edited 12/3/2012 11:31:13 AM ]
12/3/2012 11:43:11 AM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |


Hermiston, OR
57, joined Jul. 2010
I think that was Jim's intent.
He has a well developed sense of humor. But, since he never seems to use the emoticons, sometimes you have to rather guess whether he is being sarcastic, or what...
12/4/2012 9:51:31 AM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Mansfield, AR
64, joined Dec. 2011
I think that was Jim's intent.
He has a well developed sense of humor. But, since he never seems to use the emoticons, sometimes you have to rather guess whether he is being sarcastic, or what...
Yes Bard it ( my post) was only a good natured jest.
12/4/2012 10:05:50 AM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Mountain View, AB
54, joined Aug. 2009
The God of Hellfire

12/4/2012 10:30:13 AM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Bellevue, WA
66, joined Dec. 2010
It's the nature of all religions, to claim their God(s) as the only one, and not to even look at another religion, lest you go astray.
12/4/2012 11:58:36 AM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |


Hamilton, ON
43, joined Apr. 2010
Remember that whenever you watch the Olympics, you pay homage to Zeus.
Put Zeus back in the Olympics... He is the reason for the season.
12/4/2012 12:03:36 PM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |


Union, NH
43, joined May. 2009
Yes Furch, thats right. Shes still around but no longer participating on this forum. Sadly she ended up deactivating her profile and leaving at the height of the trollery era a couple years back. It's since lessened considerably as a few have been banned. She was being attacked by several of them back then and finally had enough. 
12/4/2012 12:11:57 PM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |


Hermiston, OR
57, joined Jul. 2010
It's the nature of all religions, to claim their God(s) as the only one, and not to even look at another religion, lest you go astray.
And, is that not TBE, from a psychological and/or sociological perspective?
But, while this is certainly the attitude of many, if not most clergy, I'm not sure you can say that, as a definite statement, about "The Bible" itself. (And am not familiar enough to validate, or deny, this particular correlation with other sects).
"Seek and you shall find", "knock and it shall be opened unto you", and "all mysteries will be revealed", "I shall pour out my spirit, upon all flesh" (there are other passages with similar perspective, those are just what come immediately to mind).
12/4/2012 1:18:32 PM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Mansfield, AR
64, joined Dec. 2011
And, is that not TBE, from a psychological and/or sociological perspective?
But, while this is certainly the attitude of many, if not most clergy, I'm not sure you can say that, as a definite statement, about "The Bible" itself. (And am not familiar enough to validate, or deny, this particular correlation with other sects).
"Seek and you shall find", "knock and it shall be opened unto you", and "all mysteries will be revealed", "I shall pour out my spirit, upon all flesh" (there are other passages with similar perspective, those are just what come immediately to mind).
I may have this wrong but the bible states that thou shall have no other gods before me?
12/4/2012 1:29:26 PM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |


Hermiston, OR
57, joined Jul. 2010
But...recently I heard a Christian minister explain that the Hebrew phrase used means something like "in my presence". "in my sight", or "face to face".
Even if we just take the English translation at face value, it would not necessarily mean that there should be no knowledge of these other gods.
In fact, if one accepts that at least one of these is an attempted usurper, an enemy (Satan = adversary), then would not the logic of warfare dictate "know thy enemy"?
(The reason I read Anton Lavey's "Satanic Bible").
And there is nothing in the commandments about other knowledge (though there are other passages that prohibit the use of certain arcane knowledge).
Does not the story of the wise men, grant that there may be knowledge/information that does not come directly through the prophets?
[Edited 12/4/2012 1:30:57 PM ]
12/4/2012 5:31:48 PM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Hicksville, NY
54, joined Dec. 2010
How about Madonna and Child?

Bingo. I wonder if Michaelangelo was aware of these old Isis Horus stauettes when he conceived of the Pieta.
12/4/2012 5:34:38 PM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Hicksville, NY
54, joined Dec. 2010
She was the articulate and confident young woman who publicly rebuffed Begbear when he clumsily hit on her in one of her threads, which seemed to trigger his (probably inevitable) meltdown.
I talked to her once about Carl Jung. She clued me in on a few things concerning him.
[Edited 12/4/2012 5:35:16 PM ]
12/4/2012 6:42:17 PM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |


Union, NH
43, joined May. 2009
Asherah is one of the more interesting Semitic Goddesses simply because she was felt to be the Shekinah or the Bride of Yahweh and worshiped well after the biblical era had ceased. Many scholars are now convinced based on the available archeological evidence that approximately between the 10th century BC and the commencement of the Babylonian exile in 586, polytheism was the normal state of affairs amongst the Israelites and surrounding peoples of the Levant. So it was only post exile and once the return was underway that the worship of one principle deity, Yahweh, was initiated. Most likely it didn't even actually occur until the time of the Maccabees during the 2nd century BC. Monotheism was very late to arrive on the scene and it took a very long period of time before it was established universally amongst the Jews. Some of these historians and biblical scholars find it very plausible based on the supportive evidence that Asherah was felt to be the consort of Yahweh. She acted in the capacity of an intermediary between the people and her husband. She was associated with the Tree of Life so she clearly had her own dominion and the people worshiped her freely in family shrines and sought out her counsel especially in domestic matters such as childbirth and childcare.
It is believed that the title of Queen of Heaven actually belonged to Asherah as it is revealed here in the The Book of Jeremiah as the peolpe vociferously complain about the elitist priestly class of Jerusalem as they attempt to forbid their continued worship of Asherah.
44:15 Then all the men which knew that their wives had burned incense unto other gods, and all the women that stood by, a great multitude, even all the people that dwelt in the land of Egypt, in Pathros, answered Jeremiah, saying,
44:16 As for the word that thou hast spoken unto us in the name of the LORD, we will not hearken unto thee.
44:17 But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our princes, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem: for then had we plenty of victuals, and were well, and saw no evil.
44:18 But since we left off to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, we have wanted all things, and have been consumed by the sword and by the famine.
44:19 And when we burned incense to the queen of heaven, and poured out drink offerings unto her, did we make her cakes to worship her, and pour out drink offerings unto her, without our men?
Asherah portrayed often with tree branches.

12/4/2012 6:49:50 PM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |


Sanbornton, NH
60, joined Jul. 2012
Mother Earth and Father Sky

George Blueeyes, a Navajo elder, wrote a poem that expresses the Navajo reverence for the earth and sky with great lyricism and dignity:
We say Nahasdzaan Shima:
Earth, My Mother
We are made from her.
Even though she takes us daily,
We will become part of her again.
For we ARE her.
The Earth is Our Mother.
The Sky is Our Father.
Just as a man gives his wife beautiful things to wear,
So Our Father Sky does the same.
He sends rain down of Mother Earth,
And because of the rain the plants grow,
And flowers appear of many different colors.
She in turn provides food for him.
He dresses her as a man would dress his woman.
He moves clouds and male rain.
He moves dark mists and female rain.
Dark mists cloak the ground,
And plants grow with many colored blossoms.
The plants with colored blossoms are her dress.
It wears out. Yes, the earth's cover wears out.
The plants ripen and fade away in the fall.
Then in the spring when the rains come again,
Mother Earth once again puts on her finery.
The plants are restored again in beauty.
This is what the stories of the Elders say.
(in Between Sacred Mountains [1982:18-19])

12/4/2012 7:03:34 PM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |


Sanbornton, NH
60, joined Jul. 2012

The Navajo religion has no clearly defined supreme being, but the Yei (Holy Ones) can through precise ceremonials assist those in need and bring good things or misfortune. This painting by James Wayne Yazzi (Arizona Highways, August, 1968) illustrates the rare nine-day Nightway or Yeibichai ceremony performed to heal central nervous system illness, or as psychologists would say, “disorders.” Here, on the final night, invited guests surround six impersonators of the Yei in masks, led by Fringe Mouth the clown and Talking God the singer. On the left is the arbor from which the dancers emerged. On the right is a ceremonial Hogan for the patient and five curative sand paintings. If no mistakes are made in the ceremony, order will be restored and the patient will be in recovery. The object of life is to “walk in beauty,” to live in harmony with the world, steering clear of evil and thus enjoying a healthy life.
12/5/2012 12:00:45 AM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |


Sanbornton, NH
60, joined Jul. 2012

Sikhim was founded over 500 years ago. It preaches a message of devotion and remembrance of God at all times, truthful living, equality of mankind and denounces superstitions and blind rituals. Sikhism is open to all through the teachings of its ten Gurus enshrined in the Sikh Holy Book and Living Guru, Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Sikhism is an Indian religion combining Islamic and Hindu elements, founded in the Punjab (Panjab) in the late 15th century AD by Nanak.
12/5/2012 9:35:25 AM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Mountain View, AB
54, joined Aug. 2009
Mbombo...AKA: Bumba...AKA: Ralph the God

Mbombo, also called Bumba, is the creator god in the religion and mythology of the Kuba of Central Africa. In the Mbombo creation myth, Mbombo was a giant covered with white skin who had the form of a man.
The story of Mbombo's creation tells that in the beginning, Mbombo was alone, and darkness and water covered the all earth. It would happen that Mbombo came to feel an intense pain in his stomach, and then Mbombo vomited the sun, the moon, and stars. The heat and light from the sun evaporated the water covering the earth, creating clouds, and after time, the dry hills emerged from the water. Then Mbombo vomited once more, bringing forth nine animals: the leopard, called Koy Bumba; the eagle, Ponga Bumba; the crocodile, Ganda Bumba; the fish, Yo Bumba; the tortoise, Kono Bumba; a black leopard-like animal, Tsetse Bumba; a white heron, Nyanyi Bumba; a scarab; and a goat named Budi.
12/5/2012 10:02:52 AM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
All of the above posts I found most delightful in that they(the different god/goddesses) all possess facets,faces,attributes,qualities,characteristics , of the great All. Just as we
as humans possess these same identifications. It seems that the god/godesses possess some very human like qualities.
Learning about these god/goddesses,keeps reinforcing my notions that we are all components of a big picture, that , like a web ,interconnects all to all. It confirms my belief that we are all one, and love is the answer,to put it simply.
12/5/2012 11:14:47 AM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Hicksville, NY
54, joined Dec. 2010
They had a Doc on Zues last night. It was on just before "Man the Story of All of Us" which I am underwhelmed with.

Zues seemed like a prick. I wonder if he was a model for the Old Testament God.
12/5/2012 11:31:30 AM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
That for me is some good comparative food for thought!!   
12/5/2012 8:30:09 PM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Port Allen, LA
34, joined Dec. 2012
The creator,,,the almighty spiritual beem man curse serpent goddess mother mammon/minoan/Allah spiritual beem because she told eve in flesh that they as women in spiritual beem and dead flesh that they can be equally like the creator knowing good and evil...so,,eve touch,,ate,,,seen past,,,present and future...The creator punish them and they punishment was to be slave servants to they master pleasure...and since Adam listen,,he gave him a choice to not heel lust to eve curse or,,become a curse and surly die in flesh and spirit....reason why curse women goddess can't be equally to god men masters...
[Edited 12/5/2012 8:31:15 PM ]
12/6/2012 8:38:40 AM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |


Sanbornton, NH
60, joined Jul. 2012

Baal, god worshiped in many ancient Middle Eastern communities, especially among the Canaanites, who apparently considered him a fertility deity and one of the most important gods in the pantheon. As a Semitic common noun baal (Hebrew ba?al) meant “owner” or “lord,” although it could be used more generally; for example, a baal of wings was a winged creature, and, in the plural, baalim of arrows indicated archers. Yet such fluidity in the use of the term baal did not prevent it from being attached to a god of distinct character. As such, Baal designated the universal god of fertility, and in that capacity his title was Prince, Lord of the Earth. He was also called the Lord of Rain and Dew, the two forms of moisture that were indispensable for fertile soil in Canaan. In Ugaritic and Old Testament Hebrew, Baal’s epithet as the storm god was He Who Rides on the Clouds. In Phoenician he was called Baal Shamen, Lord of the Heavens.
Knowledge of Baal’s personality and functions derives chiefly from a number of tablets uncovered from 1929 onward at Ugarit (modern Ras Shamra), in northern Syria, and dating to the middle of the 2nd millennium bc. The tablets, although closely attached to the worship of Baal at his local temple, probably represent Canaanite belief generally. Fertility was envisaged in terms of seven-year cycles. In the mythology of Canaan, Baal, the god of life and fertility, locked in mortal combat with Mot, the god of death and sterility. If Baal triumphed, a seven-year cycle of fertility would ensue; but, if he were vanquished by Mot, seven years of drought and famine would ensue.
Ugaritic texts tell of other fertility aspects of Baal, such as his relations with Anath, his consort and sister, and also his siring a divine bull calf from a heifer. All this was part of his fertility role, which, when fulfilled, meant an abundance of crops and fertility for animals and mankind.
But Baal was not exclusively a fertility god. He was also king of the gods, and, to achieve that position, he was portrayed as seizing the divine kingship from Yamm, the sea god.
The myths also tell of Baal’s struggle to obtain a palace comparable in grandeur to those of other gods. Baal persuaded Asherah to intercede with her husband El, the head of the pantheon, to authorize the construction of a palace. The god of arts and crafts, Kothar, then proceeded to build for Baal the most beautiful of palaces which spread over an area of 10,000 acres. The myth may refer in part to the construction of Baal’s own temple in the city of Ugarit. Near Baal’s temple was that of Dagon, given in the tablets as Baal’s father.
12/6/2012 8:51:51 AM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |


Sanbornton, NH
60, joined Jul. 2012
Baal and his father EL, the real name of the Abrahamic god.
NOT "Yawe"
12/6/2012 9:25:54 AM |
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Sanbornton, NH
60, joined Jul. 2012
Oh, and BTW, God's wife Ashera.........
Monotheism allows for God to create holy entities that express aspects and attributes of creation. Jesus speaks of angels. So it's not really a stretch, even for Christians, that god might have created a Mother goddess.
The exclusion of the divine feminine creates social values and religious norms that are sick and unbalanced.
12/6/2012 4:53:47 PM |
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Wilmette, IL
41, joined May. 2011
Gods & Goddesses of ancient Egypt
An Egyptian creation myth-
At first there was only Nun. Nun was the dark waters of chaos.
One day a hill rose up out of the waters. This hill was called Ben-Ben.
On this hill stood Atum, the first God.
Atum coughed and spat out Shu, the god of the air, and Tefnut, the goddess of moisture.
Shu and Tefnut had two children, first there was Geb, the god of earth. Then there was Nut the goddess of the sky.
Shu (this is my personal favorite eye brow raising part) lifted Nut up so that she became a canopy over Geb.

Nut and Geb had four children named Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nephthys.
Osiris was the king of the earth Isis the was the queen. Osiris was a good king, and he ruled over the earth many years.
However, everything was not well, Seth was jealous of Osiris because he wanted to be ruler of the earth. He grew angrier and angrier until one day he killed Osiris.
Osiris went down into the underworld and Seth remained on earth and became king.
Osirus and Isis had one son called Horus. Horus battled against Seth and regained the throne.
After that, Horus was the king of the earth and Osirus was the king of the underworld.

12/15/2012 4:34:39 PM |
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Mansfield, AR
64, joined Dec. 2011
Aborigines of Australia believe in dreamtime ,
In the beginning the earth was a bare plain. All was dark. There was no life, no death. The sun, the moon, and the stars slept beneath the earth. All the eternal ancestors slept there, too, until at last they woke themselves out of their own eternity and broke through to the surface.
When the eternal ancestors arose, in the Dreamtime, they wandered the earth, sometimes in animal form - as kangaroos, or emus, or lizards -- sometimes in human shape, sometimes part animal and human, sometimes as part human and plant.
Two such beings, self-created out of nothing, were the Ungambikula. Wandering the world, they found half-made human beings. They were made of animals and plants, but were shapeless bundles, lying higgledy-piggledy, near where water holes and salt lakes could be created. The people were all doubled over into balls, vague and unfinished, without limbs or features.
With their great stone knives, the Ungambikula carved heads, bodies, legs, and arms out of the bundles. They made the faces, and the hands and feet. At last the human beings were finished.
Thus every man and woman was transformed from nature and owes allegiance to the totem of the animal or the plant that made the bundle they were created from -- such as the plum tree, the grass seed, the large and small lizards, the parakeet, or the rat.
This work done, the ancestors went back to sleep. Some of them returned to underground homes, others became rocks and trees. The trails the ancestors walked in the Dreamtime are holy trails. Everywhere the ancestors went, they left sacred traces of their presence -- a rock, a waterhole, a tree.
For the Dreamtime does not merely lie in the distant past, the Dreamtime is the eternal Now.
source: http://www.crystalinks.com/australiacreation.html
12/15/2012 4:57:11 PM |
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Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
Very interesting,and comparitivly familiar. 
12/16/2012 9:51:44 AM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Mansfield, AR
64, joined Dec. 2011

Ayers Rock Australia - Uluru
Uluru - Kata Tjuta National Park
Standing in front of Ayers Rock in Australia...
Watching Uluru change colour as the sun sets over the endless outback desert and lights up the sacred rock...
12/16/2012 11:11:20 AM |
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Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
Beautiful image , Mr. Hellifino!!!
I just love the balance that the sacred energies of the God/Goddess brings, when working as a team!! The results are most rewarding!!IMO  
12/16/2012 10:27:19 PM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |


Bartlett, IL
51, joined Jul. 2007
Ten Avatars of Lord Vishnu and Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
The forms taken by lord Vishnu in his ten incarnations bear a strange similarity to Darwin’s theory of evolution. ….
According to this theory, from the invertebrates came the fishes. From the fishes the Amphibians and from the Amphibians the Reptiles. The Reptiles in turn gave rise to two separate classes the Aves (or the birds) and the Mammals. And of course in mammals the final step in evolution was Man.
This theory was based on the principle of the survival of the fittest. So by those Amphibians had greater chances of survival than the Fishes, Reptiles had greater chances over the Amphibians and finally Man had the best chances of survival among all the beings.
So what are the similarities that we are talking about?
Theory 'for' Evolution - the Dasha Avatar
“If you see that Avatars, the first was was Matsya or the fish. From the fish came an animal that was amphibious. That was the Koorma or the tortoise. Slowly the amphibian adjusted to land and gave up water completely. The next was the Varaha or the boar, a mammal. Then evolved creatures that were bipedal animals - the oldest ancestors of man. The next Avatar in the series accordingly was Narasimha - half man and half beast. Then came Vamana the dwarf man that we see as Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon men in scientific literature …
Vishnu’s Dashavatar & Charles Darwin
All of us know about Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution – read it in schools. All of us also know about Lord Vishnu’s ten incarnations, better known as dashavatar. How many of us have seen a connection?
Connection between a scientific theory and a mythical narration of god’s incarnation? This is no joke and nor is it a concocted theory meant to superimpose scientific theories on a religious point of view. Nor is this some sort of ‘we-thought-it-first’ kind of pseudo-nationalism leading to a feel-great emotion. This is a natural outcome of what I have always maintained in my blog – every myth has a hidden meaning. There is more to it than what it says and above all, look beyond the story.
The ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu, talk about the forms of Matsya (fish), Kurma (tortoise), Varaha (wild boar), Narasimha (half lion half man), Vamana (dwarf man), Parashuram (angry fighting man with a war axe), Rama (the ideal man/king), Krishna (the philosopher), Buddha (the peace maker) and Kalki (messiah of the future).
If you follow the above forms, you will find a familiar sequence. Yes, it is the chronology of the evolution of mankind. …
Evolution And Dash avatar
Dashavatar - The Ten Incarnations of Lord Vishnu.

12/17/2012 4:51:17 AM |
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Union, NH
43, joined May. 2009
^^Thats taken from a blogger's website and from what I can ascertain, the person is a proponent of Maya and is therefore trying to somehow make a comparison. It's is not being done in a derogatory manner at tall. It seems a little far fetched nevertheless. It doesn't sound as if this person disregards these concepts to me.
In Vedic philosophy, maya (Sanskrit: ma: not, ya: this) is the illusion of a limited, purely physical and mental reality in which our everyday consciousness has become entangled, a veiling of the true, unitary Self. One must seek to “pierce the veil” in order to glimpse the transcendent truth.In Hinduism, Maya must be seen through in order to achieve moksha (liberation of the soul from the cycle of death and rebirth). Maya is seen as the phenomenal universe, a lesser reality-lens superimposed on the one Brahman that leads us to think of the phenomenal cosmos as real. Maya is also visualized as part of the Divine Mother (Devi) concept of Hinduism. Maya is a lesser reality that must be overcome so that one is able to realize his or her true Self.
12/17/2012 4:58:58 AM |
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Wing, ND
55, joined Jul. 2012
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
12/17/2012 7:07:36 AM |
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Union, NH
43, joined May. 2009
And more here taken from the same blogger's website. I notice this was not included on any article snippet. 
But before you read any further, I would like to add a word or two about myself. If you think I am writing this to propagate Hinduism, no I am not. In fact, I do not belong or rather do not want myself to be associated to any religion or sect or whatever. And I do not follow any ‘God’ for that matter. I am a proud atheist and what you will be reading now are some interesting observations that I came across. And it has nothing to do with religion. Now. Read further.
12/17/2012 10:38:59 AM |
Equal time for other gods/goddess |

Babbitt, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
Good post , Asha!
As always, lot's of good God/Goddess info.
Thank you every one for all these interesting posts on this topic!!Thank you OP for the thread.
I feel fortunate to be able to even see them!