1/15/2013 6:55:00 AM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Lexington, KY
63, joined May. 2011
Moonshine Alley 
A place for all the evening folk to sit..chat...relax and enjoy.
Welcome Back to the Pit...Just a different road to get there..

Hope everyone can have a good time...Enjoy the company....
Beverages and food most always...Good Humor a Necessity.!!
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

1/15/2013 7:02:13 AM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Lexington, KY
63, joined May. 2011
Welcome back to the Pit....Good Morning. 

1/15/2013 7:06:07 AM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Lake Alfred, FL
60, joined Aug. 2008
congrats on your new thread.. good luck! 
1/15/2013 7:07:52 AM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Lexington, KY
63, joined May. 2011
Thanks Fishing...Giving it a shot...Maybe it'll go..maybe not..
Enough shine and who cares anyway? 
1/15/2013 7:12:31 AM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Jasper, IN
68, joined Oct. 2011
Good morning. Dang Alicia, he's trying to get the refreshments to you!! LOL Larry
1/15/2013 7:14:56 AM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Lake Alfred, FL
60, joined Aug. 2008
thats the whole thing alicia... you make a thread, those that want to post will, those that dont, wont.... soon you will be called the queen and owner of your own bandwagon 
Much success! cheers!
1/15/2013 7:24:10 AM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Lexington, KY
63, joined May. 2011
Thanks Larry....so glad to see you joining in...
Hope you're all souped up...watch out for the fuzz....

More like a beer wagon...

1/15/2013 7:25:06 AM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Lake Alfred, FL
60, joined Aug. 2008
beer wagon would be nice 
1/15/2013 8:00:50 AM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Ocala, FL
56, joined Oct. 2012
"Moonshine Ali" COOL.
So happy you've made a thread!, a guaranteed success with a sweety like you at the helm
I need some of that  
1/15/2013 8:07:14 AM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Jasper, IN
68, joined Oct. 2011
1/15/2013 8:07:42 AM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Lexington, KY
63, joined May. 2011
Moonshine this early....well...Ok....

Oh...you meant coffee?? 
Welcome Gems...and thanks for the vote of confidence...appreciated. 
Lovin' the tunes Larry!!  
[Edited 1/15/2013 8:08:23 AM ]
1/15/2013 8:12:52 AM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Ocala, FL
56, joined Oct. 2012
And cotton eye Joe at least once a week
1/15/2013 8:27:48 AM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Lake Alfred, FL
60, joined Aug. 2008
Im sure some of my northern friends can use this today

1/15/2013 8:38:12 AM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Lexington, KY
63, joined May. 2011
I could use a nice fire myself this morning...cold and wet today...brrr...
Still like to have one of those fireplaces like yours Fishing...wish I had room..
Thanks to all of you for getting this off the ground...

Check back in a little later...Everyone have fun!! And Thanks again. 
1/15/2013 8:50:49 AM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Sedalia, MO
67, joined Aug. 2010

1/15/2013 8:53:57 AM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Lake Alfred, FL
60, joined Aug. 2008
alicia, shop around, they come in all sizes.. I was even thinking of another smaller one for the bedroom, best time to buy is spring.. when they are trying to get rid of them for summer stuff. Do you have a Big Lots? Sometimes those rent to own places have back rooms where peoples stuff gets repossessed and you can go back there and buy cheap outright.
we have a furniture store here thats like that.. all stuff they cant sell in their store or is outdated gets put in their bargain room.. I bought a full size bed, head board, rails brand new in plastic mattresses for $250.. the mattresses alone were over $400.
I bought this fireplace too $800 I got it for less than $300 BRAND NEW Clearance. I hate shopping but when I want something, I DO wheel and deal. 
1/15/2013 9:10:36 AM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Boss, MO
64, joined May. 2012
Ali & pitters...
Think I stick with coffee this morning may have some shine tonight

1/15/2013 9:57:02 AM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Salem, MO
57, joined Nov. 2011
  Well good morning... In my little nurses bag I have this for whoever may need it in the mornings.... 

But for me that coffee there will work...
Awesome title Alicia.. looks like another happening place to be... 
1/15/2013 10:01:28 AM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Stuart, FL
59, joined Dec. 2009
Good Morning Everyone!!!!

Awwwwwwww alicia! It is beautiful here.....and rite up me ally!  
Try this cupa..moonshine coffee!
1/15/2013 10:04:13 AM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Lake Alfred, FL
60, joined Aug. 2008
OK alicia, you need a Patron Saint so to speak, someone who will watch over your thread when youre not available to do so.
I present... the Goddess of Fire, which could be you I guess 

1/15/2013 12:27:37 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Leechburg, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
Nice thread Alicia...here is a house warming gift to keep all your customers satisfied..

1/15/2013 12:44:59 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Wayne, NJ
62, joined Oct. 2009
Congrats alicia as i see you are open 24/7 never know when i'll be around but have fun and sometimes i'll try to post some humor, here to a thread which would help others survive their day but you're good at that anyways with your sense of humor ...good luck and congrats again 
1/15/2013 2:43:04 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Lexington, KY
63, joined May. 2011
Good Afternoon Everyone...
Checking in to see if anyone needs anything...
Hello Red..... ......Mr. U...Hope you do stop by sometime this evening..have a nice
cup of coffee...tea...or............
whatever suits your fancy..
Dimples...I can count on you for the rememdies to whatever ails anyone..
That could come in very handy..

Irene...I knew you'd stop in...What no pie?? 
Goddess of Fire...Fishing...Nice thought...
...but my flame probably wouldn't be much more than this...

Gems...I know I've said hello once...but hello again. 
And Larry...keep the tunes coming..music is always welcome.
Jeff...a copper still...very nice...Thanks so much...the old one was a bit worn..
Sorp...Thank you for the encouraging words...Humor is always a good way to start and
end the day..You do know you have to take a swig...at least one..
A man was walking down the street in a small Tennessee mountain town, when he sees another man walking toward him carrying a jug of moonshine and a shotgun.
Since this made him a little wary he decided to cross the street. To his dismay, the shotgun toting man crossed the street also. He then crossed again, but the other man crossed also.
Finally the shotgun toting man walked up to him, extending the jug and said
"Here take a swig."
He then replied "No Thanks".
Then the other man raised the shotgun and pointed it right at him.
He then said "alright, alright...take it easy!"
He then took a big swig, almost coughing it up and gagged:
"Holy.... thats some nasty stuff!".
Then the man handed him the shotgun and said
"Here, now you hold the shotgun on me while I take a swig"
Yeah...like that's necessary.. 

1/15/2013 2:55:04 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Westminster, MD
58, joined Jul. 2011
Nice place you got going on here Alica. Have any extra rooms, you know for those who can't hold a shine
1/15/2013 3:04:08 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Lexington, KY
63, joined May. 2011
Hey Quiet...
Why sure...All the eminites. of home..

Knock might let any "over achievers" stay over at Stuckers...least till
it closes it doors...guess after that..I may have to make other arrangements..

1/15/2013 3:06:57 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Westminster, MD
58, joined Jul. 2011
Well thanks for the accommodations but I need something with running hot water, a bed, clean towels. Guess I'll go see if there is a Holiday Inn Express around here
1/15/2013 3:16:38 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Lexington, KY
63, joined May. 2011
How about a cabin on a hill....

Geeez....Everyone wants it easy...   
Ok...everyone get their wish list made...hot tubs..pools..saunas....???
1/15/2013 3:23:35 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Wayne, NJ
62, joined Oct. 2009
a reality check...hey sorp stop trying to hold it in

1/15/2013 3:28:05 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Lexington, KY
63, joined May. 2011

1/15/2013 3:35:30 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Louisville, KY
53, joined Jun. 2012
good afternoon folks! moonshine alley.....great name alicia!!! 
1/15/2013 3:39:34 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Westminster, MD
58, joined Jul. 2011
Yes, I'll take the cabin on the hill. Sounds like a title to a scary movie, well second thought,think I will go look for that Holiday Inn 
1/15/2013 3:42:32 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Leechburg, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
The shine is ready......   

1/15/2013 3:46:58 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Louisville, KY
53, joined Jun. 2012
well jeff its a lil early i really shouldnt ....but...well...ok..... i'll have a pull er two from the ole jug! tyvm 
[Edited 1/15/2013 3:47:33 PM ]
1/15/2013 3:48:13 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Leechburg, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
drink er easy....
how have you been MT????
[Edited 1/15/2013 3:48:59 PM ]
1/15/2013 3:50:53 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Lexington, KY
63, joined May. 2011
Hey Mt.....How you doin'? Never do catch you here...but I gotcha now...
Thanks...giving it a whirl..may or may not keep up...
Lot of work...should have thought of everything before I got
Gonna pull up a chair and sit a while??
I'm gonna have to excuse myself for a few...supper to fix...

But just help yourself to whatever you can find...tried to leave a few things to
keep you happy..
Hate to have to run everytime I see you...wait..that didn't sound right..
but I really gotta go .....
Stay around or come back a little later. 
Dream...none yet...that I have seen...Glad you stopped in. 
Jeff...thanks so much again!! You're a lifesaver..
[Edited 1/15/2013 3:53:08 PM ]
1/15/2013 3:56:35 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Boss, MO
64, joined May. 2012
Here ya go Ali... ya want ta hold the shotgun R do you want to drink first 

1/15/2013 3:58:25 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Lexington, KY
63, joined May. 2011
Right now....I need a big drink....and no shotgun is necessary...
C'ya all a little later....

1/15/2013 3:58:43 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Louisville, KY
53, joined Jun. 2012
been doing well jeff ty hope alls well and good with u man ! Nice fire and yep think i'll pull up a chair. 
1/15/2013 3:59:12 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Leechburg, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011

Shhhhhhhhhhhhh,don't make any noise we don't wanna get caught.....
1/15/2013 4:05:34 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Assumption, IL
66, joined May. 2010
1/15/2013 4:16:35 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Lake Alfred, FL
60, joined Aug. 2008
I reckon the outhouse could use a little paint .. ya reckon

1/15/2013 4:20:04 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Leechburg, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011

Let me get the paint out of the truck and I will get er done...
1/15/2013 4:25:36 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Leechburg, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
nice ride thar Dream

1/15/2013 4:30:10 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Lake Alfred, FL
60, joined Aug. 2008
well ya see officer.. Granny, you know shes kin to Uncle Jed over there who be fixin ta paint the out house back yonder.. well, she went to smoking some pigs that Jethro had caught down in the holla.. and well, between the paint fumes and the "other" fumes it just BLEW UP!
there was pig parts all over the place.. aint no telling where granny landed but Weeeeeeeee doggy, I sure dont wanna be Uncle Jed when she gets found.. no sirree !

1/15/2013 4:34:50 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Leechburg, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011

Billy Bob and me is on r way oer to helpin yall fix em up again...
yall said yall had enogh wood in the attic to builds a new yone right???
[Edited 1/15/2013 4:36:54 PM ]
1/15/2013 4:45:28 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Leechburg, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011

Heather is that you stuck in the outhouse???????????

1/15/2013 4:45:37 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Cuyahoga Falls, OH
58, joined Jan. 2011
awesome alicia!! i knew you'd do it!!!!!

1/15/2013 4:46:41 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Lake Alfred, FL
60, joined Aug. 2008
an they thought that was her get away horses name.. it was Heather Bootlegger Honey back then 

1/15/2013 4:47:22 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Jasper, IN
68, joined Oct. 2011
1/15/2013 4:50:58 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |
Collins, MS
52, joined Feb. 2012
hello people
I have a fire place here in mississippi dont get much use lol
1/15/2013 4:53:35 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Leechburg, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
I used an impersonated sheriff's car ..... Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh....

1/15/2013 4:58:23 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Louisville, KY
53, joined Jun. 2012
i'll take a case plz....never know when company may show. 
1/15/2013 5:01:22 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Assumption, IL
66, joined May. 2010
ummmmm .... Jeff ..... you need to ease up on your "swigin'" on that thar jug ... son ... ya is a'ginin ta have prolums wit ya dialect ....   
1/15/2013 5:06:38 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Lake Alfred, FL
60, joined Aug. 2008
welcome alilluverboy 
Im sure alicia would love to see your pit.
heather and innocent in the same sentence just does NOT compute! 
1/15/2013 5:09:56 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Hartford, WI
58, joined Nov. 2011
alicia.. congrats on your new thread...i could use some of that shine right about now.. anything to knock me out....it's nice to have another place to have fun in...

1/15/2013 5:10:35 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Leechburg, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
i'll take a case plz....never know when company may show. 
here you go MT....freshly made....
1/15/2013 5:11:02 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Louisville, KY
53, joined Jun. 2012
fm lil
1/15/2013 5:11:59 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Lake Alfred, FL
60, joined Aug. 2008
evening Mt! 
1/15/2013 5:12:12 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |

Louisville, KY
53, joined Jun. 2012
hey jo now thats righteous jeff!! 
1/15/2013 5:13:42 PM |
Moonshine Alley Firepit...Welcome! |


Lake Alfred, FL
60, joined Aug. 2008
