6/21/2008 7:54:14 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |
Boston, MA
49, joined Jan. 2008
I was told about this diet by the guy I walk with in the mornings. He said he'd done it for 10days and last close to 30lbs. Of course he was jogging during that period also. It was the Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet. It consist of 2tbsp Organic lemons, 2tbsp.organic maple syrup (which contains alot of nutrients), 1/10 tsp. cayenne pepper, and 10oz. distilled or spring water. I started my diet in May.. May 7th was the first day of my diet, and I ended it on June 9th. Now that I have started eating again, I start the day out with juice (preferrabley pineapple), and one substantial meal a day. On the days that I work, lunch is that meal, and on the nights I work, dinner is that meal. I'm still losing weight, and I've added P90X to my routine. It's a workout series from beach body.com. It's a phenomonal workout.
Now during the time I was dieting, I didn't do any strenouus exercises. I just walked around the park in the mornings. Now the results would have been more drastic had I done more. And I do wish that I had. And to understand the dedication, I was a person that did not turn down a meal. I loved my food. And the guys at the firehouse knew it. I'd eat every and anything (except shellfish and pork). But at my last physical I stepped on the scale and just wanted to fall out. The was the straw that literally broke the camels back.. 
I've since cut dairy out of my diet, and so far haven't gone back to meat of any kind yet. If I do go back it will be fish, and chicken only. But for now I'm doing great. I eat fruits through out the day, and a ton of veggies and beans for my meal. So far so good.. I have several guys at the firehouse trying it now. And I tell them, if I can do it, ANYONE can. 
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6/21/2008 9:40:27 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |
Etobicoke, ON
46, joined Apr. 2008
Juice fasting is much healthier and you can do it up to 45 days. You can drink as much fresh juice as you want. It will also clean out your colon, it should get rid of the impacted fecal matter in your colon.
6/23/2008 3:25:00 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |
Fond du Lac, WI
40, joined Feb. 2008
I've never heard about this. I just seems as though you are setting yourself up to fail since you're not eating enough to keep your metabolism running, and once you start to eat you will gain all the weight back. I wish you the best of luck and hope that it works out for you.
I always wondered about the P90X though. I've seen the ads on TV and it seems to be built on a good basis as far as workouts go.
6/25/2008 8:34:04 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |
Underwood, IA
28, joined Jun. 2008
I lost 20 last summer just from working my job. lol
construction can be a bear.
8/6/2008 2:08:32 AM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |
Hawthorne, CA
46, joined Aug. 2008
Congratulations!!! I know it takes a lot of will power but it sounds like you are on the right pad. Kudos to you as I read your plan I have a few questions. You mentioned cutting out meat n dairy but if you have a detailed description of the plan I would love to have a copy. Im trying to lose at least 30# so if you could email it to me I would be very appreciative.
10/2/2008 12:10:00 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |


Muskegon, MI
36, joined Apr. 2008
Really..My Doctor said that's NOT a healthy way of losing weight, and ur more likely to pack it on. I lost 5 lbs on a month just by diet and exercise. She said that was IDEAL!!
10/2/2008 7:06:14 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |
Boston, MA
49, joined Jan. 2008
Well, I started the lemonade diet May 7th, and ended it June 9th. I've seen my pcp, and my nutritionist. No my pcp didn't agree with the way I lost the weight, but he did a blood work up and everything was fine. My nutritionist (now that I'm eating again), her ONLY concern was to make sure I'm getting enough calcium. Since I've started eating, I've given up meat (including fish and chicken), dairy, pasta, rice, and bread. I eat a diet of strictly fruits, nuts, veggies, and tofu, soy, and veggie protiens. I've lost all together 55lbs so far. I work out 6 days a week. But doing the workout and eating right was not giving fast enough results for me. I needed something that I can see fairly quickly, and that would encourage me to maintain, and go further. And I have. I've been working out ever since I started eating and continue to lose weight. Just slower now. I do P90X 6 days a week, and I do plan on doing the lemonade diet again toward the end of this month. I would like to lose 20 additional pounds. I plan on doing it for only 10days this time. I've gone from a 36-38inch waist, to a 30. I'm not gaining it back. There is no going back for me, don't care what statistics show. I'm not a statistic. Once I've hit that one year mark, I'm golden. I don't plan on changing my diet, so I'm good...     
10/8/2008 2:32:05 AM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |
Chicago, IL
36, joined Sep. 2008
just remember this!!! just how a woman is attracted to a confident guy, so are guys attracted to a confident woman! CONFIDECNCE IS EXTREMLY SEXYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!
10/17/2008 6:38:10 AM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |
Boston, MA
49, joined Jan. 2008
I know confidence is sexy, and I've always been confident. Confident in my abilities at work, confident in my abilities as a mother and raising my children. When I'm dressed and out and about, my cup runneth over with confidence. Because I don't walk out my door, till I like the way everything looks. And if you were to see me on the street, I know I would catch your eye, if even for a moment. But behind close doors, when your not happy with your body shape some of that confidence starts to trickle away. I'm confident in my abilities behind close doors once things get going and I concentrate on the moment. But I haven't been in a relationship in a long time, and I think part of it is because of that. I'm an extremely sensual/sexual person (this I know of myself), and I haven't been that over the past 2 almost 3 years. But she's back and is going to make up for lost time. So, the guy that I end up with, I hope your ready. Because I'm real hungry, and I have alot of energy and stamina, and tend to use them... FREQUENTLY... 
2/16/2009 8:40:36 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |

Charlotte, NC
40, joined Mar. 2008
Really..My Doctor said that's NOT a healthy way of losing weight, and ur more likely to pack it on. I lost 5 lbs on a month just by diet and exercise. She said that was IDEAL!!
she is very right 
2/16/2009 9:51:04 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |

New Orleans, LA
53, joined Sep. 2008
No thanks... I'll stick to my healthy eating and exercise program.
Congrat's on your weight loss, but if I were you I'd start thinking about how you can adopt HEALTHY eating patterns in the future. I seriously think your 'numbers' may be ok for now... so soon into your weight loss... but I can't believe you'll be able to sustain those numbers if you stay on this fad diet for any length of time.
Good luck.
2/17/2009 8:52:49 AM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |

Little Rock, AR
50, joined Dec. 2008
i just started walking and cutting out all the crap food i used to eat, i have increased my distance a little more each week, and recently started a workout program and so far lost 45lbs. it healthy and you will feel better. i hit that time where the lose kinda stopped and got frustrated changed some more things and the weight started coming off again
[Edited 2/17/2009 9:00:46 AM ]
2/17/2009 10:25:08 AM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |


Fresno, CA
37, joined May. 2008
There is no safe way to lose 20-30 lbs. in one month. I guarantee you lost muscle. When I cut I aim for 1lb. a week.
2/18/2009 8:18:50 AM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |
Pinckney, MI
60, joined Feb. 2008
There is no safe way to lose 20-30 lbs. in one month. I guarantee you lost muscle. When I cut I aim for 1lb. a week.
So true!
If you do any extreme, unhealthy, unbalance nutritional diet your body will go into survival mode. Your metabolism will slow down, you will burn muscle, bone density issues, etc.
When people say they want to lose 20-30 pounds I assume most people want to lose 20-30 pounds of fat. To lose fat, and keep or gain more muscle, one should look at 4-6 pounds a month as a healthy long term weight loss goal (assuming you are 20 or more pounds over weight).
Journal what you eat and add up the calories (yes, this is a tedious but necessary step). If you are eating 3500 calories a day, start eating 3000 calories a day. I would add walking an hour a day and this long with the reduce calorie intake will help you lose 1- 2 pounds a week of fat. After a few months you will plateau at a weight range due to the change in your body fat/muscle composition and new resting metabolism rate.
Now it's back to square one, you will once again need to adjust your calorie intake to start losing weight. Again you will start to plateau and need to go back to square one and adjust your calorie intake. Eventually you will being only able to adjust your calories 100 or 200 calories and will only lose 1/2 - 1 pound a month, as you get close to your ideal weight for your height and body type.
Somewhere on this lifestyle change, if you are like most of us, you will want to go for a certain body look - lean or muscular or toned - and will need to alter your workouts accordingly. Adding harder workouts will require you to take a look at what you are eating - how nutritional it is, its protein/fat/carb percentage, etc. With harder workouts comes the need for better fuel, but this is another topic for you after you are well on the road to losing weight.
Good luck, and remember it's a lifestyle change and not a one month change in you lifestyle and then back to your old habits.
2/18/2009 6:26:13 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |

Santa Ana, CA
27, joined Jan. 2009
I am proud that you have stuck to a diet for any period of time, its a very inspiring story and im glad you have better spirits, as far as the diet goes, i know it may feel good to lose the weight but i would HIGHLY recommend you stop this diet, and anyone else from continuing such a diet, losing 30 pounds in a month isnt impossible but it isnt healthy either. I guarantee you lost a considerable amount of lean muscle mass, the diet your on im sorry to say is very flawed, your body will continue to diminish muscle mass as long as you continue such a diet. Im going to say this now, the scale is probably one of the most horrible inventions ever, it gives horrible false hopes. If anyone is taking the time to read all of these forums please heed this warning: do NOT use a scale to measure your results, use things that are practical, like losing pant sizes, shirt sizes, etc... You will feel much better overall i guarantee that... I am well aware how hard it is to lose weight but dont let crazy unhealthy diets do it for you, you'll be amazed how fast you put the weight back on as soon as you quit those diets, its astonishing... But this time you'll feel horrible about yourself because by the time you put the weight back on, it wont look like it did the first time you'll be much bigger, the lack of muscle mass will be replaced with more fat, a pound of lean muscle mass takes up about as much space as a solid fist, a pound of fat takes up about the size of a 2 liter bottle of soda. I don't want to let you down, i am proud that your happy with your results but now that you have lost 30 pounds i would HIGHLY recommend you start eating healthier, for your own sake...
2/25/2009 7:31:30 AM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |

North Augusta, SC
69, joined May. 2007
Fad diets may work for the moment but you almost always gain the weight back. They are not healthy. Things may seem to be okay right then but as we age we pay for the abuse we put out body through. I do no recommend this to anyone. Healthy eating habits and exercise is the only way to lose.
2/27/2009 6:14:05 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |

Kent, OH
39, joined Aug. 2008
The only way to stay in shape and look amazing is aerobic-anaerobic exercise/diet.
Anything else would be uncivilized 

[Edited 2/27/2009 6:14:18 PM ]
2/27/2009 10:46:45 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |

Las Cruces, NM
50, joined Feb. 2008
Juice fasting is much healthier and you can do it up to 45 days. You can drink as much fresh juice as you want. It will also clean out your colon, it should get rid of the impacted fecal matter in your colon.
thank god! my girl just made 4 gallons of grapefruit juice. now my colon will be the strongest muscle in my body! happy days are here again.

4/11/2009 8:45:11 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |

Yellowstone National Park, WY
30, joined Feb. 2009
Losing that much weight in a month is really unhealthy. I did it once but that was because I was going to the gym 6 days a week for 2 hours a day and not eating anything. All I took in was water. Granted I put the weight back on, and if I had done it right the first time maybe it would've stuck.
9/6/2009 9:37:22 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |

Brooklyn, NY
70, joined Aug. 2009
I think you are so so on the money. I enjoyed what you had to say .I think people should be afraid to drop so much weight so fast. Because you can't stay there for to long you will get so sick. Are you a personal trainer? NIKKI
9/6/2009 9:39:00 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |

Brooklyn, NY
70, joined Aug. 2009
I walk 3 miles every morning
9/6/2009 9:40:49 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |

Brooklyn, NY
70, joined Aug. 2009
Hi Acire
9/14/2009 5:33:15 AM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |

Duluth, MN
56, joined Jul. 2009
I must say I totally agree with how unhealthy that must be for the body. As of 10 days ago I have lost 84#'s so far and you do notice I say so far that has been since Jan 1st...It has been diet determination, gym, water arobics, walking, and did I mention I love it I miss the gym when I don't go...That is why I am up now I am leaving for the gym real soon. I first need to eat my normal breakfast, oatmeal with almonds,honey,fresh peaches and a cup of tea with sugar,also I may have OJ or water or ice tea. I already have my morning snack in my bag 2 graham crackers with peanut butter, broccoli and carrots.
I wish somebody would of told me the right way to do this when I was younger.
Have a great day!
9/14/2009 10:50:29 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |

Brooklyn, NY
70, joined Aug. 2009
Hi Kathy ............ Thats great keep up the good work. I come here not because I have a weight problem.I have a daughter who is 39yrs old and has had since she was. . about 20yrs old a weight problem . I try so hard to encourage her she goes up and down She does not live at home so I really can't see what she eats . We go out to dinner often and it does not seem like she eats alot at all. I know the weight bothers her .She never talks about it She happens to be very attractive . I think she could be much more happier with herself if she lost weight . Any suggestions .And how do I approach the subject . Thank you ...............CATHY ( Kathy you should be so proud of yourself)
9/14/2009 10:53:46 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |

Brooklyn, NY
70, joined Aug. 2009
I think it's so funny any room I go into . No one is ever there Later
10/22/2009 3:18:21 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |
Grand Rapids, MI
31, joined Aug. 2009
This diet made me sick and the lemon juice started to burn my throat. I only made it 6 days, but it definetly does clean your system out.
10/31/2009 1:57:41 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |
Vancouver, WA
62, joined Oct. 2009
Back in about 1988, I did my first 21 day fast. I mainly drank distilled water with a small amount of lemon juice mixed in to help balance the electrolytes. I also used highly diluted fruit and vegetable juices, depending on how I wanted to control the fast at any given moment.
During the time of that fast, I was swimming the mile three times per week, plus riding my bike many miles on the logging roads, on the days in between. I lost 25 pounds in those 21 days, and it stayed off until I went to college in 1990.
I was going to school day and night, without a lot of time between classes. I started to eat rather unhealthy then. Would run over to a fast food restaurant for lunch to get a burger, fries, and a soft drink. That ultimately started to put some weight back on, plus make me feel like crud.
I have done many fasts in my life: the longest being 34 days. I do not believe that fasting is for everyone. Each body is different. I would advise anyone who is interested in fasting to contact a competent health care specialist.
The best to anyone desiring to lose a little weight.
1/27/2010 11:38:56 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |


Mena, AR
46, joined Jul. 2008
The plan I am working on is called (to myself, mind you) the "get off your a** and get to the gym and stop eating crap" diet. 
I do find that the only way I lose weight is by doing cardio, and I'm up to 25 minutes on the elliptical, followed by about a half hour on the weight machines. I push myself to do a little more each time I go. It has been 3 weeks since I rejoined and am down 12 pounds. I joined last year, but got sidelined with back issues and gained back the 30 pounds I lost, but the good thing about it is that I know for sure I can do it, because I did it last year. The gym is my motivation to eat better, too.
2/4/2010 6:26:44 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |
Hillsboro, OR
28, joined Dec. 2009
i lost 25 pounds in three months and I feel great! I just cut out all junk food and go to the gym like a God fearing man goes to church, that's what's up! 
2/5/2010 9:51:32 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |
Onalaska, TX
58, joined Feb. 2010
Welp, I eat 4-5 small meals a day. I cut out red meat & pork. Fish, turkey & chicken, 60-80 ozs H2O a day. Alot of veggies, especilly green ones & fresh fruits. I cut all the sodas. I don't fry, no flour or white bread, jus brn rice, 100% whole wheat.
I watch out for hydrogenated (man-made preserve), high fructose corn syrup & sugar. Peanut butter is as close as I get. Alot of omegas- avacodos, walnuts, oatmeal, barley, lentils-etc. A handful of nuts, almonds walnuts & cashews a few xs a day. I walk alot, 3-4 xs a week, power walk & I dance 2-3 days a week.
Lost over 70, the right way...over last 10y & managed to stay. I do treat myself occaisionally, mostly over wkends.
2/15/2010 5:42:12 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |

Lynchburg, VA
37, joined Feb. 2010
Go to providalifesciences.com and do the six week body makeover it really does work or your money back.
2/19/2010 7:24:24 AM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |

Danbury, CT
62, joined Feb. 2009
Losing that much weight in a month is really unhealthy. I did it once but that was because I was going to the gym 6 days a week for 2 hours a day and not eating anything. All I took in was water. Granted I put the weight back on, and if I had done it right the first time maybe it would've stuck.
Once you have lost the weight, you must change the way you eat and continue to eat healthy. In doing so, you will not gain the weight back.
2/19/2010 7:28:37 AM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |

Danbury, CT
62, joined Feb. 2009
Hi Kathy ............ Thats great keep up the good work. I come here not because I have a weight problem.I have a daughter who is 39yrs old and has had since she was. . about 20yrs old a weight problem . I try so hard to encourage her she goes up and down She does not live at home so I really can't see what she eats . We go out to dinner often and it does not seem like she eats alot at all. I know the weight bothers her .She never talks about it She happens to be very attractive . I think she could be much more happier with herself if she lost weight . Any suggestions .And how do I approach the subject . Thank you ...............CATHY ( Kathy you should be so proud of yourself)
She needs to work it out for herself. If she is overweight, she already knows what she needs to do. I had an aunt who always said something to each and every one of us about our weight...as a result, no one talks to her anymore. Reality is, no one wants to hear criticism and that is what my aunt did. Criticize. Your daughter will come to you if and when she feels she needs to.
2/27/2010 11:02:48 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |
Bronx, NY
33, joined Feb. 2010
This is something I must try cuz I jog as it is n feel like its taking its time to cut da fat. Maybe im doing it wrong. Thanks 4 da info.
3/23/2010 5:13:31 AM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |

Milan, IL
29, joined Mar. 2010
Well my grandma and I started Jenny Craig 5 weeks ago. I lost 18lbs in 4 weeks, I feel great and my goal is to be down to 150 by Christmas. 
4/12/2010 8:18:57 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |
York, PA
54, joined Apr. 2010
I'm new to this. Just wanted to say congratulations on losing the weight. I have done the lemon mixture already. Though not several months straight through. I have lost 20#s so far, but for me it's about exercise. Also, I've been reading the book by Jillian Michaels "Master Your Metabolism". The information is very helpful. I still have a little more to lose. Hope everyone meets their weight goal.
4/15/2010 2:08:12 AM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |
Madison, WI
24, joined Apr. 2010
See I am 5'11" and about 198 lbs right now. Since I started working out in the begining of March, I have gone from 205 lbs, and have noticed increased definition in my arms... only problem is, I want to join the Navy, but am still overweight for processing. I have never been much of a runner... its not that I cant do it, its that I dont want to. I know that cardio is the best way to lose fat and keep muscle, and I am pretty sure I've hit a plateu of weight loss... Any ideas for cardio that is not 'just running'? Any other pointers that can help me out would be much appreciated =D
4/26/2010 4:31:06 AM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |

Hayward, CA
57, joined Sep. 2009
6/17/2010 2:53:50 PM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |

Randallstown, MD
37, joined Jan. 2010
That is so true ... I just lost 32 pounds and started the end of February. I cut out the fried foods, unhealthy snacks and eat three simple meals and one afternoon snack. I exercise four times a week (started out with three) by doing two days of walking for 2 miles and two days of cardio and weight strengthening.
I feel absolutely great and am going to continue. My weight is tappering off and I have some weeks that are better than others but I have dropped two dress sizes and can enjoy dancing again.
I too feel that is an unhealthy way to lose weight and sounds more like a gimic to me....
Good luck in your endeavor though!!
So true!
If you do any extreme, unhealthy, unbalance nutritional diet your body will go into survival mode. Your metabolism will slow down, you will burn muscle, bone density issues, etc.
When people say they want to lose 20-30 pounds I assume most people want to lose 20-30 pounds of fat. To lose fat, and keep or gain more muscle, one should look at 4-6 pounds a month as a healthy long term weight loss goal (assuming you are 20 or more pounds over weight).
Journal what you eat and add up the calories (yes, this is a tedious but necessary step). If you are eating 3500 calories a day, start eating 3000 calories a day. I would add walking an hour a day and this long with the reduce calorie intake will help you lose 1- 2 pounds a week of fat. After a few months you will plateau at a weight range due to the change in your body fat/muscle composition and new resting metabolism rate.
Now it's back to square one, you will once again need to adjust your calorie intake to start losing weight. Again you will start to plateau and need to go back to square one and adjust your calorie intake. Eventually you will being only able to adjust your calories 100 or 200 calories and will only lose 1/2 - 1 pound a month, as you get close to your ideal weight for your height and body type.
Somewhere on this lifestyle change, if you are like most of us, you will want to go for a certain body look - lean or muscular or toned - and will need to alter your workouts accordingly. Adding harder workouts will require you to take a look at what you are eating - how nutritional it is, its protein/fat/carb percentage, etc. With harder workouts comes the need for better fuel, but this is another topic for you after you are well on the road to losing weight.
Good luck, and remember it's a lifestyle change and not a one month change in you lifestyle and then back to your old habits.
8/11/2010 2:17:00 AM |
What I did to drop 20-30lbs in one month? |
Albuquerque, NM
39, joined Aug. 2010
Sorry for the wall of text but it isn't something you can put in a 5 lined stanza:
I personally think that the "losing weight quickly is bad for you" point of view is wrong. That is like an old wives tale except told by indoctrinated doctors. Like back in the early days of the automotive how it was thought that if we exceeded 25 miles an hour, our skin would come off. Remember that the purveyors of this thought are the same people who used to say "smoking was healthy and expands your lungs"...
If you lose a lot of weight quickly it means your body doesn't have to work as hard as it was doing, and has become more efficient. It is a healthier state. People who get gastric bypass lose weight very quickly... yet Doctors are ok with it because they spent a lot of money to have that surgery. There is a dollar sign behind it.
The reason that the Master Cleanse diet works is because of the acid/alkaline balance in the body. When any person eats garbage (even prepackaged gourmet/"healthy" diet meals like Lean Cuisine) the body has to deal with all the unnatural additives, and toxins in the food. It breaks it down and since it can't do much with the toxic materials, your body will lock it away in fat cells... this is all in an effort to protect your vital organs.from the toxins/poisons that have gotten into your system. Your body will create fat cells just for the purpose of locking away toxins... like an oyster will cover an intruding irritant like dirt with a calcium coating (making a pearl). This is why most cancers usually start in the outer parts of the body (except colon cancer, mouth/throat cancer, etc) because your body is trying its damnedest to keep the inner organs balanced in pH (acid/alkaline balance) and the toxins that have been trapped in the fat cells breaks out and that is where it starts spreading.
Secondly: If you drink pop all the time (like I used to), eat sugar, breads, pastas, ..... carbs mostly... those things all increase the percentage of acid pH in your system and erode your health. Your liver works all the time (especially about 2am in the morning) to clean your system out, but if you are constantly eating bad choices, it gets to a point where your liver can not keep up (fatty liver) and those toxins/acids are able to have free reign in your system. All foods that produce acids are detrimental to health and help you gain weight usually. This is why it is usually older people who get diseases, because the acid build up over time has finally reached the point that your body cannot deal with it.
People with diabetes like I used to have, have a hard time healing because the normal body resources for repairing wounds are all trying to put out the fire that an excessive amount of sugars have wrought in other parts of the system, that wounds heal slowly or not at all.
Every disease can be attributed to your Acid/Alkaline balance.
The Master Cleanse uses these things:
Lemons (fresh squeezed): Lemon juice (as are all citris juices) is acidic outside of the body and will eat away at your teeth so you might want to use a straw, or rinse afterwards with baking soda water. Once the body digests (chemically changes) the lemon juice in the stomach, it gives off a very good Alkaline Ash. That is what they call it... so lemons are actually alkaline after you digest them.
Pure Maple Syrup: This provides natural sugars/enzymes/vitamins that give you vitality during the diet... this is where a lot of your missing nutrition is. All the syrups that aren't pure Grade A or B maple syrup, are just sugar and not good for you. So you will have to buy a bottle of the 6-8$ kind.
Cayenne Pepper: Instantly within 30 seconds to a minute causes your blood stream's pH to rise in alkalinity. Cayenne Pepper is so good at this that it has been known to stop a heart attack right away. If you get the liquid tincture of it, it will start burning fat within 6 minutes (depending on its heat units)... you would have to buy the gel capsules at wholefoods or something to put the drops in so that you don't hurt yourself with them in your mouth.
Water is needed to flush the toxins out and the more minerals the better.
Whether using electrolyzed Ionized Water, Baking Soda and Water, Master Cleanse, or an 80%/20% Alkaline/Acid diet, you achieve the same results, just some take longer than others... the point is by changing your pH to a more balanced pH (leaning towards the alkaline side) you have now made it possible to have your body (so wonderfully made) get rid of all that fat as fast as it can.
Do not believe the lie about calories or fats... people who live on islands and eat mainly coconuts and fish have a very high fat diet yet are rarely overweight, rarely have health problems. The reason is that your body can handle fat. Fat in does not equal weight gain. Acids/Toxins do. This is why diabetics usually lose a lot of weight once they have to eat a low glycemic diet. The body is then able to start repairing and clearing out.
Several times in my life I have lost 30lbs in a single month and I never had ill effects from it. The first time I was working out 4 hours a day, 6 days a week (but I was still eating garbage and drinking pop... I stupidly switched from dark cola to sprite because it looked healthier) ... I lost that weight because of my working out, not my diet. The second time I lost 30lbs, was completely diet and no working out. Still within one month. My ex is a destructive person who likes to eat out a lot (sonic to Outback) and that also raised my weight.
I am back to working out, and providing myself a pseudo master cleanse/alkaline diet and the weight is just coming off and I am never hungry (or rather I don't have the cravings)... sometimes my stomach will grumble or growl and I look down thinking to myself... what, I'm hungry... I don't feel hungry.
The toxins/acids make you crave, go alkaline and the toxins go away and so do the cravings.
Dr. Joel Wallach wrote a book called Dead Doctor's Don't Lie where he collected the obits of doctors... Doctors on average die earlier than their patients... these are the people who are in the "know" so why do they die sooner (on average)... because they don't see the system as a system but as individual parts. They treat each thing as if it is its own thing, instead of the sign of a system breakdown. So they have give pet names to each one of them, (heart disease, breast cancer, colon cancer, leukemia (another type of cancer), skin cancer) ... All cancers are cancer and it is misleading to give it a name depending on where it shows up. So like if cops called certain rapists, Apartment rapists, and some Suburban Rapist... no they are all rapist no matter where they show up.
My best friend is a naturopathic doctor and he cured his wife of Stage 2 breast cancer in less than 6 weeks using natural remedies...
I hope some of you are able to see the logic in what I have written.