Pineville, WV
age: 48
Twenty-one years of marriage, three children, and a good future torn apart due to addiction to "pain killers" is my story. Family has always been my life and now I'm wondering how many others have fell into this situation through no fault of their own? Would be nice to find friends who can relate to the shock of being happily married one year to being legally separated and heading for a divorce years later.

Parkersburg, WV
age: 51
i am so sorry you are going through this..it is a rough road, but you have to remember it comes in stages, each stage is important to go through. it does get better each day, although at times, it feels like the pain will never end. but it does and you become a stronger person as long as you keep your head up and not let it wear you down. i think prescription drug abuse is the worst, because it is so easy for a person to get the drugs, and they feel as if it is ok to abuse them because the doc gave them to you. i hope for the best for you and talk to someone, anyone, to get all those feelings out, and dealt with. my prayers are with you

Pineville, WV
age: 48
Yes, prescription is the worst. Thank-you for the prayers because that is the best thing anyone can do for another, and my family greatly appreciates it. 

Moundsville, WV
age: 38
Many of us go from Happily married to not... due to cheating....and didn't have a clue there was unhappiness in the marriage. Its true there are many stages, and you may repeat stages over and over, each time you learn more about yourself. you will survive this and come out happy one day. Believe it!!