7/19/2013 1:16:02 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009
Lots of us believe in being attracted to different people due to different things one of them being astrology. I for one am very into the zodiac and find it very interesting and cool.
Love here is your break down for a Pisces...
FYI out of all the zodiac Cancer is your true soul mate.
This is very long I know, and you can scroll down and find what you are looking for.
Pisces with Pisces...
This starts off as poetry in motion. However, after you come in for a landing, then what? Somebody has to pitch in with a little realism. And chances are, neither of you really know where to begin. You both smile, look searchingly at the other and mutter, well...
As the time passes and you're still smiling, you could lead each other to the heights or to an indefinite stay in the depths. It all depends where you prefer to spend your time and your money.
At the very least, you can become best friends, although part of the time that's a little like the blind leading the blind. However, if and when you put your heads together and at least one of you can see where you're going, then the trip is really worth it.
Because you both can be highly confused creatures, you have to be clear about why you're tying your lives together. At first you may feel that you've found your alter ego.
In essence, this is a warm, close relationship that could get very comfortable. However, both of you need a lot of strength and support, which you might find missing here. If you can provide it for each other without bringing the other down, this could be the romance of the century. However, if that is not an outcome of this coupling, do consider the possibility of other people. Life is too short to get lost in a dream that just keeps on repeating itself.
Pisces with Aries...
For you it's almost love at first sight, whether or not you want to show it. But that's just for sexual starters. After the first few nights, he's still in the running for a total ravagement of your mind and body. However, after you witness how selfish he can be in the daytime with the sun shining in his eyes, then it's quite another matter if the love continues.
You are still searching for the knight on his white horse to come and whisk you away. Superficially, he'll fulfill your fantasies, but underneath, not only will he not understand you, he won't even have the patience to try.
You have a way of getting your feelings hurt at the most inconvenient moments, and he has a way of treading on them without either realizing it or wanting to be aware of it. He'll be inflamed when you withdraw and become sad and sulky. At the same time it cause you to despair when you see that he can be so insensitive.
He acts first and thinks later while you have a way of sitting still and just feeling. He needs a woman who will challenge him, support him, and make him a little insecure. You need a man who will love you, support you and make you very secure.
You need a lot of time and attention. He also needs a lot of attention, but he has very little time. In the end this relationship is better off without expectations, yours or his. Just play it as it lays, and you may find in the end that you have more than you both bargained for.
Pisces with Taurus...
He is like a big house that you can lean up against and only a Taurus can stand the weight. You are a fragile, vulnerable creature with a mental makeup that he'll never understand. He is a stolid force with a matter of fact philosophy that totally eludes you because it's so simple.
The compatibility here is not exactly attention getting however the underlying needs that are satisfied are something else. You both tend to be enslaved by the sensual pleasure that quicken the pulse and speed up the blood stream. You both like to sleep in the sun and sip cold drink to the strains of melodious love songs. You both could adore a marathon of sex from dawn till the disappearance of daylight. And you both prefer a body that is naked to one that is nicely dressed.
At this point the similarities start to dwindle. You are emotional and weepy, while he is practical and puts his emotions in a place where they don't show. Your sacred dwelling is in daydreams, while his is in a material dynasty rooted in the earth. You are an ephemeral creature of the clouds and he is a man of multimillion dollar corporation.
He finds you to be seductive, alluring and at times more mysterious than his mind can take. You find him to be sold, stubborn, sensual and someone you can depend on. Your inherent creativity can bloom under his love and protection. His sense of purpose can become inflamed under your support. Together you could become a worthwhile team if your divergent approaches to life don't get in the way.
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7/19/2013 1:16:15 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009
Pisces with Gemini...
You are both enigmas, the difference is that you have depth. You are emotional, empathetic, compassionate and moody. He is cerebral, self centered, critical and moody.
Despite the externals deep down you are shy and unsure of yourself. More often than not you will fin him uncaring and he will find you confining.
You are sensual and winsome but don't exactly devastate him with the kind of logical comment that cut a space in his attention span. You are in touch with you feelings but he hates to take the time to even think about the fact that he has any.
You remember you commitments and honor the, while he promises his life away but forgets what he has said within five minutes. Deep down inside you seek emotional security, while he seeks the perfect state of freedom. He can be callous and abrupt with you and at the same time chummy with the world. Your feelings are badly bruised when he conspicuously ignores you at an intimate dinner party. But your feelings fly away when later he whisper clever love lines in you ear. In between the heights of misery may make you feel that life's not worth living. It isn't with him and you need a man with a lot of warmth that a Gemini just doesn't seem to go very far.
Pisces with Cancer...
the psychic rapport of this match will leave you starry eyed. He will sympathize with your mood swings, cry along with you in teary grade B movies and remember what you wore on the day he first met you.
You will marvel that he is a better cook than you are, that he is equally as sensitive and that he seems to know not only what you're thinking but why.
You'll both find yourselves saying the same thing simultaneously you'll finish each others sentences and respect each others ideas. This relationship is one made for lazy weekends at ocean retreats, evenings of champagne and candlelight, winter afternoons of Bach, quiet talk and a snifter of brandy. Prepare of a lifetime of love on the beach under the stars or beside a bowl of roses and an open window that lets the moonlight peep in.
Pisces with Leo...
You'll whine around a lot which can get pretty boring but what you do in bed is something else altogether. You are the super sensualist. You talk through your body and your language levitates his solar plexus. Naturally he'll lie to have you around but being the restless sort it's a question of how long.
For awhile you feed each other on dreams and the air will reek of romance. In this relationship neither of you cherishes the light of day. It's candlelight and love all the way to the wedding. But after that point it can be loneliness if you start emerging from the mental mist unprepared.
In the long run you are too passive for his patience level and he is too self centered for your sensitivities. You'll smother him with love but you won't stimulate him ad he'll clutter up your life with trinkets to make you momentarily forget you have feelings. You'll mope about and lose your sparkle. He'll become abrupt and increasingly busy. You'll take a love and he'll spend evenings at the office. Once day you might collide in the kitchen and each of you will see a stranger and not know how the stranger got there. Neither will ask but both of you will wonder all the way to the divorce court.
Leo must keep in mind that you are ultra feminine and frightened but capable of very deep feelings. If he ignores you, you will wither. But if he expects you to confront him he'll spend a lifetime waiting. You'll never challenge him with a strength of steel or stimulate him with a dynamic independence. you'll lean on him if you love him and cry rather than command. Your sensitivity will be his shackle unless he alleviates your insecurity and this comes from tenderness not trinkets.
You represent one of the few signs that can let the felling flow. And although you may not be quite indestructible you have strength through vulnerability. He acknowledges only stiff upper lip strength so he won't recognize this subtlety. Until he opens his heads and his heart and learns how to unite them, this man is better off by passed.
7/19/2013 1:23:22 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009
Pisces with Virgo...
You find comfort in chaos, while he craves the kind of order found from control. You long for a life of never ending emotional excitement. He prefers the kind of stability that could give you sleeping sickness.
You are emotionally moved by grade B movies glamorous night on the town and ghost stories. He is moved by the mechanics of his mind and the number of shelves in his new file cabinet.
Basically you are both so different that if you manage to get past the first five dates then you may decide you have something. However a strong compatibility will never exist not the kind of emotional rapport that obviates verbal communication.
He doesn't see the value in poetry because it can't be proven. You on the other hand can't see the importance of his structure because they leave no room for spontaneity. On a spring night he'll want to stay home and put all his tax receipts in order and you want to go out and paint the town. You'll occasionally over do the brandy alexanders while he fidgets with his skim milk.
You both may grumble at the others way of doing things but you are both cognizant of the good intentions that motivate these actions. Although he may be critical and at times fussy he'll try to take care of you to the best of his ability. And because of your sympathetic and intuitive nature you'll be able to see through his systems and straight into his heart. Your differences are entirely too great for a smooth running relationship. And your sensitivities are disparate enough for the kind of divorce that seems to deny there ever was a love.
Pisces with Libra...
He will probably never understand your moods, your chaotic emotions or the fact that you need far move reassurance than he wants to give you. You are fearful of your feelings, while he has a way of enjoying his. He relies on reasoning to gather insights. You know that your intuition will get you anywhere. He sees the world as a sharply defined puzzle, while you feel it in pastel hues.
Sexually you will sweep him off his feet, but emotionally he may feel that you bring him down. You have a way of seeing all the sorrow in the world and he sees only what give him pleasure. You have a side that bubbles with a serious intensity but he prefers joviality to sobriety.
You have a way of being selfless and he has a tendency to take and forget to say thank you. You will listen to his complaints and will understand his problems. On difficult days you will nurture his needs and smother him with love. The problem is can he do he same for you?
Unless he has a very high sense of awareness, this relationship is not an equal one. However it cab be happy, peaceful and very calm. You have never felt that you deserve that much. And until you reach that moment of reckoning it's not fair to expect him to give you what you won't even ask for.
Pisces with Scorpio...
Sexually this combination is so powerful that you may both end up on the floor. You'll control him through your desire, and he'll devour you through his control. You may both expire because of the sheer exhaustion of the situation, but what a way to go.
Since this kind of chemistry is narcotic expect to get hooked. When you are together it may come to the point that you stop eating, sleeping and thinking and start losing weight.
Although you abandoned sensuality sends him past his fantasies your passivity will ultimately begin to bore him. A little splendor in the afternoon is energizing but too much passion is sheer dissipation.
His moods will drag you down and your dependence will irritate him. He likes his emotions to be challenged you life yours to be gratified. He likes a woman who is ambitious, self possessed and successful. You are looking for those same qualities in a man so that he can take care of you.
Any way you look at it this is a sex is all kind of love story. Indoors there are no limits but what do you do when it's snowing and you're standing in silence on the street? Chances are he'll do something to make you start crying so that he can take a deep breath and walk away. If there is anything he despises it is phlegmatic females. So look for someone else, the world is waiting.
7/19/2013 1:24:48 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009
Pisces with Sagittarius...
You'll fall in love with him boyish charm and wild enthusiasm. But after awhile you'll realize that his warmth can be turned on quite casually and impersonally at will. He will be seduced by your steamy sensuality and will delight in your daily do good attitudes. However the deeper difference between the two of you are enough to create a substantial kind of conflict.
Your emotions are profound, his are playful. There in lies the problem that may bring you a lot of pain. Mistakenly you often choose a flashy fellow who hands out lots of surface excitement but holds back when it comes to caring. And he falls into this category life a paperweight coursing down a man hole.
He is friendly, cheerful and very charming but when it comes to women he is like a used car salesman who lives in anticipation of next years models. In addition he's so perpetually busy that whenever you see him you have a feeling of being worked into a crowed schedule.
If you can view this encounter as a brief but fantastic affair rather than as a future marriage prospect then nothing will be lost. However if you decide to wait until he's seen the world and wants to settle down you will first find yourself in a geriatric clinic.
It is perilous for you to mistake him for your knight in shining armor. It is far more likely that he will run you down than scoop you up into a trusty saddle.
Pisces with Capricorn...
He will be the father figure you've searched for and you will be his woman of romance. you need a strong man you can depend on and he needs a woman who knows how to need. you'll bolster his ego when you come running to him for his counsel and a shoulder to cry on. In turn he'll tell you what to do and demand that you follow his instructions implicitly.
Emotionally he'll never understand where you are coming from or where you are going. You cry over things that he could not care less about, like sad stories in the news, the problems of people whom you'll never even met and your own emignatic moods that seem to his sensibilities silly. At times he has the uncomfortable feeling that ere is a part of you that will always be as stranger. He is probably right however there are also those times when your womanly warmth just sweeps him away and the impending matters of the outside world no longer seem so important.
He imbues you with some practicality while you imbue him with a poetic sensitivity that he never even knew he was capable of. Together if you are determined to learn from your differences you can create a love relationship that will put you in touch with yourselves as well as with each other.
Pisces with Aquarius...
Although you respect his intelligence, it wears your nerves a little thin when you yawn because it's midnight and he's still babbling on about election microscopes.
He has absolutely no idea where you're coming from but he has a wealth of theories, However each of them while truly interesting somehow misses the mark by a long shot.
Basically he filters the world through his mind and you sift it through your emotions. You are a romantic sentimentalist while he is a restless man of many interest. He is the humanitarian who feels a lot for everybody but very little for any person in particular. On the other hand you are the angel of mercy with the kind of emotions that bring the world right into your livingroom.
you are so deeply feeling that you are fearful of your own emotions while he is so cerebral that his feelings have a hard time getting through. As friends you could teach him how to appreciate poetry and how to use meditation to slow his mind down. In turn he could imbue you with a little Einstein theory and explain to you the importance of polyisomers. However as a serious love affair this probably won't be long lasting. Both of you are lovable people but the emotional difference will eventually drive you apart.
7/19/2013 1:25:47 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009
Oh Love that is too bad...read that section...it won't fair well 
7/19/2013 1:26:39 AM |
For my love LOVE |
Grand Island, NY
37, joined Jul. 2013
Pisces with Libra....... iam Libra
Hsprin .. 
7/19/2013 1:27:55 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Carmel, IN
36, joined Nov. 2010
Is this a DH constitution thread?
7/19/2013 1:30:24 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009
awww I know Love, we can't choice who our heart loves that is for sure.
MC...it's a Princess one I am the all knowing 
7/19/2013 1:30:35 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Williamsburg, OH
51, joined Apr. 2013
Pisces and scorpio would be me....sounds like our sex drive would be over the top while lacking in emotional connection.
7/19/2013 1:32:15 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Carmel, IN
36, joined Nov. 2010
Princess thread! I just wanna know with which one of you i am gonna score this weekend. Yup, that's about it.
7/19/2013 1:33:22 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009
More I find it very interesting
Rose...while I do believe very much in the zodiac and signs...two people who know how they are can of course work their magic at love. I just find it interesting how much they ring true.
And wouldn't it help knowing some of the things you are up againist going in???
7/19/2013 1:35:05 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Lake Elsinore, CA
29, joined Apr. 2013
Im a Scorpio 
7/19/2013 1:36:21 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009
My husband was an Aries...clearly that didn't work out lol
And my other four serious relationships were with Aquarius they are drawn to me like a moth to a flame and it is NOT a good fit.
And I will NEVER never NEVER date another no matter what!!! 
7/19/2013 1:38:24 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Lake Elsinore, CA
29, joined Apr. 2013
My husband was an Aries...clearly that didn't work out lol
And my other four serious relationships were with Aquarius they are drawn to me like a moth to a flame and it is NOT a good fit.
And I will NEVER never NEVER date another no matter what!!! 
Can i be drawn into you ? 
7/19/2013 1:41:02 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009
lol Off only if you want to have a month of wild crazy sex and then I will be done with you! 
Love just knock him over the head, drag him back to your house and cuff him to your bed lol
7/19/2013 1:43:50 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009
I have slept about 9 hours this whole week. And my day starts at 8am again and I don't see any sleep tonight either.
7/19/2013 1:44:19 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Lake Elsinore, CA
29, joined Apr. 2013
lol Off only if you want to have a month of wild crazy sex and then I will be done with you!
anytime hun anytime  
7/19/2013 1:45:21 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Carmel, IN
36, joined Nov. 2010
Quote from hsprin:I have slept about 9 hours this whole week. And my day starts at 8am again and I don't see any sleep tonight either.
Must be due to all the Zodiac prep work that you've done for your thread!
7/19/2013 1:48:33 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Carmel, IN
36, joined Nov. 2010
Hahahaha, Mikie!!!
7/19/2013 1:49:58 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009
lol Shut up MC...I did it for Love so bite me
Love I understand that...lots of guys do that. You either have to cut the cord and walk away and not look back or suffer in silence.
7/19/2013 1:50:23 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Lake Elsinore, CA
29, joined Apr. 2013
I have this and and feel this and for hsprin 
7/19/2013 1:50:31 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009
It is in paperwork Mikey but my version has my legs and toes at the end 
7/19/2013 1:51:31 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Carmel, IN
36, joined Nov. 2010
Am i biting down there at least? Make sure you moan or pretend like you are moaning, so i can feel great about my oral skills.
7/19/2013 1:51:58 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009
I have this  and  and feel this  and  for hsprin 
7/19/2013 1:52:50 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009
Am i biting down there at least? Make sure you moan or pretend like you are moaning, so i can feel great about my oral skills.
lol I fake nothing, you have to earn that! 
7/19/2013 1:54:33 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009
I get along with a lot of guys that I know are not good for me. Sometimes you have to put yourself first and just move past them.
7/19/2013 1:56:11 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Carmel, IN
36, joined Nov. 2010
Okay, Hs, but at least give me good DH reviews!!!
7/19/2013 1:56:49 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Williamsburg, OH
51, joined Apr. 2013
More I find it very interesting
Rose...while I do believe very much in the zodiac and signs...two people who know how they are can of course work their magic at love. I just find it interesting how much they ring true.
And wouldn't it help knowing some of the things you are up againist going in???
Honestly!...I do look at horoscopes as a rule in compatibility when dating.I know with me it holds some truth in giving me a little insight on the personality that best suits me. 
7/19/2013 1:58:14 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009
I will let you know More...just like what I listed here for Pisces is broke down 12 for each sign.
I highly recommend the book for anybody. It not only tells you about yourself and how you are in different areas of life.
Sun Sign Personality Guide by Robin MacNaughton's it's like $8 at Target
7/19/2013 2:01:26 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Carmel, IN
36, joined Nov. 2010
Awww, Starr is paying me compliments!
7/19/2013 2:02:27 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Williamsburg, OH
51, joined Apr. 2013
Best match for me....Cancer,Virgo,Capricorn this I know!
7/19/2013 2:04:09 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Williamsburg, OH
51, joined Apr. 2013
Gotta read the signs Starr!...
7/19/2013 2:04:38 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009
Dump him Love you deserve better.
7/19/2013 2:05:45 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Williamsburg, OH
51, joined Apr. 2013
I think how and where you were raised and life experiences top horoscopes.
Sorry that's just my opinion. No disrespect intended. 
I know people put a lot of po po on it!...it really is a good tool in compatibility.
7/19/2013 2:05:58 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Carmel, IN
36, joined Nov. 2010
Rambl, you do know that horoscopes are not rigorous and have no scientific structure behind those sign compatibility criteria, right? Its one thing to laugh about silliness, but you cannot be serious about basing your real dating decisions on Zodiac signs!
7/19/2013 2:09:28 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Williamsburg, OH
51, joined Apr. 2013
Rambl, you do know that horoscopes are not rigorous and have no scientific structure behind those sign compatibility criteria, right? Its one thing to laugh about silliness, but you cannot be serious about basing your real dating decisions on Zodiac signs!
Very much so !..I know my sign describes me to a "T".
7/19/2013 2:10:43 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Carmel, IN
36, joined Nov. 2010
To each their own.
7/19/2013 2:12:47 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Williamsburg, OH
51, joined Apr. 2013
I'm still blocked from Silentttt Johns thread... 
Do you really care! 
7/19/2013 2:15:28 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Carmel, IN
36, joined Nov. 2010
I got blocked by the self-proclaimed "nice guy"!
7/19/2013 2:18:43 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Carmel, IN
36, joined Nov. 2010
He better be inboxing me his apology letter right about now!
7/19/2013 2:21:51 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009
It is just good in sight...yes people are different but the same traits usually do hold true to signs.
7/19/2013 2:22:24 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009
Maybe he will send you a d*ck pic lol 
7/19/2013 2:23:34 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Carmel, IN
36, joined Nov. 2010
If he sends me his pee pee pic, it better be smaller than mine, or else i am pissed!
7/19/2013 2:24:51 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Carmel, IN
36, joined Nov. 2010
Well, okay, i accept flowers, but it should come with a price tag of 150 bucks or more. I am very picky in terms of prices.
7/19/2013 2:25:22 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009

7/19/2013 2:26:47 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Lake Elsinore, CA
29, joined Apr. 2013
Night y'all 
7/19/2013 2:26:55 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Carmel, IN
36, joined Nov. 2010
Nuh-uh! I am keeping his pic to myself! Will save it as my phone' wallpaper!
7/19/2013 2:27:50 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009
I have all the d*cks of DH...I am going to make a coffee table book out of them!!! 
7/19/2013 2:28:16 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Carmel, IN
36, joined Nov. 2010
Night Off! I should hit the sheets myself, have a meeting early tomorrow! Cannot wait to showcase my new phone' wallpaper at work!
Possible 'chatting' detected. You have already posted in this thread recently. Please wait for some other people to reply before posting in this thread again, or wait like an hour or so, whichever comes first. Sorry for the inconvenience.
This message might annoy you a bit, however we want to make sure more than a couple of people get a chance to respond in a thread. The 'chat' forums and groups don't have this restriction, only a few forums actually have it. You will almost never get this message if you post thoughtful, on-topic replies.
7/19/2013 2:28:38 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Carmel, IN
36, joined Nov. 2010
Don't have mine!!! 
7/19/2013 2:29:48 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009
Nite Off and don't lie MC...we all know you sent it too me 
7/19/2013 2:33:17 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Williamsburg, OH
51, joined Apr. 2013
I have all the d*cks of DH...I am going to make a coffee table book out of them!!! 
Its a shame you can't plaster caster them! 
7/19/2013 2:34:20 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Carmel, IN
36, joined Nov. 2010
Hs, that was my pinky toe, not a c*ck! You perv!
7/19/2013 2:35:50 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Carmel, IN
36, joined Nov. 2010
Would need a jeweler's loupe to plaster caster my inch.
7/19/2013 2:36:39 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009
Rose some of them would NOT be worth it! 
MC, lord I hope so because damn if that's all your packing your in trouble 
7/19/2013 2:37:00 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Carmel, IN
36, joined Nov. 2010
Quote from starr_bomb:Im still dying cuz you said it's going to be your wall paper
Damn right! Gonna take a proof picture of me striking a pose next to my phone' wallpaper too!
7/19/2013 2:38:26 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Carmel, IN
36, joined Nov. 2010
Oh, no sweetie, i am hung like a horse, i mean its an entire inch, ffs!
7/19/2013 2:38:34 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009
You wanna see my wenis??? lol I sent a certain DH guy my wenis picture the other night bawhahaha 
7/19/2013 2:39:58 AM |
For my love LOVE |


Savannah, MO
39, joined Jan. 2009
Steven!!! and no sorry just ONE!
7/19/2013 2:40:07 AM |
For my love LOVE |

Carmel, IN
36, joined Nov. 2010
Ladies gotta be careful when they ride me, or it will hit the uterus!