10/6/2013 2:01:40 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |

Greensboro, GA
37, joined Oct. 2010

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10/6/2013 2:04:03 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |

Austin, TX
47, joined Nov. 2010
Racist b*tch! 
10/6/2013 2:08:18 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |

Greensboro, GA
37, joined Oct. 2010

10/6/2013 2:09:53 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |

Greensboro, GA
37, joined Oct. 2010
Dang u don't even know....!!!
10/6/2013 2:12:33 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |


United Kingdom
86, joined May. 2011
Native Indian or Indian from India?
anyway,you ve met one of them,whos been rude to you(questionable),
and now they all are rude?
10/6/2013 2:12:46 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |

Greensboro, GA
37, joined Oct. 2010
10/6/2013 2:13:15 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |


White City, OR
24, joined Oct. 2012
10/6/2013 2:16:43 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |

Austin, TX
47, joined Nov. 2010
10/6/2013 2:22:45 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |

Greensboro, GA
37, joined Oct. 2010
Nooooo... hunny My familia is part Indian...so let me correct.... what my friend posted that while I was away for a sec and just to say that...I never judge........she's being a b*tch seriously.....No...and she meant Eastern Indians' or whatever...and I'm not a racist.....by FaaaaaaaaaaaaAAR...so don't need the bs about being a racist... :
10/6/2013 2:23:51 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |


White City, OR
24, joined Oct. 2012

10/6/2013 2:26:24 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |

Austin, TX
47, joined Nov. 2010
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
10/6/2013 2:31:19 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |

Greensboro, GA
37, joined Oct. 2010
And who care's ? about what u've heard..or think u dam know....but anyway's...........
10/6/2013 2:35:31 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |


United Kingdom
86, joined May. 2011
Keishya,why dont you try to finish a sentense and make a sense for once?
10/6/2013 2:46:55 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |

Greensboro, GA
37, joined Oct. 2010
Sure thing my darlin'...@will do that...but anyways my amiga did post that shit...and like I said who care's what anyone think...Just curious to know why Eastern Indian guys are such jerks to women.....?...Dam now I wanna kick her a** out....all the B/S and ..Get over it already....But; seriously....Okay I know myself that most culture's marry into their own race and shit like that..put to try and play with ppl emotions..I guess if u put urself in the middle of the road and don't move then u should get hit...@llh
10/6/2013 2:47:22 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |

Austin, TX
47, joined Nov. 2010
[quoteheader]Quote from midniteriddler1:[/quoteheader][quote] [/quote]
10/6/2013 2:49:59 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |


Dayton, OH
31, joined Dec. 2012
White man...will make all races racist...damn and I ain't even prejudice... Z
10/6/2013 3:15:09 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |

Greensboro, GA
37, joined Oct. 2010
?able...No no one person is the same of coarse u know that and on top of that...like I said mi familia is part Native Indians ...samething...and who said that it was such a deal?..u appear to be intelligent..so the ? remains...and there is not 2 ppl in the world who are the same..I love all CULTURES...espescially mine...and on top of that I tend to respect anyone no matter race or gender or age......some ppl just don't know how to deal with LIFE....and everything it dishes out to us....
10/6/2013 3:17:41 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |


White City, OR
24, joined Oct. 2012
?able...No no one person is the same of coarse u know that and on top of that...like I said mi familia is part Native Indians ...samething...and who said that it was such a deal?..u appear to be intelligent..so the ? remains...and there is not 2 ppl in the world who are the same..I love all CULTURES...espescially mine...and on top of that I tend to respect anyone no matter race or gender or age......some ppl just don't know how to deal with LIFE....and everything it dishes out to us....
10/6/2013 3:21:54 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |

Greensboro, GA
37, joined Oct. 2010
My friend posted that stuff and I was in the other room...honestly but; the things she's going thru is very disrespectful of American Women dealing with Eastern Indian guys or Western or whateva....just no RESPECT for Women in general
10/6/2013 3:24:15 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |


White City, OR
24, joined Oct. 2012
My friend posted that stuff and I was in the other room...honestly but; the things she's going thru is very disrespectful of American Women dealing with Eastern Indian guys or Western or whateva....just no RESPECT for Women in general
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10/6/2013 3:35:06 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |

Greensboro, GA
37, joined Oct. 2010
I kinda see a lot of u in that MONKEY..
1st of all ur look really hairy....
2nd of all u just like him
3rd......it just fit's u more than me....
4th ...of all U have a really boring life to be reading post's all nite...to see I post... and please find time to do that!!! my bad!!!so SORRY
10/6/2013 3:37:57 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |


White City, OR
24, joined Oct. 2012

10/6/2013 3:41:32 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |


White City, OR
24, joined Oct. 2012
I kinda see a lot of u in that MONKEY..
1st of all ur look really hairy....
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10/6/2013 3:50:47 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |

Greensboro, GA
37, joined Oct. 2010
Can u UnderStand Dis mija'...or are u just Hablos English?....AND u wanna smoke...???well smoke this; Mi amiga posted some shit on my thread and now I'm getting all the b/s from ppl like u...and for u to uNdErStAnD....Don't like nothing to do with smoke..not even from a grill....love the lady called Mother Nature.....@Evironmentalist Engineer!
10/6/2013 3:55:32 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |

Greensboro, GA
37, joined Oct. 2010
  @ anteater...kmsl....now that's what's up...kmsl....
10/6/2013 9:18:01 AM |
Why Are Indian Guys So Rude? |


Flowery Branch, GA
36, joined Sep. 2013
I don't think its limited to Indian guys,
I think anybody with a brain would be rude to someone who speaks like you type.
Where's your introduction?