11/29/2013 8:52:04 PM |
Lost weight and have loose skin |

Moreno Valley, CA
32, joined Feb. 2013
I have lost 90-100 lbs and starting to have loose skin on my arms mostly. What do you suggest to get rid of it instead of surgy.
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12/3/2013 2:23:20 AM |
Lost weight and have loose skin |


Downey, CA
40, joined Jun. 2010
There isn't much you can do about stretched skin other than surgery, unfortunately.
12/4/2013 6:35:17 PM |
Lost weight and have loose skin |

Assumption, IL
66, joined May. 2010
~~OP~~ Skin has an elastic tendency.
Some skin will shrink after weight loss ...
1) for those who lose 100 or more pounds of weight will develop loose skin.
2) depending on how long a person has been overweight -- has a determination on how much loose skin one will develop upon weight loss.
3) loose skin from weight loss in an obese person cannot shrink back to normal size ... it must be excised surgically.
4) while all obese people who lose massive amounts of weight (body fat) will experience sagging breasts due to stretching of the breast muscles more women elect to have the "breast straps" shortened surgically.
5) diet and exercise alone have no impact on loose skin due to obesity.
12/5/2013 12:40:07 AM |
Lost weight and have loose skin |


Downey, CA
40, joined Jun. 2010
TtThis happens alot especially if u lose weight fast or alot of it. Skin will shrink down but if u notice its getting loose u may wanna hold ur weight where u r for awhile. Healthy diet is soooo important, two must must must have foods to help with weifht lose are bellpeppers and carrots best uncooked they supply vitamins and nutrients our body needs for good skin unlike anyother eat them everyday. Surgery may be the end solution at some point but just keep in mind wen losing weight do so gradually and consistent not fast. Maybe 5lbs a month for 12 months =70 lbs. I can show u how to lose that in 6 months but then loose skin, fatigue, heart stress, possibility of those days when u feel like eating everything u see then program out the window. Dont fall for lotions and creams for skin look into 100% virgin olive oil that is cold pressed certified they have lots on amazon and u can use on ur skin, google this it is a miracle oil ive been using and it has some pretty awesome benefits for skin. Try these things if u have any questions feel free to contact me thru my profile id be glad to help. Good luck sweet heart
She has skin that was stretched by 100 more lbs., not by, say, 50. Big difference.
12/5/2013 9:42:03 AM |
Lost weight and have loose skin |

Assumption, IL
66, joined May. 2010
Ok deeeep breath.......
Dont take my word for it do some research lots of people have lost the kinda weight OP is experiencing and like i said slow and steady and diet can REALLY prevent the majority of sagging skin... no ones body and routine always falls line or we miss calculate our bodies needs and diet so some MAY need some surgery in the end but this does not have to be in most cases. Sori i know what im talking about!!!
OP do ur own research dear dont get caught up with our differences of opinions or miss quoted facts there is lots of people in your shoes who have been through this. Educate urself we can only present possible options and i encourage u to look into all of these avenues before taking anyones word for it...including my own
A mixture of fact and fiction, OP.
Take one square inch of skin (excised) ... medically applied to a 'bladder' and slowly inflate the bladder with air ... introduce the skin bladder to an incubated growing environment for a period of time ... and VOILA! ... the one inch skin patch will grow and stretch to completely cover the bladder. [This is, exactly, how medical staff 'grow' skin to do re-constructive surgery on, say, burn victims who have lost massive amounts of skin covering on their charred bodies. [And I DO know what I am talking about!]
^^^ That scenario is the same with the obese body. The bigger the body grows, the more fat tissue which grows under the flesh, the more the skin expands to cover the new body size.
Another 'for instance': When a baby is born it's skin covers it's body -- as the baby grows into adulthood, the skin stretches and grows to keep up with the body's growth. The baby does not put on a new set of skin at each growing cycle. Duh!
Now say that baby grew to be 200 pounds ... the skin covered that 200 pounds ... then the baby lost 100 pounds ... it wasn't skin that the baby lost ... it was FAT TISSUE. The skin remains the same size ... it doesn't shrink back to the 100 pound size of covering.
Then you have a 100 pound baby with a 200 pound baby's skin. What can be done to reduce that expanded skin size? Eat salad!? B. S.
It must be surgically 'tailored' or the baby can continue to live with the excess skin.
I concur: Do your homework, OP. Talk with your personal weight loss physician about your best alternatives which you seek to enhance your life after massive weight loss.
Good luck.
12/6/2013 10:24:33 AM |
Lost weight and have loose skin |

Assumption, IL
66, joined May. 2010
 A mixture of fact and fiction, OP.
Take one square inch of skin (excised) ... medically applied to a 'bladder' and slowly inflate the bladder with air ... introduce the skin bladder to an incubated growing environment for a period of time ... and VOILA! ... the one inch skin patch will grow and stretch to completely cover the bladder. [This is, exactly, how medical staff 'grow' skin to do re-constructive surgery on, say, burn victims who have lost massive amounts of skin covering on their charred bodies. [And I DO know what I am talking about!]
^^^ That scenario is the same with the obese body. The bigger the body grows, the more fat tissue which grows under the flesh, the more the skin expands to cover the new body size.
Another 'for instance': When a baby is born it's skin covers it's body -- as the baby grows into adulthood, the skin stretches and grows to keep up with the body's growth. The baby does not put on a new set of skin at each growing cycle. Duh!
Now say that baby grew to be 200 pounds ... the skin covered that 200 pounds ... then the baby lost 100 pounds ... it wasn't skin that the baby lost ... it was FAT TISSUE. The skin remains the same size ... it doesn't shrink back to the 100 pound size of covering.
Then you have a 100 pound baby with a 200 pound baby's skin. What can be done to reduce that expanded skin size? Eat salad!? B. S.
It must be surgically 'tailored' or the baby can continue to live with the excess skin.
I concur: Do your homework, OP. Talk with your personal weight loss physician about your best alternatives which you seek to enhance your life after massive weight loss.
Good luck. 
~~OP~~ I will reiterate my point...
and add: Data supplied for review on the internet, at large, is only as good and valid as the programmer who typed in the data.
Check with your personal physician.
12/7/2013 5:06:47 PM |
Lost weight and have loose skin |

Moreno Valley, CA
32, joined Feb. 2013
~~OP~~ I will reiterate my point...
and add: Data supplied for review on the internet, at large, is only as good and valid as the programmer who typed in the data.
Check with your personal physician. 
Kinda hard to do that since I don't have one and no insurance. Mostly the issue is with my arms I am hoping once starting to go to the gym it will get better.
1/1/2014 4:23:04 PM |
Lost weight and have loose skin |

Harrisonburg, VA
34, joined Nov. 2013
Suck it up save your money get surgery that's the only thing you can possibly do the other girl has no idea what she's talking about. You might want to lift weights to tone up a little bit but that's still won't help you much. Seen it too many times. Sucks but it's true. You must go under the knife
1/2/2014 8:51:29 AM |
Lost weight and have loose skin |

Harrisonburg, VA
34, joined Nov. 2013
Yup she speaks the truth save up your money and go under that knife it's not so bad don't think of it because you were damn hard to lose her weight all your doing is helping yourself a little more. 
1/5/2014 10:06:01 AM |
Lost weight and have loose skin |
Danielson, CT
26, joined Nov. 2013
^^^Umm..... I'm calling a double personality here or a troll with multiple accounts that forgot who they were logged in as... 
There was actually another post inbetween her two. For some reason it is deleted now.
1/5/2014 11:26:52 AM |
Lost weight and have loose skin |

Harrisonburg, VA
34, joined Nov. 2013
^^^Umm..... I'm calling a double personality here or a troll with multiple accounts that forgot who they were logged in as... 
She is an idiot and yes the girls account is not here anymore. Goes to show you how stupid mcc is lol 
2/8/2014 3:11:40 AM |
Lost weight and have loose skin |
Birmingham, AL
28, joined May. 2012
I would recommend actually implementing an exercise plan while on the healthy eating. Exercising while changing your eating habits, will help with loose skin... Not entirely, but it will help. *Speaking from personal experience.

[Edited 2/8/2014 3:14:19 AM ]
4/20/2014 3:38:12 PM |
Lost weight and have loose skin |

Rutland, OH
57, joined Jun. 2013
I have lost weight but do not have saggy skin. i lost 17 pounds in 4 years.
4/21/2014 9:03:13 AM |
Lost weight and have loose skin |

Fort Worth, TX
26, joined May. 2011
17 pounds is nowhere near the 100 pounds OP has lost. Also considering you took 4 years to lose your weight and OP did it in a much smaller amount of time - it's understandable that she has loose skin
4/21/2014 12:19:41 PM |
Lost weight and have loose skin |

Rutland, OH
57, joined Jun. 2013
17 pounds is nowhere near the 100 pounds OP has lost. Also considering you took 4 years to lose your weight and OP did it in a much smaller amount of time - it's understandable that she has loose skin
yes i do understand what the op is saying. i , however, do want the loose skin no matter if i lost 50 pounds. I also work out and drink lots of water. Thank you for for information.
4/22/2014 12:08:37 AM |
Lost weight and have loose skin |

Moreno Valley, CA
32, joined Feb. 2013
yes i do understand what the op is saying. i , however, do want the loose skin no matter if i lost 50 pounds. I also work out and drink lots of water. Thank you for for information.
Why do you want loose skin? Its a pain the butt. I'm lucky haven't had the health issues with the lose skin, but I don't like it.
4/22/2014 12:09:54 AM |
Lost weight and have loose skin |

Moreno Valley, CA
32, joined Feb. 2013
I would recommend actually implementing an exercise plan while on the healthy eating. Exercising while changing your eating habits, will help with loose skin... Not entirely, but it will help. *Speaking from personal experience.

It only help so much execpt when you can live your life at the gym and get as big muscles as your fat was.
4/25/2014 10:54:02 AM |
Lost weight and have loose skin |

Orlando, FL
53, joined Jan. 2010
only surgery, once the skin has stretched that far, it won't go back to normal,, rubber band an example stretch it out every day see how long it takes before it wont go back to normal visit my website http://naturalweightlossthroughscience.weebly.com/ and my follow up site for a genetic test to help you lose he weight faster,safer and easier, Personalized plans based on your genes, there will be no back sliding and regaining the weight. leave your info for a free consultation. have a background in Physical therapy personl training, nutritional consultant. your best supporter in helping you achieve your goals
7/27/2014 8:18:17 PM |
Lost weight and have loose skin |

Kansas City, MO
45, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
I think you are loosing weight too fast. From what I was told slow weight loss is the best way to avoid loose skin
8/16/2014 10:44:28 PM |
Lost weight and have loose skin |

Assumption, IL
66, joined May. 2010
~~OP~~ Skin has an elastic tendency.
Some skin will shrink after weight loss ...
1) for those who lose 100 or more pounds of weight will develop loose skin.
2) depending on how long a person has been overweight -- has a determination on how much loose skin one will develop upon weight loss.
3) loose skin from weight loss in an obese person cannot shrink back to normal size ... it must be excised surgically.
4) while all obese people who lose massive amounts of weight (body fat) will experience sagging breasts due to stretching of the breast muscles more women elect to have the "breast straps" shortened surgically.
5) diet and exercise alone have no impact on loose skin due to obesity.
1/6/2015 4:02:21 PM |
Lost weight and have loose skin |

Saint Petersburg, FL
36, joined Oct. 2014
do you want to try a supplement call "CLA"
I want to try it