8/24/2014 4:18:52 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |
Oswego, IL
57, joined Apr. 2009
Exposing the Real Che Guevara: And the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him
Nearly four decades after his death, it's impossible to avoid the image of Ernesto Che Guevara everywhere from T-shirts to cartoons. Liberals consider Che a revolutionary martyr who gave his life to help the poor of Latin America. Time named him one of the one hundred most influential people of the last century. And a major Hollywood movie is about to lionize him to a new generation.
The reality, as we learn from Cuban exile Humberto Fontova, is that Che wasn't really a gentle soul and a selfless hero. He was a violent Communist who thought nothing of firing a gun into the stomach of a woman six months pregnant whose only crime was that her family opposed him. And he was a hypocrite who lusted after material luxuries while cultivating his image as a man of the people.
Fontova reveals that Che openly talked about his desire to use nuclear weapons against New York City. Such was Che's bloodthirsty hatred that Fontova considers him the godfather of modern terrorism.
Exposing the Real Che Guevara is based on scores of interviews with survivors of Che's atrocities as well as the American CIA agent who interrogated Che just hours before the Bolivian government executed him.
Che what a piece of garbage that man was. How can anyone in their right mind idolize him?
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8/24/2014 4:29:51 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |


Euless, TX
48, joined Oct. 2010
All these liberal kids in their tweens wearing their hip Guevara t-shirts don't even know he sent homosexuals and blacks to concentration camps.
8/24/2014 4:40:03 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
Castroism and the Politics of Petty-Bourgeois Nationalism
By Bill Vann
7 January 1998
World Socialist Web Site
Castroism has been the subject of immense confusion, not a small part of it created by the Pabloite revisionist tendency which emerged within the Fourth International. The Pabloites presented—and some of them still present—Castroism as a new road to socialism, as confirmation that the socialist revolution could be carried out, and a workers' state established, without the conscious participation of the working class.
Led by Joseph Hansen in the US and Ernest Mandel in Europe, the Pabloite revisionists abandoned the struggle for revolutionary leadership in the working class, and ceded the historical tasks of the proletariat in the backward countries to the petty-bourgeois nationalists.
In so doing, they helped prepare some of the most terrible defeats suffered by the working class in the latter half of the 20th century.
In dealing with Castroism 35 years later, we are entitled to ask who was right in this dispute? Did Castroism provide a new road to socialism or did it turn out to be a blind alley and a trap for the working class?
Che's revival
A fitting place to begin our analysis is with the recent commemorations marking the 30th anniversary of the execution of Ernesto "Che" Guevara, the most prominent exponent and practitioner of the perspective of guerrilla warfare with which Castroism is identified. In recent months we have witnessed a virtual Che revival, though not the sort that the Argentine-born guerrilla could have envisioned, even in his worst nightmare.
Che has become the object of commercialization in a manner which seems quite incongruous with his radical reputation. His image itself has been transformed into a commodity. The Swiss watchmaker Swatch has come out with a "revolution" model, with the guerrilla's visage. His face has also been used to advertise skis, to adorn the covers of rock CDs and even to sell beer.
In Argentina, the government of Carlos Menem, the favorite of Washington for his embrace of the IMF and enthusiastic support for the Persian Gulf war, has even issued a commemorative stamp honoring Che as a "great Argentine."
The Castro regime has also gotten into the act. It recently brought back Guevara's remains from Bolivia, reintering them in Cuba with pomp and circumstance. The Cuban government has organized Che tours for foreign ex-radicals and markets Che T-shirts and trinkets, providing a new source of hard currency for the crisis-ridden Cuban economy.
What is it about Che that makes him so susceptible to being turned into a harmless, though profitable, icon? The qualities which his admirers cite are well-known. Physical bravery, self-sacrifice, asceticism, giving his life for a cause. These can all be admirable traits. No doubt they present a stark contrast to the prevailing social ethic in which a man's worth is determined by the size of his stock portfolio. But these qualities, in and of themselves, are by no means indicators of the political and class character of those who possess them. Religious sects and even fascist movements can claim to have produced martyrs with similar qualities in their own struggles for wholly reactionary ends.
A careful review of Guevara's career demonstrates that his political conceptions had nothing to do with Marxism and that the panaceas of armed struggle and guerrilla warfare with which he was identified were fundamentally hostile to the revolutionary socialist struggle of the working class.
In the midst of the recent revival of the image of Che there have appeared several new biographies of the guerrilla leader. Those of the Mexican author Jorge Castaneda and the American John Lee Anderson, while by no means offering a Marxist political analysis, do provide some useful insights into both Guevara's trajectory and that of the Cuban revolution.
What emerges so clearly from the detailed recounting of Che's career in these books is the abysmal shallowness and the tragic results of his political perspective.
In a recent statement on the Cuban question, the Morenoites praise Che's slogan of "One, two many Vietnams,'' and declare: "Even if with disastrous methods—guerrilla focos, isolation from the mass movement, opposition to the construction of revolutionary workers parties—it expressed the necessity of extending the revolution internationally.''
Continued . . .
8/24/2014 4:40:24 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
Continued . . .
How a necessary and revolutionary perspective can be expressed through disastrous methods, the Morenoites do not bother to explain. This tendency, like all the Pabloite factions, has made a career out of attempting to demonstrate how various forces—Peronism, Stalinism, guerrillaism—are "expressing" the struggle for socialism.
Neither the Morenoites nor any of the other Pabloite tendencies care to make a class analysis of Castroism and Guevarism, trace their historical origins and development, or draw up a balance sheet of the experience with guerrillaism in Latin America over the past nearly four decades.
That critical task can only be carried out by our movement, based on the struggle it has undertaken throughout that period for the political independence and international unity of the working class.
Proletarian socialism versus petty-bourgeois nationalism
The Pabloite revisionists, like the middle class ex-radicals in general, are hostile to such an approach. They fervently hope for a revival of Castroism. All of them were enthused by the appearance of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation in Chiapas, Mexico and likewise applauded the actions of the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement when it seized the Japanese embassy in Lima, a little more than a year ago.
Our movement did not join in celebrating this apparent resurgence of Guevarism and the hollow political formula of "armed struggle.'' We have a long record of fighting against such conceptions, recognizing that they embody not the revolutionary socialist strivings of the proletariat, but rather the politics of petty-bourgeois nationalism. They are directed not at resolving the vital questions of revolutionary leadership within the working class, but rather at denying the revolutionary role of this class altogether and diverting radicalized layers of students, as well as workers and peasants, away from the struggle for socialism.
They serve not to illuminate, but rather obscure, the strategic problems of the socialist revolution that were elaborated by Trotsky in his theory of Permanent Revolution. Such slogans as "the duty of the revolutionary is to make the revolution,'' "armed struggle,'' and "protracted peoples' war'' leave unanswered the issues of what class will play the leading role in the revolution, what is the connection between the revolution in one country and the world revolution, and what is the relation between the struggle of the workers and oppressed in the backward countries and that of the working class in the advanced capitalist ones.
Behind their radical rhetoric, these movements have definite conceptions about all these questions. Invariably, they are directed at suppressing the independent revolutionary struggle of the proletariat, and subordinating the oppressed masses as a whole to the needs of the national bourgeoisie.
In this sense, no matter how radical these movements may appear, they are, in the final analysis, one of the last bulwarks of imperialism against the socialist revolution. It is this essential nature of petty-bourgeois nationalism and guerrillaism which provides a key to understanding the ease with which capitalism has appropriated the image of Che for its own purposes.
8/24/2014 5:11:15 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |
Oswego, IL
57, joined Apr. 2009
All these liberal kids in their tweens wearing their hip Guevara t-shirts don't even know he sent homosexuals and blacks to concentration camps.
8/24/2014 5:20:56 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |
Oswego, IL
57, joined Apr. 2009
If you are a communist then you are a traitor to your country and your fellow citizens.
And could you please not post the long diatribe? Just sum it up in a few sentences or paragraphs please. It hurts me to read those articles do they realize how hard it is to digest all those lies and propaganda in one sitting?
8/24/2014 5:27:49 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
If you are a communist then you are a traitor to your country and your fellow citizens.
The majority of my fellow American citizens are working class people who are taking it on the chin from capitalism.
8/24/2014 5:32:35 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
And could you please not post the long diatribe? Just sum it up in a few sentences or paragraphs please. It hurts me to read those articles do they realize how hard it is to digest all those lies and propaganda in one sitting?
You're not forced to read anything. There are lots of postings on this site that I never read. I just thought you might like to have a little more in-depth perspective of Che and what he represented. I mean, after all, your thread is about Che. But apparently, you were just looking to post some brief, mindless, superficial crap that didn't go too far with any political analysis.
[Edited 8/24/2014 5:33:37 AM ]
8/24/2014 5:52:40 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |
Oswego, IL
57, joined Apr. 2009
The majority of my fellow American citizens are working class people who are taking it on the chin from capitalism.
They are taking it on the chin because of a departure from capitalist principles. But don't
worry, crony capitalism will cease as well as cradle to grave entitlements.
We don't have a choice in the matter.
But the topic is Che Guevara. Do you think that Cuba is the high ideal, the shining city on the hill that the world should seek to emulate? And what of North Korea?
Let's face it Condor, capitalism is the best system for creating wealth and prosperity for the individual. Communism is evil. It is atheistic, cold blooded and cruel born from murder and treachery. Under communism, fear and intimidation keeps the masses in line.
Do you want to live like that? In a police state with someone watching you 24/7?
Not this kid.
8/24/2014 5:58:06 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
Do you want to live like that? In a police state with someone watching you 24/7?
I hesitate to post an in-depth answer because, as Edward Snowden made clear, the capitalist-America police-state is watching us all 24/7.
[Edited 8/24/2014 5:59:06 AM ]
8/24/2014 6:02:14 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
They are taking it on the chin because of a departure from capitalist principles.
There is no "departure from capitalist principles." The number one principle of capitalism is that workers do all the work for low pay and capitalists then sit on their asses and rake in all the wealth those workers produce. It's not a "departure from capitalist principles" that has workers taking it on the chin, rather it's the escalation of capitalist principles.
8/24/2014 6:03:58 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
But the topic is Che Guevara. Do you think that Cuba is the high ideal, the shining city on the hill that the world should seek to emulate? And what of North Korea?
Castroism and the Politics of Petty-Bourgeois Nationalism
By Bill Vann
7 January 1998
World Socialist Web Site
8/24/2014 6:10:28 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |


New York, NY
62, joined Dec. 2010
The majority of my fellow American citizens are working class people who are taking it on the chin from capitalism.
If it weren't for capitalism, they wouldn't be working people, they'd be unemployed.
8/24/2014 6:15:17 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
If it weren't for capitalism, they wouldn't be working people, they'd be unemployed.
The Revolution Betrayed - a Marxist masterpiece
by Alan Woods
As Trotsky points out in The Revolution Betrayed, for the first time the viability of socialism was demonstrated, not in the language of dialectics, but in the language of steel, coal, electricity and cement. The nationalised planned economy established by the October Revolution succeeded in a remarkably short time in transforming an economy as backward as Pakistan today into the second most powerful nation on earth.
8/24/2014 6:36:18 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |
Oswego, IL
57, joined Apr. 2009
There is no "departure from capitalist principles." The number one principle of capitalism is that workers do all the work for low pay and capitalists then sit on their asses and rake in all the wealth those workers produce. It's not a "departure from capitalist principles" that has workers taking it on the chin, rather it's the escalation of capitalist principles.
No it's not! The United States Of America has always been the land of opportunity where an individual can start with nothing and achieve wealth and success. It's when we try to interject socialist schemes into the system that gives the theives a chance to steal.
Like not too long ago everyone should own a house scheme in which even POTUS Obama was involved. Americans lost 3-5 trillion dollars in wealth. Wiped out..gone with the wind.
How would you like to have paid 10 years on a home then lose 100K in equity? All because the foolish libtards played with the banking regulations.
You are paid according to the skills you possess. A corporation or small business is supposed to make a profit, how in the hell are they supposed to make a payroll? And they
don't cheat you Condor you are paid what you are worth. And if that's not enough then ask for more hours or go back to school and develop a marketable skill that is in demand.
You can do it. Forget about Che and get over it already.
8/24/2014 6:41:29 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
You are paid according to the skills you possess. A corporation or small business is supposed to make a profit, how in the hell are they supposed to make a payroll? And they
don't cheat you Condor you are paid what you are worth. And if that's not enough then ask for more hours or go back to school and develop a marketable skill that is in demand.
Why Socialism
By Albert Einstein
The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is, in my opinion, the real source of the evil. We see before us a huge community of producers the members of which are unceasingly striving to deprive each other of the fruits of their collective labor—not by force, but on the whole in faithful compliance with legally established rules. In this respect, it is important to realize that the means of production—that is to say, the entire productive capacity that is needed for producing consumer goods as well as additional capital goods—may legally be, and for the most part are, the private property of individuals.
For the sake of simplicity, in the discussion that follows I shall call “workers” all those who do not share in the ownership of the means of production—although this does not quite correspond to the customary use of the term. The owner of the means of production is in a position to purchase the labor power of the worker. By using the means of production, the worker produces new goods which become the property of the capitalist. The essential point about this process is the relation between what the worker produces and what he is paid, both measured in terms of real value. Insofar as the labor contract is “free,” what the worker receives is determined not by the real value of the goods he produces, but by his minimum needs and by the capitalists’ requirements for labor power in relation to the number of workers competing for jobs. It is important to understand that even in theory the payment of the worker is not determined by the value of his product.
8/24/2014 6:47:03 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
or go back to school and develop a marketable skill that is in demand.
Four out of ten recent college graduates say they are underemployed
By E.P. Bannon
2 December 2013
World Socialist Web Site
Four in ten recent college graduates in the US said they were underemployed, according to a survey released earlier this year by Accenture, a management consulting firm.
According to the report, 41 percent of people who graduated from college during the past two years were “underemployed and working in jobs that do not require their college degrees.”
Accenture’s 2013 College Graduate Employment Survey, conducted in March, polled 1,010 students who are were to graduate in 2013 and 1,005 students who graduated from college in 2011 and 2012.
Only 16 percent of pending 2013 graduates had secured employment, according to the survey. Forty-five percent of 2011 and 2012 graduates were prepared to accept a substantially lower pay rate than they had hoped, and 32 percent of 2011 and 2012 graduates who were employed earn less than $25,000 per year.
Sixty-eight percent of 2011 and 2012 graduates are currently employed full time and 16 percent are working part time. Over half said finding employment was difficult, with 20 percent of 2011 and 2012 graduates saying finding a job was “extremely difficult.” Seven percent of 2011/2012 graduates said they have not had any job since they graduated.
8/24/2014 6:53:16 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
Che Guevara was actually old-school terrorism. Modern terrorism is illustrated by America's gangster-capitalist elites who create and fund the same entities (initially described as "freedom fighters) who will later become the terrorist enemy. The role that those terrorist forces play are initially to destabilize a targeted nation, and later those terrorist entities are attacked by America in order to provide a pretext for a more intensive, and a more direct imperialist involvement by the U.S. military.
[Edited 8/24/2014 6:54:38 AM ]
8/24/2014 7:36:06 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
I will never understand the fascination some people has for Ernesto "Che" Guevara Lynch-de la Serna...who came from a family of extremely rich and powerful landowners indifferent to the fate of people.
Although the former Argentinean president ("The Turk" Carlos Saúl Menem) honored him...and the present government does so even more...the memory of the Che is not one my fellow country-folks care for too much...In fact, only the ignorant (the ones easy to fool) care for his very poisonous legacy.
8/24/2014 7:37:40 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |
Oswego, IL
57, joined Apr. 2009
I will never understand the fascination some people has for Ernesto "Che" Guevara Lynch-de la Serna...who came from a family of extremely rich and powerful landowners indifferent to the fate of people.
Although the former Argentinean president ("The Turk" Carlos Saúl Menem) honored him...and the present government does so even more...the memory of the Che is not one my fellow country-folks care for too much...In fact, only the ignorant (the ones easy to fool) care for his very poisonous legacy.
8/24/2014 7:44:05 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
Modern terrorism is what we see practiced by America's ruling-class capitalist elites.
Question: Who is overwhelmingly doing the most killing, torturing, terrorizing, looting and killing in the world?
Answer: American capitalism
Study: Bushies Lied 935 Times to Sell Iraq Invasion
January 23, 2008
Greenspan admits Bush Lied and That Iraq War was Really About oil, as Deaths put at 1.2 MILLION
Peter Beaumont and Joanna Walters in New York
The Observer, Saturday 15 September 2007
Big Oil Returns to Iraq
June 20, 2008
US looted thousands of Iraq’s cultural treasures: Iraqi archaeologist
April 13, 2013
28 Year CIA Veteran Says 9/11 an Inside job
by Bill Christison
August 14, 2006
New revelations of US military use of white phosphorus in Iraq
By Tom Carter
21 November 2005
World Socialist Web Site
Memos show Bush administration sanctioned torture
By Tom Eley
26 July 2008
World Socialist Web Site
Bush administration moves to stifle discovery in 9/11 lawsuits
By Walter Gilberti
2 August 2002
World Socialist Web Site
FBI files indict Bush, Cheney and Co. as war criminals
By Bill Van Auken
23 May 2008
World Socialist Web Site
Iran-Contra gangsters resurface in Bush administration
By Patrick Martin
1 August 2001
World Socialist Web Site
Bush nominee linked to Latin American terrorism
By Bill Vann
24 November 2001
World Socialist Web Site
Obama defends CIA torturers
2 August 2014
World Socialist Web Site
US Expands Global Drone Warfare
By Thomas Gaist
Global Research, July 23, 2013
The US raid on Libya and the fraud of the war on terror
8 October 2013
World Socialist Web Site
ISIS “Made in USA”
Iraq “Geopolitical Arsonists” Seek to Burn Region
By Tony Cartalucci
Global Research, June 18, 2014
8/24/2014 7:48:12 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |
Oswego, IL
57, joined Apr. 2009
Che Guevara was actually old-school terrorism. Modern terrorism is illustrated by America's gangster-capitalist elites who create and fund the same entities (initially described as "freedom fighters) who will later become the terrorist enemy. The role that those terrorist forces play are initially to destabilize a targeted nation, and later those terrorist entities are attacked by America in order to provide a pretext for a more intensive, and a more direct imperialist involvement by the U.S. military.
Read the post by Duchessa. Che was from a wealthy family just as OBL. Nothing new, same ol same ol.
Che and Castro did a good job terrorizing. They almost cost the lives of millions of Americans and millions of Soviets. The man was reckless.
8/24/2014 7:53:11 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
I will never understand the fascination some people has for Ernesto "Che" Guevara Lynch-de la Serna...who came from a family of extremely rich and powerful landowners indifferent to the fate of people.
Although the former Argentinean president ("The Turk" Carlos Saúl Menem) honored him...and the present government does so even more...the memory of the Che is not one my fellow country-folks care for too much...In fact, only the ignorant (the ones easy to fool) care for his very poisonous legacy.
People embrace Che because they see him as having waged a heroic struggle against the widely-hated, parasitic super-rich capitalists in South America. What those who embrace Che lack is a fundamental understanding of why that struggle failed.
Castroism and the Politics of Petty-Bourgeois Nationalism
By Bill Vann
7 January 1998
World Socialist Web Site
A careful review of Guevara's career demonstrates that his political conceptions had nothing to do with Marxism and that the panaceas of armed struggle and guerrilla warfare with which he was identified were fundamentally hostile to the revolutionary socialist struggle of the working class.
Our movement did not join in celebrating this apparent resurgence of Guevarism and the hollow political formula of "armed struggle.'' We have a long record of fighting against such conceptions, recognizing that they embody not the revolutionary socialist strivings of the proletariat, but rather the politics of petty-bourgeois nationalism. They are directed not at resolving the vital questions of revolutionary leadership within the working class, but rather at denying the revolutionary role of this class altogether and diverting radicalized layers of students, as well as workers and peasants, away from the struggle for socialism.
[Edited 8/24/2014 7:53:32 AM ]
8/24/2014 8:03:09 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
Che and Castro did a good job terrorizing. They almost cost the lives of millions of Americans and millions of Soviets. The man was reckless.
Castroism and the Politics of Petty-Bourgeois Nationalism
By Bill Vann
7 January 1998
World Socialist Web Site
Born to a Spanish landowning family, Castro's awakening to political life began as a student in a Jesuit high school. There, he came under the influence of Spanish priests who supported Franco fascism. He read all of the works of Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, the founder of the Spanish Falange and was, according to his classmates, strongly attracted to fascist ideology.
In the late 40s and early 50s Castro was involved in the activities of the armed student gangs that dominated the university. The ideology of these gangs was both nationalistic and explicitly anti-communist.
Castro entered a struggle against Batista as a member of the bourgeois Ortodoxo Party. He had stood as a candidate to the Cuban legislature in 1952, but Batista's coup of that year thwarted his parliamentary ambitions. He then began organizing a small group of followers for armed action. He led an assault on the Moncada army barracks in July 1953. All of the 200 participants were either killed or jailed.
Castro's actions were not unique. Throughout this period, followers of various parties and petty-bourgeois factions carried out attacks on garrisons, assassination attempts and even the seizure of Batista's palace. There is little in Castro's political statements during the period leading up to the 1959 revolution to differentiate him from the run-of-the-mill politics of anti-Batista Cuban nationalism. His most famous speech, "History will absolve me,'' prepared in his defense at the trial on the Moncada assault, consisted of denunciations of the dictatorship's repression and a list of fairly mild democratic reforms.
Following a brief jail sentence, Castro went to Mexico, from where, at the end of 1956, he organized a landing of some 80 armed men. Like Moncada, the landing was a catastrophe with barely a dozen surviving the first encounters with Batista's repressive forces. Yet, barely two years later Castro was to take power.
Power literally fell into the hands of Castro's guerrillas because there existed no other credible political force on the island.
This political vacuum was a function, above all, of the absence of any revolutionary leadership in the Cuban working class.
Castro's original intentions were to reach an accommodation with the US. On his first trip to the United States, four months after coming to power, Castro declared the following; "I have stated in a clear and definitive manner that we are not communists. The doors are open to private investments that contribute to the development of industry in Cuba. It is absolutely impossible for us to make progress if we do not reach an understanding with the United States.''
Castro's movement, however, had committed itself to a limited agrarian reform as well as social measures to benefit the Cuban people. In its first months it had decreed a redistribution of unused land, a reduction in rents, wage increases and various measures expanding education and health care.
Washington would have none of it.
The US sought to discipline Castro with naked economic pressure. In a spiraling conflict with the Cuban regime, the US cut Cuba's sugar export quota, its principal economic lifeline and then refused to provide it with oil.
The Cuban regime responded with nationalizations, first of US property, then Cuban-owned enterprises, and a turn to the Soviet bureaucracy for assistance.
US foreign policy was rigidly ideological and vindictive. Britain had handled similar developments in a quite different way. African leaders like Nkrumah, Kuanda and Kenyatta were cultivated despite their radical and even "socialist" rhetoric, thereby preserving British imperialism's influence and interests in the region.
Ironically, US arrogance and stupidity has proven to be one of the central pillars of Castro's rule over the past 40 years. They have has allowed him to pose as the embodiment of Cuban nationalism and to cast any opposition as a tool of Yankee imperialism.
[Edited 8/24/2014 8:03:53 AM ]
8/24/2014 8:04:47 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |
Oswego, IL
57, joined Apr. 2009
Modern terrorism is what we see practiced by America's ruling-class capitalist elites.
Question: Who is overwhelmingly doing the most killing, torturing, terrorizing, looting and killing in the world?
Answer: American capitalism
Study: Bushies Lied 935 Times to Sell Iraq Invasion
January 23, 2008
Greenspan admits Bush Lied and That Iraq War was Really About oil, as Deaths put at 1.2 MILLION
Peter Beaumont and Joanna Walters in New York
The Observer, Saturday 15 September 2007
Big Oil Returns to Iraq
June 20, 2008
US looted thousands of Iraq’s cultural treasures: Iraqi archaeologist
April 13, 2013
28 Year CIA Veteran Says 9/11 an Inside job
by Bill Christison
August 14, 2006
New revelations of US military use of white phosphorus in Iraq
By Tom Carter
21 November 2005
World Socialist Web Site
Memos show Bush administration sanctioned torture
By Tom Eley
26 July 2008
World Socialist Web Site
Bush administration moves to stifle discovery in 9/11 lawsuits
By Walter Gilberti
2 August 2002
World Socialist Web Site
FBI files indict Bush, Cheney and Co. as war criminals
By Bill Van Auken
23 May 2008
World Socialist Web Site
Iran-Contra gangsters resurface in Bush administration
By Patrick Martin
1 August 2001
World Socialist Web Site
Bush nominee linked to Latin American terrorism
By Bill Vann
24 November 2001
World Socialist Web Site
Obama defends CIA torturers
2 August 2014
World Socialist Web Site
US Expands Global Drone Warfare
By Thomas Gaist
Global Research, July 23, 2013
The US raid on Libya and the fraud of the war on terror
8 October 2013
World Socialist Web Site
ISIS “Made in USA”
Iraq “Geopolitical Arsonists” Seek to Burn Region
By Tony Cartalucci
Global Research, June 18, 2014
You can't beat communism when it comes to murder Stalins purges of the Ukraine killed over 10 million through starvation.
That is a very cruel and painful death. Very cruel.
Mao wasn't much better killing millions because he wanted steel production rather than crops. People don't eat steel Condor.
I don't agree with their present policy of executing corporate lawbreakers either, although I'd be willing to bet that it is an effective deterrent to crime.
8/24/2014 8:14:13 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
Quote from groaner: You can't beat communism when it comes to murder Stalins purges of the Ukraine killed over 10 million through starvation.
That is a very cruel and painful death. Very cruel.
Mao wasn't much better killing millions because he wanted steel production rather than crops. People don't eat steel Condor.
I don't agree with their present policy of executing corporate lawbreakers either, although I'd be willing to bet that it is an effective deterrent to crime.
Marx described communism as democratic government by the working class. Quite obviously, the working class wouldn't appoint a dictator to kill off the working class masses. Something else must have happened. That "something else" was Stalinism, which represented a right-wing attack upon the working class. Those infamous mass graves of Stalin contain the bodies of the revolutionary Soviet left. In fact, it was Stalin who had Trotsky, the architect of the Bolshevik Revolution, assassinated. Trotsky correctly predicted in 1936 that Stalinism would either be overthrown by the working class or it would revert to capitalism at the earliest convenience.
The Revolution Betrayed
Leon Trotsky
[Edited 8/24/2014 8:14:56 AM ]
8/24/2014 9:47:33 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
55, joined May. 2007
All these liberal kids in their tweens wearing their hip Guevara t-shirts don't even know he sent homosexuals and blacks to concentration camps.
that shit STILL hip? i thought dr che was the only che fool still around today
8/24/2014 9:50:51 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
55, joined May. 2007
Why Socialism
By Albert Einstein
wow, didnt know he was still alive

[Edited 8/24/2014 9:52:27 AM ]
8/24/2014 10:20:22 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012

8/24/2014 11:26:13 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |


Euless, TX
48, joined Oct. 2010

8/24/2014 11:30:15 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |


New York, NY
62, joined Dec. 2010
I own this t-shirt and wear it with dignity!

8/24/2014 12:00:06 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
People embrace Che because they see him as having waged a heroic struggle against the widely-hated, parasitic super-rich capitalists in South America. What those who embrace Che lack is a fundamental understanding of why that struggle failed.
Really? I hate to disappoint you but he, The Che, was one of those whom you call super-rich and parasite from SA.In fact, his family continues to be one of the largest landowner in Buenos Aires....Please, I am Argentinean; the farce about the Che and his love for the poor is well known to all my country-folks.
8/24/2014 12:19:05 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |


Houston, TX
55, joined Aug. 2007
George Washington Great Grandfather of Modern Terrorism
one man's terrorist, is another man's freedom fighter.
8/24/2014 12:23:15 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |


Euless, TX
48, joined Oct. 2010

8/24/2014 12:25:30 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
George Washington Great Grandfather of Modern Terrorism
one man's terrorist, is another man's freedom fighter.
No a**hole...GW didn't target women and children or civilians.
Ones man's terrorist is a liberal's f**king hero.
8/24/2014 1:37:25 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

North York, ON
46, joined Apr. 2014
Really? I hate to disappoint you but he, The Che, was one of those whom you call super-rich and parasite from SA.In fact, his family continues to be one of the largest landowner in Buenos Aires....Please, I am Argentinean; the farce about the Che and his love for the poor is well known to all my country-folks.
Duchessa, the next time im down in your neck of the woods, im buying you some drinks
8/24/2014 2:00:44 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

Rosedale, MD
57, joined Mar. 2014
I've never met one single person who idolizes him and I'm willing to bet OP hasn't either.
Of course he won't admit it.
Just more strawman bullshit from the brainless.
8/24/2014 3:22:42 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
We continue to see the US leadership scrambling around pretending that Russia is some big threat when all they are doing is responding to a major Western aggressive move on their border.
After all, advancing to the East has been the US and NATO objective for years now, and how many times have the Rooskies threatened to nuke us if we did not stop?
If the situation were reversed, how may of the clowns in the Congress would be screaming to 'nuke Russia'? And what would someone like Hillary be saying, after she has already dropped the Hitler word on Putin?
We are seeing rising admiration all over the world for the coolness of the Russian diplomacy in the face of dealing with a bunch of dangerous Western politico-gangsters with open ties to terrorism operations.
Russia had really only two overseas bases, the Black Sea fleet in the Crimea and a small one in Syria. We can see now that someone in the Pentagon wanted to reduce that to zero by taking out Syria and the Ukraine. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the US not only has 750 overseas bases, but moves massive military power around in peace time via our navy to anyone's border that we chose...for any reason.
Do you see something a little lopsided there as to who the real threat is there, or is it just me? If people don't start screaming about this now I can't imagine what would ever make them do so.
8/24/2014 3:56:53 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |


Silver City, NM
42, joined Jul. 2013
Che rules!
8/24/2014 4:02:33 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
I don't see what causes you such hilarity...BTW, I don't drink so don't bother.
8/24/2014 4:04:58 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
I own this t-shirt and wear it with dignity!

That's the most famous of the Che's pics.
8/24/2014 4:12:34 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
See, guys...os very easy "to worry about the poor" while urinating in a golden bucket and having all the luxuries at the tip of the fingers....which is exactly the case of the Che.
8/24/2014 4:14:21 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

97, joined Jul. 2010
All these liberal kids in their tweens wearing their hip Guevara t-shirts don't even know he sent homosexuals and blacks to concentration camps.
Exterminating homos appears to be a Commie tradition. No surprise that those who can't even figure out what sex they are, blindly support Socialism, with it's violent history.
Even now, homos applaud Obama for creating a path for them to voluntarily register their perverted sex partners.
8/24/2014 4:21:43 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

97, joined Jul. 2010

8/24/2014 4:50:13 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

North York, ON
46, joined Apr. 2014
It makes you wonder why the world is so messed up, making people like "Che" a modern day hero, most of you Che lovers dont know a thing about this guy and what he actually stood for.
8/24/2014 7:29:13 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
It makes you wonder why the world is so messed up, making people like "Che" a modern day hero, most of you Che lovers dont know a thing about this guy and what he actually stood for.
The joke about "el Che", in my other country, is that his revolutionary behavior was caused by his Irish blood.
8/24/2014 8:37:26 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |


Silver City, NM
42, joined Jul. 2013
I am a Che lover.
Che f**king rocks!
8/24/2014 8:39:41 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
They are taking it on the chin because of a departure from capitalist principles. But don't
worry, crony capitalism will cease as well as cradle to grave entitlements.
Heh - Another minion who somehow looks at "crony capitalism" and thinks that something other than capitalists causes it. That much whipped dead horse "big government" I suppose.
People like you need to take a step back from the catchy rhetoric and think for yourselves for a minute. Government is not a being with its own agenda. Every Government serves someone. In the US, the game is rigged through the requirement to raise up to a billion dollars or more in "campaign contributions" in order to become elected. The people who deliver those satchels full of cash are the power behind your government. (Mostly) American Capitalists.
So crony Capitalism is Capitalists... But somehow it isn't Capitalism? Hopelessly faulty logic.
8/24/2014 8:41:32 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
George Washington Great Grandfather of Modern Terrorism
one man's terrorist, is another man's freedom fighter.
I was going to point out the irony of rightie minions demonizing one revolutionary and idolizing another, for tactics that were remarkably similar. 
8/24/2014 8:50:37 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
For a little perspective to point out how vapid the OP title "godfather of modern terrorism" is, let's have a look at the career of Genghis Khan, many centuries earlier:
- http://history.howstuffworks.com/history-vs-myth/genghis-khan-murder1.htm
(Interesting read, but for the intellectually lazy, Genghis had a city of almost 2 million (certainly one of the largest cities in the world in the 13th century) butchered - Every last man, woman, child, dog and cat. The population was beheaded, and their skulls put in unbelievably massive piles.
The point of such behavior was to terrorize the next cities he attacked, so they would surrender without a fight. "Resist me, and I will kill you and everyone you know."
[Edited 8/24/2014 8:52:05 PM ]
8/24/2014 8:53:37 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |
Oswego, IL
57, joined Apr. 2009
I am a Che lover.
Che f**king rocks!
So murderers rock?
8/24/2014 8:54:53 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |
Oswego, IL
57, joined Apr. 2009
I was going to point out the irony of rightie minions demonizing one revolutionary and idolizing another, for tactics that were remarkably similar. 
He was a spoiled rich man himself. He wanted to play army. He was a sadist. Need I say more?
8/24/2014 8:59:02 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from doctorchancho:
I am a Che lover.
Che f**king rocks!
Yeah, you're dumb like that. 
8/24/2014 9:01:17 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

Bellaire, OH
53, joined Apr. 2008
Quote from doctorchancho:
I am a Che lover.
Che f**king rocks!
Yeah, you're dumb like that.  That's funny? I thought Che' had "no use" for c*cksuckers like doctorche. Yet the sick f**k adores the no good motherf**ker.  
8/24/2014 9:12:23 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |
Oswego, IL
57, joined Apr. 2009
Heh - Another minion who somehow looks at "crony capitalism" and thinks that something other than capitalists causes it. That much whipped dead horse "big government" I suppose.
People like you need to take a step back from the catchy rhetoric and think for yourselves for a minute. Government is not a being with its own agenda. Every Government serves someone. In the US, the game is rigged through the requirement to raise up to a billion dollars or more in "campaign contributions" in order to become elected. The people who deliver those satchels full of cash are the power behind your government. (Mostly) American Capitalists.
So crony Capitalism is Capitalists... But somehow it isn't Capitalism? Hopelessly faulty logic.
What we are seeing now is system overload which is inevitable when these safety nets started being abused some 30-40years ago. Now we even have millions upon millions of non U.S. citizens flooding in to collect benefits.
It was never meant to be this way, the system will collapse. You cannot blame capitalism and you cannot blame corporations. Never in the history of man was it ever said that the world owes a person a living.
Ok so the government has served the poor for some time and not only our poor (U.S.citizens) but the poor of other nations to the tune of over 4 trillion dollars.
Why? U.S. corporations pay a wage and benefits, isn't it enough? I tell you this Christy Walton is an excellent example of a great businesswoman.
She is my hero.
8/24/2014 9:32:35 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |


Silver City, NM
42, joined Jul. 2013
Did somebody say "Che?"
8/24/2014 9:35:17 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
somebody might've mentioned how Che hated girlymen c*cksuckers like you.
8/24/2014 9:43:39 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |


Silver City, NM
42, joined Jul. 2013
Yeah...Jews...whatayagonna do?
Che made Satre laugh.
Think about it.
8/24/2014 11:45:49 PM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from doctorche:
Yeah...Jews...whatayagonna do?
Che made Satre laugh.
Think about it
You know the difference between acne and a jewish pedophile?
Acne waits for the boy to be 14 before it comes on his face.
8/25/2014 4:38:41 AM |
Che Guevara Godfather Of Modern Terrorism |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
I was going to point out the irony of rightie minions demonizing one revolutionary and idolizing another, for tactics that were remarkably similar. 
How many women and children did Washington murder?
Names please.