8/13/2008 11:10:53 AM |
I dont know if im allowed to be here!!! |

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 19
I dont know if im allowed to be in this group. My daughter doesnt live with me. I just need some advice. My ex is trying to keep my daughter away from me. I have joint custody but my ex has cut off all ties with me. I want to be there for my daughters first everything. First step, day of school,.... Everything. i want to be the dad not my ex's new boyfriend. Its just hard.... If im not allowed to be here thats ok .... ill go someplace else.
8/13/2008 11:39:42 AM |
I dont know if im allowed to be here!!! |

Plymouth, MI
age: 55
You've come to the right place my friend...Welcome...not sure what Family Laws are all about in Indiana but in Michigan if you have joint parentship then the other parent cannot deny you visitation of your child...take her to court...even if the other parent has sole parentship the other parent is entitled to some parenting time. My ex has supervised visits with our two little ones. I would never deny them the chance to visit with their mother but it must be supervised so that I know they would be safe.
[Edited 8/13/2008 11:40:19 AM]
8/13/2008 12:04:21 PM |
I dont know if im allowed to be here!!! |

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 19
Thanks you have no idea how good it is to hear someone say that. I just dont want to be the bad guy...i guess. But more than anything i want to see my daughter. Its hard to know your daughter is calling some other guy dad. At least thats what my ex said in an email one night.
8/13/2008 12:16:36 PM |
I dont know if im allowed to be here!!! |

Plymouth, MI
age: 55
You mentioned in your original post that you want to be there for her first step...I assume then that she is very young if that's the case her calling your ex's new beau "dad" doesn't mean anything except the hurt it inflicts on you. She is probably too young to realize what she is saying if in fact she actually did say it. Your ex may be saying that because she knows that would hurt you and that would fall right along with her denying you the right to see her...Again sounds like you are a great dad and should pursue legal action. Once again I am not familiar with the laws in your state or your particular circustances but this can be something you can follow up on without an attorney at first then if you get no results seek out groups in your area like Fathers for Equal Rights or ADAM. The right to be part of your daughters life is worth the fight.
Stay strong and Good luck
[Edited 8/13/2008 12:18:02 PM]
8/21/2008 7:02:50 PM |
I dont know if im allowed to be here!!! |

Granite City, IL
age: 49
You've come to the right place my friend...Welcome...not sure what Family Laws are all about in Indiana but in Michigan if you have joint parentship then the other parent cannot deny you visitation of your child...take her to court...even if the other parent has sole parentship the other parent is entitled to some parenting time. My ex has supervised visits with our two little ones. I would never deny them the chance to visit with their mother but it must be supervised so that I know they would be safe.

Not sure what it is in Indiana but in Illinois - Try calling the cops on her, and have her sited for interference with visitation/custody. (be sure to have the vistitation/custody decree with you at all times to show police the court order) After being sited for a while - she will have to go to court herself and tell the judge why no visitation/custody is not being allowed and will have to pay penalties. If you just take her back to court - it will cost both of you - time and money.
Let her take time off to go to court and she will change her tune after a few fines for interfering with visitation/custody.
Kids and divorce can be ugly, if one spouse decides to use the kids as controling pawn.
Sorry for your conflict - at least you want to spend time with your kids.
Best of luck
8/21/2008 7:14:46 PM |
I dont know if im allowed to be here!!! |

Vine Grove, KY
age: 32
yo can contact th epolice and file a complaint that she is keeping your daughter form you. make sure to take the custody agreement with you when yo file it. also how is it broke down in the agreement as far as who gets her when?
some states will put her in jail for that, its a court order for th ecustody and sounds like she is disobeying the court order
[Edited 8/21/2008 7:15:55 PM]
8/21/2008 8:00:28 PM |
I dont know if im allowed to be here!!! |

Rockwell City, IA
age: 45
I am a single father and have had my sons from both marriages........... If your ex is keeping your child away from you and you have dual custody/shared custody/visitation/ect. all you need do is contact the sheriff's dept and produce your paperwork from the courts. They will guide you in the right direction. Some states consider that child abduction and she can be held liable. Have a great day and good luck.
8/22/2008 5:16:21 PM |
I dont know if im allowed to be here!!! |

Mayfield, KY
age: 34
dont give up on your daughter.it is your right to be there for her.
8/22/2008 5:56:58 PM |
I dont know if im allowed to be here!!! |

Vine Grove, KY
age: 32
if yo want her you gonna have to fight for her, just make sure that it is a well informed fight
8/22/2008 10:10:11 PM |
I dont know if im allowed to be here!!! |

Painesville, OH
age: 34
you are welcome here...
Here's what you do... start taking account of everything that takes place. Start a journal and place in it receipts, times dates and names. If she goes nuts on you, even if just on the phone... write it down. Gather your arguments. There is nothing worse than trying to gain trust and collaboration on an issue that you are not prepared for. If you pay child support, make photo copies of your checks and all the receipts that you collect in buying things for your child and keep them with your documentation. Save your phone bills if they are long distance or a cell phone to show the number of times you try to connect. Build your case now. Because chances are... she's already got a plan in action... one for which may not include adoption or full custody.. but definitely one that will benefit her and her new found life.
All of this in mind... I commend you for sticking up for your family. You have no less right to be there than she does. Build you case hon. Anticipate anything that can be mentioned and build for that, too. It is a lot of work, but trust me when I say it hasn't been any less work for her. Let's just call this "putting in your share".
Best of luck.
9/9/2008 9:34:42 PM |
I dont know if im allowed to be here!!! |
Georgetown, OH
age: 54
i feel for ya brother i'm pretty much in same boat i have a 9 yr.old daughter her mother was a house keeper for me she would take care of house while i was on road she started talking about how we should get married and i told her i didn't look at her in anyway but an employee-empolyer relationship any way to shorten the story some she wound up drugging me and about 2 months later told me she was pregnant and it was mine . i swore that i had nothing to do with her till dna was done on baby it's hard telling how long she had been drugging me butbut several months later i died on way to hospital when i came home she had taken everything i had and my daughter .it took me 3 yrs to find them .while looking for them i found out she had mental problems since child hood and had done same thing to here dad and her ex husband. she sure had everyone at church fooled and they were apologetic for refering her to me as a house kepper/sitter .i filed for custody and been fighting for custody for 4 years she sends daughter about 2-3 times a year for visits but pretty much tries to keep her away from me. unfortunately even though she admitted in court that she has mental problems uses drugs and alcohol the county i live in here in ohio is one of those counties that believes that no matter what the child is better off with the mother but i still report every time she misses a visit and take her to court .the last time they told her if she missed any more visits she would be going to jail. we will see if they do cause in last 3 months she has missed 3 visits the last one missed was this past weekend.good luck and power to ya your in my prayers  
9/13/2008 12:07:48 AM |
I dont know if im allowed to be here!!! |

San Diego, CA
age: 43
50 % Vagina 50 % Penis = 100% beautiful child…
Ok~ so that was a bit harsh, my point is, unless there is one parent (or both) who is completely unsuitable then 50/ 50 should apply.
It seems that in a lot of instances’ one parent try’s to remove the child from the other. One of the posters here made a suggestion as to keeping a log, if you have not yet started doing that then GET ON IT! This is going to be a valuable tool in the event this becomes ‘ugly’ ~ as most custody battles are tumultuous.
Second, go take a parenting class; normally you can find a ten week course for around $100.00. BELIEVE ME, THE JUDGES EAT THAT UP, as this will look good on your resume’.
Mean while file a OSC (order to show cause) and make sure that you ‘log’ (or dairy) is inclusive thereto. In your OSC you want to file as the ‘PLAINTIFF’ your OSC shall include but not be limited to PRIMARY, LEGAL, PHYSICAL custody, (nothing short thereof.)
Yes this may seem like a lot (and it is) but, you have to do it, also you want to ask your self ‘and the court’ in your (OSC) “that it is your believe that this (your) child is deserving of both parents”! That said it seems there are more and more people who tend to use their children as PAWNS or ‘BARTERS’ in this situation, Please don’t allow this to happen.
Advocate for Children and Parents
9/13/2008 8:13:39 PM |
I dont know if im allowed to be here!!! |

Troutman, NC
age: 41
Hi . I have 2 teenage boys. I would never keep them from their dad. They will only call him dad and NO ONE ELSE! You need to go to court and get everything in writing. Make sure your child surport goes in thur the courts so she cant say you arent paying. Checks and cash, she can say it was for something else. Do not give up . You are one of the good ones. You are and daddy not a father. Anyone can be a father. It takes a true man to a daddy. Good luck. lanie
9/15/2008 6:38:47 AM |
I dont know if im allowed to be here!!! |
Hillsdale, NJ
age: 42
You do belong here. You have every right to fight to see your daughter especially so young. Speak with a lawyer there is plenty of help i'm sure for you. Sounds like you're ex is just using your daughter to get back at you and thats not right. It has nothing to do with her. Keep the faith it will work out for you.
9/23/2008 2:54:26 PM |
I dont know if im allowed to be here!!! |

Tifton, GA
age: 27
i just wanted to put this out there for any other dads having a problem like this...
i dated a guy a few years ago that was the child in a situation like this. his mother moved across the country from his dad and wouldn't let the dad speak to him or his sisters. eventually the dad lost contact with them (couldn't find them anymore). meanwhile, the mother had his parental rights terminated wihtout his knowledge and someone else adopted those kids. she told the judge she didn't know where the dad was and that the last she heard he was living in atlanta (he was actually about 150 miles south of atlanta in the same house they lived in while married) and she put a notice in the legal section about terminating parental rights. it was in the atlanta paper so of course, he didn't see it (not that anyone regularly reads those). anyway, the guy i dated eventually found his father but he was 30+ before he did.
my point is this: dont wait too long to take a woman to court or call the sheriff if she is denying you visitation. some women dont realize how lucky they are to have a father who loves his kids. all they can think of is how he hurt her and how she can get him back.