8/20/2008 7:37:10 AM |
Is there such a thing as a soul mate? |

Fayetteville, NC
age: 33
I met a great guy. He was cute, sweet, funny and very spontaneous. He could be the life of a party or happy just sitting home with his girl watching the simpsons and playing video games together. We'd do wild and crazy things on the fly and then poof. He's gone. No he didn't leave me, he died beside me on one of our outings.
Then you meet someone, who is exactly like him in everyway, especially since they look incredibly the same but he is younger. He's got all the same great qualitites, but because your heart already fell for him once, you find yourself falling for a poor guy that has no clue why you feel so strongly. I've spent so much time comparing guys to this dream, that I finally find a guy that has the same personality and my friends say the same face.
Do you get more than one soulmate? or is there even such a thing?
8/20/2008 8:25:15 AM |
Is there such a thing as a soul mate? |

Newnan, GA
age: 47
The love of my life was killed by guerills soldiers in Costa Rica back in the 80s... Collateral damage courtesy of Reagan's interference in Nicaragua... We were so perfectly matched in every way. I've "settled" since then & been married & divorced... but I'm still looking for that kind of relationship.
First, you have to stop comparing other men to him. You aren't looking for "him," you're looking for a relationship & the feeling you get from being in that relationship.
Second, I believe each of us has a mate out there - and more than one... It's been more than 20 years & I still haven't found that perfect mate for me again... but I believe I will... It just takes time & meeting lots of people... You can't give up...
It helps to understand the different personality types & disover what is attractive to you. Balance is important - physical appearance, no matter how good or bad, cannot offset a conflicting personality.
Learn to understand yourself & your desires better. Then you will be able to discern which men hold a true attraction for you, not who can substitute for the love you lost.

8/20/2008 8:27:41 AM |
Is there such a thing as a soul mate? |
Maricopa, AZ
age: 55
Topeshka????......My son is leaving for Costa Rica this Sat....Do I have anything to worry about????............Sea
[Edited 8/20/2008 8:28:45 AM]
8/20/2008 8:32:38 AM |
Is there such a thing as a soul mate? |

Newnan, GA
age: 47
Sea ... this occured in 1985 during the Iran/Contra thing... We were living in Mexico but working with Peace Corps... Guerillas hijacked his bus, machine-gunned the whole PC team & 4 nuns who were on board. Bus was later found abandoned in Nicaragua... Costa Rica is not so dangerous these days, far as I hear. However, one must keep their head about them at all times traveling abroad. Throughout the entire Central/South American region (esp. Venezuela, Bolivia), the trend is to kidnap American tourists & hold for ransom... Just tell him to keep constantly aware of his surroundings & not to be partying or drinking alcohol in any clubs... He should be fine if he keeps a good head on his shoulders... Traveling alone is not recommended...

8/20/2008 8:39:20 AM |
Is there such a thing as a soul mate? |
Maricopa, AZ
age: 55
He's going with 3 others and they plan on doing some serious backpacking...should I call the US embassy?? to let them know these guys are going to be out there??...OOps sorry OP..Off topic....Sea
[Edited 8/20/2008 8:40:25 AM]
8/20/2008 9:26:43 AM |
Is there such a thing as a soul mate? |

Caliente, CA
age: 50
A soul mate can be a friend or a lover. I have friends that I connect with in a very deep, emotional way-yet we are not nor ever will be lovers. I also have had lovers that are not and never will be my soul mate. Is there a perfect balance out there, I hope so. So if you don't mind...I'll keep playing the numbers.
8/20/2008 9:45:30 AM |
Is there such a thing as a soul mate? |

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 41
Soulmates often share very compatible vibrations, yet sometimes you may find they come into your life to help you learn something about yourself. There are many different arrangements and agreements between soulmates; and it is very exciting to go through one's life and to see how many soulmates one can attract.
It is quite possible to have many soulmates. It is unusual to only have one. The confusion sometimes exists within ourselves when we think that there is primarily only one and we only have one chance to ever meet them, and if we miss that chance, then we are alone forever for the rest of our life. This is not the case. We are beings that exist eternally; therefore, we have had many relationships in many different realms. Through these expressions, we have created many agreements, and we have created many successful combinations of relationships that seek to continue to learn, grow, and play together. There are many possibilities for creating and finding a soulmate, to know and to express as a soulmate as well.
Soulmates do exist. Soulmates are real. You can know this if you go into your heart and feel whom you are. If you go into your heart and feel yourself fully, you can tell that your nature is a soul mate vibration as well. Otherwise, you wouldn't be wondering if there is a fantastic relationship out there for you! If you question whether soulmates are real then you are assured that they are, and your quest for finding a soulmate is the first step in creating one.
So answer your question, Yes Indeed!
Love & Light
8/20/2008 9:52:46 AM |
Is there such a thing as a soul mate? |

Newnan, GA
age: 47
Soulmates often share very compatible vibrations, yet sometimes you may find they come into your life to help you learn something about yourself. There are many different arrangements and agreements between soulmates; and it is very exciting to go through one's life and to see how many soulmates one can attract.
It is quite possible to have many soulmates. It is unusual to only have one. The confusion sometimes exists within ourselves when we think that there is primarily only one and we only have one chance to ever meet them, and if we miss that chance, then we are alone forever for the rest of our life. This is not the case. We are beings that exist eternally; therefore, we have had many relationships in many different realms. Through these expressions, we have created many agreements, and we have created many successful combinations of relationships that seek to continue to learn, grow, and play together. There are many possibilities for creating and finding a soulmate, to know and to express as a soulmate as well.
Soulmates do exist. Soulmates are real. You can know this if you go into your heart and feel whom you are. If you go into your heart and feel yourself fully, you can tell that your nature is a soul mate vibration as well. Otherwise, you wouldn't be wondering if there is a fantastic relationship out there for you! If you question whether soulmates are real then you are assured that they are, and your quest for finding a soulmate is the first step in creating one.
So answer your question, Yes Indeed!
Love & Light
Excellent essay by an eloquent man!!! I believe the idea that we should mate with one individual for life is not the way the universe originally designed us... 
8/20/2008 10:40:48 AM |
Is there such a thing as a soul mate? |
Ft Mitchell, KY
age: 43
the number one thing on almost every womans wish list is finding the man of her dream,her soul mate.How does one know when that special someone comes waltzing into her live? Theres no such thing as a perfect relationship.Sure every relationship starts out with a bang.The newness,getting to know the person and just the passion that explodes the first few times.As two people get to know each other and become comfortable with one another their relationship began to change.However,when youre with your soulmate,your relationship doesnt change,it gets stronger by the day.It is true that it takes time for love to build between two people.I truely believe that when you meet that special someone that you are destined to be with in life,there is an unspoken bond between those two people from the moment they meet.It is a certainty that only happen once in a lifetime.Usually it happens when you least expected and when it happens you are swept off your feet in a totally different dimension.A relationship build on love,communication,and understanding.Would you willing to risk your own life to save her?If this is so,then you have indeed met your life long companion,your SOUL MATE.No one can replace her in your heart
8/20/2008 6:41:10 PM |
Is there such a thing as a soul mate? |

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 41
How do you know you have met your soulmate? Here's some insight!
There are significant signs of which to pay attention. Most often, you have met a Soul Mate when you feel a familiarity that seems to surpass casual connection. You may feel a sense of familiarity and begin to wonder where you have met them before or you might even wonder whom they remind you of. You may see them and feel you must glance back at them a second time to try to place them in your life. This is one way you may recognize a soulmate.
You will also know that you have met a soulmate if there is something particular about them and you just can't put your finger on it, but you keep trying trying to understand what it might be as you attempt to gain a deeper sense of their essence. You also may know you have met a Soulmate if you feel a desire to know them deeper and you are eager to ask them more questions to help yourself understand what you are feeling.
Another sign that you have met a soulmate is when you stand next to them and feel so very peaceful. You know you have met a Soul Mate when you are standing next to them and you also feel excited at the same time. When you look into their eyes, and and you see yourself, now that is a grand soulmate. So, there are many signs that suggest you have been together before and that your meeting is placed before you for a reason.
Love & light
8/20/2008 7:13:06 PM |
Is there such a thing as a soul mate? |
Dayton, OH
age: 24
If you can hold someones hand without even looking at them and know how they feel about you, If you can look into your partners eye's and see the love that they have for you deep inside them, If you think about them when they're not around and it brings a smile to your face, If you know that you'll never be as happy as you are now unless your with them, then maybe there are soul mates. and maybe everything happens for a reason. All I can say is that if you love him...... love him. happiness isn't in the things that you say and do, Its in the hearts of the people you care about and what they say and do.
8/20/2008 7:46:32 PM |
Is there such a thing as a soul mate? |

Henderson, NV
age: 53
There is such a thing as a soul mate, I have thought I found mine a couple times and was hurt. Don't give up that feeling can and will come again just realize it will not be the same each time.

8/21/2008 3:25:45 PM |
Is there such a thing as a soul mate? |

Greenwood, SC
age: 30
8/21/2008 8:11:17 PM |
Is there such a thing as a soul mate? |

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 41
There is such a thing as a soul mate, I have thought I found mine a couple times and was hurt. Don't give up that feeling can and will come again just realize it will not be the same each time.

Sometimes we think we have found the soulmate, but it is not so, the feeling is completely different.
8/21/2008 8:13:36 PM |
Is there such a thing as a soul mate? |

Fredericksburg, VA
age: 51
Of course there is and it's in your and and theirs.You just have to meet up with that other heart!!!  