9/2/2008 10:46:25 AM |
i could use some help |

Barnett, MO
age: 19
ok my ex wants me to sighn over my rights to her bfand i know it would easier on the baby but i really don't want to because then i would have to trust her to let me see the baby can anyone help me
9/2/2008 11:08:26 AM |
i could use some help |
Newcastle West
age: 29
Hi ..
How are you...If i was with you i would not sign over any rights....if your ex wants you to share responsibilty for your child she would not want you to sign over any rights at this time...Please do not sign anything...You could find yourself left out in the cold with reguards to your child.
Hope i am of some help to u....
Take Care...
9/2/2008 11:15:30 AM |
i could use some help |

Barnett, MO
age: 19
Hi ..
How are you...If i was with you i would not sign over any rights....if your ex wants you to share responsibilty for your child she would not want you to sign over any rights at this time...Please do not sign anything...You could find yourself left out in the cold with reguards to your child.
Hope i am of some help to u....
Take Care...  she promised i could see the baby when ever i want and ithink i can trust her
9/2/2008 11:20:38 AM |
i could use some help |
Newcastle West
age: 29
HI t.j...
If she is letting u see the baby whenever u wanted why does she need you to sign your rights over...Please dont think i am trying to say dont trust her..I just am trying to say be careful....Sometimes its not til its too late that you might regret your decision....
9/2/2008 12:13:17 PM |
i could use some help |

Houston, TX
age: 25
Hi ....i wanted to weigh in on your situation...........my x doesnt have anything to do with kids.....and i am trying to get him to sign over his rights..........i know you may take care of your child but the whole reason i want him to do this is because i dont want to have to deal with him anymore. so make sure she has no motives behind this decision, because once you do this she doesnt have to let you see the baby. My advise to you is if you want rights......whether you trust her or not......dont sign the papers. Woman can be spiteful when the want to and if she decides she is mad at you one day....she could decide to use this situation to her advantage. Weigh all your options, then make a decision.
9/2/2008 5:43:47 PM |
i could use some help |
Owensboro, KY
age: 41
I do not recommend you sign away your rights. My kids dad tried to do that to avoid paying support. The court did not let him but my kids resent him for it. It's your baby, so take a stand, pay your support and exercise your visitation. It WILL get easier, I assure you.
9/2/2008 5:51:13 PM |
i could use some help |

Hamilton, OH
age: 22
dont im a dad and she has custody of my son and that sucks you will regret that do you really want some other guy raising your son and sitting round wondering if he doing a good job and nice to him if you have visitation of him you know your kid will tell you
9/2/2008 6:07:55 PM |
i could use some help |

Bayfield, CO
age: 31
Don't do it. She may let you see your child for a while, but the first time you guys have an arguement or anything bad happens, you'll probably never see your baby again. If you truly want to be there for your baby and be in his/her life then do it and don't sign the papers!! What is her reason for you to sign over your rights anyway? Something don't sound right....best of luck!
9/2/2008 6:15:14 PM |
i could use some help |

Painesville, OH
age: 34
I'm with everyone else on this one. Has she given you a reason for her wanting you to sign over your rights? I wouldn't think to even ask for that unless I had a perfectly good reason (for myself) in doing so. You'll need to get to the root cause and figure out what you want to do from there.
Best of luck to you.
9/2/2008 11:30:23 PM |
i could use some help |

Barnett, MO
age: 19
Don't do it. She may let you see your child for a while, but the first time you guys have an arguement or anything bad happens, you'll probably never see your baby again. If you truly want to be there for your baby and be in his/her life then do it and don't sign the papers!! What is her reason for you to sign over your rights anyway? Something don't sound right....best of luck!
her reason is that she knows i don't have much money and she don't want to take the little i have
9/2/2008 11:31:52 PM |
i could use some help |

Barnett, MO
age: 19
thank you all for your help it means alot to me
9/3/2008 12:02:12 AM |
i could use some help |

Ogden, UT
age: 24
I am going through the same thing but getting down to brass tax we are not together anymore. If I sign those papers and make her angry for some reason I may never see my kids again.
9/3/2008 9:43:49 AM |
i could use some help |

Barnett, MO
age: 19
did you talk to your mother, it is better than strangers
i try but my mom is telling me to just for get about the baby
i willn't do that like i told my x i'm not a runner and i willn't turn in to one the baby may not be out yet but i already love her
9/3/2008 10:42:28 AM |
i could use some help |

Barnett, MO
age: 19
what if i get a added part to the papers saying that if i sight over my rights she still as to let my see the baby what do you think will that work
9/3/2008 11:42:12 AM |
i could use some help |

Denver, CO
age: 41
from a legal point of view...if you sign anything, you will sign ALL of your rights away and she will be able to do as she pleases
when that baby is older and you decide you want visitation rights for the weekends...you will have a very very difficult battle ahead of you.
If you hope to be in that baby's future...do NOT sign anything. Even if in the future she decides not to let you see the baby, you can get court ordered visitation and she wont be able to stop it.