9/4/2008 9:05:00 PM |
I need help soon plz |
Bedford, NH
age: 20
 hey girls i dont know what to do my ex wants to go back out w me but i dont know what do bc he is homeless and i have a son w him and i love him sometimes but iv been giveing his freind money to give to him and now he wants to see me and my son but his been not ther at all and i dont know what to do i do love him and i do feel bad and i dont want my son to acked like him when he is older so if you can help me
thank you
9/4/2008 9:23:54 PM |
I need help soon plz |

Lake Elsinore, CA
age: 22
Sweetie, why did he become your ex in the first place? There is always a reason. Is it worth going back??
9/4/2008 9:33:03 PM |
I need help soon plz |
Bedford, NH
age: 20
bc i hade my son but its sad when my son wants a dad and do things w and cant i mene i feel bad for him so i give him like lots of money
9/4/2008 9:46:48 PM |
I need help soon plz |

Lake Elsinore, CA
age: 22
Sounds to me like the dad just wants a sugar momma, Do you have any brother's or friends who could take your son somewhere. His dad can still be his dad, but he doesn't have to be with you to do it.
9/4/2008 9:49:32 PM |
I need help soon plz |
Ogden, UT
age: 49
Honestly, you are not helping him by giving him a lot of money to do whatever he pleases. Your responsibility is with your son, hon. If your ex whom you love needs help...give him a room in your house but he needs to participate in the household to show good example to your son. If you continue to give him money....you are enabling his bad habits and who will your son blame? Been there, done that........your priority first is you and your son. Let your ex be a man on his own but with your encouraging words only. Please, hon, don't help your ex drown in pitiful place. R
9/8/2008 7:03:49 AM |
I need help soon plz |

Jasper, GA
age: 49

Be VERY carefull if you offer him a room in your house. Each state has their own laws, but it may become very difficult to get him to leave when you want. And I'm talking about having to step throught the legal hoops just to evict him.
Give him moral support and not money. As long as you keep giving him money, he will expect it. I know it's hard not to help someone, especially when it is someone who you used to love and still have some feelings for, but don't be too eager to hand out anymore money. It may bite you in the butt in the long run. He isn't going to better himself and stand on his own two feet if you are carrying him.
As they say, staying with spouse/mate because of the children is not a good idea. You have to think of the enviroment the child is exposed to and you mentioned you don't want your son to grow up and act like him(his father). The children are the innocent ones that are put into the situation without able to voice their opinions. They are at our mercy. We have to look out for them.
Good luck. Hope we have been able to help you.
9/8/2008 1:17:40 PM |
I need help soon plz |

Bakersfield, CA
age: 27
please just focus on your little boy, instead of giving your money to your ex use that money 2 do something good 4 your son. buy him school clothes or take him 2 his favorite place your sons the 1 that`s gonna be in your life forever dont mess him up over some guy that takes money from a lady and a child is better off with a good mother and have no dad than a whipped mom sticking around with a loser trust me on this your sons well being comes before yours cause your his mom that chose 2 bring him into this world so forget how you feel about your love life that`s why i dont have children and i`m 27 cause once you bring another life into this world it`s not about you anymore best wishes 2 you and your little guy
9/8/2008 8:56:15 PM |
I need help soon plz |
Bedford, NH
age: 20
i moved form ny so now im liveing w my mom and dad and thay hate him bc he is older and i gave him an old cell phone long time ago and he lost it so my mom and dad wont let him in my home and i dont want to see him bc i dont want to give him money but i kinda want him to see him but i dont knoew i mene i knoew he is a a** and everything i dont like
thank you so much this is helping me
9/15/2008 3:37:26 AM |
I need help soon plz |

Yonkers, NY
age: 57
  hey girls i dont know what to do my ex wants to go back out w me but i dont know what do bc he is homeless and i have a son w him and i love him sometimes but iv been giveing his freind money to give to him and now he wants to see me and my son but his been not ther at all and i dont know what to do i do love him and i do feel bad and i dont want my son to acked like him when he is older so if you can help me
thank you 
Experience tells me to keep the past in the past. Find someone worth of you.
9/15/2008 6:53:50 AM |
I need help soon plz |

Fresno, CA
age: 63
Go with the Duchess' advice. The easy road is not always the high road, and we all need to do our best to stay on
the high road.