9/6/2008 1:17:41 PM |
Physical attraction? |

Braidwood, IL
age: 47
Does it matter, if he is 3' or 6'?
I'm not into midgets so don't think that. But physical
doesn't do it for me.
Am I wrong???
9/6/2008 4:24:54 PM |
Physical attraction? |


Sacramento, CA
age: 63
There must be the sexual attraction for a relationship to begin, to flourish. Please tell us a bit more of what you
are thinking here, I am not sure exactly. Alice
9/6/2008 7:18:14 PM |
Physical attraction? |
Ogden, UT
age: 49
Love is blind?
9/6/2008 7:28:38 PM |
Physical attraction? |

Braidwood, IL
age: 47

Evening ladies...
I'm not talking sexual attraction. I'm strictly talking
physical. I'm just thinkin, does it matter what HE looks
like? Really? Isn't it more important what's inside then
out. Yes, love is blind. I'm not even talking about love.
I'm just saying...if he doesn't actually make me
physically throw up...I would think, I could be his friend.
And then, be open to the possiblities. Even if he was troll
9/6/2008 7:42:24 PM |
Physical attraction? |


Sacramento, CA
age: 63
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder? Whenever I care about anyone, I see his physical beauty. And, we all notice
different things. I really like voices, soft ones on women, clear ones, men who love the English language and know
how to use it. Love a wide vocabulary. So, to someone else, they could care less. It's very personal, the
way we see others. A good movie about this topic is the French movie "Too Beautiful for You". If you can
find it, I recommend it. Great movie for discussion.
9/7/2008 2:54:38 PM |
Physical attraction? |


Anacortes, WA
age: 20
physicall attraction i don't think is nessacary, besides the more i kno and like someone the better looking they become. to me anyway
10/28/2008 8:14:31 AM |
Physical attraction? |
Harrisonburg, VA
age: 42
Why is everyone so worried about looks?The eyes are tha window to tha soul jus look into his eyes.
10/28/2008 2:51:45 PM |
Physical attraction? |

Millington, TN
age: 56
Physical attraction should not matter, but to a man it must matter. I have met alot of men in my life and all the want it seem to young pretty girl with a little figure. I am still hoping that one day the right man will come alone and that doesn't matter that must to him. I was talking to a guy on another site and we talk alot until i posted my picture. I told him that i was 55 years old. He told me that it was only a number but when i did post my picture the e-mails stop coming and he would not write me back. Some men now days are so phonely. They will tell you anything but the true. they will tell you how nice you are and that we have alot in common until they see your picture
10/28/2008 6:55:05 PM |
Physical attraction? |


Sacramento, CA
age: 63
I had not one date in high school, and yes, good looks do get a person "looked at", man, woman, or beast!
Growing in a relationship and in oneself has nothing to do with looks, since looks, like all things, are impermanent.
As a Buddhist, I hear this over and over at church. If one can take it to heart, it will bring some peace of mind.
Many people have lived and died on this planet... I find if I care less what others think of me, I am more free.
It does not mean that someone might not have something I should listen to, and something I need to pay
attention to! But if I can ignore their judgements, that is freedom. Also, would you really want one of those
men who only want "younger, slimmer, richer?" I don't think so...I know there is someone for you, who will
enjoy you and love you just as you are.
10/28/2008 7:26:35 PM |
Physical attraction? |
North Bergen, NJ
age: 59
The first thing between two people is a physicl atteaction, but there is more to the person. I like tall men, 6 foot of better, but that does not mean I would not date or get involved with a man who was 5'6". That being said I look for who the person is, what eminates fron within.
10/28/2008 9:08:24 PM |
Physical attraction? |
Lafayette, IN
age: 59
Evening ladies...
I'm not talking sexual attraction. I'm strictly talking
physical. I'm just thinkin, does it matter what HE looks
like? Really? Isn't it more important what's inside then
out. Yes, love is blind. I'm not even talking about love.
I'm just saying...if he doesn't actually make me
physically throw up...I would think, I could be his friend.
And then, be open to the possiblities. Even if he was troll
Some of the men I loved the dearest were not particularly physically attractive but their inner beauty was like a beacon to me. I couldn't even tell you what physical traits appeal to me the most. Yes, I like them to be clean and groomed but height, color of hair, eyes, style of dress - none of that matters nearly as much as the inner person.
However, the way a person takes care of themself tells you a lot about their outlook on life. A person doesn't have to have money to be clean or tidy up their beards. Soap can smell as good as any expensive cologne and a smile and twinkly eyes are real heart-tuggers.
A fellow who walks around with greasy hair and bad breath, who farts and belches in the presence of others on a regular basis, isn't likely someone who is considerate and thoughtful of others.
Some people don't have the money to take care of their teeth and that's something that is hard to look past sometimes. Some people have health issues requiring certain medications that affect their weight and alertness.
All I can say is look for that inner light shining through.
11/2/2008 9:46:41 AM |
Physical attraction? |
Minneapolis, MN
age: 42
Physical attraction must matter. I met a man who thought we would be great together beacuse we had so much in common and he said he liked my looks, but after one kiss he decided that we couldn't be any more then friends. Why can't a man at least give it try? One kiss and it is over. The story of my life.
11/4/2008 5:23:22 AM |
Physical attraction? |
Harrisonburg, VA
age: 42
You ladies that have had an experience that is bad like this are not meeting gentlemen.I'm not being smart but you need to start looking else where when meeting these so called "MEN".There are really good men out there i have met a few.The one's i have met know how to treat a lady like a true lady.If you are meeting thses men on this site you should try a couple other sites if you email me i will let you know which sites to go on there are two that are really good.
11/4/2008 7:05:10 AM |
Physical attraction? |
Grundy, VA
age: 42
There must be the sexual attraction for a relationship to begin, to flourish. I totally agree. Everyone has different things about people that they like. I can not make myself like fall for s oemone who I am not physically atracted to.
11/5/2008 5:37:38 PM |
Physical attraction? |

San Antonio, TX
age: 42
if men are not physically attracted to a woman,why wanna have sex?i believe if theres no physical attraction and no chemistry whats the point.