9/18/2008 4:12:31 PM |
Please People |

Tucson, AZ
age: 25
Well I had a horrible day and usually that wouldn't be anyone eles problem however I am ready to rant and rave now! I am a server and for the last few months with our economy the way it is, people haven't stop coming to our resturants but they have stopped tipping. People need to realize we get paid 3/hr and work very hard hours. Its horrible to work all day and walk home with 20 bucks because people think tipping 10% is okay, well its not. If you do not have the money to tip get your own damm food and don't bother wasting my time! When I go out even if i get an order to go I never EVER tip less than the price of a gallon of gas for that persons time. So I feel better please tell me people here know how to tip!
9/18/2008 6:30:13 PM |
Please People |
Phoenix, AZ
age: 28
WOW! tell us how you really feel I understand where your coming from, it's not cool to do that to your server so if that's one of YOU reading this, then shame on you ... Hope your day gets better!
9/18/2008 10:10:49 PM |
Please People |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 30
Your rant reminded me of the dialogue in the opening scene of reservior dogs...it's a great, however gritty, argument about tipping.....
Check it out at you tube under the title Tip for Tippers.
Mr. Pink is my favorite character throughout : )
9/19/2008 5:01:26 PM |
Please People |

Mesa, AZ
age: 52
I give 15% at a self serve ( all you can eat ) place, and 20% at real nice places. I know times are bad now.
9/20/2008 2:56:36 AM |
Please People |

Tucson, AZ
age: 32
hey, iknow how waitin on peeps is, i used to do it for a while. you gotta read people, what do you think they want, ask them about their day. i would serve as if i were sittin at the table. yeah there are alota jerks but you take it w/ a smile. as myself i tip a shitload, sometimes depending on service 100% you never know who your serving. always be cool. my bigest tip as a bartender was a franky. that was cool. anyway hope things get beter
9/20/2008 8:25:02 AM |
Please People |
Braidwood, IL
age: 47
Ah.....the server.....
One of the most unappreciated jobs in the world. They make
the least amount of money per hour than anyone on the planet,
yet work to make YOUR meal and experience enjoyable. Sad that
people don't realize, servers must pay the rent, feed the child
and survive on basically nothing. They get blamed for a poor
meal, even tho they didn't cook it, they get blamed for poor
service, even tho they didn't schedule it. Have you ever actually
sat and watched your server on a busy friday night? They literally
run hither and yon to please everyone. And surprisingly, still
manage to fake that smile for you. Bless you poor barking feet!
May I fill YOUR cup?
9/20/2008 6:42:55 PM |
Please People |
Phoenix, AZ
age: 27
Your rant reminded me of the dialogue in the opening scene of reservior dogs...it's a great, however gritty, argument about tipping.....
Check it out at you tube under the title Tip for Tippers.
Mr. Pink is my favorite character throughout : )
one of my favorite movies.....good call and a great point
9/21/2008 10:10:51 AM |
Please People |
Mesquite, NV
age: 51
I sympathize, but feel that part of your frustration should be directed to restaurant owners.. THEY should pay a decent wage rather than relying on patrons to cover for them....
9/21/2008 1:02:35 PM |
Please People |

Tucson, AZ
age: 25
then you would have to pay alot more than you do now 
9/21/2008 1:43:29 PM |
Please People |
Mesquite, NV
age: 51
Sure, price of the meal would go up, but amount of the tip would go down (and be reserved for "exceptional service" .. should balance out...
9/21/2008 10:42:13 PM |
Please People |

Chandler, AZ
age: 20
Running a restraunt is just like any other business in America. The business sells a product or service in which you the customer pay money to have.
Places such as IHop, Village Inn, Denny's or any other chain restraunt buy low quality foods in bulk, which means they get it for CHEAP. Then they simply put the price right up.
The food they sell is designed to taste good and frankly they could'nt give a sh*t about the nutrition or what they are putting in the foods just as long as customers enjoy it and/or are willing to pay for it.
Restraunts have always LOVED tipping because you the customer are paying not only for over priced poor quality food but your tipping the extra of what they should be paying the waiter in the first place.
These restraunts should ALREADY be paying their workers a descent wage but they get away with it because of this idea you need to tip the workers.
Tipping is for ABOVE and BEYOND service. We are talking about service in which the waiter really proved to you that he or she deserves a tip for their hardwork.
EVEN at more professional restraunts it makes no difference. You the customer are PAYING for your food. The waiter should be getting paid to perform a job just like any other job in America.
Yeah so as much as I agree it sucks to be in your position I would suggest finding a different line of work that has steady pay because it's really not anybodys fault for the restraunt not paying you better.
9/22/2008 6:22:48 AM |
Please People |

Tempe, AZ
age: 26
no to be harsh but i tip based on service if its bad i leave a bad tip if its mediocre i leave a mediocre tip if its good hell ill give 50%. oh and adding it onto a bill will get you less of a tip too
9/22/2008 11:06:31 PM |
Please People |

Overgaard, AZ
age: 61
OK, I am a cook with 4 and sometime 7 servers at a time.It's my job to prepare a good and attractive meal as fast as I can.I take pride in every meal I serve and it gets very frustrating for a server to come back and say this is cold or soggy when they've been chit chatting for 10 minutes.Or they write a ticket only they can decode and something isn't right.
The cook "very seldom" gets a tip but we sure catch hell if the food is cold or ill prepared because you can't decode the ticket or the food sits for 10 minutes.I see some servers walk out with 150.00 to 200.oo a night and the cook gets his 10.00 to 15.00 an hr. for a 6 hr shift.So for all the servers out there, here's a tip "Don't piss off the cook"
9/23/2008 8:23:11 AM |
Please People |
Maricopa, AZ
age: 56
hun..I have been in the restruant business for 40 yrs....It is not like the good days and far from it...But on the tipping....no one Has to tip....but one thing I have noticed here in Az...the customer service here in Az is diffinitely not at it's best..Sea
9/24/2008 10:56:37 PM |
Please People |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 46
FYI, Just so you know. This is some information I found at the Industrial commission of Arizona website. This information should actually be posted somewhere in your workplace.
For an employee who customarily and regularly receives tips or gratuities, an employer may pay a wage up to $3.00 per hour less than the minimum wage. This means that an employer must pay not less than $3.90 per hour in direct wages for a tipped employee. If, however, an employee’s tips combined with the employer’s direct wages do not equal the Arizona minimum hourly wage, then the employer must make up the difference.
You may want to discuss this with your employer. If you're a good employee they may work with you to make up the difference.