9/20/2008 5:14:28 PM |
What Kind of Atheist are you? |
Lakewood, OH
age: 40
1. Agnosticism |
2. Epistemology |
3. Atheism |
4. Humanism |
5. Nihilism |
6. Satanism |
It occurs to me that non-religious people also need different denominations, as all seem to be flying the flag of Atheism where that might not always apply.
Agnosticism: Believe the truth is unknown.
Epistemology: Belief in knowledge.
Atheism: Disbelief in god or gods.
Humanism: Disbelief in anything "supernatural".
Nihilism: Belief in nothing, existence is without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value.
Satanism: Belief in evil
9/21/2008 2:00:51 PM |
What Kind of Atheist are you? |
Southbridge, MA
age: 42
I'd have to say that I don't believe in anything I can't see,touch,feel or percieve in some manner.BUT I am hopefull that I may be wrong,and will respect others viewpoints as long as they aren't purpously harming someone else.
9/21/2008 5:56:46 PM |
What Kind of Atheist are you? |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 25
Epistemology, although I do not like your definition of it. It is far more complicated, for the purpose of generalizing I'll accept it.
9/22/2008 3:09:29 AM |
What Kind of Atheist are you? |
Lakewood, OH
age: 40
Epistemology, although I do not like your definition of it. It is far more complicated, for the purpose of generalizing I'll accept it.
Yeah, I had never really heard of it before myself, just came across it checking on the others so thought I'd include it.
If you have more information please enlighten us.
9/22/2008 9:38:28 PM |
What Kind of Atheist are you? |

age: 41
Epistemology, although I do not like your definition of it. It is far more complicated, for the purpose of generalizing I'll accept it.
I would also say that all of these forms of non-belief are much more complicated, but a one-liner was never going be enough.
Humanism is also much more complicated, but a little slack would need to cut for all of these definitions 
10/1/2008 12:20:45 PM |
What Kind of Atheist are you? |

Olympia, WA
age: 29
Though, honestly I could attend a service at any of these Atheist "churches". 
10/1/2008 3:50:52 PM |
What Kind of Atheist are you? |

Waxahachie, TX
age: 41
I'll have to go with Agosticism only due to the lack of evedence of a god or gods, there may be something out there that to us may seem a god but until we know for sure I am in doubt. I call myself an atheist becouse agnostic gives the wrong impression I don't want people thinking I'm on the fence about it.
10/9/2008 2:24:16 PM |
What Kind of Atheist are you? |

Southampton, PA
age: 22
Humanism is the most befitting philosophy for me.
10/15/2008 9:38:43 PM |
What Kind of Atheist are you? |

Groveland, FL
age: 18
it's a almost a tie between Epistemology and Nihilism, but Epistemology wins
Nihilism becaus I've pondered a million times and still, I see a world that repeats itself everyday without explanation
10/16/2008 1:41:22 PM |
What Kind of Atheist are you? |
Naperville, IL
age: 19
I consider myself a humanist... and I'd add to the definition you put there, belief that individual self-actualization is the #1 'goal' of life, I guess you'd say. Clumsily worded, but there you go.
10/17/2008 7:36:32 PM |
What Kind of Atheist are you? |

Mebane, NC
age: 46
Epistemology , Nihilism and especially Satanism do not fit into this poll.
Agnostics sit the fence so to speak or could be refered to as weak Atheist whereas a strong Atheist denies any god or goddess that can not be proven and confirmed. Thus far that number is 0.
When you ask what type of Atheist are you, there are only two choices weak and strong Atheism.
10/18/2008 12:59:56 AM |
What Kind of Atheist are you? |
Bradenton, FL
age: 24
MY belief on this is that IF there is some higher power and he/she/whatever is ALL knowing and ALL powerful then he/she/whatever knows that I've tried to the best of my abilities to lead a good life. IF this "higher power" has any issues with that, well then we'll have all eternity to hash out our differant opinions. Not sure what group that might fit into (maybe Agnosticism) but it's my 2 cents on the topic.
10/18/2008 4:38:39 PM |
What Kind of Atheist are you? |

Cottonwood, AZ
age: 47
10/18/2008 6:48:20 PM |
What Kind of Atheist are you? |
Lakewood, OH
age: 40
Epistemology , Nihilism and especially Satanism do not fit into this poll.
Agnostics sit the fence so to speak or could be refered to as weak Atheist whereas a strong Atheist denies any god or goddess that can not be proven and confirmed. Thus far that number is 0.
When you ask what type of Atheist are you, there are only two choices weak and strong Atheism.
Yes, well the consideration came from another post in the religion forum, which a person insisted that Satanism was a subset of Nihilim, that was a subset of humanism, that was a subset of Atheism.
That once Atheism was realized it would tend to lead to humanism, then nihilism, then Satanism, and presumable another counter path leading right back to god again, in one big philosophical circle that this line of thinking would make an eventuality.
Not that it is the only path but seems to be the path most readily, but uncompleted by most people, while others, such as myself, tend to follow a path less traveled.
The idea is;
religion - base point
Agnostic - Christianity is wrong about god, leads to
Atheist - there is no god, - leads to,
Humanism - nothing exists or should not be considered to exist that is not found by empirical sense's of scientific proof and it is people that are important, not gods that don't exist. "morality is sought through human investigation" by rationality.
Leads to,
Nihilism - the ends justify the means, nothing means anything, leads to,
Satanism - might makes right, kill everyone and steal their money.
A slow degeneration back to a stone age mentality.
"If left unchecked, man will always revert back to his most primitive form".
I suppose there is also a counter stream,
that eventually Satanists will realize the human cost and impact they are having on people's lives in a world without rules, probably when they get older and start having their own children and not wanting them to turn into the victims of another raving lunatic Satanist.
So then you'd think that you should have some rules, to protect the "some people".
As a Platonic republic where laws only protect the rich.
But if universal morality exist, it should protect all people universally, would be argued.
Such as a democracy, were laws apply equally.
But if man determines morality it is subjective, without merit so to find universal morality you must find an external source, such as nature or "Natural law".
And if people have natural laws they also have natural rights.
People will not believe or follow laws set forth by man, as men are corrupt, so the people must be tricked into believing that laws or morality are of some supernatural agent, if only to artificially enforce such laws that would contradict basic human nature,
Then you'd have a system where people actually did believe in whatever force they were tricked into believing in to legitimize their own mutual protection under laws and morality, which is where we get to religion again.
One big circle, I guess, but an unnecessary one, I'd assume.
But over great enough periods in time this cycle would be repeated, the names might change and it might not go in any particular order but would be somewhat based on this rough explanation.
One might go straight from religion to Satanism skipping over all the stuff in between or one might remain a steady christian for life.
Or even, as we have observed, the cycle might go backwards, as we have had democracy in this country before and have backslided to republicanism on a straight downward spiral towards Satanism in our political spectrum.
Or some cultures might waffle back and forth like a needle on a giger counter.
Granted all the terms of the names will change over time and definitions will be slightly different from person to person from epoch to era but the basic idea is still there, even if I did do a poor job in explaining it.
But you can see some such cycle repeating itself over and over again in different cultures and societies threw history, as a natural political cycle of human sociology, and religion is politics, regardless of what anyone else tells you.
as far as Epistemology, I just threw that in there cause I thought it sounded cool.
As far as myself, I don't fit on any chart anywhere, which is the way I like it.
I'd consider myself a practicing Atheist, as I hold atheistic ideas as the basis for searching for any information that may contradicts that assessment.
I don't believe in god or heaven but think it wouldn't be that bad of an idea.
If heaven does not exist, then why not build one of our own, "on earth as it is in heaven", I think people would be much happier living in a Utopia than a post apocalyptic nightmare and one thing or another is likely to occur so we might as well head in the direction that we'd like to go, even if we have to create it ourselves without any help from that big slacker "god".
But I also believe that this will never happen, that man is too ignorant and primitive, selfish and self absorbed to make it very far, so ultimately we are doomed to self annihilation threw our own powerlessness and pettiness, but what a grand dream man could have been, a dream that will go unrealized, I'm afraid but shouldn't have.
10/19/2008 4:52:00 AM |
What Kind of Atheist are you? |

Cottonwood, AZ
age: 47
I believe in the natural order of the Universe. Reading the signs of the progression or evolution of life. From something as simple as a moth to a butterfly or the birth of a child and ultimately death where the spirt moves on in another form. I dont believe in Heaven or Hell or even the existance of a Higher Power. However in the afterlife I trust as in life their are those who have stronger souls than others, perhaps so powerful that that soul may be an overseer of the lesser.
If I were to name a God it would be called Nature. So is that Atheism? I'm not sure for I dont like to put lables on such simplistic beliefs so Shamanism is the closest I can find to my own spiritual belief. 