Jacksonville, FL
age: 32
I want to be married and have kids in the near future. I meet very great guys whom I have a lot of fun with. The thing is the relationship reaches that plateau where you both know it's only going so far. I am usually able to see this early on but again he is a great guy. Should I cease any further involvement because I know we will not be more than good friends when I am looking for so much more?

Mayville, WI
age: 49 online now!
Already sounds like trouble. You are in doubt. That may be A good thing. Please don't jump in. Or give into pressure. Be 100% sure first, and that will take time......good luck.!!

Calgary, AB
age: 55
Be friends, and keep looking. I wonder, though, is there not a plateau in any relationship after a while? I found great comfort in long term love & marriage, there wasn't the excitement of a new and budding relationship, but personally, I liked it much better.

Jacksonville, FL
age: 32
Thank excellent point. When I think of a plateau I think of leveling off. I am ok in a long term relationship where 2 people are working together to reach life goals. I'm referring to those occasions where you are both good people just not right in a romantic relationship.
Westland, MI
age: 34
You know you better than anyone else and you should follow your instincts especially if they tell he's good enough as a friend. You will know when you find the man for you right away and he will feel the same.

Pleasantville, NJ
age: 27
You know you better than anyone else and you should follow your instincts especially if they tell he's good enough as a friend. You will know when you find the man for you right away and he will feel the same.
i agree that man will find you and luv you in return

Jacksonville, FL
age: 32
I agree so should I end a friendship when it will never be more than that?