Davisburg, MI
age: 57
I am a Santero, a priest. I am having difficulty finding nice, attractive, intelligent men to date. Things go fine until it gets to talking about religion or they come to my home.So far it has been very disheartening.My religion is very important to me but I don't cram it down anyone throat. Any suggestions?

Oak Harbor, WA
age: 19
it's simply hard to find people who are open minded enough to accept your religion. it's even harder to find some who not only accept it but care enough to learn about it, not nessicarily convert but kno enough to kno some of what you go through in life.
although the more open you are (you seem pretty open about it) the more likely you will find someone who'll accept you as who you are.
good luck 

Davisburg, MI
age: 57
thanks you for your wise words. Yes iam open about my religion. It works for me and isn't a mainstream one. If you can get what it takes by sitting in a pew, believe me you should.
You have a great head on your shoulders..took me a very long time to get to this point..someone will be on my page ..i really do have alot to offer some great guy willing to put the time into it.

Mahomet, IL
age: 49
I tend to follow the Wiccan/Pagan ways and keep to myself so I kind of know how you feel.
You said it was disheartening in what way. Because they cannot accept your faith or because you feel like it is a rejection of you as a woman.
We understand it is who we are as a whole.
If they cannot accept you for what you are than it is not the right person.
Would you rather have a relationship with a man who loved you but did not accept your faith. Could you put up with the remarks and distaste. Or, would rather wait for the one that will accept you for who you are, what you are, and cherrish you just for that reason.
I know how hard it is to be alone and want someone in your life but I also don't want to give my heart and take the chance that it will cause me heartache over a loss. And settleing could cause that. There is nothing wrong with having friends until the right one comes alone and who knows they may be the one who introduces you to the right one.
All we can do it be ourselves and know that one day it will happen.
Blessed Be

Davisburg, MI
age: 57
thanks for your kind words. I was feeling low and lonley. Believe me i want it all. and my Orishas are going to bring me what i seek. and no that is exactly why i'm alone. Take me or not this is who I am. Just tired of explaining. Would be nice if I wasn't so NOT MAIN STREAM.
But I am what I am.