10/3/2008 6:17:00 PM |
My Atheist group |


Yonkers, NY
age: 58
I belong to an Atheist group that meets once/month in my area. I can't understand why some of the members feel a strong need to attend Dawkins'seminars and to discuss -left & right- about Atheism and the need to demostrate that everything about god is bull. I don't believe in god...I never did...but I don't see the need to go around discussing the issue. As I said, I don't believe in god and I don't care how / when / by whom or what the world was created. I only care about enjoying today because tomorrow may not be here.
10/7/2008 4:12:17 PM |
My Atheist group |
Southbridge, MA
age: 42
I've never joined such a group,so can't really relate to that.I do agree with you-I don't believe in God either,and understand your desire to be with like minded people.It must be fustrating to see such nonsense going on.
10/7/2008 5:01:03 PM |
My Atheist group |


Yonkers, NY
age: 58
In fact, it doesn't bother me to be around believers......I tell them I am an Atheist and usually this keeps them "on line". Since I don't go aeound trying to convert anybody...if they attempt to change my mind I tell them their ignorance is too large and I don't wish to deal with it. Believe me, this keep them quiet.
10/7/2008 6:45:08 PM |
My Atheist group |

Waxahachie, TX
age: 41
When they start burning books and teaching Jesus in science class then I'm going to wish I stood up sooner. I believe religion hurts people, so I think I actuly think that I don't do enough soapbox standing. It's not realy in my personality to do these things, but maybe it should be.
10/9/2008 3:53:03 PM |
My Atheist group |


Yonkers, NY
age: 58
Fortunately I teach in the public school system and nothing related to religions is allowed to be taught...with the exception of the historical point.
[Edited 10/9/2008 3:53:28 PM]
10/27/2008 10:26:22 AM |
My Atheist group |


Crane Hill, AL
age: 56
I was born and raised as a Christian but I also think religion hurts a lot of people. It's not the religion or the teachings but how it is taught and the intentions of the person who teaches that is wrong. Many people simply get the wrong message and use it for their own profit or for power/position. I also think that groups who get together as atheist to push their belief or their ideology and disrespect for religious practices are as guilty of being a religious group as are the ones they are attacking. IMO...Atheism itself is a religion which has no god. I have no quarrel with it until it steps on my toes. I am in no way anti-religious but I do not insist that anyone believe as I do.
10/27/2008 4:58:48 PM |
My Atheist group |


Yonkers, NY
age: 58
Atheism is not a religion but -as i see it- a way of thinking.
Not, having said the above, please allow me to tell you that most Atheists don't go around attempting to convert people.....most of us, simply, do not believe in the existence of God and don't care about the origin of the world...or what will happen after we die; those that go around spreading "the word" are the members of groups formed with the sole purpose of seeking a place in the political arena....and to achieve that they need many supporters.
10/29/2008 12:59:52 PM |
My Atheist group |

Muskogee, OK
age: 58
Amen Sister Duchess!
I never believed in labels either but there is some confusion about what non-believers believe...yes even a non-believer believes. Damn, that sure was a lot of belief!
In Richard Dawkin's book, The God Delusion, I think he lists seven separate levels of atheism and personally I know all man-made religions are BS, BUT how do I explain the universe beyond the Big Bang Theory?
Is believing in a belief a religion?
10/29/2008 3:46:40 PM |
My Atheist group |


Yonkers, NY
age: 58
Amen Sister Duchess!
Please, don't call me "sister".
In reference to the a / s the best answer is " Frankly, my dear......"
11/8/2008 5:42:21 AM |
My Atheist group |


Yonkers, NY
age: 58
When they start burning books and teaching Jesus in science class then I'm going to wish I stood up sooner. I believe religion hurts people, so I think I actuly think that I don't do enough soapbox standing. It's not realy in my personality to do these things, but maybe it should be.
I wouldn't worry too much about the burning of books and / or the teaching of Jesus in sciences classes. Nope, the new wave -and the not so new one- of Science teachers always find the way to keep stupidity out of the classroom.
11/8/2008 7:48:03 AM |
My Atheist group |


Crane Hill, AL
age: 56
Silvia, I can see you and I are going to have some interesting discussions. As you know, I accept your atheism without question and don't judge you by that label. But, when (in Alabama) they took the ten commandments out of a court room then that was someone forcing their belief on another. Any act to prevent teaching or religious symbols is just as much a religious practice as insisting that the religious symbols be placed in public or forcing someone to teach that Jesus or God is not to be taught. My feelings is that certain things such as the 10 commandments are good because they establish a common morality which is in fact consistent with laws and respect for other people. At least atheists do follow the commandment (principle) of "thou shall have no other God's before me"... too much of the whole argument is rhetorical philosophy. I do believe that children should learn that there are many different belief systems and that they should have the freedom to choose to believe as they wish and be well informed of what is out there... as well as given good guidance as to why they should or should not practice some religions. I also believe they should be taught that some people do not believe in spiritual beings at all and that there is nothing wrong with those people being a part of our world simply because they believe that way. The establishment of this nation and our constitution based the religion idea that there shall be no establishment of a state religion that everyone should follow or that a religious organization should control our government. We are supposed to have freedom of religion and not freedom from religion...no one is supposed to be forced to believe in anything where religion is concerned. The only thing our government supposedly forces us to believe in is the laws which are established and it's like we are supposed to just automatically know what they are and we are supposed to agree with them whether we want to or not.... I chose to put "non-religious" in my profile because I wanted to participate in this forum and also because I do not want to push my religious beliefs on other people. I am satisfied in simply knowing that I believe there is a creator and I have reason to believe that to be a fact. After all, we got here some how... I just hate someone jamming their religious (or non religious) philosophies down my throat because I don't hold to their standards or values. I also don't believe there is any such thing as a victimless crime... if it's a crime then somebody gets hurt or it would not be a crime, no?
[Edited 11/8/2008 7:58:45 AM]
11/8/2008 1:13:27 PM |
My Atheist group |


Yonkers, NY
age: 58
I do believe that children should learn that there are many different belief systems and that they should have the freedom to choose to believe as they wish and be well informed of what is out there..
Randy, a quick answer (for now). I, too, feel our children should know about he different religions and that many people don't believe in god. What to me is outrageous, and borderlines manipulation and brainwashing in more ways than one, is the imposition of the parents' way of thinking on their children. Sure, although we must guide our kids we don't have the right to tell them how to think but the moral obligation to provide them with the tools to reason and to reach their own conclusion as the individuals they are...we have the moral obligation to let them seek for and find their own path. While in my family my sister and I define ourselves as Atheists, my brother could care less about believing / not believing, my younger cousin is a priest, there are two ants turned nuns and another cousin that decided to embrace the Jewish faith.
11/9/2008 9:43:12 AM |
My Atheist group |

Brooklyn, NY
age: 60
... But, when (in Alabama) they took the ten commandments out of a court room then that was someone forcing their belief on another. ....
Sorry, that's not accurate. The ten commandments, are symbols of Christianity. Displaying them in government institutions discriminates against other religions. Our constitution says: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". The ten commandments respects Christianity, what about Daoism? Buddhism? Hinduism? etc..... Our government is forbidden, for good reason, from favoring one religion over another.
Any act to prevent teaching or religious symbols is just as much a religious practice
This is an oxymoron. A religious act is one based on spiritual belief. A person devoid of religion, does not engage in "religious practice". Political? Sure, Moral? Of course, but religious? NO!
... as insisting that the religious symbols be placed in public or forcing someone to teach that Jesus or God is not to be taught.
I don't know of any movement to ban the display of religious symbols, or to ban the teachings of Christianity. Perhaps you can enlighten us? I see many churches, religious schools, seminaries, all displaying their symbols and beliefs publically, and all protected by our constitution which says the free exercise of religion shall not be abridged; just don't do it on my dime. The minute you use public tax funds to push one religion over another, you are on the road to theocracy.
... We are supposed to have freedom of religion and not freedom from religion...no one is supposed to be forced to believe in anything where religion is concerned.
Correct. You currently are perfectly free to believe anything you wish, and to practice it as you see fit, so where is the problem?
... I do not want to push my religious beliefs on other people.
Duhhhhh.... by pushing the ten commandments, at public expense, in government buildings, you are indeed pushing your religious beliefs on others. Worse, you are forcing them to pay for the pushing. The Taliban do that, American democracy should not. We have, by design, a secular government. I for one wish to keep it that way.
.. I just hate someone jamming their religious (or non religious) philosophies down my throat because I don't hold to their standards or values.
No one is jamming anything down your throat. When was the last time someone proposed hanging a sign over the supreme court saying "God is dead"???? Never! You are the one jamming your own religious beliefs down others throats.
11/9/2008 10:59:15 AM |
My Atheist group |

Brooklyn, NY
age: 60
...yes even a non-believer believes. ....
I beg to differ with you. I have theories about the things I am ignorant of and can't explain. I am comfortable with not knowing something, it only means I have more to learn.
Is believing in a belief a religion?
From Websters:
(1): the service and worship of God or the supernatural
(2): commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
So, the answer to your question is NO.
11/9/2008 7:32:36 PM |
My Atheist group |

Denver, CO
age: 34
Well stated. I appreciate that you took the time to clearly counter several points. I am new to this group, and happy to know that there is a group like this on the site. I look forward to some enlightening (pardon the pun), conversation!