10/14/2008 7:35:42 PM |
NJ women on this site dont respond |

Trenton, NJ
age: 26
Why is it everytime you email a women on hear they don't respond at all or they just delet it? jen102280 thinks NJ men suck Im starting to think its the opposite...
10/14/2008 7:51:54 PM |
NJ women on this site dont respond |

Newton, NJ
age: 21
Who knows thats like asking why they call a driveway a driveway and a parkway a parkway some things will never make sense.
I mean there is a reason why guys name cars in reference to female names, How else could we claim to understand at least on female in our lives?!
[Edited 10/14/2008 7:52:24 PM]
10/14/2008 7:54:25 PM |
NJ women on this site dont respond |

Trenton, NJ
age: 26
Yeah isnt that true but am I right about them responding? Its like that girl with screen name jen102280 she thinks she is god and Im thinking the women suck more than the men.Do you agree?
10/14/2008 8:10:18 PM |
NJ women on this site dont respond |
Teaneck, NJ
age: 51
You Guys picked the wrong one when you picked Jen..
Of all the women on here she is the WORST!!! Besides, what's wrong with you, responding to a thread that has as its title Men suck suck suck.... What were you expecting???? A candygram?
Please keep in mind, if they are attractive and they are on here, there has got to be something wrong with them..
Best of luck,
Uncle Funkey 
10/14/2008 8:15:14 PM |
NJ women on this site dont respond |

Newton, NJ
age: 21
In some instances YES.. But dont forget that people tend not to respond for an array of reasons, From them being full of themselves to them being shy or they are just thinking your another jerkoff trying to get into their pants. I have come to he realization that most girls Judge immiediatly after they come into any sort of contact with a male and decide then and there if you are a nice guy or a jerkoff. But in that same respect guys do the same thing as I have stated in her thread people are to quick to judge one another and usually do so by the cover of the book. People in todays age are to lazy to actually try in making real freinships before relatinships so they are looking for the Mr. Dreamy Who is usually the player putting on his fake persona. Therefore the girl starts thinking every guy that comes of as a "nice guy" at bat is just another player... I do agree itr is extremely frustrating that most girls come onto a DATING WEBSITE and dont respond or say anything to most people but it happens. In the end I guess all I can say is dont expect much from a free website you know?
10/14/2008 8:16:19 PM |
NJ women on this site dont respond |

Trenton, NJ
age: 26
I think we should start a forum on JEN lol well you are right uncle you are right LOL
10/14/2008 8:23:21 PM |
NJ women on this site dont respond |

Ridgewood, NJ
age: 25
LoL and I thought I was alone on this. Yeah it is really irritating that some of these women don't even have the courtesy to reject you like a normal woman does. If she didn't read the email its usually because she never got around to it or she is purposely ignoring it so that you can't tell she read it or deleted it. If they delete it without saying anything that is there translation of "Get lost". Yeah my luck with women is horrible but I'm not going to give up because I know that not all women here are stuck up. As for Jen102280 just ignore her. She is too stuck in her ways of listening to reasonable people.
10/14/2008 11:06:43 PM |
NJ women on this site dont respond |

Glendora, NJ
age: 56
Thats because there jersey girls, they think there still a princess.
Ive been to other states and countries and the woman are so much nicer.
Philly has nice woman too.
10/15/2008 3:18:48 AM |
NJ women on this site dont respond |

Trenton, NJ
age: 27
You shouldn't even waste your time talking about Jen. It's what she wants anyway. She's just a stuck-up attention wh*re that really isn't worth spending any energy on.
10/15/2008 3:41:51 AM |
NJ women on this site dont respond |
Princeton, NJ
age: 55
UNCLE FUNKEY POSTED-"You Guys picked the wrong one when you picked Jen..
Of all the women on here she is the WORST!!! Besides, what's wrong with you, responding to a thread that has as its title Men suck suck suck.... What were you expecting???? A candygram?
Please keep in mind, if they are attractive and they are on here, there has got to be something wrong with them.."
Seems to me Funkey is right on.....seems that there is a group of lonely angry old and young women on here that are not only attractive but also UN attaractive and they only hang in the forums to create havoc when they don't like members or a topic , if they got dates....on a regular basis....they wouldn't be here 24/7!
No candy grams from them !!must be something WRONG with them and they have ISSUES!
Stay away from them!
right on UNCLE!

10/15/2008 3:45:01 AM |
NJ women on this site dont respond |

Medford, NJ
age: 43
You Guys picked the wrong one when you picked Jen..
Of all the women on here she is the WORST!!! Besides, what's wrong with you, responding to a thread that has as its title Men suck suck suck.... What were you expecting???? A candygram?
Please keep in mind, if they are attractive and they are on here, there has got to be something wrong with them..
Best of luck,
Uncle Funkey  
Thanks for the compliment..............
First of all, we don't all think that we r a princess so u shouldn't group us together. Secondly, I answer all of my emails and winks........don't I Uncle Funkey?
10/15/2008 9:26:49 AM |
NJ women on this site dont respond |

Trenton, NJ
age: 26
Well just like I said before that the older mature women on here understand but it is why the younger generation women are the way they are: RUDE,SPOILLED,STUCK-UP etc...
10/15/2008 9:33:31 AM |
NJ women on this site dont respond |

Pittstown, NJ
age: 25
Yea, I agree topic poster. It seems like almost every girl I've e-mailed just ignored or worse, deleted my e-mail.
I'm not sure what to say about them. Are they just used to guys e-mailing them, so they can afford to be picky and rude? I mean, they are on this site to find a date right? So shouldn't we be at least trying to meet new people here? I don't really understand the logic in just ignoring e-mails.
10/15/2008 9:43:04 AM |
NJ women on this site dont respond |

Villas, NJ
age: 32
i sometimes ignore winks but i always respond to emails so but theres a lot of good woman on here that are not like that
10/15/2008 10:17:00 AM |
NJ women on this site dont respond |

Mount Holly, NJ
age: 47
Hi Angel...... 