10/17/2008 5:42:18 AM |
Should a woman approach a man? |
Greenwood, IN
age: 65
If you found someone sexy -- would you approach him and ask him out for coffee? I'm told this is the way things are done today and that I am living in the past. Doesn't a man like to chase a woman? I know that some men are shy and would appreciate a woman showing interest but doesn't that come across as "needy"? If someone spends a lot of time talking to you how can you tell if he is really interested in you or just being polite?
10/17/2008 6:17:27 AM |
Should a woman approach a man? |
Sherbrooke, QC
age: 40
Ummm..first i would get eyecontact..to make sure there is a mutual interrest..then, ya sure!..And why not?..Myself, i think i can take a "no", or a "i'm buisy!"..Cause if the guy is really interrested?..he will find a way to get connected! usually!, particularly now that YOU broke the ice!..and your right!..its no longer like it used to be!..and thats a good thing!..why let the GUY choose you?..why not YOU choose what you like sometime??..
10/17/2008 6:55:43 AM |
Should a woman approach a man? |
Greenwood, IN
age: 65
We talked for a long, long time -- too long really. I did everything wrong in our conversation -- talked about my exs non-stop and mononpolized the conversation but he still came back for more. Talked too long again and said the wrong things again. Seems like he wouldn't spend so much time with me if he wasn't interested.
But now -- I can't tell if he's interested or not because he's still friendly but not overly friendly. I was just starting to like him too --which puts me at a disadvantage. Don't know what to do.
10/17/2008 7:16:16 AM |
Should a woman approach a man? |
Sherbrooke, QC
age: 40
sometimes i think just taking the bull by the horns is a good idea!..but you seem kinda shy and timid by nature?..so don't know if you would feel comfortable just being direct with him?..from what i read..lots of time could be waisted if you don't just get your true feelings out in the open with him!..and just accept what ever responce you get from him!..so you can either..put him in the "just friends catagorie!", or start a what could be an amazing "relationship!"..Why not just take a chance??..What do you really have to loose??..I don't think he will judge you either way!..if he does? Then maybe he was never worth it to begin with?..Right?..Life is too short to just sit and twiddle your thumbs!..So go for it!...and GET your questions answered from him!!Be daring!!..
10/19/2008 7:50:12 PM |
Should a woman approach a man? |
Long Beach, CA
age: 25
yes. I do it, They always reply. I didn't know it wasn't normal. I never send a normal msg. I always say something really silly or tease them about their profile. It lightens the mood and its an invitation to be fun and flirty. The emails I get are mostly too serious or say ' How are you?'  
10/19/2008 9:02:28 PM |
Should a woman approach a man? |


Sacramento, CA
age: 63
I certainly have. I watched a good looking man at an art show to make sure he was alone, then went up and
said, "If you are single and unattached, I would love to buy you a drink"... and we had a drink and conversation,
turns out he was an artist. But, boring, no sparks. That is just one example. I think because I am rather plain,
few men approach me, so I wind up making the first contact. I made the first contact with my x husband, too.
He looked interesting, so I went up and started a conversation. Why not?
10/20/2008 1:21:52 AM |
Should a woman approach a man? |
Greenwood, IN
age: 65
If you show too much interest in a man--- you lose power if you do get into a relationship with him. It's very depressing and nerve-wracking not knowing where you stand with someone. I am still getting mixed signals from the guy. I know that he likes me now --- I just don't know if he considers me a friend or a possible romantic interest. Most men give off more signals. I know that I came on too strong in the beginning. Now I don't know what to do because I have actually started liking him a lot and it's showing. How can I find out how he feels about me?
10/20/2008 5:45:23 AM |
Should a woman approach a man? |


Sacramento, CA
age: 63
I would say, forget that power stuff and just be yourself. You can never go wrong in the long run by being
your authentic self. LOVE IS A RISK! We risk being wounded, embarassed, made a fool of, or hurting someone
else! It is the one lesson I have learned in my 60's.
10/20/2008 9:00:10 AM |
Should a woman approach a man? |


Sacramento, CA
age: 63
Hey Young Man, this is women's group only! (just teasing, but it's a safe space for us, so please respect that.)
10/22/2008 1:10:45 AM |
Should a woman approach a man? |
Greenwood, IN
age: 65
I will never, never do that again!  First and last time for me.
10/23/2008 4:28:36 AM |
Should a woman approach a man? |


Evansville, IN
age: 40 online now!
If I find a guy in the forums who seems friendly, kind, and obviously loves kids, then I'm happy to start up a conversation with him. Looking for a guy just like that, and even if it ain't meant to be, we already have enough in common for a nice friendship.
10/26/2008 5:40:37 AM |
Should a woman approach a man? |

Durham, NC
age: 51
Of Course You Should! Why not? (smile)
First make sure he is completely unattached,
check for wedding ring, make eye contact, smile,
if he smiles back, Go For It!
Most men love a direct female. Also be prepared
for a possible rejection, psyche yourself up for
that possibility. Men deal with rejection all the time.
If you are brave enough to hit on a man also be prepared
to occasionally be shot down. Take it with a grain of salt.
I know women who made the first move and ended up marrying
the guy! So don't be shy, make that move!
Good Luck and Good Hunting! 
10/27/2008 11:43:39 AM |
Should a woman approach a man? |
Livonia, MI
age: 40
I always thought..... what would happen if I let this one get away, he might be the one.
I used to play games and send mixed signals to see if they are realy interested. I was right, they were interested... in my bed. Such a disapointment. Guys would just put up with the game playing because they thought they were going to get sex. So I played that way again and again until it was a bad habbit that I was unaware I was even doing it until I was told point blank by a good friend. I was sending mixed signals to guys I realy liked. It was all part of growing up back then. I did not realize I was making a lot of guys mad and only picking the ones that were out for sex. So I had to train myself to be straight forward and honest. Making the first move is ok because I had done that a few times but that was even a little risky because men, just like us, confide in their friends. I could only imagine what thier friend would tell them. "she's hot for you", "Go for it, she wants you". That's why I got a few unwanted advances I think.
10/27/2008 3:54:34 PM |
Should a woman approach a man? |

Guerneville, CA
age: 46
YES!!! I did it and I won! I was trying to find and exhaust manifold on line found a site and on the "contact" page there was a picture of all the guys that worked the front counter. I wasn't looking for a man I was looking for a manifold. But the first guy in that picture was sooo cute! So I called the number and asked to speak with the "the hotie who is first in line in the pic on line" They put him on I said, "YOU ARE A HOTTIE! I need an exhaust manifold and your email address to give you a list of other parts I may need." That worked turns out he was single and interested in a relationship but not actively looking! It is such a wonderful relationship now.
So, I say GO FOR IT!!
10/28/2008 4:15:25 PM |
Should a woman approach a man? |

Durham, NC
age: 51
Of Course You Should! Why not? (smile)
First make sure he is completely unattached,
check for wedding ring, make eye contact, smile,
if he smiles back, Go For It!
Most men love a direct female. Also be prepared
for a possible rejection, psyche yourself up for
that possibility. Men deal with rejection all the time.
If you are brave enough to hit on a man also be prepared
to occasionally be shot down. Take it with a grain of salt.
I know women who made the first move and ended up marrying
the guy! So don't be shy, make that move!
Good Luck and Good Hunting! 
