10/31/2008 4:16:52 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |


Biddeford, ME
49, joined Jun. 2008
Pro...One of my favorite persons is moving there....Hey Vet!
Pro...No MORE BLIZZARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are the summers longer?
Is there any water around?
I grew up on the beach...(course its only really usuable four months out of the year!)
Would love some feedback....
Gotta take the boys trick or treating...
Will check in when I get back!!!!!!!
Thanks anybody and everybody or any advice or opinions... !!!!!!

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10/31/2008 4:22:49 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |

Hillsboro, AL
49, joined Jul. 2008
Awwwwwww.........Thanks Kristy.........I'm not a good one to ask cuz we aren't there just yet....Gotta finalize the deal on the house amd find a new one up there.I will tell ya this much.....Some of the nicest folks I ever met are from Kentucky......It is absoultly beautiful up there.....And Yeah of course I will be there....
10/31/2008 5:36:33 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |

London, KY
50, joined May. 2008
there is an old saying around here.....IF YOU DONT LIKE THE WEATHER HANG AROUND FOR A DAY OR TWO IT WILL CHANGE lol...we really dont get much snow around here anymore let alone blizzards LOL......there are several lakes around with man made beaches that are nice and some of the prettiest scenery I have ever seen. Had the joy of a camping trip with some folks from here in ky chat back in august at Green River Lake and it was so pretty down there....high rock cliffs surrounding part of the lake and a beach area. We have many wonderful state parks and most have some sort of swimming area.we also have tons of festivals here too. Celebrating everything from colonel sanders with the chicken festival to the prearrival winter predictor the wooly worm with the wooly worm festival.If you love arts and crafts this state is a treasure trove. Any idea what part of the state your considering? If you have any questions you can email me I have lived here most my life
11/1/2008 1:06:09 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |
Mesa, AZ
52, joined Oct. 2008
Kentucky is a really nice state, and it has plenty of water, and lovely weather.
You should consider Lexington, it has some beautiful farms, green grass, and wonderful clean air to breathe. I'm just not sure you are ready for Kentucky, and they may not be ready for your accent. Maybe you should move halfway for now and acclimate yourself for a few years. Then move further south when you learn our ways.  
11/1/2008 7:04:24 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |
Lexington, KY
56, joined Oct. 2008
I moved from Long Island to Lexington and I have to say I love it. The horse farms are beautiful and the people are genuinely nice. I had to get used to the pace being a bit slower than what I was used to and the different accents but I wouldn't go back to Long Island to live anymore.
11/1/2008 7:12:34 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |
Richmond, KY
50, joined Oct. 2008
I'm a transplant. I grew up in northern NJ but have been in KY for over 20 years and never once considered moving back up north. It's a completely different world here in KY, but a better one IMO. ( been here so long I got the accent and unless I tell someone I wasn't born here, they haven't a clue lol)
[Edited 11/1/2008 7:15:13 PM ]
11/1/2008 7:29:04 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |

Eubank, KY
56, joined Oct. 2008
I Just moved here in August from Ohio. I lived here back in 1994-1998 to go to Berea College and then moved up to Ohio. All I can say is I love it here a lot better. If you live in the sticks tho, its better to have your own transportation! I am carless and I have to walk every where! Tee
11/1/2008 7:41:09 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |

London, KY
53, joined May. 2007
it depends on what area you move to. we got some of the most beautiful scenery and friendliest folk east of the big muddy.
festivals of more types than I can think of.
did I mention the friendliest people!! LOL
yes the summers are longer and the winters seem milder. been having a dry spell the past few years though
11/1/2008 10:29:09 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |


Biddeford, ME
49, joined Jun. 2008
Kentucky is a really nice state, and it has plenty of water, and lovely weather.
You should consider Lexington, it has some beautiful farms, green grass, and wonderful clean air to breathe. I'm just not sure you are ready for Kentucky, and they may not be ready for your accent. Maybe you should move halfway for now and acclimate yourself for a few years. Then move further south when you learn our ways.  
LOL, Mitchie...
i lived in AZ for four years...I kinda got the shock treatment acclimation to the different culture, and got the accent teased the hell out of me...
My accent now? Oh, its NOTHING, sweetie...
Im still just considering where Im going. I know where I really want to go but that may not be an option....so Im trying to consider other choices....
I do know?
I want OUT of Maine.
I will figure it out...
Thanks for the input everybody...please keep it coming!
Any and all is appreciated!
11/1/2008 11:01:21 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |


Butler, KY
60, joined Nov. 2007
Well I was born and raised in northern ky across the river form cincinnati.. It gets cold here and it snows.. We have been getting alot of freezen rain..I know farther south it isn't as bad..But I hate the winters here lol.
11/2/2008 12:05:15 AM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |

Louisville, KY
53, joined Feb. 2008
I've lived in Louisville all my life and love it!
for a high school graduation present my mom and dad sent me to CA to live with my uncle for two months...saw Disneyland and other stuff.
When I got back home the first thing I did was went to the backyard and laid down in the GRASS, no sandy grass...that was WEIRD.
We average about 16" of snow a year..a inch here, two inches there add up...and about every 15 years or so we get the average in one snow (the last one was less than that but I think it was a fluke).
Here the humidity in August is bad (for us, I get not for someone else...LOL) but other than that it's fine.
You have your choice in Kentucky of more festivals than you can shake a stick out. And don't forget the first leg of the Triple Crown of horse racing...The Kentucky Derby and all the hoopla that goes with it (alas the Delta Queen didn't get a waiver this year and has been docked permanently ...no wooden structured boats one the water that has overnight passengers so I don't know who's gonna race the Belle of Louisville for the gilded antlers during the Great Steamboat Race...touted as the slowest 2 hours in sports leading up the fastest 2 minutes).
You'll love it here. 
11/2/2008 5:54:44 AM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |
Eubank, KY
44, joined Aug. 2008
There are alot of nice places all over the U.S. I was raised in Somerset Ky but lived abroad for a while in different places, but always ended up back home in Ky. I love Ky and wouldnt live anywhere else.
11/2/2008 8:41:45 AM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |

Ekron, KY
44, joined Nov. 2008
Ok, I was born and raised in New York City....I got stationed at Ft Knox back in 93, and love it here. The Summers are long, the winters are ok.....4 seasons, and generally great people. The outdoors are great....especially now! You can have life in the fast lane....or take the country road...your choice.
11/2/2008 2:14:20 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |


Biddeford, ME
49, joined Jun. 2008
Although I will say...Maine compared to New York?
There is no fast lane in Maine...Maybe the Old Port in Portland in the summer months...LOL..
But yeah, I would miss the seasons...but IM so sick of the extremes, you know?
Thanks for the input everone.

11/3/2008 7:17:56 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |
Shelbyville, KY
64, joined Oct. 2008
Ky's a great state,, If u want water try the rivers, we have all kinds of lakes, beautiful parks.. welcome!!!
11/17/2008 10:01:42 AM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |
Buckhorn, KY
70, joined Nov. 2008
I was raised about a hundred yards from where i live now. I have lived in the southwest {Texas}. the east {Maryland}. The far north {Alaska}. I have visited every state and most countrys in North and South America. I have lived in asia{Japan, Thailand} and europe {Germany, France}for work purposes. I also had work experiences in Saudia Arabia, Jordan and Isreal. I have never been anywhere {except Alaska} that i would even consider living except here. When i retired i returned to eastern Kentucky. If you are considering Kentucky consider this. Mountain in eastern ky, flat lands in the west, lakes everywhere, all kinds of forests, parks everywhere, best hunting in the world { elk, deer, turkeys, bear}. I have even visited Maine{portland, Bangor, augusta}. I love your crabs and lobster. You would love ky. Good luck.
11/18/2008 8:48:50 AM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |

Sacramento, CA
70, joined May. 2008
Well, I grew up in Ky, Campbell County and strong ties with Pulaski County. But I choose to live in Cali because
of the scenery, free wheelin' atomesphere, diversity, and because I have fallen in love with the Pacific Ocean. But Ky is my home state, and I love her. You can grow
a wide variety of plants there if you are a gardener like me. The thunderstroms and heat lightening in summer
are awesome. The hills are lovely in all seasons. Homes are affordable. Plenty of recreation if you like to hike,
etc. Lots of history! Gotta see the Bluegrass country around Lexington. Which city or town are you considering?
11/24/2008 12:29:15 AM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |

Elizabethtown, KY
59, joined Nov. 2008
DON'T DO IT!!!! I moved here from California and regret it almost every day. Sure the four seasons are beautiful, but it's soooo slow paced here (pro: if you like slow pace-then get here quick!!) If you are looking for a cowboy or meth head, then this is the place for you! Ok, I'll stop, but really, for me, there were too many cons to the pros.
11/24/2008 9:26:21 AM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |
Louisville, KY
57, joined Mar. 2008
DON'T DO IT!!!! I moved here from California and regret it almost every day. Sure the four seasons are beautiful, but it's soooo slow paced here (pro: if you like slow pace-then get here quick!!) If you are looking for a cowboy or meth head, then this is the place for you! Ok, I'll stop, but really, for me, there were too many cons to the pros.
That is a really negative attitude based on the type of environment you are usually comfortable in. I personally don't do drugs and never did. I don't hang around people that do. I don't drink either. As for the cowboy thing, it's more of an attitude of confidence. I don't see that as negative.
You live in a small town and complain that it is slow-paced. Well, DUH! Louisville is just up the road if you want more to do.
I am sure that I could find just as much about California that I don't like as well. I'm sure you did to. After all, you left it.
11/24/2008 9:46:57 AM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |
Beverly Hills, CA
40, joined Oct. 2008
I think you should move south as soon as possible. We need as many attractive ladies in this area as possible. You would be a great contribution!!!!!!!! 
12/3/2008 10:04:59 AM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |

Elizabethtown, KY
59, joined Nov. 2008
Cowboy trucker,
Take it easy! I did say it was a beautiful place, and the other comments were the sarcastic humor in me....do not take it to heart as I was not attacking YOU as I do not even know you. There are a lot of cowboys (you are not ashamed of that are you?) and there is/was a very big meth problem here, esp. Lou. so I was not making it up. The girl wanted pros and cons. I gave what I know. I worked at the courthouse here in E-Town and have seen alot of problems even here in this small town. I didn't mean any harm just thought I would get it out there. Now, I know I moved here, but it was per request from my 85 yr. old Father who needed me close by during his late years, so I begrudgingly made the move! I did not really want to, but he came first. No negativity here, life is too short for it. There was and perhaps still is a Meth problem here, so what-in Cali, there is more than that! But! She did not ask our opinion about California, now did she? So for all the cowboys and meth heads, I apologize profusely, but as far as cowboys go, you should be proud of that fact, and in fact, I was not using that as a con, necessarily! I am a product of the 60's and 70's hippiedom lifestyle and so I guess that is where we differ opinions. But country music is starting to come around and I hear alot of rock influence now. Take Big and Rich just for one example or Montgomery Gentry! I just love Lonestar's "Amazing"-ok, getting off track, so hope there are no hard feelings after I had to explain myself. Thanks for the nice comment, "Lexington". It was a nice comment, right? Lexington is beeeeuuuuteeeeful!
12/3/2008 12:30:16 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |

Cumberland, KY
37, joined Jul. 2008
luvin you would be close to me lol but probably not to long if things go as planned im moving to virginia soon lol
[Edited 12/3/2008 12:30:39 PM ]
12/3/2008 8:01:57 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |
Louisville, KY
57, joined Mar. 2008
I have always loved this state. I have been all over and always look forward to crossing that state line into Kentucky. Even when it wasn't officially home, it was still home. Just like being in love with a good woman, I love it's beauty even when I recognize its flaws.
12/4/2008 7:08:30 AM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |

Cumberland, KY
37, joined Jul. 2008
it is a beautiful state .i am sitting here right now staring at the snow covered mountain tops the veiw i have when i look out the window looks like something out of a magazine
12/4/2008 7:51:05 AM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |

London, KY
50, joined May. 2008
That is about the only good thing I can say about the time I spent in Cumberland KY.........It is some of the prettiest scenery in the state
12/4/2008 9:04:41 AM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |

Lexington, KY
57, joined Jul. 2008
I just moved to Lexington from Nashville, TN. Expensive place, high taxes, and very small city.
12/4/2008 9:47:17 AM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |

Ottawa, ON
44, joined Aug. 2008
I love here ive been here now just little over 2 years it the best place i lived in a long time
12/13/2008 8:31:00 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |

Bowling Green, KY
52, joined Nov. 2008
MMM I came from California 18 years ok. Pro's it really depends on where in Kentucky your going? In smaller towns its hard for people to accept an outsider and they will make you feel unwelome at first but now I could ask for help and they would come running as I would for them. I recently moved to a larger Ky town and have had nothing but positive things to say about Bowling Green, Owensboro is a little different sometimes hey how ya doin alot of oh sorry but can i checkout now LOL. So the question is where in Kentucky and that will warrant the correct answer hehe hope it goes good for ya.
12/14/2008 6:28:51 AM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |

Lexington, KY
61, joined Nov. 2007
I moved here from Calif. in 69. Been here ever since.. eccept for a tour of duty in the early 70's...only other place i would live is on an island somewhere. IT is beautiful here year round. and the country drives ..soothing..hope you like it as well...
12/14/2008 8:55:29 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |
Roundhill, KY
62, joined Dec. 2008
I moved here from Cali in 2000, and would never dream of moving back. The cost of living is great, the people are friendly, and the surroundings are beautiful. I have to say I haven't met very many men here but hey tomorrow is another day.
1/4/2009 1:01:37 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |
Corbin, KY
63, joined Feb. 2007
I'm a Kentucky girl I wouldn't want to live anyplace else
1/4/2009 10:35:10 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |
Cadiz, KY
52, joined Dec. 2008
Born and raised in the Chicago area, I moved to Cadiz Ky in June 2001. Pros : People are very nice. Mild winters. Low cost of living. I live close to Lake Barkley and Kentucky Lake and the area is very beautiful. Cons : Hot dry summers. Few good paying jobs. I live in a dry county so that takes adjusting to.
1/5/2009 8:59:20 AM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |

Sacramento, CA
70, joined May. 2008
I could not live in a dry county! Too much judgment for me. This is one reason my family left Ky and moved
west. One's private life is one's own, whether religion, drinking, sex, or politics. The beauty of the state
will always be part of me. I will hear those bird songs, katydids, whipoorwills, cardinals, to the day I die,
and I will always think of red bud and dogwood in bloom on the hills in spring. But could I live in the society
there? I fear not.
1/5/2009 1:12:10 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |
Elizabethtown, KY
53, joined Dec. 2008
I like living in a dry county. I'm not big on drinking and the number of folks getting killed in DUI's is very very very very low! You can still get something to drink in a dry county! They all have bootleggers!      
1/5/2009 10:28:52 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |
Louisville, KY
90, joined Dec. 2008
Do it !! To steal a quote - rather borrow it -" You ain't never been nowhere and you aint never seen nothing till you've been to the KY Derby" - I'll just settle for that to mean anywhere in the Commonwealth !! And to our Clifornia freinds and others - as the old school passes on things are changing and for the better - Oldham County is a great example - just went "moist" no package liquor but you can dine with wine - AND our DUI dropped because those that wanted a beverage didn't have to drive from Louisville to get home -my take anyway Been to the 4 corners and the truck always picks up speed when I get close to the border - My Old Kentucky Home
1/6/2009 12:35:46 AM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |
Columbia, KY
59, joined Jan. 2009
I was in your beautiful state in Oct and left on 31Oct. Gorgeous-beautiful, good people there too. Avoid the Lexington area-waaaay toooo crowded. Louisville area is the best choice. I've worked in 86 of our 120 counties and worked(boots on the ground) in 26 states. Owensboro is nice as well, Pikeville/Prestonsburg area...hmmmm Northern Ky might be a consideration. But please, avoid anywhere near Lexington. Visit there and then you wil l know why.
1/7/2009 9:26:57 AM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |

Sacramento, CA
70, joined May. 2008
I grew up in Cold Springs and Alexandria. Not a dry county at that time, we were Germans, drank beer every
night after dinner. It is not that I am a big drinker, but we always have beer or wine in the house in case
we feel like one, or if friends drop over. Could not take someone telling me I cannot make that decision. Us
kids even had a wee glass on occasion, so alcohol was part of home, not some big deal. I am sure times are
changing, but I would miss the diversity and landscape of my adopted state. I love KY, but I also love
Monterey, Death Valley, Palm Springs, and most of all, San Francisco. We never go a month without a trip to
the City, as she is called. But as I say, Ky is part and parcel of who I am. I make great biscuits, cornbread,
and not a day goes by but I do not recall the small farm where I passed my childhood with all the
farm animals and the fun us kids had playing in the woods. However, the very farm where I grew up is gone,
bulldozed and replaced by ugly monster houses. I sure wonder where all the little chipmunks and birds
went. It makes me very sad to think of our woods cut down and paved over.
1/7/2009 11:31:21 AM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |


Bronston, KY
81, joined Nov. 2007
I purchased a home in Kentucky in 97. In Bronston and sold everything I had in California. I have been single for five years so I use my home in Kentucky for a summer home for five months out of the year I travel the other seven. I was born in Texas and raised in Northern California in Nevada City California which is about 50 miles northeast of Sacramento not too far from Lake Tahoe. I have nothing good to say about Sacramento or that area in the valley you couldn't pay me to live in California again. The only good places in San Francisco is down at the wharf. Rumor has it now they're going to triple automobile license plus raise taxes 10%. And they say now they will send out IOUs if the state owes you tax money back. Pulaski county is dry in Kentucky but the little town of Burnside you can buy alcohol when you eat dinner but cannot take it home with you. I'm 30 miles from the Tennessee border I drive down there and get whenever I want.
1/7/2009 8:12:23 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |

Sacramento, CA
70, joined May. 2008
And you don't go the museums in the City? I like the Marina, Cow Hollow, GG Park, hiking the Headlands,
Clement street, everything.... the weather, the Bay, the architecture, the many restaurants, and so on. This
year, had season opera tickets for the first time. What a blast! Wear jeans or an evening gown, that's the City!
Back to KY, I seriously considered retiring there. But I know it will have to be the state where I was born
and raised, love dearly, but prefer the Golden State. As for the dry, again, would resent someone telling
me what I can and cannot do, glad I live in a laid back, anything goes state. Suits me. As for Sacramento, I live
here because I can afford it, perhaps will be able to move closer to Bay or Santa Rosa area in a few years. I live
in an older section, my house built in 1948, Mckinley Park area if you know it. We can eat outdoors here without
the bugs, no chiggers, no poison ivy (poison oak, but that's not like poison ivy!), no sweat bees, little humidity.
I miss the summer thunderstorms every night. But I love our deep blue sky, over 300 days average sunny days
a year. Gotta love a place where you can enjoy being outdoors 95 per cent of the time. I have a long coat but
never button it.
1/17/2009 12:06:12 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |
Louisville, KY
90, joined Dec. 2008
I'll have to say the dry/wet thing isn't what it used to be. It may be in some parts but for what you would save in cost of living and taxes elsewhere -say east or west coast- you can afford to have a VERY healthy level of inventory at home if you chose to live in a dry county, and still have money to burn for other things like canoeing on the Kentucky River or hiking through the Gorge area.
NOPE - been to CA several times -it is beautiful for sure and diverse as well and even thought about moving there - but the green green grass of home and the beauty of my home from one end to the other is a fantastic place and a bargain for the money it takes to live here.
Now I'm not sure what to make of the governance of a state like CA that is the worlds 7th largest economy -facing bankruptcy or uggghhh bailout - having the gall to put forth a budget with something like an 8 billion dollar increase in spending?? what's that going to do to your taxes?
1/17/2009 8:59:56 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |

Sacramento, CA
70, joined May. 2008
Taxes on houses just went down as the prices are so low. My house payment went down about 80 bucks a month,
gas money for road trips! I feel at home in Ky in the woods, and with my family, but not in the general society,
which I guess is why we moved in the first place. We are not Christians, very liberal, and yes, drink wine
and beer with meals! I have cousins throughout the state... in fact, my cousin's quilts were on display at the
Lexington airport, and another owns a restaurant in Louisville featuring down home cooking. I am proud of them,
love to visit, hate to go, but so glad to be back in the Golden State when I get back home. And yes, I still go
barefoot all summer long. As for the governor, I did not vote for him, we never seem to learn here about
voting for a two-bit actor.
1/18/2009 1:20:40 AM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |


Nicholasville, KY
43, joined Oct. 2008
lexington is a nice place its a smaller city surrounded by big towns if you want urbanization lexington if you want laid back but with access to everything one of the smaller surrounding towns is the way to go all the dry places are mainly in southern and western kentucky if thats a consideration cost of living is low here which is a plus one great thing about kentucky is that im here lol want specific info about the lexington area shoot me a message
1/18/2009 2:49:52 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |


Butler, KY
60, joined Nov. 2007
Alice I am not sure when you moved but cold springs and Alexandria is in Campbell county. I was raised there also and it has been wet as long as I can remember.. there was a bar in Alexandria..Alot of bars in Newport..Dad used to drag me along to those bars in Newport.The county I live in now is dry but the county seat is wet. They have bars and liquor stores you can buy it..
1/19/2009 5:48:15 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |

Sacramento, CA
70, joined May. 2008
Yes, Campbell County. I lived on Johns Hill Road before they put the college there, when it was still small farms,
we lived on Feldman Lane. In Alexandria, I lived just behind the fairgrounds on Main Street. There was a bar
where my mom got her beer in town, cannot recall the name right now. I went to Alexandria Elementary and
also to Grants Lick, where my mom taught third grade. My cousin Celia still lives in Alex. I have been back
to that town twice. There were about 4, ooo people when I lived there. Long ago and far away....have a friend
who lives on Dry Ridge Road back there.
1/19/2009 5:58:19 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |
Milaca, MN
34, joined Jan. 2008
didnt look like bad country but the cops are pricks dont get pulled over.
1/19/2009 9:09:05 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |

Sacramento, CA
70, joined May. 2008
The bar in Alex was the Maple Inn, and it was on the corner of the old 27 and Main Street, across from the drug
store. They sold ice cream cones, chicken in a basket, and, of course, liquor. Proud of myself for remembering, but
of course I passed it every day walking to and from school.
3/19/2009 9:52:39 AM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |
Virgie, KY
62, joined Dec. 2008
COWBOYTRUCKER,i have already fallen in love with your attitude. wouldnt let you get away with it for 2 seconds.in my world, but i love it. It would be my lifes greatest challenge to give you an attitude change and i am certain i am just the woman to do it.LOL.   
4/3/2009 11:04:58 PM |
Okay, considering a move to Kentucky. Pros & Cons People? |
Paducah, KY
35, joined Mar. 2009
If you move near western ky area by the lakes there are beaches and lakes and rivers and camping areas! It's beautiful!