11/3/2008 6:21:27 AM |
How Do You Get Through the Holidays?? |


Sacramento, CA
age: 63
Holidays and cold days are coming. Do you love or dread them? I think I do both.... this year, we have tickets for
the opera on the evening before Thanksgiving, so that removes us (we stay overnight when we go) from
that event! How about you? I do decorate the house, right now I have put out my china turkey and china squirrel
for fall, lots of orange and yellow doilies, and candles in holders with berries and leaves. What about you?
11/5/2008 4:04:53 PM |
How Do You Get Through the Holidays?? |
Lakeland, FL
age: 23
Hey Miss Alice I think I do both.When my father died I think part of me went with him.I think about all the special holidays he loved and I get sad.But I tell you what cheers me up.Looking at mom and bros thinking of how happy they are and I can fill myself get right up I get down alot because I dont have a boyfriend for the holidays and things like that but im thinkful for my family.Im so glad chritmas is near Thats one month I can say I really love because I can give from my heart,I hope you have a good holiday Miss Alice one love
11/6/2008 10:15:25 AM |
How Do You Get Through the Holidays?? |

Mahomet, IL
age: 49
This will be my first Holiday alone. I did put out some fall decor but just not sure I can do a Christmans tree.
I am just going to play it by ear, not going to make any plans and just try to go with the flow. I am not going to beat myself up if I choose not to participate.
I am recognizing the fact that forcing myself to do something just because it is a holiday does not have a good effect.
11/6/2008 12:02:39 PM |
How Do You Get Through the Holidays?? |
Belington, WV
age: 44
I am spending THanksgiving at my sister's house in Charleston. Just spending one day but it's better than nothing. Christmas is kind of depressing as my son and daughter won't be near. I miss them being young and tearing into the presents.
11/8/2008 9:51:41 AM |
How Do You Get Through the Holidays?? |

Xenia, OH
age: 48
I tend to get very depressed in the winter and thru the holidays, more so this year when my daughter, son-in-law and my 2 granddaughters will be in Iowa for Christmas. Lots of tears flow but I manage okay I guess. Being single sucks.....
11/8/2008 10:22:04 AM |
How Do You Get Through the Holidays?? |

Maspeth, NY
age: 37
The holidays are tough for me, but I get through them with the help of family and friends.... and when I am not running to and from things with them, I try to volunteer somewhere.... Last year it was at an animal shelter, a few years ago, I cooked at a domestic violence shelter on xmas and new years eve
11/8/2008 4:11:21 PM |
How Do You Get Through the Holidays?? |
Minneapolis, MN
age: 42
This year my daughter is headed to her dad's for Thanksgiving and I decided I would volunteer at the Salvation Army for a few hours. Normally this time of year depresses me because of all the people I love that I have lost (my mom, uncle and aunts). They all loved the holidays and they always made a big deal of it and baked up a storm. I miss those days, but just remembering them at this tiem of the year does help me make the holidays a good time for my daughter.
11/8/2008 8:24:42 PM |
How Do You Get Through the Holidays?? |
Lafayette, IN
age: 59
I've been divorced for over 25 years but the last 3-4 have been harder since all my kids are on their own. Yes, we all get togethere, but it's not the same, coming home to an empty house. I think it has bothered me more in the last few years than it ever did before.
Which is one reason why I'm here!
I'm actually very good at distracting myself and keeping busy, but once the kids were gone, I was more aware of being alone and wanting to have someone special to share good times with. I think we are having Thanksgiving the weekend before this year so that means I'll need to do something on the actual holiday on my own. Looks like I'm going to house sit for some friends though and take care of their dog who is suffering from congestive heart failure. The dog happens to be very special to me, so I'm really looking forward to this last opportunity to spend time with him.
The thing about the holidays is that if I'm not already involved with someone, I don't like to start looking. I think it's awkward in some ways unless you really hit it off with someone. I've actually been thinking of deleting my profile for now for that reason, but haven't decided for sure yet.
11/9/2008 4:49:46 AM |
How Do You Get Through the Holidays?? |

Durham, NC
age: 51
I spend a lot of time in the Malls. Seriously, I love the
atmosphere in the malls at Christmastime.
The decorations, Santa, the music, the food smells, the
hustle bustle of the shoppers. Love it!
I like to park myself on a bench with a good cup of joe
or hot chocolate and just people watch. It is fun to sit
near Santa and observe the little ones all dressed up
in their Christmas attire.
Even if I am broke this always cheers me up. 
11/9/2008 9:40:23 AM |
How Do You Get Through the Holidays?? |


Evansville, IN
age: 40
I get a block of time off work, and night classes don't start up for several more weeks, so the holidays are a peaceful time for me. Nice to have time to travel and let my son bond with his distant grandparents. Then again, I'd really enjoy having a special guy to snuggle under a blanket with...mmm...what were we talking about?
[Edited 11/9/2008 9:40:56 AM PST]
11/9/2008 1:39:47 PM |
How Do You Get Through the Holidays?? |


Sacramento, CA
age: 63
I love San Francisco during the holiday... Irish coffee, the lights reflected on the Bay, all the big stores fancied up, the
SFSPCA pets at Nordstroms (for those out of state, the SPCA and Nordstroms work together during the holidays to
help homeless pets. The windows are used to showcase the pets, and there are volunteers right there to help
match people to pets and to make sure pets get a shot at a good home) I love people watching there, every race,
every lifestyle, anything goes.
11/9/2008 3:10:28 PM |
How Do You Get Through the Holidays?? |

New Albany, IN
age: 37
I guess I'm not the only one that has trouble through the holidays! Some days are great (watching my kids or looking at snow- from inside). Pain comes with cold so its hard to stay positive. I love christmas but its always a struggle. I always like to decorate and take my kids out and look at lights. That always makes me smile.
11/9/2008 4:59:56 PM |
How Do You Get Through the Holidays?? |


Norway, ME
age: 21
I love the holiday season! I just hate the cold and snow lol. I love to decorate everything. I also love baking for people and having the house smell so yummy all the time. I also enjoy getting others presents and gifts and wrapping them and then I just love watching them open their gifts. I like knowing that they appreciate something nice being done for them.
Wow San Francisco sounds like it is beautiful around this time of year!
11/9/2008 6:16:48 PM |
How Do You Get Through the Holidays?? |


Sacramento, CA
age: 63
The City is beautiful in every season, please come if you have never been. I have been up and down and across
this state, and San Francisco and her beautiful sister city, Santa Barbara, are the queens of cities. But back to the
holidays, what I dread are "family" get togethers, everyone is so phony and no one talks about anything serious
or interesting. To be honest, I would love to go to a real party, where there is dancing, drinks, people singing
and laughing, and acting silly. The holidays are so stuffy.
11/10/2008 4:16:23 PM |
How Do You Get Through the Holidays?? |
Lafayette, IN
age: 59
The City is beautiful in every season, please come if you have never been. I have been up and down and across
this state, and San Francisco and her beautiful sister city, Santa Barbara, are the queens of cities. But back to the
holidays, what I dread are "family" get togethers, everyone is so phony and no one talks about anything serious
or interesting. To be honest, I would love to go to a real party, where there is dancing, drinks, people singing
and laughing, and acting silly. The holidays are so stuffy.
I get along well with my family but I do miss parties too. Most of my friends at this point are married and I don't enjoy going to couples' parties alone for very long.