Ogden, UT
age: 49
I'd like to share this with you from a post I pasted:
Recently a lady that I met on here told me that she was being "stalked". These are old rules and apply to men and women. These are suggestions. Only suggestions.
If you dont think of your own safety, you may have problems later on. Simple things that we may forget about until its too late. If you are meeting for the very first time, it doesnt matter if you are a man or woman, you have to be careful when planning on meeting someone. Some suggestions are:
(1) Meet in a public place where there are a lot of people.
(2) Before you meet, let some of your friends know that you are meeting someone. Give them the:
(a) persons name
(b)screen name if you remember it.
(c) Where
(d)what time
(3) Take your own car/truck/tank/horse/bike/taxi there and back.
(4)Check the drivers license of the person you are meeting to make sure you have the identiy.. That way you know who you are meeting.
(5) If you can, get friends to be there the same time you are there. This may be hard, but if your friend you might feel safer.
(6) Dont give out your personal home address until you are sure that you are not dealing with someone that has serious issues. Like stalking.
Stalkers are not new to the internet, just be careful out there in cyber space.
Alias >> AquaSoxFan
Hinsdale, IL
age: 75
If you give out an email -- have one with a fake name, not your own. If he wants to talk with you on the telephone, no matter how nice he seems -- tell him you will telephone him. Dial*67 then his number. This blocks your name and number.


Tiverton, RI
age: 51
If you have his first and last name you can do a google search and see if anything pops up


Beverly Hills, CA
age: 49
I always carry a gun with me I have a concealed weapons permit.
Daytona Beach, FL
age: 43
call or text his tag number to someone , if he has problem with that walk away.
also thats a good idea ,ask to see his drivers lic. If he really likes you he will be glad you being smart.
get there home phone not just a cell, and do reverse search and get there address, very easy and let them know you have it

Hanover Park, IL
age: 32
If you have friends on a police force get his first and last name and let them run him to see if anything comes up

Nevada, MO
age: 48
I check two sites before I meet anyone. The first is http://www.whitepages.com/reverse_phone This site will let you do a reverse phone # check. Usually you can get the name and address. I check this against information they have given me to make sure they are who they say they are.
The second site in Missouri is https://www.courts.mo.gov/casenet/base/welcome.do This site lets you double check any court actions. You can search the name and it will give you access to any litigation they have been involved with. You can verify divorces, assaults, stalking orders, and DWI's. It helps to validate their character. It has saved me many times from meeting abusive men.
It isn't fail safe but it is another tool you can use to keep you safe.
Monee, IL
age: 41
Just in case, ladies also need to remember that their teeth are a weapon! Don't forget this. Bite if you have to...and hard!