Memphis, TN
age: 58
We've all been there. The profile says "These are the deal breakers..." Some of these are the usual, no smoking, no alcohol, no drugs, no cheating...the old standards. However, as I get more and more involved with this internet dating and forming relationships, I realize that it's more involved than non smoking, drinking, non womanizing, no cheating... One just hit me way out of left field a couple of days ago. It took a couple of days for it to really sink in, it's the matter of income, the major bread winner, who makes the most, who gets the most input in how finances are managed. If one of the spouses/significant others is partially disabled, semi retired, or fully retired and the other has to continue to work until two weeks after they die, I can foresee a huge detrimental rift in the relationship. It's inevitable, one is going to be the penny pincher & the other who continues to work and makes mucho deniro is not going to see the financial picture the same way. When one has a fixed income and the other has a higher salary, I don't have a very optimistic viewpoint here. Sorry...
Other deal breakers in no particular order:
1. Dictating changes or mandating changes in your partners lifestyle, interests, or hobbies and telling them what their maximum will be/trying to run the other person's life. Hitler was a dictator and look what happened to him.
2. Being too needy and clingy...BACK OFF and let us have breathing room
3. Wanting to be Married and pushing/hunting for a permanent union. Some of us don't want to be married period...we have experienced enough marital bliss. It is too stressful. Some of us are just not wife/husband material.
4. Not being on the same page with family, kids, religion
5. One half of the couple continuously talks about sex and romance to the point where the other half does not want to hear another syllable about it.
6. Being a control freak and wanting to dominate the relationship
7. Inconsideration, belittling, derrogatory remarks, and degrading behaviour or comments...totally inexcusable, inappropriate, and uncalled for
8. Living your life vicariously through your kids. Let them have a life and stop living it for them. If they have the potential to be a Nobel Prize winning Physicist and they want to be a diesel mechanic, leave it alone!!! I don't want to hear it.
[Edited 1/26/2009 11:50:03 AM PST]

Dyersburg, TN
age: 51

Memphis, TN
age: 58
Well, I really figured that I would get a rise out of some people here. Everyone has Deal Breakers but I guess you don't care to make them known   