10/27/2007 3:08:29 PM |
This is a date story, and my new song... |

Elk River, MN
age: 20
It would be rather ridiculous to tell the whole story behind this song, but the main points are this.
I dated a girl back in, like, May who had a 2 year old son. She and I got along great and I love kids, so it was amazing. It was like I had my own little family for a while. Her parents loved me and sometimes her dad and I got along better than she and I did.
About a month later her son's father decided to come back and try being a man for a change. For her son's sake, she decided to go back to him and cut me out.
She and I remained friends for a while and hung out every couple weeks, and her dad and I would chill in the garage sometimes drinkin' beer and workin' on his '63 Impala.
About a month ago she tells me she is pregnant again and her man decided to run away again. She wanted me to come out and just be with her, as a friend, for the weekend.
I got there on Friday. A couple hours after I had arrived she had gotten a phone call. It was him. She said she had to go but she would be right back.
I was left alone with her son. I took care of him like he was my own. I have come to love him, and I am a better father to him than his real dad ever will be.
By Sunday morning, she still hadn't returned, and I didn't think she was ever going to. That's when I wrote this song for her son - and yes, I play guitar - it's called "Someday".
Watchin' little Einsteins
Six a.m. on a Sunday
No more late night Saturdays
Mama couldn't be here
Son we're doin' just fine though
And we've got everything we need
Don't have time to worry
'Cause you've got my hands full
Haven't seen her in three days
She's out with your real dad now
She says that he's changed
He left before you were even born
But he'll be back someday
I swallow hard as I lie to you
Sayin' he'll take care of her
And son she'll be back someday
You're laughin' eatin' mac n' cheese
It's 10:30 now
Can't you keep your food on your plate
I've only been awake
Since five o'clock this mornin'
Feels like it's been two damn days
You're almost out of diapers
And I'm almost out of money
I wonder who will buy my guitar
She's out with your real dad now
She says that he's changed
He left before you were even born
But he'll be back someday
I swallow hard as I lie to you
Sayin' he'll take care of her
And son she'll be back someday
It's ten o'clock at night
Son don't you ever sleep
I've gotta work at five a.m.
Now it's two o'clock and
I can here you cryin'
You must've had another bad dream
Great it's three o'clock
It's time to go to your grandma's
So I can get to work on time
She's out with your real dad now
I know that he hasn't changed
I've known you for three damn months
Thats more than he can say
And son I will take care of you
But I cannot lie to you
They won't be back someday
Contrary to the final chorus, she eventually did come back. About three o'clock Monday morning. No excuses, she was just out with him. He was there too. I had to leave before I ended up doing something to him that would put me in jail.
I kissed her son goodbye and he looked at me and said, "Goodbye daddy!" Something I never taught him, nor heard him say before that.
I couldn't even look at him again; I would cry. So I left. Haven't seen them since.

10/29/2007 10:39:19 AM |
This is a date story, and my new song... |

Calumet City, IL
age: 54
Ow, that hurt. So sorry you had to go thru that. Sometimes the harder the lesson the quicker we remember it. Just look at it as putting another jewel in your crown..you did a good deed.
Poor little boy and the 2nd child. Probably look at her in 5 yrs and find her w/a few more kids and no father. I really hope you lost her number and vice versa. She's got some problems you can't help with or handle for her.
10/29/2007 1:11:01 PM |
This is a date story, and my new song... |

Elk River, MN
age: 20
Agreed... She was cool and all, but damn... How stupid can you be? And don't worry, I threw my cell phone out the window on the way home and just happened to get a new phone # and a blank phone book... haha...
Much love
10/29/2007 4:55:07 PM |
This is a date story, and my new song... |

Eugene, OR
age: 41 online now!
Majik...You are one hell of a man. Great stuff.
10/30/2007 4:33:28 PM |
This is a date story, and my new song... |

Elk River, MN
age: 20
Thanks Falcon! I appreciate hearing that... Normally my songs aren't "kid friendly", but all I had was an accoustic guitar and a two-year-old as an audience, so... haha...
10/30/2007 6:57:43 PM |
This is a date story, and my new song... |

Sturgeon Bay, WI
age: 42
wow Majik, as a mother that makes me sick to my stomach... sad. I applaud you - you've got great character!!!! Wish I could actually hear your song.... u have it on youtube yet?!
10/30/2007 7:37:01 PM |
This is a date story, and my new song... |

Elk River, MN
age: 20
Well, thank you for the compliment Menace... And no, I have yet to put any of my songs on YouTube... I suppose I could... I've just always been a little shy about singing, ya know? I'll let you know if I ever decide to though...
11/1/2007 9:15:19 PM |
This is a date story, and my new song... |

Ellsworth, PA
age: 30 online now!
Hey dude....great stuff, and I'm going to give you some friendly insight:
Whatever you do, don't go back to see this boy again...if he's already calling you daddy, and she's that unstable to keep you around and dodge you for her son's father-at her leisure, just imagine the emotional trama you would have a played part in his life....not only did one man run in and out of his life, but now two men are doing this....and try telling this to a child who doesn't understand....will only tramatize him more. You're doing him better justice by staying away, than being a part of his life.
You should pass this off as experience, and just let it go. I know it's hard to form a bond and then have it torn away from you, it's not fair, but it is the reality.
When both of my girls were born, I said to myself, "how could I just meet someone for the first time and love them so much".....children have this emotional effect on us, but like I said, it's not fair to you, or this poor boy either, but it is the reality that unfortunately he's going to have to live...and you can't save him from it.....which is harder to deal with, because if you try, it may backfire on you!
good luck bro
11/2/2007 7:08:47 AM |
This is a date story, and my new song... |

Tacoma, WA
age: 39
Well said, bog.
11/3/2007 12:06:09 AM |
This is a date story, and my new song... |

Flora, IL
age: 52
this was so well done! It is a sad story but in todays world it is the truth. So many young girls just don't know when a good thing hits them for real. your young yet and I am sure with your warm heart you will find a better person and hopefully you will have your own family and just remember that little guy who was the first to call you daddy. Someday you will look into the eyes of your own child and that moment will relive itself in your eyes. I myself got 2 kids dumped on me by my sister. But she did not come back for 11 years. But they are just as much mine as mine are. I love them to death. And it was hard when she came back and just wanted to start in like it never happened. But you know now there kids call me grandma and not her.
11/16/2007 8:48:29 PM |
This is a date story, and my new song... |

Elk River, MN
age: 20
Wow, thanks for the comments everyone... Bogdewic, I really appreciate what you said... That was the road I had chosen to follow already - not going back and creating a traumatic experience - but it didn't feel right... I had felt like I was abandoning him just as his real dad had done... But, it helps to hear it from someone else... Thanks a lot man...
Army, that's nuts... 11 years? Wow... You must being an amazing parent... To have so much thrown at you like that and still stand strong... It's really cool how it all worked out... Thanks for sharing, it helps a lot to hear of other people's adversities...
Cheers Army! Cheers Bogdewic!

11/20/2007 1:39:41 PM |
This is a date story, and my new song... |

Maplewood, NJ
age: 59
Sorry Charlie … All that happened to you and the child and all you could do was write a song!
Here are a few facts that you did not think about:
1 – Without proper permission and probably in writing this would be considered ABANODMENT and she could be arrested and have the child taken away.
2 – If there was an accident YOU are not the Father or Legal Guardian. What would happen if the kid needed an emergency operation … Do you even know the blood type or allergies?
3 – What about a phone number even a cell phone number?
4 – I hope you make a million dollars with the song so you can afford an education in life and not have to experience all the mistakes first hand.
Sorry if I am a bit hard on you but ya gots to wise up.
Your Dutch Uncle