10/28/2007 2:03:07 PM |
Should Under 50 Year Olds Be Allowed to Post in These Threads? |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54
Testing the waters, to see if this one is Houdinierized....
10/28/2007 2:13:46 PM |
Should Under 50 Year Olds Be Allowed to Post in These Threads? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
As I stated in my last thread on this subject that mysteriously disappeared.. ahemmmmmmm... No, they should not. If they had their own age room, they would not want us there. Dustin should see about each age group having their own forum and than forums where we all can get together anytime we want
10/28/2007 2:18:50 PM |
Should Under 50 Year Olds Be Allowed to Post in These Threads? |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54
I agree, Tru, each age group should have their own forums. I certainly wouldn't "hang out" in a 20's forum, unless of course I was trolling for a hot stud to call and chat about Britney............Whasssssssssup.
10/28/2007 2:36:45 PM |
Should Under 50 Year Olds Be Allowed to Post in These Threads? |

Saint Matthews, SC
age: 55
Cool.... finally a place for senior citizens.. lol
I'm old but I ain't dead.... hehehehe
Bring it on if ya got something intelligent to add... if your just poking sticks at old people stay out... lol
10/28/2007 2:42:53 PM |
Should Under 50 Year Olds Be Allowed to Post in These Threads? |

Akron, IN
age: 59
I believe they should respect the restrictions put on the room, just as they should respect the rules of posting on the other threads. But as we all know there are a few that respect little, not even themselves. So they will be showing up here. If they are removed or deleted is yet to be seen.
10/28/2007 2:59:01 PM |
Should Under 50 Year Olds Be Allowed to Post in These Threads? |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54
Oh, so that is what that was when I was in bed with that young stud? He was poking a stick at an old fart, and here I thought the stick was something else.
10/28/2007 3:03:37 PM |
Should Under 50 Year Olds Be Allowed to Post in These Threads? |

Akron, IN
age: 59
Easy to fool a old broad with weak eyes....
"Not with a ten foot pole" comes to mind for some reason...
10/28/2007 3:04:33 PM |
Should Under 50 Year Olds Be Allowed to Post in These Threads? |

Saint Matthews, SC
age: 55
lol @ lawvixen.... yep that was pokin' old people at it's best.... hehehe
10/28/2007 3:19:09 PM |
Should Under 50 Year Olds Be Allowed to Post in These Threads? |

Rockville, MD
age: 50
Perhaps TruBlu should go see Logan's Run.
Making hard and fast restrictions doesn't produce very satisfying results. For example, if we had a 40s room where people could onlt post if they were 40 to 49, she would have recently been banned from the room she had known and loved for 10 years, and thrown into this room with a bunch of strangers.
We have people like Fritz who is 47 and essentially of the "fifty-something mentality", although I'm sure he still claims the forty-something and quite possibly a bit of the 30-somethings too.
Then there is StellaBlue, closer to 50 than 49. To the insurance companies, she is already 50, as they set the range half a year on either side of your birthday.
Here is my proposal:
Create threads for 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60+.
For any room, allow 5 years on each side, so that anyone 45-65 could post in the 50s group.
This would allow transition from one group to another.
How about we just allow Content and Taste to determine who posts where?
10/28/2007 3:24:54 PM |
Should Under 50 Year Olds Be Allowed to Post in These Threads? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
I don't really give a rats ass what they do for the forums lol Just tired of listening to the b*tching from them
10/28/2007 3:34:15 PM |
Should Under 50 Year Olds Be Allowed to Post in These Threads? |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54
This old broad will take you on any day, Chucky, I just have to find my reading glasses, teeth, walker, and spittoon first.
10/28/2007 3:36:05 PM |
Should Under 50 Year Olds Be Allowed to Post in These Threads? |

Akron, IN
age: 59
Let me go and dig out my poker...
10/28/2007 3:36:20 PM |
Should Under 50 Year Olds Be Allowed to Post in These Threads? |

Greenville, MI
age: 57
For a while there I almost forgot that other threads were living !!!!
10/28/2007 3:45:59 PM |
Should Under 50 Year Olds Be Allowed to Post in These Threads? |

Greenville, MI
age: 57
Oh yeah, the Thread...under 50 ?? Hmmmmm, only if they wear flannel thongs !!!!
10/28/2007 3:48:49 PM |
Should Under 50 Year Olds Be Allowed to Post in These Threads? |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54
If it is that difficult to find your "poker", then I shall refrain from taking you on....or in.