11/11/2007 6:01:01 PM |
No one wants to get old...... |

Columbia, SC
age: 44
I do worry about this , but not to much......I feel we need to live every day to the fullest..... Why is it so damn hard to just want to live.......
I have a 70 old mother in Law that is that way.....She is a walking talking wild woman....
Loves her family , to death...... And doesnt worry what a when she may die , she lives for now....I admire her, for that..... And hope I have good heath like she does....
And wish my Mom , would have lived to have fun too..... But she didnt ...I will not sit by and let life just past.....At 44, and hell no I don't look my age, and what don't know how and whats the way to act ....But I'll say this ladies, Letting someone or something dictate what and when you should talk , think, feel and even love is not me...... Be a sexual being... And we women can.......Its not wrong or unhealthy, or makes us look like wh*res, its the way time has taught us to believe.... But this isn't the 20' 30' 40'or 50's........
We women need to have a voice OURS...........
I'll be me till my life leaves my body...... So go and live do the best you can with your time, and LAUGH its wonderful.......It is.............. Hugs Beach
How do you feel ?
11/11/2007 6:15:43 PM |
No one wants to get old...... |

Redwood City, CA
age: 26
I am me, and I plan on being this way until I die!
OK maybe I hope to have someone to be me with... But still, I gotta be me!! Who else would I be?
11/11/2007 6:54:50 PM |
No one wants to get old...... |

Selah, WA
age: 46
I am me ... don't think anyone would wanna be me but hey if there are any offers ....
11/12/2007 4:30:08 PM |
No one wants to get old...... |

Utica, NY
age: 60
Hi beach, Agree that we all should accept who we are and be genuine... that usually comes about as we age... part of that acceptance is our sexuality. Too bad too, cause (we) could have used that insight when (we) were younger and firmer! 
Since this is a Woman's World Group... we're going to hear from all ages and possibly learn from each other... just another aspect of "getting older". Tolerance.
We all are here learning, from another person's experiences, opinions or value system and accepting and incorporating what we can, into our lives, and letting the rest fall away.
I think the definition of "getting old" is not so much about what we can cram into the day or week but how much more we still WANT TO LEARN from each other. 
11/12/2007 8:56:28 PM |
No one wants to get old...... |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
I have a daughter 44 years old as of march 26. I just wonder if the nice youngers in here would behave toward their mothers as they do to me.
That is all my crying.
Hope that all learn some things about the world and how to behave in it as the grow older. Because everything we do in the world has a way of coming back and biting us in the butt. And many times being older means watching the mistakes we have made come back to us in our children and grandchildren. We are not an island in this world and not thinking of more than just your own intertainment is too selfish.
Once again will say that my grandchildren are not babies, the are old enough to be on this site. And this site had standards, that is the reason many of us where already here before a lot of the new ones where. How can you not expect it to be unexceptable to us to see new ones come on and be changing it all the time.
It is not as if there are not places on this site for people to be aware of, to stay out of. Do not understand why I am a wicked witch when I am not the one behaving wickedly.
Standards are different for different people and I find this stuff offensive. I have never said anyone should leave, just take into consideration the feelings of others.
I do not know the NEW 'language' so had no idea what 'my bad' was supposed to mean. Still do not.
And I do not understand why just because some think nudity is something to pushed or that we all should have to put up with it, everyhere. And Beach the first time I said anything to you, you, Bendi and Hollywood where doing a porno book on the forums.
[Edited 11/13/2007 2:19:53 PM]
11/13/2007 8:24:27 PM |
No one wants to get old...... |

Des Moines, IA
age: 57 online now!
Well, I think it bothers some more than others to get old or older, no one has really put an age to what is old so I guess I will call it 96. Then I'll be old, even to me. I have some tricks I do to keep me believing I am "all that". I start with putting on some good ole rock and roll, that always makes me feel the age I was when it came out. See I can even decieve myself for decades because I don't pay attention to the new music.
So who doesn't feel young and sexy when they are boogying around the house? I do the walk, wait...I guess I do the talk too sometimes. My ole Alaskin Malamute used to start going roo roo rooo until she was into a full blown howl...I just look in the mirror and throw myself a kiss, c*ck that one eyebrow up and tell myself "word is, you still got it girl" and it works for me. 
[Edited 11/13/2007 8:26:04 PM]
11/14/2007 10:35:15 AM |
No one wants to get old...... |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Sounds like a good way to handle it Roseanna.
I try to convince myself that I am not as good as I once was but will still knock your socks off.
11/14/2007 11:16:18 AM |
No one wants to get old...... |

Des Moines, IA
age: 57 online now!
My socks????
11/14/2007 11:27:40 AM |
No one wants to get old...... |

Columbia, SC
age: 44
I remember seeing my Mom get ready, looking at her and saying Mom how old do you feel.....
She stands there and looks at me and said 18......She was in her 40's then.....I thought that weird...... And I didnt get it.....
Now that Im in my 40's I do now..... Its just a number ......feeling and looking your age is to me something that in the inside.... And yes at times I can't not do the things I would like to do..... Because of my knee......But other then that I am very active......
There's a lady on here and my friend that, at her age is very active..... And has shown me that getting older, you can still be sexy and desired......
And keeping and open mind is what is helping her to the possibilities ......
What ever they may be...... So heck Im looking forward to growing into a better me.....
thanks ladies for all your insight.......Be proud of who you are..... Thats all Im saying...
Hugs Beach
[Edited 11/14/2007 12:03:36 PM]
11/14/2007 10:32:16 PM |
No one wants to get old...... |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Not girls Channa, I am thinking of guys when I do that.  
11/15/2007 7:09:41 AM |
No one wants to get old...... |

Des Moines, IA
age: 57 online now!
Oh Yeah, I remember that term now, it's just been so long since I've had my socks knocked off, I thought maybe you were getting mean with me...whew..good..
11/15/2007 12:33:27 PM |
No one wants to get old...... |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
I haven't picked up the new lingo I am still lost in the 60s verbally, you no groovy, cool, a living doll.
11/15/2007 1:57:17 PM |
No one wants to get old...... |

Des Moines, IA
age: 57 online now!
Nice new photo, the girls are cute. I wonder how often the young ones read stuff I say and just think it's so "dorky". I've worked in the field of drug and alcohol treatment for many years now, mostly young people so they keep me up on some of the trendy talk. Channa
11/15/2007 4:01:25 PM |
No one wants to get old...... |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
I make my grand daughters talk so I got an idea if they are insulting me or not.