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3/27/2007 1:11:40 PM a person hasn't had any sexual activity for a very long time.  

Charlotte, NC
age: 53

I would like thoughts about someone you meet and you may find interesting to persue,sexually. You find out they haven't had sex in may years. Is this good bad or indifferent.
I my self have not had sexual activity in in a long time and am unsure how to say it.

3/27/2007 1:30:39 PM a person hasn't had any sexual activity for a very long time.  

Washington, DC
age: 46

After my last divorce. I've decided to actively avoid sex (ok, fine, with another person!) for at least a year. Try to do something different, at least once in my life. I know exactly what's going to happen when I do have sex with a woman for the first time since. She'll know way ahead of time its been awhile since my last time. And, I trust, she'll overlook our first time, and look forward to retraining me for the long haul, lol. If not, well, she will be numbered my "first" in a year, and number two will be up next. My point is, why hide your inactivity? It might even put her more at ease.

3/27/2007 1:41:46 PM a person hasn't had any sexual activity for a very long time.  

Seaside, OR
age: 42

Slow, good job. I must say, however, that in the past when I have shared with "suitors" that I have been on sexual hiatus they tend to find problems with even asking if I was frigid. I think I have a miniscule, slight, teeny, tiny, itty, bitty, eensy, weensy, minute, iota of an intimacy phobia. Then there's that damned trust thingy. I may have to enlist your aid to overcome one or both of these pesky lil turds. LOL

3/27/2007 2:00:54 PM a person hasn't had any sexual activity for a very long time.  

Pamplin, VA
age: 81

To me, if anything it would be a positive to not worry so much about where the other has been. I am particular who I give my body to and it has been a very long time. I shared how long with another recently and the response was, aren't there men around you to date??? I have dated. That doesn't mean I necessarly am going to have sex with one I date. Sex, for me, is too much of a connection to be had just because I can.

3/27/2007 3:09:02 PM a person hasn't had any sexual activity for a very long time.  

Washington, DC
age: 46

Oh, I don't know, Kat. I'm probably not the best choice for help in those departments.

3/27/2007 3:49:08 PM a person hasn't had any sexual activity for a very long time.  

Seaside, OR
age: 42

Honey, I am certain that you are. LOL

3/27/2007 8:03:07 PM a person hasn't had any sexual activity for a very long time.  

Stroudsburg, PA
age: 51

Hey Unslightly!
Is that condition you have contagious,
I think I might have some of those same symptoms!?! LMAO!!

Using your best judgment might yield you the best response.
Sometimes you have to feel out the situation with the other person
before you mention the 'born again virgin' scenerio.
And...if the other person is worth your time then she should be able
to understand where you are coming from.

By the way, bet you haven't forgotten how to ride a bike?!?! LOL!

3/27/2007 9:03:40 PM a person hasn't had any sexual activity for a very long time.  

Overland Park, KS
age: 27

I wouldn't think it would make a difference one way or the other. Like what was said above, it's kinda like riding a bicycle. As long as you remember what goes where, I'd say don't worry about it. The more aware you are of how long its been the more awkward it will probably be. Just relax and have a good time with it. Sex, afterall, should be fun for everyone involved!

Oh, you could also pracitce. Practice makes perfect and in this case it sure is a lot of fun too!

3/28/2007 1:23:36 AM a person hasn't had any sexual activity for a very long time.  

Lowry City, MO
age: 47

Riding a bike makes me winded.
I spect the alternative wud do the same thing.

3/28/2007 12:31:09 PM a person hasn't had any sexual activity for a very long time.  

Independence, KS
age: 31

HI my name is siless i have NOT had sex since i been here in Independence ks so you can say I'm new to town.but may i say you are hot...

3/28/2007 12:37:43 PM a person hasn't had any sexual activity for a very long time.  

Seaside, OR
age: 42


[Edited 3/28/2007 12:39:53 PM]

3/28/2007 12:39:13 PM a person hasn't had any sexual activity for a very long time.  

Seaside, OR
age: 42

My last bike ride ended when I went off a curb on a "male" bike and bashed my "hooha" on the bar beneath the seat. Many ppl were about so I did not scream profanities and hop around, but, yes, sex is comparable....if you're into that. LOL Hill, are ya winded?
ltrminded: yeah, the symptoms are the get in the clubhouse, the meeting is about to begin! LOL

3/28/2007 2:26:35 PM a person hasn't had any sexual activity for a very long time.  

Dayton, OH
age: 45 online now!

Been a looooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggg time for me too. So I guess the next time I will a minute man. LOL I am very picky of who Ill shear my body with.

3/28/2007 5:55:41 PM a person hasn't had any sexual activity for a very long time.  

Lowry City, MO
age: 47

I get winded just readin yer posts, Slightly.

Is that sumpthin like you take my breath away?

Naaaaa, didnt think so. lol

3/28/2007 8:46:03 PM a person hasn't had any sexual activity for a very long time.  

Redlands, CA
age: 44

Maybe if we pedal slower Hill? LMAO

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