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5/25/2009 12:35:59 AM |
Masons MOORS and Muslims |
Bridgeport, CT
age: 22
Why do they have 1 thing in common and what is it?
Meet singles at, we're 100% free! Join now!

5/25/2009 5:32:31 AM |
Masons MOORS and Muslims |

Sacramento, CA
age: 65
Looks like you plan to tell us, so go ahead! I thought the word "moor" comes from the Spanish word "moreno"
meaning dark or brown, and is used to describe anyone from North Africa, as Spain sits across the Straits from
North Africa. But, enlighten me!
5/28/2009 7:32:36 AM |
Masons MOORS and Muslims |
Bridgeport, CT
age: 22
You are partially correct ,MOOR was the name given to the Native Americans Christopher Columbus encountered when he reached America or we call it North AMEXEM or BLACK Turtle Island,but the MOORS or Native Americans are direct descendants of the Olmecs and these MOORS tought religion or principals to the European Masons thats all I can share but fell free to reearch our Prophet Noble Drew Ali
Nasir Shareef Bey
5/28/2009 10:15:24 AM |
Masons MOORS and Muslims |


Atascadero, CA
age: 37
Alright, I'll bite, but to avoid argument I'll accept that you may have different information that leads you to believe things are the way you say they are.
The Moors are a dark-skinned group from Northern Africa who are largely Muslim. They frequently settled in Spain and had both good and bad dealings with Spain.
The Masons are a fraternal order of men originally started as a stonemason's guild, but eventually turned into a brotherhood of men who help one another and have fun together like many other groups.
Muslims, followers of the religion of Islam, fall into a few groups. There is the Nation of Islam, lead by Louis Farrakhan, who have teachings quite different than traditional Islam and believe that African descended (black) people are a superior "race" to all others. Traditional Islam is a religion started based on the teachings of a man named Mohamed who said he had conversations with God. His sayings were recorded into a book called the Q'uran, which is the holy book of modern Islam.
What the three have in common? Moors are often Muslims. Masons are supposed to believe in a higher power and Muslims can be Masons along with just about anyone else. The Masons don't dictate your religion. Other than that, they have the letter "M" in common.
Anyway, I know your information disagrees with that, but that's history and modern society as I know it. You're entitled to believe differently of course.
5/28/2009 6:05:35 PM |
Masons MOORS and Muslims |

Dixon, MO
age: 37
Whoa that made my brain hurt, where the Hell did you come up with this BS. Wolfyhp has his history correct, but you are a few bricks shy of a full load. You have every right to what you believe, but dude the only thing they do have in common is the letter 'M'.
5/28/2009 7:27:41 PM |
Masons MOORS and Muslims |
Bridgeport, CT
age: 22
alright explain why there are 7 circle korans envolved in MOORISH science a fez incorporated in the Masons with titles such as EL-BEY,MOROCCO,ALLAH,ABBA etc,not to mention Masonic symbolism also MOORS today follow the supreme math as well as the NOI,and the 5 Percent Nation of GODS and EARTHS or how about a Moroccan treaty they share to hold the Constitution to what it was meant for?
5/28/2009 7:50:15 PM |
Masons MOORS and Muslims |

Dixon, MO
age: 37
The Masons use abreviations, the simaluraties are of amusement factor only. But I have the feeling that no matter what your going to keep yapping. So I am not going to say anymore on the matter, and good day.
6/5/2009 1:35:55 AM |
Masons MOORS and Muslims |
Havelock, NC
age: 20
Ok...I have to take the bait, the reason being is I'm of Moorish descent...
The Moors invaded Spain almost 1000 years ago...They were Muslims...They were also from North Africa and what is now Turkey...
In the late 1400's (1492 if I'm not mistaken) Los Reyes Católicos (Catholic Monarchs) Ferdinand and Isabella expelled the Moors from Spain to create a unified Catholic Spain...Evidence of the Moors' presence is still visible in cities such as Córdoba and Granada...
Most of the people who fought for the Unification of Spain (also known as the Spanish Inquisition) later became involved with the Freemasons, as it began as a secret society dedicated to GOD, but later changed as it migrated and took on more members...The were Christians...
The only similarities that I can link is their History...But other than that, they all start with "M", but if you get technical...Masons are actually called "Freemasons"...So they don't even have the "M" in common when you get down to it...
6/5/2009 1:37:53 AM |
Masons MOORS and Muslims |
Havelock, NC
age: 20
alright explain why there are 7 circle korans envolved in MOORISH science a fez incorporated in the Masons with titles such as EL-BEY,MOROCCO,ALLAH,ABBA etc,not to mention Masonic symbolism also MOORS today follow the supreme math as well as the NOI,and the 5 Percent Nation of GODS and EARTHS or how about a Moroccan treaty they share to hold the Constitution to what it was meant for?
This is not directly involved with the Freemasons...It is actually involved in the Sudan Shriners...They are the ones with the Arabic influences...Yes you do have to become a Mason to become a Shriner, but they are two separate entities entirely...
6/6/2009 5:59:22 PM |
Masons MOORS and Muslims |
Grand Junction, CO
age: 58
Why do they have 1 thing in common and what is it?
Are YOU a Morish, Muslim MASON?
Or just have a personal but NOT informed "OPINION"?
WHAT is the differance between a "ROUGH ASHLAR" and a "SMOOTH ASHLAR"?
Answer THAT and I'll KNOW!
Stay in Peace
6/6/2009 6:17:05 PM |
Masons MOORS and Muslims |
Grand Junction, CO
age: 58
You are partially correct ,
MOOR was the name given to the Native Americans Christopher Columbus encountered when he reached America or
>we< call it North AMEXEM or >BLACK< Turtle Island,
but the MOORS or Native Americans
are direct descendants of the Olmecs and these MOORS tought religion or principals to the European Masons
thats all I can share
but fell free to reearch
>our< Prophet Noble Drew Ali
Nasir Shareef Bey
AND MicMac/Blackfoot "INDIAN"!
YOU on the other hand are a ..... BIGOTED ignoramus!
In his DIARY he wrote,
"En esta dia, yo eh encontrado una jente en Dios."
"On THIS DAY I have encountered one People in God."
The "PEOPLE" he encountered did NOTHING without FIRST, THINKING AND PRAYING!
UNLIKE the "Good Christians" who butchered Men, Women AND CHILDREN by the tens of thousands "In the name of God"!
Which "WE" are YOU refering to? YOU "GOOD CHRISTIAN HYPOCRITES"?
(NOT "black", Green, Purple or any other "color"!)
And yes, I AM RELATED BY BLOOD (My older Brother & Sister's Father was SENICA) to THOSE "PEOPLE" as well!

6/6/2009 6:27:58 PM |
Masons MOORS and Muslims |
Grand Junction, CO
age: 58
Alright, I'll bite, but to avoid argument I'll accept that you may have different information that leads you to believe things are the way you say they are.
The Moors are a dark-skinned group from Northern Africa who are largely Muslim. They frequently settled in Spain and had both good and bad dealings with Spain.
The Masons are a fraternal order of men originally started as a stonemason's guild, but eventually turned into a brotherhood of men who help one another and have fun together like many other groups.
Muslims, followers of the religion of Islam, fall into a few groups. There is the Nation of Islam, lead by Louis Farrakhan, who have teachings quite different than traditional Islam and believe that African descended (black) people are a superior "race" to all others. Traditional Islam is a religion started based on the teachings of a man named Mohamed who said he had conversations with God. His sayings were recorded into a book called the Q'uran, which is the holy book of modern Islam.
What the three have in common? Moors are often Muslims. Masons are supposed to believe in a higher power and Muslims can be Masons along with just about anyone else. The Masons don't dictate your religion. Other than that, they have the letter "M" in common.
Anyway, I know your information disagrees with that, but that's history and modern society as I know it. You're entitled to believe differently of course.
Ho' Ka! THANK YOU Daniel!
A far more INTELIGENT and dispassionate response than MINE.
But it IS more PERSONAL to ME on many levels!
AS a MASON, And "Una Jente EN Dios" (A HUMAN_PERSON IN GOD), and having been discriminated against by "GOOD CHRISTIANS: throughout my life I do tend to react rather precipitiously AND... STRONGLY when I do react!
You are also correct ACADEMICALLY and the information (EDUCATION) YOU provided is reasdily available AND can be CROSS-CHECKED from MANY sourses. Not JUST by "OUR PRO_FIT"!
"Namaste" Daniel
Though it is NOT "MY" WAY I know of and RESPECT your's so use YOUR .... BLESSING
6/6/2009 6:43:51 PM |
Masons MOORS and Muslims |
Grand Junction, CO
age: 58
alright explain why there are 7 circle korans envolved in MOORISH science
YOU are the SELF PROCLAIMED "EXPERT". YOU 'splain it to us LUCY! LOL (Shaking my head again but NOW in sorrow at a FOOL!)
a fez incorporated in the Masons
#1 It is ONE of the more easily recognised PARTS of ATTIRE worn by >SHRINERS< at gatherings and conventions and PUBLIC PORADES!
with >titles< such as EL-BEY,MOROCCO,ALLAH,ABBA etc,
DUTH! Because there ARE "HIDDEN MEANINGS" (Things to LEARN!) that MEMBERS ONLY TEACH to OTHER MEMBERS! Obviously, YOU could noty get in so you, like a hurt CHILD, try to "hurt back".
not to mention Masonic symbolism
Oviously, YOU do not know the FIRST thing about "MASONIC SYMBOLISM"!
And NO, "I" am NOT going to ENLIGHTEN >YOU
also MOORS today follow the supreme math as well as the NOI,
So >YOU< are a >MOOR
and the 5 Percent Nation of GODS and EARTHS
or how about a Moroccan treaty they share to hold the Constitution to what it was meant for?
WOW! And I'll bet that YOU have a personally autographed copy (For SALE)!

May "Dios" AND the GOOD People here FORGIVE my Human Weaknesses
6/8/2009 9:24:49 PM |
Masons MOORS and Muslims |
Bridgeport, CT
age: 22
um I am learning under the C.M. Bey Clock of Destiny