6/6/2009 9:15:59 AM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |
Quincy, IL
age: 55
inovation and determionation get you past even the most awkward places and times..lets hear a few..j
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6/6/2009 9:26:10 AM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |

Longwood, FL
age: 55
Hey...ask clay pot...I made her pull off on a dirt side road last fall and peed behind the door of the truck. Then looked up and there was a house just a bit down the road. 
[Edited 6/6/2009 9:27:03 AM ]
6/6/2009 9:41:53 AM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |


Butler, KY
age: 55
Oh god I have one for ya.. My first car was a 61 Chevy belair.I got my license in 71. The passenger floor board was almost gone. A rusted spot about 12 by 12 inches. I had stole a stop sign and put it over the hole. then covered it by a floor mat. Well one of my girl friends and I was out doing the party thing and in between parties she had to pee. So she moved the stop sign and squatted over that hole. I almost could drive from laughing at her..Thank god her a** was bigger than that hole..it would had given a new meaning to road rash lol..

[Edited 6/6/2009 9:42:22 AM ]
6/6/2009 9:48:03 AM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |

Bloomington, IL
age: 55
I don't know if this will come out as funny as it was watching it.
I was on my way to Chicago, there was an accident so traffic was stopped FOREVER. Next thing I know, a lady in the vehicle in front of me gets out. She leaves the car door open and squats down. The driver got out and was standing behind her. I think she thought he was shading her, but he wasn't. He was standing above her, so that you couldn't see her face, but you did see her a** near the pavement. It was hysterical. (I guess you had to be there.)
[Edited 6/6/2009 9:53:32 AM ]
6/6/2009 9:50:30 AM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |

Poplar Bluff, MO
age: 91
My hubby said you can tell when you've got a real country girl because she can really make the gravel roll!

6/6/2009 9:55:50 AM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |


Butler, KY
age: 55
Ok another one.. My first hubby and I was on the way home from the bar..He was about half drunk and had drank a lot of beer that night.Of course you drink beer you have to pee lol..We were in a busy area so he couldn't pull over.There was a small coffee can on the floor in the back. Yes I held the can and held his thing in the can as he drove. Well he had to pee worse than either of us knew. Yes he filled the can up and was peeing all over my hand and seat. He said he couldn't stop and was laughing his a** off as I screamed at him to stop..At the time I didn't think it was so funny lol. Did I say he was an x lol..

6/6/2009 10:45:50 AM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |


Bedford, IN
age: 53
6/6/2009 10:52:14 AM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |

Benton Harbor, MI
age: 58
Well, there was this corn field in Indiana last week-end................. 
6/6/2009 11:14:27 AM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |


Wadsworth, OH
age: 55
I kow now not pull on the highway. The wind will blow back on you. That is a big
6/6/2009 11:15:09 AM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |

Longwood, FL
age: 55
Where are the MEN stories???? Those lucky fools can just whip it out and pee anywhere.

Oops London...did not see you come in there! Yep, spitting or pissing in the wind ain't a good thing!
[Edited 6/6/2009 11:16:00 AM ]
6/6/2009 11:25:25 AM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |

Flower Mound, TX
age: 57
Haven't you ever heard about a 'pull over'? Quick and easy! 
6/6/2009 12:16:56 PM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |


Wadsworth, OH
age: 55
Where is all the lady storys at?
6/6/2009 12:35:01 PM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |

Grand Junction, CO
age: 58
Well...my stepmother (who has Alzheimer) proved that statement this memorial day at the cemetary. We had just walked up to her parents grave when she squeezed my arm and said, "I gotta pee." I tried to convince her to hold it and get in the car. I even told her that she could be ticketed etc., etc. She said "I will go right here!" And did! She tried to hide behind the door of the car but failed. There must have been 5-6 people around and though they could not see everything they knew what she was doing. Sometimes you just can't hold it...In the cemetary no less. Bless her!
6/6/2009 12:37:10 PM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |


Wadsworth, OH
age: 55
       will I guess ladys do it too
6/6/2009 12:39:33 PM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |

Exeter, CA
age: 62
All I can say is that men are so lucky, pull it out, aim and they are done..
6/6/2009 12:43:15 PM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |


Butler, KY
age: 55
Where is all the lady storys at?
I am a lady!!! Don't I count? lol..I posted two stories Duh!!!
[Edited 6/6/2009 12:43:37 PM ]
6/6/2009 1:11:13 PM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |


Wadsworth, OH
age: 55
Yes you do I was asking about everyone elase. You are the one to start it
6/6/2009 1:16:12 PM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |


Wadsworth, OH
age: 55
here one. MY friend had to go and I told him the bathroon is in side, He said nob Ill go at your corne of yor house, Witch he did. Now he is like a dog. Goes any whare around my house. I told him to quite and use the bathroom in side.
6/6/2009 1:23:42 PM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |

Longwood, FL
age: 55
Yes you do I was asking about everyone elase. You are the one to start it
No she wasn't. I was first to post! There were several before you posted your first one! I just happened to be typing my 2nd entry when you posted 40 seconds before me! Stay with the pee program here!

'scuse me, gotta go. Pee, ya know.

6/6/2009 1:26:50 PM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |
Mulberry, AR
age: 58
Years ago, I was crewing on a 45' custom racing sailboat. This basically means the boat was stripped out below, with only the barest minimum accommodations, to satisfy the racing rules requirements. The boat had a "head", but it was duct taped shut, so no one could use it. Enough background. The race was from Miami to Nassau, which means crossing the Gulf Stream. It was blowing about 35 kts. from the NE and that much wind against the north flowing Gulf Stream, is about as uncomfortable as it gets. The seas are called "square waves", because they are short, steep, and have definite corners to them. Sometime after midnight, boat heeling 25-30 degrees, with 11 guys perched up on the windward rail, to provide additional righting moment, with every sea blasting us like buckshot as it broke on deck. Everyone was encased in a full "condom suit" (foul weather gear). Getting to the necessary equipment, while holding on with one hand to the backstay, would have been suicidal! So, I just let it go, soaked my clothes, even some into my seaboots! Hours later, getting across the Stream, conditions moderated enough to strip out of the gear, get cleaned up, and change clothes. I wasn't alone. A good time was had by all! We won our division!
Unrelated, but similar. Different boat, different race. A guy who was seasick in an upper pilot berth, rolled over far enough to miss the edge of the berth, and puked directly into my seaboots! I didn't know a stomach could hold that much!

6/6/2009 2:38:44 PM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |

Wooster, OH
age: 60
6/6/2009 2:46:52 PM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |

Poplar Bluff, MO
age: 91
My boyfriend at the time was over helping me work on my house. We had been hard at it all day, stopped for lunch and went right back to work. I realized I had to go, but wouldn't stop because we were in the middle of something important and I knew he needed to leave soon. I had to run outside to the shed to get a tool and on my way back to the house it hit me like a ton of bricks- I GOTTA GO! I was afraid I wouldn't make it back to the bathroom, so I just dropped trou' and squatted behind a giant rose bush. I heard something and tried to hurry, but couldn't stop.
I was half way up and still peeing like a Russian race horse and he walked around the corner of the house looking for me. WELL, he FOUND me. I screamed, jumped and peed all over the back of my pants. He apologized profusely. But said he never expected to find me peeing behind the rose bush. I was SOOOO red! ANd then he pointed at the angle of where I had been to where the road was and I went "a whiter shade of pale" because anyone driving by had a clear shot. And to make matters worse. The water was turned off while we were working on the plumbing so I couldn't shower until after we finished!
He offered to hose me down with a water bottle while I 'showered' next to the day lilies but I thankfully declined What a gentleman!
Oh well, there was a full moon mid-afternoon on that day! (with a serious chance of rain!)

And my mother-in-law's favorite story was when they were on their way home late one evening and her husband had to pull over to go. She needed to go too but didn't want to get too close to the ditch because of snakes and other critters. He told her to get in front of the car where she could see (laughing) she refused, but went behind the car so the kids couldn't see.
This was on a deserted country road out away from everything. She was concentrating so hard on hurrying that she didn't see the car coming over a small hill until the lights were almost upon her. She said she couldn't stop, so she just pulled her dress tail over her head. I said WHY! She said, "I figured they'd already seen my azz, I didn't want 'em to see my face!" She was a hoot!
6/7/2009 1:23:25 AM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |
Quincy, IL
age: 55
when a child has to go they pick the most convenient tree..no matter where..
was in france on leave..paris to be exact..under the shadow of the eifel tower is a public out house..you walk in and there is a single one by twelve board between the men and womens stalls..ok..well you relieve your self and walk out and notice that the urine is running down the rain gutter in the street to the sewer..hmmmmm so much for higher cultural values and snooty behavior..j
6/7/2009 3:43:33 AM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |


San Antonio, TX
age: 66
All I can say is that men are so lucky, pull it out, aim and they are done..
Oh Dang ...You mean we have to aim now...
6/7/2009 4:50:58 AM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |


Columbia, SC
age: 56
I was in Germany and my cousin met me at the train station. I had to go, she informs me it’s a pay toilet and hands me some German currency and points me in the right direction. I walk in and there is a Male attendant, of course I’m a knock off American, I look at him and the doors on the stalls are complete doors, so I’m thinking, ok I can do this. Looking puzzled at the meter and the change in my hand he walks over to me, I hold out my hand of change, he takes the coins I need and puts them in the meter and proceeds to open the door for me like a true gentleman. You would think he was opening a car door or restaurant door for me. That was the weirdest feeling. I come out and my cousin is laughing at me because she knows what was happening and why she had me go in alone. 
6/7/2009 5:08:42 AM |
When ya gotta pee ya gotta pee? |
Quincy, IL
age: 55
Well first i was a career army guy..seen alot of outhouses and such..what really started me was first time to Turkey..
them ladies weaar all those clothes for a reason..and you cant even tell by their faces just their crossed eyes what they are a doing setting there on the corner waiting for the bus..take their own jug too cause that is good fertilizer..
went into a very swanky hotel in ankara, had been asked at the desk my preference of bathrooms, ala turche(turkish), or frankee(french)..quite a difference in price so i thought to save uncle sam some dollars(really they paid these places w/vouchers) and took the turk..had a hole in the floor, with two kick blocks and a sink..sink was for washing up bathing and water..man o man..and no toliet paper..hmmmmm
Only worst place was Thailand an that is another story..j