6/7/2009 8:39:29 AM |
Women with Kids? |

Gardiner, ME
age: 35
Why is it Women with kids are invisible?
Just cause a women has kids doesn't change who she is.
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

6/8/2009 12:33:49 PM |
Women with Kids? |
Bangor, ME
age: 64
Maybe this will help. In edit profile under your pic there is a check box, and there needs to be a check mark in it. 
6/10/2009 3:35:54 PM |
Women with Kids? |
Keene, NH
age: 29
It implies certain things about her. I'll tell you a few things that I- perhaps too judgementally so- think when I come across a single woman who has kids:
1) First, screwing up a relationship w/ a woman & her kid is more serious to me... ehem... not that I'm aiming to screw up a relationship lol It's just a lot of pressure, and *most* of the time they are quick to voice "I live for my kid!* which is just down-right intimidating... hence number 2...
2) Women w/ kids *live for their kids.* The guy takes the back-burner to little junior, and women w/ kids tend to be very opinionated about how they raise their children... and I've found that most of them suck at it, and wouldn't want any part of it.
3) Having a kid says certain things about the girl's judgment. For one, it means that they were careless enough to get knocked up by some douchebag who got what he wanted. This also means: a) she probably gave the douchebag more sexually than she'll ever give some future father figure, and b) probably has mental baggage left over from said douchebag, which will then manifest itself into trust issues or something equally drama-prone.
4) I've been smart enough to use a condom. I'm religious about it. It's effective 99% of the time, and so rarely fails. As such, I have a general lack of empathy for people who unintentionally procreate in this overpopulated world, and tend to be repelled away from those types of people.
5) I simply don't want kids, and the girl would have to be UNBELIEVABLE in order to allow my enthusiasm of taking over as a father to shine through.
I'm sure I can think of more... but you get the idea.
[Edited 6/10/2009 3:36:38 PM ]
6/10/2009 4:14:58 PM |
Women with Kids? |

Greene, ME
age: 35
Not all of us are careless and got mixed up with a douchebag... well ok so my ex is a douchebag... but...
Some single mothers were MARRIED! I was married 12 years! Some single mothers are widowed..
Now I can understand someone not wanting to date a single mother, we come as a package deal, but some of your reasons are whacked! 
6/11/2009 4:39:45 AM |
Women with Kids? |
Lewiston, ME
age: 36
Hey Latara,
Not all guys women with kids. But these type of people who wouldn't mind going out with a women with kids are nice guys. And s don't want anything to do with a nice guy. To me I don't mind if a women has kids, since I don't have my own. I wouldn't mind being a step dad. If your interested in meeting a nice guy, send me an e-mail. Peace-Jason
[Edited 6/11/2009 4:41:42 AM ]
6/20/2009 5:13:09 PM |
Women with Kids? |
Skowhegan, ME
age: 28
Well I am a woman with a 6 year old daughter and have never found that it has impaired my dating life...if a guy doesn't want to date me because I have a daughter then I wouldn't want to date him. I think as mom's we tend to make our selfs invisible, we put our selfs on the back burner because we feel guilty that we messed up thus messing up our kids lives. But our kids are happier when we are happy, you can't live in the past and beat your self up for mistakes you've made, you have to move forward. Just remember you're more then a mom and act like it, no man is going to want to date a woman with finger paint on her clothes hair pulled up and messy frazzled from working all day and still taking care of the kids, take the time to be a woman too and men will notice.
6/21/2009 4:04:45 AM |
Women with Kids? |

Gardiner, ME
age: 35
I Have found no matter what you look like men don't notice you period they just walk by and if They don't it's those men that are 20 yr's older then you are, nope all set in that department I am not and won't date some One old enough to be my father. I Have my standard's and I won't settle for any thing less. I shouldn't have to and I won't.
7/4/2009 9:00:19 PM |
Women with Kids? |

Belfast, ME
age: 30
Hello, I am a single mother of four. Yes, four. It is really hard to find someone that is okay with 1 or 2 kids, let alone four. I have had nothing but trouble finding someone. The ones that "hit on me" are either 40-70 yrs old or like 16-20 yrs old and I am 28 yrs old. I don't know what to do either. If guys see me without my kids, they are like "oooohhh, nice" but if they ask and I say I have 4 kids or they are with me, the guys just say "cool, see ya". 
7/12/2009 5:47:36 PM |
Women with Kids? |

Gardiner, ME
age: 40
Ok. Has anybody tried a man with children or should i say child. We get blown off and ignored also. So do not feel bad.
7/13/2009 3:52:45 AM |
Women with Kids? |

Greene, ME
age: 35
Just about every man i have ever dated has kids, they wouldn't understand my life if they didn't
7/13/2009 9:56:55 AM |
Women with Kids? |
Gardiner, ME
age: 22
whoa whats with the heat in here?
I'll tell you guys from experience and my point of view okay? Well i'm 21, young man... this should help
1. When a girl has a kid, i dont mind going on a date and see how it takes off. I remember going on 2 dats with 3 different lady that had either a son or a daughter or both.
2. Every women has a different opinion about how to raise their kids or how they are going to live the life. Majority of the time, i wasnt too pleased to see what i saw. A relationship has be between the two, not "me me me me". 2 of the women i dated, she had that frame of mind "me me me" and i was turned off by that. However the other one was awesome, she was a great person and i enjoyed being with her. however she raises her son very differently in a odd way and i'm not too keen about it.
Now, i'm not trying to make women sound bad or trying to label them. Just that young girls shouldnt be getting knocked up, when she is not ready for a kid thus dont even know how to raise her own child. Keep in mind, raising a kid is a lot of work and they probably wouldnt have time to date (as a young girl). However if the lady is mature, older, wise.... A relationship is possible and it can happen if you set your mind into it. A guy has a different way of thinking things than women do and we tend to be scared off by something that we might be afraid to reach out for. For instance, we all (humans) are afraid of rejections and most of us typically look at the cup half empty not full.
You know, dating and relationships is a serious thing. Some takes it more serious than others do. So, you cant really blame guys for not really wanting to date you if we see that you're "depressed" "blaming guys for not wanting to date" or something along those lines. I mean would you even date some high school drop out who dont have a good hygiene and works at mcdonalds for the rest of his life..... probably not.
Anyways, women with kids are not invisible. Just gotta weed out the guys that suits your needs and they are out there (like me). damn it, i couldnt really say what i really want to say or write it down the way i wanted to. Well imma go, hope this helps? if not, sry but good luck
7/14/2009 2:30:58 PM |
Women with Kids? |
Portland, ME
age: 31
Guys see a good looking girl, first thing they think of...?? We know the answer to that. I, however, feel the most beautiful when I'm having a water balloon fight with my kids, taking them to Funtown, playing tag of flying kites. I only wish that, just maybe, there would be that one guy there to find me just as beautiful as my kids do at that moment. As for you guys, my heart melts when I see you with your children, there is nothing more attractive than an on hands father...and I've told many guys that. We are not perfect parents but to be there for our kids, we're pretty damn good. Yes, I would like to meet someone who wants kids rather than feel he has to take on the responsibility but for now, I'm ok. You're not invisible...your kids know you're there. In time hun. Good luck.
7/17/2009 1:17:34 AM |
Women with Kids? |

Gardiner, ME
age: 35
well dear we live in the same town and gaurnteed if you saw me walking with my 2 Kid's you wouldn't even stop and look or even say Hi and what not.
8/19/2009 8:55:21 PM |
Women with Kids? |
Topsham, ME
age: 40
Woman with kids are not invisible. I'll admitt it does scare off certain types of guys. The kind that you probably wouldn't like anyways. Considering a guy that didn't mind a girl that has kids. It's almost like you're looking for someone to help take care of the kids and be part of there lives. That's cool but it's a lot for a guy to handle even if he finds himself in love with you... Bill.
8/19/2009 11:54:33 PM |
Women with Kids? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
I hate to say it, but "godoftruth" is pretty much dead-on.
Most women, especially in this state, pump out at least one kid by the time they're 20. Hell, there was a post on here not too long ago by a 21-year-old girl who already had three kids. "Babies having babies," as my friend's mom always says about the girls in this state. Guess what? She's absolutely right. I know quite a few chicks in this state who got knocked-up well before they were even 18-years-old. They pretty much screwed up their lives, but who are they to even know any better? They're a byproduct of their uneducated environment. For lack of a more tactful phrasing; they're white trash.
Look, it's one thing if you're an older woman and have kids. I mean, come on; that's pretty much expected. But a young woman with a child or three implies, "Hi, I make terrible life decisions and now I'm looking for a daddy for my kid(s)." I always see young girls walking their baby strollers down the road near where I live. It's pathetic.
Personally, I won't date a girl who has a child because I don't want to raise somebody else's kid, and aside from that, it's just too difficult. The biological father of the child is almost always a douchebag and he's bound to be stuck in the equation forever. So, not only are you dating her and her child, you have to deal with the assbag ex as well. On top of that, women with kids just don't seem to have the free time necessary to build a strong and long-lasting relationship. I know this firsthand because I've tried dating a woman with a child before. It was always, "I'd love to come hang out with you, but I don't have a sitter." When we did spend time together, it was always interrupted or our time together was abruptly cut short because she had to deal with her child.
I just don't have time for that shit. I've tried it before a couple of times and won't do it again. As I said earlier, it's different if the woman is older and has kids. Let's face it; finding a single 40-year-old woman who doesn't have at least one child is going to be about impossible. And if they don't have at least one child by then, you have to wonder, "What's wrong with this woman? How did she make it to forty without having a child? Is she defective?"
Just my ten cents.
8/20/2009 3:24:57 AM |
Women with Kids? |

Gardiner, ME
age: 35
First of all that's your oppion Second Of all some Of us weren't stupid enough to get pregnant at as a teen ager , some of use did graduate high school befor having kids. Further more my kid's father want's the kids and myself to be happy so there's no Ex issue in this corner.
Further more don't ever judge some one cause they have kid's not every one's the same.
8/20/2009 4:03:02 AM |
Women with Kids? |

Greene, ME
age: 35
I don't blame any man for not dating someone with kids. That is what THEY want or don't want. No one should settle.
After reading many of your posts I'm not surprised you are having a tough time dating...
Sorry, I am sure this will piss you off even more, but your threads make you look quite b*tchy.
I highly doubt you having kids the the sole reason you do not get dates.
Anyone reading your profile can go and read your posts as well. Who would want to date someone so negative??
8/20/2009 9:10:12 AM |
Women with Kids? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
First of all that's your oppion Second Of all some Of us weren't stupid enough to get pregnant at as a teen ager , some of use did graduate high school befor having kids. Further more my kid's father want's the kids and myself to be happy so there's no Ex issue in this corner.
Further more don't ever judge some one cause they have kid's not every one's the same.
I actually judge people more on how well they write. I firmly believe that a person's ability to write is a direct reflection of their mental acumen. For example, the way you write tells me that you probably didn't graduate high school... no offense. What's with the apostrophes after every pluralized word?
Like it or hate it, at least my opinions are always logical.
8/20/2009 9:12:23 AM |
Women with Kids? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
I don't blame any man for not dating someone with kids. That is what THEY want or don't want. No one should settle.
After reading many of your posts I'm not surprised you are having a tough time dating...
Sorry, I am sure this will piss you off even more, but your threads make you look quite b*tchy.
I highly doubt you having kids the the sole reason you do not get dates.
Anyone reading your profile can go and read your posts as well. Who would want to date someone so negative??

Well said.
If I met a girl who was attractive, intelligent, and had an awesome personality, I'd totally date her even if she had a child.
8/20/2009 9:44:09 AM |
Women with Kids? |
Topsham, ME
age: 40
Judging someone by how they write that's REDICULOUS!!! Your coming to your own conclusions with what little you know about this girl. Yea, it was just someones opinion I respect that. Open your horizons people and don't judge anyone cuz they have kids that's not fair. If your not willing to meet someone that has kids. Well that's your choice as shallow as that may be. WHATEVER!!!???
8/20/2009 9:52:19 AM |
Women with Kids? |

Greene, ME
age: 35
It isn't Shallow. It is knowing what they want for THEIR life!
There are plenty of folks out there that WILL date folks with children. To each their own!
8/20/2009 10:54:10 AM |
Women with Kids? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
Judging someone by how they write that's REDICULOUS!!! Your coming to your own conclusions with what little you know about this girl. Yea, it was just someones opinion I respect that. Open your horizons people and don't judge anyone cuz they have kids that's not fair. If your not willing to meet someone that has kids. Well that's your choice as shallow as that may be. WHATEVER!!!???
This from somebody who spells "ridiculous" with an e.
Good job, Captain Save-a-ho.
As Pixie said, it's just my preference, my opinion, and what I want with my life. To each their own.
8/20/2009 11:08:57 AM |
Women with Kids? |

Gardiner, ME
age: 35
OK Cliff, there is No need to jump down other's throat's here. Just cause you and I met and you have seen How sweet I am and how sweet and well behved My kid's are doesn't mean every one Has to. It's there oppion and they are entitled To it.
8/20/2009 3:26:14 PM |
Women with Kids? |
Gardiner, ME
age: 22
dougiem has a point here and 90% of it is true. i mean majority of the girls who has kids, typically are the white trash. What i mean by that, is that i've seen alot of 16 year olds getting knocked up, even my 18 year old sister. Them girls are the one that has no idea on how hard life is with a child. Now, if those girls are complaining about not being able to find a date, ding ding ding she's at fault for numerous of reasons. Dont get me wrong, there are some girls who are very responsible and very well capable of raising her own child. The number of those girls are very slim, altho i'm more than willing to date girls who has a child. However i'm not going to be her life support.
It's more understandable and acceptable when we see older womens with kids. So quit your b*tchin about you doing fine with your kids or what not. Dougiem's point was pointed to younger females and please stop overreacting on the internet.
thank you 
[Edited 8/20/2009 3:27:44 PM ]
8/20/2009 5:16:51 PM |
Women with Kids? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
Thanks, man. My post was definitely directed towards younger women. Maybe latara can't find a good guy because she's too emotional. Just a thought.
8/20/2009 6:27:20 PM |
Women with Kids? |
Lewiston, ME
age: 41
howdy folks....you all are a riot...!
keep 'em coming....!
women are awesome whether or not there are kids in the picture......
hold your heads up high and roar...!
8/20/2009 7:53:35 PM |
Women with Kids? |

Gardiner, ME
age: 35
LOL, you guy's are a riot
8/20/2009 8:25:50 PM |
Women with Kids? |
Rockland, ME
age: 30
im a chick and i agree with duggie but in the same aspect no person truly wants to be on anyones back burner...ive dated people with children and second fiddle to anyone sucks... I think that the reason single moms have trouble finding men who accept who they are and what not is not because they have children but because of the additude they give. (this isnt every single mom) but i know if a guy came up to me with an additude it wouldnt be the fact he has 2 children that turns me off it would be what he is saying and how he is saying it.... not in the dating world ive left stores because of the way they have treated me ready and willing to spend 200 bucks... its the same in relationships.. people dont stick around if they cant find what they need in another person.... deal with it like an adult... make ur self visable..... 
8/20/2009 9:21:23 PM |
Women with Kids? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
There are a lot of different variables when it comes to a woman with a kid. Namely, how old is the child? If the child is young, how often will the woman really be available? Young children require a lot of attention, understandably. The beginning of a relationship is the most important part (duh), but it's hard to get to know a person and form a bond with them if they have to work around their child's schedule. It sucks to hear, "Sorry, I can't make it out tonight. I can't find a sitter" all the time. It sucks just as bad when you can't even have a romantic night in without having to check on the child constantly. Don't get me wrong, obviously the child should always come first, but those factors alone make dating a woman with a kid tough. It's kind of hard to form a meaningful relationship with somebody when their availability sucks.
Another determining factor is how old the woman is. If she's only 19 or 20 yet already has a child, that can definitely say something about her judgement. There's a huge difference between a 40-year-old woman with a child and a 20-year-old woman with a child. As I stated in a previous post, at 40-years-old a woman's basically expected to have at least one kid. Every younger woman I've met with a child has basically been a f**k-up.
Although it's never been an issue with me personally, I know some guys who won't date a woman with a child because the child is a constant reminder that, before them, the girl was boning another guy. Plus a lot of guys (myself included) want to start their own family and not basically adopt someone else's.
I know I said a lot of this already but there were some points I felt needed reiteration.
8/20/2009 9:23:25 PM |
Women with Kids? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
Plus when a woman has a kid her body usually goes to shit, no offense. You all know it's true.

10/12/2009 12:14:41 PM |
Women with Kids? |

Cold Spring, MN
age: 42
U stay away from my sweet heart guys I luv her
10/12/2009 12:30:22 PM |
Women with Kids? |

Greene, ME
age: 35

10/12/2009 8:19:54 PM |
Women with Kids? |

Albion, ME
age: 38
UUHHH O.K. ??? WTF is that all about I think that guy wandered in here by mistake!!!
10/13/2009 3:03:21 AM |
Women with Kids? |

Greene, ME
age: 35
Ya think? lol
10/13/2009 4:38:19 AM |
Women with Kids? |
Rockland, ME
age: 30
i wandered in to this forum by mistake and i still havent found my way out lol 
Its okay u people are growing on me 
10/13/2009 5:27:39 AM |
Women with Kids? |

Greene, ME
age: 35
like mold.... 
10/13/2009 5:42:51 AM |
Women with Kids? |

Albion, ME
age: 38
Or a bad Fungus!!!
10/13/2009 5:56:50 AM |
Women with Kids? |

Greene, ME
age: 35
ummmm isn't mold in that family??
10/13/2009 1:07:48 PM |
Women with Kids? |

Albion, ME
age: 38
Well if you want to be technical. I couldn't think of anything witty to add!!
10/13/2009 1:08:23 PM |
Women with Kids? |

Greene, ME
age: 35
10/13/2009 2:19:15 PM |
Women with Kids? |

Cold Spring, MN
age: 42
No mistake latara is goin 2 b wit me      
10/13/2009 3:03:01 PM |
Women with Kids? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
10/13/2009 6:21:41 PM |
Women with Kids? |

Albion, ME
age: 38
Gotcha Buddy!!! Whatever you say!!!    
10/13/2009 8:17:36 PM |
Women with Kids? |

Bath, ME
age: 40
I have been single for a while, mostly by choice for most of the reasons mentioned. Juggling priorities; is it my kids or me? Making a relationship work does require some amount of selfishness and I've known that I just couldn't sacrifice what I feel to be my kids happiness over my own. That doesn't mean I feel invisible or that I don't deserve happiness. I just feel that whatever is meant to be will happen when it's meant to! I just think you can't walk around uptight and fretting about why men may or may not notice you. It's such a waste of energy! Who cares! Make your life what you want it to be.
It is sad that people have to categorize others, feed into prejudice and make assumptions. Having worked with teen moms I can tell you most of those young mothers choose to be mom's. Do I think it was the smartest decision as a young person? Absolutely not, but that does not make them "white trash". Most of the time they are confused kids looking for unconditional love. It's a systemic issue with such layers of history and devastation. Granted some are just immature asses, but again, I would just like for people to open their minds a bit and not judge a whole by a few.
Last summer I was attacked by a dog while walking with my children. The owner of the dog, who was hispanic, called me white trash when I confronted them about leash laws. Oh my god, I was horrified to be called that, especially by someone who has most likely experienced prejudice. I am guessing he called me that b/c I was pushing my toddler in her stroller..... SOO I may be a bit sensitive to that term!! 
[Edited 10/13/2009 8:18:52 PM ]
10/13/2009 10:35:23 PM |
Women with Kids? |

Henrietta, TX
age: 25
I'm 23 with two very young little girls. I would like to state that I am not white trash, just a product of being naive and assuming I was invincible when it came to pregnancy. I ended my relationship with their father because he was not the one I wanted....I am raising them alone with practically no help from him. Now with that being said, I agree with most when they say it is very hard to date when you have children, especially young ones. I choice not to harp on whether I will find a date or not, if I find a guy that does not mind being with me, and my children eventually...Great! If not then I will keep being a mom until they are old enough to raise themselves. Simple as that. Also, not all are looking for a new father, I for one would never expect a guy to enter my girl's lives as their new father... they have one, and he failed miserably, but I would expect him to be a positive role model in their life.
On another note, you people are far to narrow minded... open your views a little, and stop basing every situation on a general format! 
10/14/2009 8:10:47 AM |
Women with Kids? |

Greene, ME
age: 35
Britt baby, I'll be your babies daddy.... after all you are carrying my love child... 
10/14/2009 8:44:09 AM |
Women with Kids? |

Henrietta, TX
age: 25
then send me some f**kin child support! the spawn..I mean love child will be born soon
10/14/2009 8:51:25 AM |
Women with Kids? |

Greene, ME
age: 35
And if the child is like me, it will bite your crotch on the way out!
10/14/2009 1:48:44 PM |
Women with Kids? |

Henrietta, TX
age: 25
ooooooh snap, its ok....it will be numb by then anyways
10/14/2009 2:14:00 PM |
Women with Kids? |

Greene, ME
age: 35
You love it baby and you know it!
10/15/2009 10:36:37 PM |
Women with Kids? |

Ringgold, GA
age: 42
OK Cliff, there is No need to jump down other's throat's here. Just cause you and I met and you have seen How sweet I am and how sweet and well behved My kid's are doesn't mean every one Has to. It's there oppion and they are entitled To it.
HE HE heheh. you did not get his subtle sarcasim?
Any way stop fightin your all sayin the same things.Every one gets to decide whom they wish to date, we all agree. peace* j
10/15/2009 10:37:27 PM |
Women with Kids? |

Cold Spring, MN
age: 42
Wow dat is interestin between u 2 huh 
10/16/2009 3:32:10 PM |
Women with Kids? |
Rockland, ME
age: 30
Ill take u guys to fungus any day  
10/26/2009 1:13:42 PM |
Women with Kids? |

Jonesport, ME
age: 33
i know what u mean...or when u say u have kids then the men run the other way...we deserve to find our soulmate too
11/27/2009 12:46:31 PM |
Women with Kids? |

Woolwich, ME
age: 54
would not bother me at all to take a girl out with children , i would just like to have someone to take out and do stuff with..
12/11/2009 7:51:59 AM |
Women with Kids? |

Gardiner, ME
age: 42
From my point of view these are my reasons.I did date a woman with a teenage daughter and we are still friends and I still visit.I got very attached to the daughter and I still keep up on what's going on in her life through phone and text mostly and also talk to her mom who is close to me...you can get attached to the kids and then the mom doesn't work out for you.Also,I work 6 days a week and don't have much time to do what I want or do nothing like watch football all day if I choose too.It is also hard to be spontaneous with a woman with kids,especially young ones.I could have my boss say on a Saturday afternoon "Lets go out on the boat today" and I can always say yes if I want to go and would like to take my date/girlfriend with me...hard to do with little kids.I don't want to be selfish in the relationship and that is also why I would rather not date women with little kids...teenagers are ok because they tend to have their own lives.
I expect mom's to say that their kids are their world and the boyfriend should take the back burner to the kids...that's pretty normal and the way it should be to a certain degree.
My sister's boyfriend couldn't come to Thanksgiving because my niece hates him so bad she refuses to even ride in he same car...He is a really nice guy and she can be a spoiled brat.That sounds like a fun relationship huh ?
1/28/2010 11:13:26 PM |
Women with Kids? |
Scarborough, ME
age: 26
Well, I have a daughter, I present myself with class and I was actually married and then planned on having a child. I don't expect anyone to take on the role of a father for her. She has one. Also, my ex is a sweet and wonderful person, but we fell out of love. THAT HAPPENS TOO! People need to realize that.
[Edited 1/28/2010 11:19:22 PM ]
3/9/2010 4:45:44 PM |
Women with Kids? |

Waterville, ME
age: 44
I know exactly what you are saying and unfortunately there are plenty of irresponsible ( men ) out there and just as many of them who have messed up as any of the women. It takes 2 to create a child and no one has the right to judge you. What do they know about what you have done with your life? Many choose to raise the child(ren) alone for the best interest of them! I know that I was 24 when I had my daughter and was very much in love with my daughters father. I did what was best for her because he was always in jail or scamming or sleeping around! All of which I had no idea he was doing. I went on to college and never got state help. My daughter is successful and emotionally stable. Her father is still the same except that he got married. It is okay for guys to be the ones who walk away, but they made that child. We are all accountable at some point. I hope you find a great man. Someone who will love you and your kids and treat you like you should be treated.
3/12/2010 7:12:07 AM |
Women with Kids? |
Yarmouth, ME
age: 41
I'm a single dad and it's hard to get looked at too because of it. I myself look for a single mom with kids. I find single moms are more attractive in a way because they are moms.
You don't have to be skinny, petite or glamorice. I find beauty in those hips that gave birth to life. A little weight is ok, but there are limitation and being healthy is a must and should be for the kids.
So don't think that every guy is walking on by not looking at you all. Because there is one like me who wish I could have it all walking by.
3/14/2010 11:44:30 AM |
Women with Kids? |
Bangor, ME
age: 46
Hopebaby2 babies should never be considered a mistake,,,, they are a blessing from above,,,,, yes at 21 probably wasn't your first choice, but never say it's a mistake, and never take a back burner to a child, they are the biggest part of your life, share the burner, and I totally respect that you allow yourself that time to date, and are choosey whom you choose to date, guys who don't date gals ( at any age with kids ) that is "thier" choice, don't ever allow that to cloud your judgement..... kids are a blessing from above, I am single with 3 children, grant it I am older and my kids are grown...... but I am still a single mom...... respect yourself and be happy and that child will be too.......