7/1/2009 7:50:06 AM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |


Chickamauga, GA
age: 47
I received this from Tbar897 (Tommy) his wife's (Ginger) cousin was killed on Father's Day riding a 4 wheeler.
Please pray for Peace for this family.
"Boy dies after ATV accident" By Dewayne Patterson The Daily Sentinel Published June 24, 2009
A three-year-old boy died as the result of injuries suffered in an ATV accident in Rosalie Sunday.
According to authorities, Will Ryder McCrary of Skyline was taken to DeKalb Regional Medical Center in Fort Payne after suffering injuries while riding on the ATV.
The child was flown to Huntsville Hospital, where he died late Sunday. "
Obituary - June 23, 2009 Will Ryder McCrary
Will Ryder McCrary, age 3 of Skyline, passed away Sunday June 21, 2009 at Huntsville Hospital.
Graveside services will be held Wednesday June 24, at 3 p.m. at Rice Cemetery with Rev Auther McAllister and Rev. Bud Durham officiating.
Visitation will be Tuesday from 6-9 p.m. at Scottsboro Funeral Home.
He is survived by his mother and step-father, Melissa (Doug) Cooper of Skyline; father, Wayne McCrary of Henegar; sister, Sarah Hill of Skyline and brother, Jacob “Jake” Young of Skyline; grandparents, Gary and Joan Morris of Skyline and Sue Gress of Nebraska; great grandparents; Bet Russell and Ray Pratt and Doris and Ted Morris; and several aunts and uncles. "
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7/1/2009 8:11:40 AM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |
Union Grove, AL
age: 61
this is very sad, my heart gos out the family. but when will people learn
that 4 wheelers are dangerous. i'd never put a 3 year old on a 4 wheeler
unless it was just puttering around in the yard at 2 miles an hour.
i'm not trying to put anybody down here, or blame anyone.
like i said,,,my heart go's out to the family. i can only imagine what they are going through.
7/1/2009 8:28:49 AM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |


Bryant, AL
age: 51
Sending prayers their way!
7/1/2009 9:05:56 AM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |


Chickamauga, GA
age: 47

7/1/2009 9:07:47 AM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |


Brownsboro, AL
age: 57
Lost of a child is always the saddest. Prayers going up.
7/1/2009 10:26:49 AM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |


Chickamauga, GA
age: 47
There have been several children die this year in our area from 4 wheeler accidents.
Children need to wear safety equipment and ride with a responsible adult.
Heaven has another angel. 
7/1/2009 10:28:36 AM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |


Brownsboro, AL
age: 57
Yep, and watch them around those swimming pools. Please!!!!!!!!
7/1/2009 1:12:49 PM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |

Cullman, AL
age: 36
prays are going up for the fameley charidee love 
7/1/2009 2:55:02 PM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |


Yonkers, NY
age: 59
prays are going up for the fameley charidee love  
I know I shouldn't say this...but the child's parents should be "severely reprimanded" by the law.
I feel very sorry for the kid....a young life lost to negligence.
[Edited 7/1/2009 2:55:52 PM ]
7/1/2009 2:57:50 PM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |

Moulton, AL
age: 60
... HORRID NEGLECT ... manslaughter of a child ... where the hell is there common sense ...
7/1/2009 5:42:21 PM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |

Oxford, MI
age: 49
A prayer for the dearly departed...
Out of the depths I have cried to Thee, O Lord; Lord, hear my voice.
Let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication.
If Thou, O Lord, shalt observe iniquities; Lord, who shall endure it ?
For with Thee there is merciful forgiveness:
and by reason of Thy law, I have waited for Thee, O Lord.
My soul hath relied on His word; my soul hath hoped in the Lord.
From the morning watch even until night, let Israel hope in the Lord.
Because with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him plentiful redemption.
And He shall redeem Israel from all her iniquities.
Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
Let us pray.
O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful,
grant to the souls of thy servents departed the remission of all their sins,
that through our pious supplication they may obtain that pardon
which they have always desired; who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.
Saints of god, come to his aid !
Come to meet him, angels of the Lord !
Receive his soul and present him to God the Most High.
May Christ, Who called you, take you to Himself; Amen
7/1/2009 5:51:44 PM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |


Yonkers, NY
age: 59
... HORRID NEGLECT ... manslaughter of a child ... where the hell is there common sense ...
Nowhere...and probably somebody will blame the manufacturer.
7/1/2009 6:19:36 PM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |
Union Grove, AL
age: 61
Nowhere...and probably somebody will blame the manufacturer.
you are so right about that. one of these days the manufacturer may be forced to redesign it to accommodate a baby seat. then raise the price of the machine $500
7/1/2009 6:21:11 PM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |


Cullman, AL
age: 44
They will be in my prayers tonight.
7/1/2009 6:33:34 PM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |


Yonkers, NY
age: 59
While living in PA...I used to get mad at a neighbor that saw nothing wrong with placing her kids' portable freestanding basketball on the street.... less than 1/4 block from a busy avenue.

7/1/2009 8:26:30 PM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |


Chickamauga, GA
age: 47
There is one of those portable basketball goals to the side of my driveway coming into my apartment. You have to drive around it to park. 
Back on Topic: Thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers. This happened on Father's Day and his sister was driving. She has a broken arm and is 8 years old. May God send that child Peace!
My mother-in-law bought a 4 wheeler for my baby, Matt before his 2nd birthday. (He was about 15 months old.) It has a motorcycle battery on it and it went about 20 mph. I could not believe the manufacturer would make one so SMALL.
Just 6 months earlier he was still Nursing!!! I never let him ride it, but I came home from shopping and found it turned upside down in mud, off the 5 foot tall porch. His Daddy let him ride it off the side. I have no idea what happened to that thing! I never cared for it. (At 11 months old he was riding a hot wheel (the peddle kind) and knocking over the Christmas tree with it.)
7/2/2009 4:25:22 AM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |


Yonkers, NY
age: 59
... I could not believe the manufacturer would make one so SMALL. ...
May be because there is a demand? The manufacturing / sale of 4 wheelers for kids under 10 years old should be forbidden. Not only they are dangerous for the kids but, also, "the drivers" could hit another child or an older person.

7/2/2009 7:56:05 AM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |

Danville, AL
age: 47
hey i ptay for yall, but he should have been wayched closer.
7/2/2009 8:50:48 AM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |
Guntersville, AL
age: 48
prayers for the family!

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7/4/2009 9:17:57 AM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |

Scottsboro, AL
age: 50
I will a some more information to this in a few days. His mother is setting up a myspace account for him and I will post that information here. she is back in her house during the day but not at night. We miss you Will!
7/5/2009 8:51:46 AM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |

Scottsboro, AL
age: 50
This is the blog from myspace for Will Ryder Mccrary about his life and death.
"My name is Will Ryder McCrary. I was born on November 6th 2005. God sent an angel to come and get me on June the 21st to take me home to be in Gods arms! I was just 3 1/2 yrs.old not old enough to make decisions for my on safety. I depended on my momma and daddy to make those decisions for me. On June 21st 2009(fathers day) I was @ my DADDY'S house for a weeks visitation he let me get on the back of a one passenger 4-wheeler with a 9 yr. old he didn't put helmets on us.I don't know what went wrong but I saw my angel waiting 4 me. I was thrown from the 4-wheeler and hit a pine tree. I suffered SEVERE HEAD TRAUMA, A PUNCTURED LUNG, 3 BROKEN RIBS, NECK INJURIES AND A CUT ACROSS MY CHIN that would have required cosmetic surgery had I survived this! My death was due to the swelling in my brain! My Momma held me when I came into this world and my Momma held me when God called for me to leave this world. My Momma done everything she could to try to protect me. She talked to my Daddy for months about letting me do things that i was not big enough to do like, shooting bb guns, riding motorcycles without helmets, being left alone outside to wonder off to the neighbors house not even being missed till he would get a call asking him if he had lost a little boy? My momma then decided to take it further and stopped daddy's visitation because she feared for my safety! Momma and Daddy went to court in May of 2009 where Judge Grider then reinstated my Daddy's visitation after giving him a stern talking to! He still didn't listen! When I was @ my Daddy's house I was allowed to drink beer, wonder off by myself, ride things without helmets to protect my little head, shoot age restricted BB guns just what ever I wanted to do because my Daddy said (boys will be boys)and told my Momma she was to protective and over reacting over things!My momma was just trying to protect me and the court system failed her! My time in this world was short but, it was filled with more love than my heart could hold and so much happiness!! "
7/5/2009 9:09:09 AM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |

Knoxville, TN
age: 58
This absolutely breaks my heart.  

7/5/2009 1:06:06 PM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |
Florence, AL
age: 30
I just want to see how meny people in here let there youngsters ride a 4-wheeler, please raise your hands...
7/5/2009 1:45:58 PM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |

Elkmont, AL
age: 56
Totally horrible. When a parent looses a child it's changes their live forever. The mother will surely feel guilty for letting her son be there in the first place. Life is full of "if I just"... I wonder if the father what this kind of father will feel. This family is in my thought and prayers.
7/5/2009 5:11:22 PM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |

Madisonville, TN
age: 59
The loss of a child is the greatest loss that a parent can ever have. My heart and prayers go out to this family. They lost a part of themselves that can never be replaced.
7/5/2009 5:17:46 PM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |

Knoxville, TN
age: 58
I know the pain of losing a child... and it's the hardest thing in the world to live through.
What got me through it and still does, is KNOWING that one day... ONE DAY... I will be able to see them again. Right now, my parents are being great spoiling grandparents, they are just doing it in Heaven. They are just waiting on me. 
7/5/2009 5:30:11 PM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |

Madisonville, TN
age: 59
7/5/2009 9:30:55 PM |
Prayers for family of Will Rider 3 year old killed on 4 wheeler |


Yonkers, NY
age: 59
....My momma was just trying to protect me and the court system failed her! "
When the system is going to learn that fathers like Will's will never change...that stern talks go in / out of the ears...that ignorance, stupidity and lack of common sense take lives...? When...?