11/30/2007 9:12:57 AM |
For reasons like this.... |

Sturgeon Bay, WI
age: 43
I understand all the good religion can do for people... but for reasons like the headline news right now (see link below) I think we should be evolved past this kind of thinking. It stupifies me!!!    
12/8/2007 2:25:35 PM |
For reasons like this.... |

Atco, NJ
age: 38
Sorry to stray off the topic but did you ever see that jesus camp dvd?
12/14/2007 5:36:58 PM |
For reasons like this.... |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 36
I have never cared for zealots, and those who cannot be bothered to form an oppinion of their own.
It is obvious that many individuals went with the flow rather than stand aside and say "WTF, are you serious?"
Shrug, Like you, this is just an excuse not to bother with religion, the more oganized it is the more I dont like it.
12/18/2007 2:04:58 AM |
For reasons like this.... |

Portland, ME
age: 32
Wow, that's pretty messed up. 
I don't understand why that behavior seems like a good idea. Over a teddy bear? That is such a silly reason. I'd hate to see what happens there after a soccer game.
1/5/2008 5:45:44 PM |
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Greenville, SC
age: 59
Menace, I like your tolerant reply, but I think religion has been shown too much levity for too long. If you look at the long-term effects of religion, and if you have a vision of a future in which children are not raised with these myths, I think you would become more aggressive in your comments.
It's time religion and beliefs in gods were attacked head-on. You can't be afraid any longer.
Nothing against you personally, pretty woman.
All my best,
1/5/2008 5:54:04 PM |
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Greenville, SC
age: 59
Religion is good for NOTHING!
1/15/2008 7:09:47 AM |
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Ansonia, CT
age: 34
sure it is, "WAR" ???????
1/15/2008 5:48:56 PM |
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Emmaus, PA
age: 43
I agree with Recluse. See my comments on the first thread "I am here...good enough..."
Its time people stopped coddling these wackos and start exposing them for what they are. The worst are the TV Evangelists gaining fame, power and money thru preying on the weak and guilt-ridden people of society. Instead of nodding our heads and smiling at those who preach their faith, I think it is time to vocally challenge them. I doubt we can change the true believers because they will continue to put "faith" in their Bronze-Aged Tribal superstitions regardless..but others less dogmatic may see the wisdom of people like us who look at the world with our eyes open!
1/15/2008 7:32:57 PM |
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Sturgeon Bay, WI
age: 43
Recluse, chrisinpa65..... I completely agree with you! You are right I was trying to be tolerant. I was being selfish in that regard... damn, I'm here for a specific reason (on this site) and I'm just tired of not getting a fighting chance when it comes to forging a relationship with someone. But I guess I made it past worrying that just by finally posting in this group. I can't change the way I think... it's impossible to go back once you've been honest with yourself. Wish majority wouldn't think we are the tools that will corrupt the world...
[Edited 1/15/2008 7:33:36 PM]
1/16/2008 2:16:31 PM |
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Page, AZ
age: 60
Check out some of my posts in new groups.
1/23/2008 1:03:47 AM |
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Tucson, AZ
age: 58
Actually, m47, in terms of world population, atheists are the vast majority. Unfortunately, here in the USA, we are one of the least "vocal" population segments.
1/24/2008 8:37:28 PM |
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Greenville, SC
age: 59
Overall, I think religion is destructive psychologically, socially, and worldwide.
As just one example, rulers use it all the time to spur their followers to fight for something the ruler him- or herself doesn't even believe in.
I'd love to see an entire generation of atheists raised in the U.S., people who thought people were more important than some presumed god.
1/28/2008 10:00:00 PM |
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Roscommon, MI
age: 36
To barrow a saying...
Do what you will, let it harm none.
Unfortunately, people don't think past themselves or their agendas and we all pay for silence, ignorance and apathy.
Fear is the mind killer, in this country, you can lose you job, your children, ostracized by your community, even killed for disagreeing with the "norm". And christians think THEY are persecuted.
1/31/2008 1:17:50 PM |
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Kilgore, TX
age: 40
Actually ....
It's "And it harm none, do what ye will."
Blessed be.
1/31/2008 9:52:06 PM |
For reasons like this.... |

Roscommon, MI
age: 36
You are correct, the Wiccan Rede was my source although incorrectly quoted .