12/6/2007 3:53:00 AM |
Men who "sit down" versus "standing up" in the bathroom |

Cheneyville, LA
age: 62
Am I the only woman alive who thinks it strange that a man would sit down on the toilet like we women do to urinate? My apologies if this offends anyone but I raised four boys and they were trained to raise the lid and stand up while peeing then put the lid back down. Only in the past few years has it come to my attention that some men SIT! Why do you suppose they sit?
12/6/2007 9:33:52 AM |
Men who "sit down" versus "standing up" in the bathroom |

Knoxville, TN
age: 35
Not really I find that any man that does that queer.
12/6/2007 11:58:22 AM |
Men who "sit down" versus "standing up" in the bathroom |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54
So that they can play in the water with their wanger, if it will reach?
12/6/2007 1:50:18 PM |
Men who "sit down" versus "standing up" in the bathroom |

Venice, FL
age: 55 online now!
Men that sit down are not queer! It is more comfortable, especially as they age! Bad eyesite leaves a messy toilet, lol...trust me, I prefer to have them sit, then make a mess!!
12/6/2007 5:31:10 PM |
Men who "sit down" versus "standing up" in the bathroom |

Bonaire, GA
age: 41
I thought this to be strange to but, my last husband sat. Actually, you never had to worry about the toilet seat up or urine everywhere.lol..When my son stayed with his Mom for the first time and she told him you sit on the toilet in my house. Well, I guess you can only imagine the look on my 12 yr. old's face? He said what!!!! lol
12/7/2007 4:06:56 PM |
Men who "sit down" versus "standing up" in the bathroom |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
I dated a guy that sat, it was weird but I guess why not. 
12/8/2007 12:33:15 PM |
Men who "sit down" versus "standing up" in the bathroom |

Melbourne, FL
age: 30
Its usually because of of their bad eyesight my 11 year old is legally blind and thats the way they teach him at his school. Personally Im happy that he does can you imagine the mess he would make lol
12/8/2007 8:35:28 PM |
Men who "sit down" versus "standing up" in the bathroom |

Lakewood, CA
age: 44
Well I just heard about this myself a couple of years ago, and from was told to me when I asked a lot of men don't want to worry about the fact they might have dribble left, and that can sometimes show through their pants even if they try and shake all off. Looked weird the first time I saw this but it makes sense.
12/9/2007 3:34:33 AM |
Men who "sit down" versus "standing up" in the bathroom |

Cheneyville, LA
age: 62
There was a gentlemen who happened to be browsing our room ladies and emailed me with an answer to this....... Although its true he should not have been trespassing on private property ( NO MEN ALLOWED ) After reading his answer I realized that I should have known this as I was a nurse for over 15 years. DUH!
I appreciated him coming forward and giving me an answer from the male perspective. In respect of that I am going to keep his identity secret. Copied and Pasted from his email to me here is his answer................
Men who "sit down" versus "standing up" in the bathroom
You posted a question asking why some men sit while peeing. Let me respond, as a man. Perhaps you will want to post my answer onto your thread. (I can't because I'm male.)
I'm in my very late 60's--I'll be 70 next month. In the last few years my urinary function has deteriorated, to my profound dismay. (So has my erectile and ejactulatory function, but that's quite another matter!) I suspect this sort of deterioration applies to a lot of aging men. I assure you, it's no fun.
When I go to the bathroom and urinate in a urinal, my urine stream is unpredictable. Sometimes it works just fine; sometimes it doesn't. When the stream is too weak, the urine often, unavoidably, runs down my pants. You can well imagine the embarassment it causes me when this happens. I am quite often in social situations where the "accident" would be quite obvious.
Sitting down avoids the problem. If my urinary function were up to snuff, I wouldn't sit--I never did until this happened. But sitting avoids the embarassment.
What would you do if you were in my shoes?
By the way, I ALWAYS used to put the toilet seat down after standing up to urinate. I've observed that many--I would say most--men don't.
Interesting question. But, as you can (I hope!) see, there are sometimes good reasons for sitting.
Merry Christmas to all of you my galpals 