Beverly Hills, FL
age: 31
Can we just nix the religion groups to stay politically correct? Alot of people fall in neither category of christian nor atheist. If you start adding a few more than other people are slighted. Or just follow the recognized religions of the US Armed Forces as a start.

Reno, NV
age: 53
I think one of the reasons Dustin has given different religions their own group is because they fight if allowed to talk together. So many beliefs make every one else wrong even of the same faith. That truth is the shame of all beliefs around the world. It is the cause of most wars because though it may be wrong to take a life, it becomes OK if they do not believe like you do. God would want it that way is the stupidity of those that claim to follow God.
Yes, I think we need our different groups here. It keeps the ones that say they know Jesus from attacking anyone who does not follow the rules they like.

Seymour, IN
age: 62
I agree Jon and would like some place to talk where we are not seeing the same old preaching going on, as well as fighting about the details, that we have seen and heard forever.

Stanford, KY
age: 57
Really, I don't see where it is necessary to part the different religions. That is what a forum is about, discussing differences. It isn't the different religions causing the problems anyway, but the people using them to impose their beliefs on others.
We are suppose to be all adults here, why can't we stick to facts. Discuss religion as religion, faith as faith and how each practice their beliefs without arguing.Have yet to see any two persons read a book and come out with the same conclusion so why should you think the BIBLE be any different?
Personally, I am interested in how people have different beliefs, how they have arrived at that belief, and how they practice their chosen beliefs. Seperating them here would be like closing our minds to anything different than what we think.

Edgewater, FL
age: 28
thay have them the same reason the have single parent rooms or 20's 30'sroom, if you nix thge religion ones you would have to nix em all and make just one forum.. sometimes people just want to talk to someone in they can relate to!

Seymour, IN
age: 62
They can still be read by anyone, just not everyone can post there and I cannot get into christian or athiest forums.