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8/28/2009 5:25:56 PM |
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Bonneau, SC
71, joined Feb. 2008
The Cybersecurity Act of 2009 introduced in the Senate would allow the president to shut down private Internet networks. The legislation also calls for the government to have the authority to demand security data from private networks without regard to any provision of law, regulation, rule or policy restricting such access.
According to the bill’s language, the president would have broad authority to designate various private networks as a “critical infrastructure system or network” and, with no other review, “may declare a cyber-security emergency and order the limitation or shutdown of Internet traffic to and from” the designated the private-sector system or network.
The 51-page bill does not define what private sector networks would be considered critical to the nation’s security, but the Center for Democracy and Technology fears it could include communications networks in addition to the more traditional security concerns over the financial and transportation networks and the electrical grid
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8/28/2009 6:04:17 PM |
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Kalispell, MT
64, joined Nov. 2007
Just waite until the out of touch liberals get a load of this.They just might start leaning to the right.
Semper Fi !!!
8/28/2009 6:17:08 PM |
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Watertown, SD
63, joined Jul. 2009
awwww...this is just little Barry's way of trying to act like he's GOD! Everything this simpleton does is illegal, anyhow. If something isn't done soon about this imposter in the White House, there is going to be a very real, severe backlash, and I doubt anyone in CONgress or at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave will like it very much.
PS. How many jail cells are there in Washington? After all, 99% of CONgress and all the people in the White House have broken almost every law on the books so far...
8/28/2009 6:52:30 PM |
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Cedar Key, FL
65, joined Apr. 2009

8/28/2009 7:06:24 PM |
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Bonneau, SC
71, joined Feb. 2008
This is the Rockerfeller/Snowe bill.You can google it and see the entire bill.
8/28/2009 10:35:04 PM |
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San Diego, CA
58, joined Jan. 2009
When I read this on the Drudge Report I recalled the old Movie "7 Days in May"
8/29/2009 5:41:09 AM |
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Cedar Key, FL
65, joined Apr. 2009
By Bill Turner Friday, August 28, 2009
We did not start this fight, the far left, the elitists in and out of America started this fight. We must finish it. America is at war with enemies from within. These enemies understand that this is war and have been fighting that way for years. Constitutional and conservative Americans are just beginning to awaken to the fact that we are under attack. We cannot view this as politics as usual.
We must see this for what it is, war. At the end of any war, there are three types of people left, winners, losers and the dead. As Pat Dollard has said, “Defeat, surrender, compromise are no longer options. Our enemy seeks the destruction of our culture and our ultimate subjugation. We must thus seek to utterly destroy their system, lest they do the same to us”.
I choose to be free. Compromise is the path to defeat.
Both sides in this war have ample means with which to combat the other. The real issue is who has the will to win? Will is everything in a fight. If we fail to act with iron will, with decisiveness, to take this battle to its very end and stand ever vigilant afterwards, we will surely lose and that loss will be more than our country, our liberty and our freedom, it will mean the loss of our lives and our future. There can be no compromise. How do you give up some of your freedom? You are either a free and sovereign individual or you are someone’s slave. I choose to be free. Compromise is the path to defeat. Some among us will seek that path, offering up that ‘it isn’t that bad’ or ‘we manage with this’. Let them go. They are dead weight in the fight for freedom. They lack the will and courage to see the fight through to the end.
We have reached the point in this fight where we have the enemies on their heals. Obama summoned his union minions and then went to Marxist Vineyards for vacation. The enemy has begun to attack themselves and use the vaunted state run media to disseminate the message. We must go on the offensive. The left believes they are in control. They are not. We must take the offensive and attack. We must protest. We must call, write, fax and email the enemy demanding action. No one on the defensive has ever won a war. We must not be distracted by new legislation or actions from the left. We must strike back on the issues. We must make the enemy react to us, be it calls, letters, emails, faxes or protests.
Pat Dollard is right, “Drive back against the creeping usurpations of the last century. Strike at things that have become assumptions of society and politics. Push them out of their comfort zone. They have no difficulty doing it to us. Forget the status quo. Push, and when you feel them start to give, push harder”. Labor day weekend bury them in faxes and emails, so when they arrive Tuesday September 8th, they are inundated with our demands. On Tuesday, we must melt the phone lines to our representatives, senators and the White House. We also mail our letters that day. September 9th is another day of faxing and emailing these very same knuckleheads. September 10th is another day of melting the phone lines. September 11th is the blitz.
Here is your battle plan:
Labor Day Weekend: Faxes and emails each day. One fax/one email per day, per issue, cap & trade and health care are the issues.
September 8th: Phone calls, all day. Call once for health care and call again for cap and trade.
September 9th: Mail your letters. Fax and email the list of questions Glenn Beck has asked this week, demanding answers.
September 10th: Melt the phone lines calling to demand answers to the questions you sent in on the 9th. Make them write down each question.
September 11th: The Blitz. Call, fax and email all of the issues again to Congress and the White House (all three issues: cap & trade, health care, and the questions), this time demanding to know why they haven’t responded. Contact your local TV stations and radio stations demanding to know why they aren’t covering the fact that Congress and the White House are not responding to the people.
September 12th: Street action. The march on DC, the march on state capitols, march on whatever you have that represents government in your town or city.
September 13th: Faxes and emails to all of Congress & the White House on all issues.
This is how we divert their attention and put them on the defensive, a non-stop, never ending barrage of munitions, in the form of faxes, emails, calls and protests. This is how the Marxists came at us. They did not go for our heart, they went for our soul, over time. To stop them, we must kill their will to push on. We are almost there. We all do this for love of country. They have to pay their protesters.
Dependence upon the government is slavery. Submission to the government is our death
We must protest the state run media too.
Our message to the American people must be that dependence upon the government is slavery. Submission to the government is our death; death of our will, our freedom and of us. You have been taught to present yourself in such a way that you are not feared. Bull! Stand tall. They must fear us, the government must fear the people, lest the government swallow the people whole. I was once asked by a combatant, “would you rather be loved or feared?” I never revealed the answer to him, but truth be known, I would rather be feared. Love is fleeting. Fear is forever. Our enemy wants to be loved and that is their weakness.
Never surrender
We must instill in our families, friends, neighbors and co-workers the desire to be free. Tyranny will not be tolerated. Taking handouts is shameful. Independence is to be admired. Freedom is to be demanded. Liberty is to be protected at all costs. We must take the fight to them and when they say, “We aren’t at war”, “Why can’t we just get along?” and “Aren’t you just being a hater, a radical, a racist?”, let them know, “You declared war on America”, “You chose to not get along and adhere to the Constitution” and “That must make you a hateful, racist, radical, given your actions, right?” Never surrender
8/29/2009 2:21:15 PM |
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Watertown, SD
63, joined Jul. 2009
I wholeheartedly agree with you Obnox and the writer, except for this...
"" Our enemy wants to be loved and that is their weakness. ""
They do not care if they are loved. They have instilled fear into the people of the US by their tactics of Government Superiority over our Sovereign Rights as American National Citizens. They have forgotten that the government is for the People, by the People and OF the People.
They have hijacked our nation and they want us in a perpetual condition of fear and subservience.
It is our SOLEMN DUTY to repossess our nation from those who would enslave us with their vile lies and obfuscations!
The Constitution still stands, and it is time we posted it on every single door of government, with a little note that says, THIS IS OUR NATION AND YOU CANNOT HAVE IT!
Signed, The Sovereign People of the United States of America.
All others can leave on their own, or be shipped out in boxes.
8/30/2009 10:22:13 AM |
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Nome, AK
62, joined Nov. 2007
Both excellent posts! But I agree with Trutohim that the enemy does NOT want to be loved, the old "Democrats Care" by-line is, and always has been a smoke screen for their simple minded followers.
If they truly wanted to be loved, they would not confiscate more and more of our income, infringe on our Second Amendment freedoms, and allow illegal immigrants across the boarder to steal jobs and bankrupt hospitals. If they wanted to be loved, they would not deamonize oil companies, insurance companies, or the banking industry. If they wanted to be loved, they would not try to silence Conservative Talk Radio or pack town hall meetings with simple minded union members.
The article is right. Liberals define "compromise" as agreeing with them. "Compromise" with liberals equals an erosion of our freedoms, and "health reform" is a giant step in that direction.
We Americans MUST stand together and resist, by whatever means necessary, to protect our freedoms, our sovereignty, and our Constitution. We MUST understand that the ultimate goal of the liberals is to completely strip us of our freedom and give absolute power not to the government, but to the socialistic democrat party.
It is IMPERATIVE that Americans protect their country from the relentless attacks of the liberals. Our future, and future generations, are depending on us, and the time to act is NOW!
Semper Fi
[Edited 8/30/2009 10:25:37 AM ]
8/30/2009 11:56:50 AM |
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Watertown, SD
63, joined Jul. 2009
Bill, how right you are, as always...a GREAT, GREAT PATRIOT!!! And I wanted to bring us back here for just a moment... you wrote: "" The article is right. Liberals define "compromise" as agreeing with them. "Compromise" with liberals equals an erosion of our freedoms, and "health reform" is a giant step in that direction. ""
Get this: From Natural News (look up the address, DH will not allow the link to be posted)
by Mike Adams for Natural News, August 28, 2009
The United States of America is devolving into medical fascism and Massachusetts is leading the way with the passage of a new bill, the "Pandemic Response Bill" 2028, reportedly just passed by the MA state Senate and now awaiting approval in the House. This bill suspends virtually all Constitutional rights of Massachusetts citizens and forces anyone "suspected" of being infected to submit to interrogations, "decontaminations" and vaccines.
It's also sets fines up to $1,000 per day for anyone who refuses to submit to quarantines, vaccinations, decontamination efforts or to follow any other verbal order by virtually any state-licensed law enforcement or medical personnel.
Here's some of the language contained in the bill:
(Violation of 4th Amendment: Illegal search and seizure?)
"" During either type of declared emergency, a local public health authority. may exercise authority. to require the owner or occupier of premises to permit entry into and investigation of the premises; to close, direct, and compel the evacuation of, or to decontaminate or cause to be
decontaminated any building or facility; to destroy any material; to restrict or prohibit assemblages of persons; ""
(Violation of 14th Amendment; illegal arrest without a warrant?)
"" .an officer authorized to serve criminal process may arrest without a warrant any person whom the officer has probable cause to believe has violated an order given to effectuate the purposes of this subsection and shall use reasonable diligence to enforce such order. [at Gunpoint?]
"Involuntary Transportation" (also known as kidnapping?)
"" Law enforcement authorities, upon order of the commissioner or his agent or at the request of a local public health authority pursuant to such order, shall assist emergency medical technicians or other appropriate medical personnel in the involuntary transportation of such person to the tuberculosis treatment center. ""
$1,000 / day in fines
"" Any person who knowingly violates an order, as to which noncompliance poses a serious danger to public health as determined by the commissioner or the local public health authority, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than 30 days or a fine of not more than one thousand dollars per day that the violation continues, or both. ""
Forced vaccinations
"" Furthermore, when the commissioner or a local public health authority within its jurisdiction determines that either or both of the following measures are necessary to prevent a serious danger to the public health the commissioner or local public health authority may exercise the following authority: (1) to vaccinate or provide precautionary prophylaxis to individuals as protection against communicable disease. ""
Forced quarantine for those who refuse (illegal imprisonment without charge?)
"" An individual who is unable or unwilling to submit to vaccination or treatment shall not be required to submit to such procedures but may be isolated or quarantined pursuant to section 96 of chapter 111 if his or her refusal poses a serious danger to public health or results in uncertainty whether he or she has been exposed to or is infected with a disease or condition that poses a serious danger to public health, as determined by the commissioner, or a local public health authority operating within its jurisdiction. ""
Arrest for refusal to be "decontaminated"
"" If an individual is unable or unwilling to submit to decontamination or procedures necessary for diagnosis, the decontamination or diagnosis procedures may proceed only pursuant to an order of the superior court. During the time necessary to obtain such court order, such individual may be isolated or quarantined pursuant to section 96 of chapter 111 if his or her refusal to submit to decontamination or diagnosis procedures poses a serious danger to public health or results in uncertainty whether he or she has been exposed to or is infected with a disease or condition that poses a serious danger to public health. ""
"" When the commissioner or a local public health authority within its jurisdiction reasonably believes that a person may have been exposed to a disease or condition that poses a threat to the public health, in addition to their authority under section 96 of chapter 111, the commissioner or the local public health authority may detain the person for as long as may be reasonably necessary for the commissioner or the local public health authority, to convey information to the person regarding the disease or condition and to obtain contact information. If a person detained under subsection (1) refuses to provide the information requested, the person may be isolated or quarantined pursuant to section 96 of chapter 111 if his or her refusal poses a serious danger to public health.""
Forced isolation and quarantine
"" An order for isolation or quarantine may include any individual who is unwilling or unable to undergo vaccination, precautionary prophylaxis, medical treatment, decontamination, medical examinations, tests, or specimen collection and whose refusal of one or more of these measures poses a serious danger to public health or results in uncertainty whether he or she has been exposed to or is infected with a disease or condition that poses a serious danger to public health. ""
Forced entry into any home or building!!! There's a lot more in this bill, including language that allows Mass. police to enter any home or building without a search warrant, to destroy any object or building they suspect may pose a threat to public safety, to order the closing and / or decontamination of any facility using highly toxic chemical decontamination agents, and to arrest, detain and interrogate anyone who gets in their way.
Meanwhile, all state law enforcement and medical personnel are granted complete immunity from prosecution for their part in violating your Constitutional rights. So if they violate your right to due process, or they accidentally destroy your home, or they kill your family dog because they suspect it might be infected, you have absolutely zero recourse.
Under this bill, Massachusetts becomes a medical police state. There is no debating it. It's all written, clear as day, in this law: The citizens of Massachusetts will have no rights, period. The Constitution is ancient history. You are now the property of the State. (end of excerpted article)..........
8/30/2009 11:57:14 AM |
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Watertown, SD
63, joined Jul. 2009
All this was put into motion long ago, right under the noses of people who didn't want to listen to us CONSPIRACY NUTJOBS who were trying to warn people of the coming coup de'etat by the Socialists and the Power Elites, who support this egregiously vile mentality...
And now look where we are. Right where we predicted we'd be, if our neighbors didn't wake up and start resisting the government takeover by demanding that several functions of the government be rescinded and/or abolished...like the Federal Reserve, the IRS, electronic voting machines that are remotely controlled and rigged to supply a certain outcome, the upsurpation of our rights, the encroachment of the UN, funding Muslim regimes and Communist countries to arm themselves against "other domestic dangers", paying thru the nose to fund 26% of the total UN budget for giving aid to nations (which is, in my estimation, giving aid and comfort to the enemy, which is TREASON against America)...
I could go on and on and on, but you get the drift.
This nation is a BREATH away from complete anarchy and total decomposition into the waiting, greedy hands of the Communist Party in America and all it's subsidiaries. The UN is run by dictators and communists! And they want the US DEAD AND BURIED! Whittacker Chambers warned of this in his book "WITNESS" which was written and published in 1952!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1952! Mr. Chambers WAS a member of the CPA and got out and became a saved Christian. He "saw the light" and tried to warn people!! When a Communist defects from the fold and comes away from the dark side, they are viciously attacked and totally destroyed professionally; Their credibility is hacked to pieces so that no one will listen to them. It all happened in the Alger Hiss case. DO THE RESEARCH!
And Barry Soetoro AKA Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Dunham, AKA so on and so forth, has done the Power Elites of the International Corporate Banking and Industrialist Communities a big favor by delivering the US into their hands in less than a year! Even Henry Kissinger said, publically, that is was Soetoro's JOB to bring in the New World Order!
It doesn't take a brain surgeon to find the information...It just takes GUTS to talk about it! and even more fortitude to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
Too many people have been sitting on their hands listening to MSNBC and the other utter liars out there spewing more garbage into the air than the New Jersey Turnpike!
And now here we are, fighting for our lives.