Las Vegas, NV
56, joined Jul. 2009
Why are Liberials the Hate factions of today?? why is it they can not discuss matters but resort to name calling, out right lies, or shameless tactic's to make up lies to seek distruction of someone merely to beat down any fine person just because they dont like thier "Views"??
I remember seeing this before. It was "Liberals who burned schools, hung blacks, stood in bat swinging mobs at schools to what just deny any black an education? How terrible but whats the difference? Those same Liberials who hated everyone who had a different religion, and bashed Jews the herded them into camps where the decided they were not human and set about the gassing and burning them and end them as a race. Yes same kind of mind controls and closed minds who blindly follow a Hate filled agenda.
Real Americans dedended our Nation and not for the few who thought like them but as brothers and sisters of One Nation Under God. A Land of FREEDOMS, to think as we like, worship as we think, and yes voice our thoughts as we see without fears of being hated, besten, shot, hung all because we what dont think as you Liberials, or we have a different God than you Liberials, or our skin is different than you Liberials.
I, amd a AMEEICAN, first, a Child of my God who said Love is for us all, and not for only a few who think act look or look like us. A God who loves us all, and sent His Son to teach us what to love one another because of our differences. What would Jesus think of these Liberals now?? Really come on LOOK. Your being led into a hate based views to Hate anyone and everyone except the few Eletes Liberials who want to Rule you be your New King. When its time they will herd you into camps too, brand you, then at thier whim will decide who lives and dies. Think Americans. Do you need see a Nazi Flag to know what ytou are being led by? Do you need see the camps with ovens roaring filled with bodies of those who were what Different?
We the People need to draw together, and stand up as One Nation or People who are Americans and know what we are facing. A small group who wish to subvert our National Rights and Freedoms to sunbject us to thier Will and Ideas as the dismantle this very Nation before our very eyes.
Stand Up. My forfather fought to keep this Nation as did I and now my oldest son. and for what? Not for a man who claims he is for our freedoms all the while he and his minions are taking apart our very foundation of our nations corner stones.
What will it take as I am here to defend you now, but when I am gone who will be there to save you when they come for you? Who who who
Yes ! Willie said that today
[Edited 9/15/2009 1:20:13 PM ]
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Greensboro, NC
68, joined Jul. 2008
Well said Wille! Next time there is a march on Washington I intend to go, perhaps you should too. I have a cousin that was there and confirmed all of the good things that were being reported on Fox. Most importantly, she said how nice it was to know so many of us feel the same way...confirmation I suppose. The media tries to make us feel marginalized and irrelevent....and we are not! Obama and crew might act as if they are ignoring us, but they are watching very closely. The election next year will show the power that we have, and I predict record turnouts!
Las Vegas, NV
56, joined Jul. 2009
You can count me in on next rally but this time instead of US Capitol....we need to march on NBC, CBS, ABC main offices with same messages. We The People !
I am with you Bro
Yes Willie said this