
Tioga, PA
age: 68
a 6 yr. old boy in Denver area was in an air balloon.They were following him for 2 hrs.
It just came down and it appears the boy fell out.For more info turn on your tv--channel 40 here........


Tioga, PA
age: 68
For those who haven't seen this on tv.The father had made this balloon ...not to be used for anyone to ride in. The 3 brothers were in the back yard and the 6yr. old got in this and took to the sky.
THEY went in and told the parents.After 2 hrs. of watching this..it came down...no boy inside. The boy actually fell out somewhere and they're still looking for him.
Please pray for this family....THANK YOU---fAL
Mohawk, NY
age: 66
just came on he was never in the balloon and has been at home all the time.

Wheeling, WV
age: 64
Hiding in a box in the attic....
Mohawk, NY
age: 66
this is the situation where you send the child from the room and try to clear your mind, giggles then decide if you are going to put him in the balloon and send him adrift


Knoxville, TN
age: 62
oops just read the news and hadnt seen it was already poste...at least he is alive
[Edited 10/15/2009 5:56:59 PM PST]


Tioga, PA
age: 68
I'm not sure if I'd spank his butt or hug him to pieces...lol.....all of that worrying----------oh,boy--------

Espanola, NM
age: 62
Hug him. He was hiding from fear of punishment. Glad he's Ok and he doesn't understand what he had put everyone through.

Diamond Bar, CA
age: 60
It was a traumatic few hours not knowing, I said a prayer for him when it was 100 feet from the ground. Am so happy he was found at home.......