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11/19/2009 3:44:44 PM |
Rev. James David Manning to be Arrested? |

Checotah, OK
age: 60
Meet singles in your area here at, we're 100% free for everything! Join now!

11/19/2009 3:54:49 PM |
Rev. James David Manning to be Arrested? |
Toston, MT
age: 65
Do you think he really dislikes our supreme leader .
[Edited 11/19/2009 4:01:14 PM PST]
11/19/2009 4:01:56 PM |
Rev. James David Manning to be Arrested? |

Checotah, OK
age: 60
Tingles Mathews strikes again.
MSNBC’s Matthews Injects Phony Race Talking Point Into His Program AGAIN
Steve Watson
Thursday, Nov 19, 2009
In what is fast becoming a regular feature on MSNBC programming, Hardball anchor Chris Matthews once again injected the issue of race into a segment last night with no context whatsoever.
Reporting on a large turnout at a Sarah Palin book signing event in Michigan, Matthews’ guests Norah O’Donnell and Joan Walsh of Salon took umbrage that the crowd was overwhelmingly “white”.
“This is a largely white — almost no minorities in this crowd,” O’Donnell, who was at the signing, dutifully stated.
“Well, they look like a white crowd to me,” Matthews responded, adding, “I think there is a tribal aspect to this thing, in other words, white vs. other people.”
Walsh then added “I think you`ve got that same kind of paranoid tea party, maybe even birther crowd that talks about the Constitution, without really understanding what they are talking about”
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MSNBCs Matthews Injects Phony Race Talking Point Into His Program AGAIN FOTR 340x1692
We have regularly highlighted the fact that the establishment media is continually using a phony race card as a divisive technique in an attempt to alienate anyone who questions government policy or President Obama.
MSNBC in particular has continually claimed that any public display of discontent with the current president is nothing more than racial hatred.
Matthews previously injected the same talking point when discussing criticism of Michelle Obama’s use of 26 aides:
“It seems to be that when I hear people going after the first lady and the number of staff people they have, it sounds racist to me.” Matthews stated on the edition aired September 1.
Previous to this, Matthews stated during a segment on the healthcare debate that opponents of Obamacare should be injected with Sodium Pentothal until they admit they are racists.
“Put 100 of these people in a room. Strap them into gurneys. Inject them with sodium pentathol. How many of them would say ‘I don’t like the idea of having a black president”? What percentage?’” Matthews stated.
Matthews has also attempted to smear the Oath Keepers group as rightwing extremists connected with white supremacists. Without any evidence whatsoever, Matthews accused the group’s founder Stewart Rhodes of stockpiling weapons to be used in a plot to attack the federal government. This exact claim was made this week by the Anti-Defamation League in a shocking report portraying the Oath Keepers, tea party protesters and Alex Jones, among others, as violent extremists.
In another example of playing the phony race card, back in August, MSNBC’s Carlos Watson introduced a segment on his show by wondering whether calling Obama a “socialist” was “becoming a code word, whether or not socialist is becoming the new n-word for some angry upset birthers and others.”
Watson then said there was a “line of responsibility” that had to be drawn which extended to “the words we choose, including how we use even legitimate words like socialist.”
MSNBC’s coverage of the tea party protests this summer was also overwhelmingly laden with race insinuations.
It was on MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann that Jeanane Garofalo called tea party protesters “a bunch of tea bagging rednecks”, contending that the frustration expressed over the direction of the country was code for racism.
It is no coincidence that such constant demonization of the tea party protests by the establishment media has coincided with violent attacks on protesters.
On last night’s Countdown, Olbermann smirked and giggled his way through a celebration of the fact that the word “teabagger” has entered popular lexicon.
For the benefit of those still languishing within the false left right paradigm I must point out Fox News has also been employing such divisive talking points for years.
This injection of race into news segments with no context whatsoever is exactly the kind of irresponsible media display that allows groups such as the ADL to stir up the notion that legitimate political protest in America is nothing more than an explosion of intolerable racist rage.
Injecting the idea of discrimination in an effort to polarize a group of people is no different to actually engaging in the act of discrimination.
11/19/2009 4:32:43 PM |
Rev. James David Manning to be Arrested? |


Port Orange, FL
age: 57
The Long Leggged Mac Daddy....Amen This was a little long to listen to, but well worth it...thx Pyl. I don't have the time tonight, but I will post it elsewhere tomorrow so the blocked Obots can view if they so choose.
11/19/2009 4:52:31 PM |
Rev. James David Manning to be Arrested? |

Checotah, OK
age: 60
11/19/2009 5:42:42 PM |
Rev. James David Manning to be Arrested? |

Checotah, OK
age: 60
[Edited 11/19/2009 6:02:22 PM PST]
11/20/2009 1:38:29 AM |
Rev. James David Manning to be Arrested? |


Onaway, MI
age: 58
Well I got a list of preachers that are on a watch list to arrest them, James Kennedy
of the Coral Catherdral was one of them, I really enjoy that program, there have been more and more black preachers on it, born-again Holy Spirit filled believers.
I can not watch the you tubes, dial-up too slow.
11/20/2009 7:41:07 AM |
Rev. James David Manning to be Arrested? |

Checotah, OK
age: 60
obama file
Now folks THIS IS AN AMBASSADOR! And one of my choices for President.
The Rev. James David Manning is the pastor of Atlah World Missionary Church in Harlem. He has been outspoken in his criticisms of Barack Hussein Obama's unwillingness to prove that he is in fact eligible under the Constitution to serve as president of the United States. He has accurately described Obama's intention to overthrow the Constitution and establish a national socialist dictatorship over the American people. He has presented scripturally based arguments aiming to show that Obama represents the evil whose emergence in human affairs Christ prophesied as one of the hallmarks of the last days. He has criticized the Congress, the Supreme Court
and the media for their collusive failure to investigate the possible fraud involved in Obama's occupation of the office of president of the United States.
Rev. Manning produces a daily video series in which he has repeatedly and consistently aired these views. Now it appears that the YouTube account through which he shared these videos with the public has been suspended on the grounds that his views are too controversial. Close on the heels of this obvious effort to limit his ability to communicate with the public, he now reports that he has been visited by federal agents who questioned him about statements he made regarding "the birth certificate issue" and his opinion that Obama is an illegal alien, not qualified to be president of the United States. As a result of this visit, Rev. Manning says that he expects to be arrested and charged with making threats against the president.
I have followed Rev. Manning's broadcasts and statements for some time. He is forthright and outspoken in his religious and political views. He speaks with a boldness that is surely offensive to people who believe that civility requires silence even in the face of the stratagems of deception now being perpetrated against the American people. But I see nothing that he has said or done that warrants interference with his freedom of speech. Both YouTube's actions and those of the federal and New York City officials who visited his church appear to be in clear violation of his constitutional rights and part of an effort to intimidate him and others who are outspoken critics of the coup d'état being perpetrated by the Obama faction and its fellow travelers among the elites, who are working
to accomplish the overthrow of our constitutional republic.
The repression of Rev. Manning's views is an intolerable assault on the constitutional freedom of every American. However disagreeable his voice may be to others, including the present occupant of the White House, his right to voice his criticisms is clear and undeniable. So is his right to seek redress of grievances that threaten the sovereignty of the American people and of every American as a member of the sovereign body of the people. Respect for these rights is one of the bedrock prerequisites of government of, by and for the people. Efforts to thwart and repress their exercise constitute a clear and present danger to the liberty of all Americans. Like the darkening skies and rising winds that announce the landfall of a hurricane, this move to silence Rev. Manning ominously foreshadows the next phase of the elite assault against the Constitution and people of the United States.