12/6/2009 2:29:06 AM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Salt Lake City, UT
65, joined Jul. 2009
Another thread had a couple suggestions. How about if we throw some out here and see what others think?
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

12/6/2009 2:57:24 AM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |


Provo, UT
50, joined Nov. 2008
Dollar movie theaters
if you both have a dog go to the dog park or a regular park and walk your doggies
if weather permits a picnic then a nice walk
any other ideas, a first date is kind of hard some people like to be in a public place for a first date and most times you need to spend some money, guess depends on how long you have known the person and how comfortable you would be doing something nonpublic.
12/6/2009 3:09:05 AM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Salt Lake City, UT
65, joined Jul. 2009
The weather really does kind of hinder a lot of ideas. Unfortunately.
12/6/2009 3:50:06 AM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Rome, GA
57, joined Sep. 2009
I've found that most first date ideas actually inhibit the entire purpose of the first date, which is to talk and get to know each other. You don't really talk if you go to a movie, meet at a club, or have dinner at a restaurant because there are too many distractions or people parked too close to you.
Here are a few ideas that I came up with before settling on the "going the park and feeding squirrels" idea I posted in the other thread.
An arts or crafts fair. They are very public. Usually very reasonably priced. You can walk, talk, get a feel for each others likes and dislikes. As a bonus these events usually have Jimbob Nobody cooking up something wonderful in a corner.
Going to a rink to watch the skaters and drink hot chocolate. Similar qualitys as above. The ones here have shops around them you can also go walking by.
Most cities have a downtown that features small shops and such. They are usually decked out for Christmas and lit up at night. Meet up to walk around, talk, and look at the lights. It's public and cost nothing but what you buy to munch and sip.
The entire point of the first date is to get a feel for each other and see if you might be compatible. Not to impress someone with what material possessions you have or can afford. Because you don't want that person interested in only what you can buy them. You want the person that just wants to be with you.
12/6/2009 7:22:39 AM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |
Cokeville, WY
56, joined Sep. 2009
Drive your Prius up to lovers lane and make-out..
12/6/2009 9:11:00 AM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Syracuse, UT
56, joined Oct. 2008
I am so pissed.
I just spent the morning rubbing my eyes and trying to focus on a very well thought out response to this thread and it disappeared!!! 
12/6/2009 9:18:29 AM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |
Cokeville, WY
56, joined Sep. 2009
I am so pissed.
I just spent the morning rubbing my eyes and trying to focus on a very well thought out response to this thread and it disappeared!!! 
12/6/2009 10:16:44 AM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Syracuse, UT
56, joined Oct. 2008
This site doesn't like me.
I think I will go now...
12/6/2009 10:34:49 AM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |
Sandy, UT
41, joined Oct. 2009
Its done it to me a couple of times now too....I have learned to copy anything that has taken me some time to write...that way I still have it if it disappears.
12/6/2009 10:49:27 AM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Syracuse, UT
56, joined Oct. 2008
Gonna try this again:
Prior set up: Hang sex swing in your living room in plain sight to the front door.
Pick her up.
Let her open her own door.
In a show of courtesy, reach across the seat first and throw the Arby's lunch sacks for the past week onto the floor as you attempt to brush away the crumbs and petrified french fries from the seat. Don't be embarrassed. Be who you are.
Stop and get gas.
Drive up to the McDonald's drive thru. Don't ask her what she wants. Order from the dollar menu after first complaining to the box that speaks that there is not enough variety on the dollar menu.
Pull out a gift card from your wallet and laughingly explain that you received it as a gag gift from your last girlfriend last Christmas and had no real occasion to use it until now.
Toss her the sacks with the food in it, saying curtly: "Hold those, will ya?"
Drive to a parking place just around the building. Park. Open the glove box and joke how she gets to use the tray.
Tune the radio to the game.
Pound the dash when your team loses.
Eat her french fries.
Turn to your right. Give her a wink. Stick your tongue down her throat and say, "You're welcome." Mind you, this is before she has the chance to Thank You.
Then, with a scrutinizing eye, look to your right again, gaze her up and down and determine if you like what you see sitting in the passenger seat.
It is at that point you either take her to your place and suggestively eye the swing or tell her you have to meet your next date so can you drop her off at the corner?
(PSSSST! It's all in the presentation)
Ya see - this date would be FINE if you showed by your demeanor and actions that you had any INTEREST in being there in the first place.
Love me or hate me, ya just gotta love me, right?
More later. 
12/6/2009 10:56:14 AM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Ogden, UT
56, joined Dec. 2008
Gonna try this again:
Prior set up: Hang sex swing in your living room in plain sight to the front door.
Pick her up.
Let her open her own door.
In a show of courtesy, reach across the seat first and throw the Arby's lunch sacks for the past week onto the floor as you attempt to brush away the crumbs and petrified french fries from the seat. Don't be embarrassed. Be who you are.
Stop and get gas.
Drive up to the McDonald's drive thru. Don't ask her what she wants. Order from the dollar menu after first complaining to the box that speaks that there is not enough variety on the dollar menu.
Pull out a gift card from your wallet and laughingly explain that you received it as a gag gift from your last girlfriend last Christmas and had no real occasion to use it until now.
Toss her the sacks with the food in it, saying curtly: "Hold those, will ya?"
Drive to a parking place just around the building. Park. Open the glove box and joke how she gets to use the tray.
Tune the radio to the game.
Pound the dash when your team loses.
Eat her french fries.
Turn to your right. Give her a wink. Stick your tongue down her throat and say, "You're welcome." Mind you, this is before she has the chance to Thank You.
Then, with a scrutinizing eye, look to your right again, gaze her up and down and determine if you like what you see sitting in the passenger seat.
It is at that point you either take her to your place and suggestively eye the swing or tell her you have to meet your next date so can you drop her off at the corner?
(PSSSST! It's all in the presentation)
Ya see - this date would be FINE if you showed by your demeanor and actions that you had any INTEREST in being there in the first place.
Love me or hate me, ya just gotta love me, right?
More later. 
Yikes.........and you're plenty riled up this morning, S
12/6/2009 11:11:03 AM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Syracuse, UT
56, joined Oct. 2008
R, I did a little combining. Each one of those scenarios, I have experienced on a first date. It might seem exaggerated because together they sound so extreme.
Now, if the car would have been cleaned. That gas purchased prior to picking me up. The meal ordered from the counter. Sit inside the building rather than outside in the car. etc. and blah, blah, blah - it could have been FUN!
I have had men tell me that they can't afford to take me out; this while buying themselves a case of beer.
I have had men not ask me out because they can't afford to go anywhere and they think that if they don't spend money, then I will think less of them.
I have been ignored when I am sitting right next to someone as they gawk at a girl or girls at the next table. And I paid to be treated like that because I was the one who picked up the tab.
That first date....sets the highest standard that can be anticipated.
If it is evident that some thought was applied to the event, it is nothing short of sweet. If it feels like the whole night was an afterthought - why let that happen again?
12/6/2009 11:48:13 AM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |
Morgan, UT
50, joined Sep. 2008
I have a test that I do on the first date. Dating is all about testing the other person.
I offer to pay and if they accept? I am less than impressed. I am still a tad old fashioned and I think the guy should step it up. It is usually dinner or lunch so if they cannot even spring for $25 then why are they even dating. (SHALLOW)
I have had fun first dates including driving up to Francis Peak and looking at both sides of the valleys at night.
Four wheeling.
Strip Poker. (I am very good so I am not the one that strips)
12/6/2009 12:17:35 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Syracuse, UT
56, joined Oct. 2008
I went into the whole "on line" thing in my post that disappeared and why I think it is NOT a good thing for the most part. I don't have time to re-create it tho because I am going to brunch and a movie with my cutest oldest. Maybe this afternoon. 
12/6/2009 4:06:53 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Eden, UT
60, joined May. 2007
I am so pissed.
I just spent the morning rubbing my eyes and trying to focus on a very well thought out response to this thread and it disappeared!!! 
OW n me have your back on this one! POS does it to me all the time!
12/6/2009 4:15:38 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |
Jackson, WY
53, joined Jun. 2009
go to a sod farm and watch the grass grow.
12/6/2009 7:14:12 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Ogden, UT
56, joined Dec. 2008
go to a sod farm and watch the grass grow. 
lol, okay you got me there.
12/6/2009 7:18:26 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Syracuse, UT
56, joined Oct. 2008
Ok, so here is my take on On-Line Dating at DHU
Old fashioned dating: You actually ran into each other at school, at work, while grabbing some lunch, somewhere! Some sort of conversation ensued which led to the exchange of digits. Those two initial hurdles are crossed. You know you are attracted physically and you feel a further connection in the brief conversation. You want to check the other person out more.
On Line Dating: You read a brief description. You may see a photo. One contacts the other via email because they find something about the profile appealing. A cyber-connection is made. Words are typed. Because there is no voice - there is no inflection. You base what you read upon how you read it and put whatever intonation you hear in your head and personally apply to the words of another. There may be some phone calls too. That is helpful. Now their is a voice to the words and you can better determine the mannerisms of the person and place a more informed meaning to their words. However, two people are still strangers. You still have not met in person and have no clue if you have a connection in person. Words may have been carefully chosen. You feel you have a connection on line, but that may all be based upong a DESIRE TO HAVE A CONNECTION and not an actual, for real, connection with that specific person.
I have observed two people that have talked on line and subsequently decided to come together for I Scream Tuesday. The woman considered it their first date. The man obviously didn't because he spent the majority of his time looking around at the other women also in attendance and trying to get to know them and ignoring who he came with for the most part. The woman he came with, looked on, obviously a bit perturbed. She later referred to him as a player. He didn't see it that way at all.
If the man were respectful of the feelings of the woman that he was with, he would have held back on coming to know anyone else, potentially missing an actual, bonified connection.
Yet, because he was not respectful of the feelings of the woman he came with, she totally disconnected her interest in him and any woman that he met that night would not give him the time of day because they saw his actions as inconsiderate to her.
So, although he chose the latter, he probably would have lost in both scenarios.
Because of this forum, we have a better opportunity to get to know each other. We also have an idea of who wants to see who.
How many of you have held back in getting to know someone that might interest you out of a respect for a friendship you have with another person who expressed to you an interest in that person with whom you also have interest? How many of you have held back on persuing someone that you are interested in because you know someone else has feelings for you and even tho your feelings are not reciprocal, you remain concerned about maintaining the friendship of that person who thinks of you more fondly? I think this happens a lot more than any of us might let on...
The best ON LINE first date I could go on, is one where we all get together as a group, pay our own way, size each other up in person the good old fashioned way and go ahead and pair off if anyone feels inclined.
That is why, unless I have met someone already, I rarely respond to emails I have received with more than a "thank you for writing, come play on the forum and come out on Tuesday night." I just don't see the point in building upon something that could have a false foundation.
My contribution to an "old fashioned" inexpensive first date will always be the good ole stand-bys:
Summertime - laying in my big hammock, gazing at stars, finding constellations, listening to the crickets, looking for shapes in the clouds, watching the journey of a potato bug. Cooking together. That sort of thing.
A drive up a canyon to spot for wildlife, enjoy nature, take pictures, go for a hike, geocache, fish. Build a fire and sit around it and share a picnic.
Winter? BAH!! About the only thing I can think of has been mentioned. The Christmas light thing. But that is only good until Christmas. I like to hot tub in the winter, but that might not be first date material.
12/6/2009 7:30:29 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |
Layton, UT
43, joined Nov. 2009
Remember Dana. You STILL owe me a hot tub... 
12/6/2009 7:49:21 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Sandy, UT
59, joined Aug. 2009
take her to wally world, eat at mc dounlds/$1 menu, then cruse the produce dept> and the electronics department!!!
12/6/2009 7:54:36 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |
Layton, UT
43, joined Nov. 2009
12/6/2009 8:47:16 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

South Jordan, UT
47, joined Dec. 2008
The first date I had the most fun on, we went motorcycle shopping. I was serious about looking for a motorcycle, he also had a motorcycle license, and we both went out and rode bikes. We got a chance to talk in the car (I drove between dealerships) as we went to different places to look at their different bikes.
I think another fun one might be to test drive cars. Go find a dream car, one you've always wanted to drive. You'll have a chance to talk while test driving the cars. That can be something you can cut short real easy. If you want to prolong after that, it's easy to find a place to grab a soda or some hot chocolate.
12/6/2009 8:54:19 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Syracuse, UT
56, joined Oct. 2008
You know what Tazz? That would be fun if presented right. Only I would want to go to the pharmacy and ask where the dressing room is to try on condoms....
Micah? I owe you a hot tub? Or a soak? Enquiring minds.
12/6/2009 8:56:39 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

South Jordan, UT
47, joined Dec. 2008
Watch it girl, you come in to my pharmacy with a handsome man and I'll tell you we only allow custom fittings. 
12/6/2009 8:57:59 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Syracuse, UT
56, joined Oct. 2008
And then you will make him one with duct tape? 
12/6/2009 9:00:48 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

South Jordan, UT
47, joined Dec. 2008
Yep, and make certain it's sticky on both the inside AND the outside. 
12/6/2009 11:48:38 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Eden, UT
60, joined May. 2007
After reading the first D.... DAM how did you ever find the courage to go out again? You stated in the 2nd one that "listening to the crickets" Shit I can't hear you so that brings on a !
Most men (I did say most!), you get them in a hammcok and you better be quick or strong or both! Or just plain old be expexting some braileing and maybe more.
As in another post I put earlier "We ain't in Kansas anymore Dorothy!"
But then as in the color personality test....me being a white.... I do look for signs and body language. Have even had big smoke screens blown at me so much that I now have cancer of the anal orifice! Talk is cheap!
Back on subject....
To take a run for coffee and fries, in a quiet place. After all you are trying to get to know each other and figure out if you want to invest more time and money. So try to get the best you can by understanig each better?
12/6/2009 11:53:02 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Syracuse, UT
56, joined Oct. 2008
Sometimes, it is really amusing. 
Oh, and I have two hammocks.
And there are NO CRICKETS in Syracuse 
12/6/2009 11:55:00 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |
Sandy, UT
41, joined Oct. 2009
Sometimes, it is really amusing.
Oh, and I have two hammocks.
And there are NO CRICKETS in Syracuse 
Didn't I send you an audio file of crickets chirping this summer?...its as good as it is going to get for you I think....they must not like the salt water.
12/6/2009 11:56:08 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Syracuse, UT
56, joined Oct. 2008
Safety Girl <~~~~Lady of the lake
12/7/2009 10:36:56 AM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |
Salt Lake City, UT
61, joined Oct. 2009
I still go with the Coffee ( or soda ) meet and greet - Quiet and all the time you need to talk,look and listen to the one you are with - You can find a mutual type date that you can set up at a later date that both of you will enjoy - Also easy for either to leave if it is not anything you want to move forward with -
Myself I like to people watch - I am looking around all the time for interesting people and things ( even on dates ) but that does not mean I am only looking at the women I see - I point out all to the date - Men, woman and kids that I see funny or different - makes for some funny conversations and that can break down the wall of uncomfortable and nervousness that comes with a first meeting -
Dont know if that works for anyone but me but I have done it and have had some fun times and some bad times - But thats Life -
With a Great Lady now and that is how we first met. 
12/7/2009 12:09:52 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Ogden, UT
56, joined Dec. 2008
Safety's quote:
I have observed two people that have talked on line and subsequently decided to come together for I Scream Tuesday. The woman considered it their first date. The man obviously didn't because he spent the majority of his time looking around at the other women also in attendance and trying to get to know them and ignoring who he came with for the most part. The woman he came with, looked on, obviously a bit perturbed. She later referred to him as a player. He didn't see it that way at all.
If the man were respectful of the feelings of the woman that he was with, he would have held back on coming to know anyone else, potentially missing an actual, bonified connection.
Yet, because he was not respectful of the feelings of the woman he came with, she totally disconnected her interest in him and any woman that he met that night would not give him the time of day because they saw his actions as inconsiderate to her.
So, although he chose the latter, he probably would have lost in both scenarios.
Because of this forum, we have a better opportunity to get to know each other. We also have an idea of who wants to see who.
I don't understand, Safety, what was your motivation to point out those two people as examples because surely everyone would know who you are referring to.........therefore may cause some embarrassment for them. Also, I don't think you have the WHOLE story from BOTH sides, right? It was purely from YOUR perception, right.
I just think it's wrong to bring people into your example of thoughts/opinions UNLESS they opened that particular door. Right?
I am saying it's inappropriate to bring that to light. JMO
12/7/2009 7:49:15 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |
Midvale, UT
32, joined Dec. 2009
Funny Stuff... if it wasn't a bit true.
Dollar movie is awsome! NOt because I'm cheap (well?), more because I have to pay to listen to retards try to impress their dates by talking and being an ass.
[Edited 12/7/2009 7:53:25 PM ]
12/7/2009 8:47:33 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Syracuse, UT
56, joined Oct. 2008
Ramona, they weren't from this site. There are three groups that come to Tuesdays now. But excuse me. I will try not to offend you again.
12/7/2009 8:51:09 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |
Morgan, UT
50, joined Sep. 2008
Ranger...I thought you knew this was our first date? WTF were you doing oogling all the other women at the meetup. Come on now....
12/7/2009 8:53:34 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Salt Lake City, UT
65, joined Jul. 2009
Oh, heck, Linlou..that's just Ranger and the Roving Eyes.. don't take it personal!!! 
12/7/2009 8:59:57 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Orem, UT
61, joined Dec. 2008
Here is a little story about a first date I found that I liked. I dedicate it to all the women who expect the guy to be a gentleman and open her door.......especally dedicated to Safety cause she is always talking about it .......
"My story is kinda funny kinda not. But about 2 minutes into this date with a girl who I had liked for about 4 years the date ended. What happened was I was going to open the car door for her and as I was opening the door she dropped something out of her purse and WHACK the door hit her right in the face. She lost 3 teeth and had to go to the hospital."
Well you can tell why I liked this one.
[Edited 12/7/2009 9:00:29 PM ]
12/7/2009 9:07:46 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Salt Lake City, UT
65, joined Jul. 2009
Oh my gosh...you have to be kidding????????????
12/7/2009 9:22:13 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Bountiful, UT
68, joined Jan. 2009
...So I guess a goodnight kiss was out of the question?...you didn't say if you ever dated her again. 
after she recovered I mean... 
12/7/2009 9:29:54 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Orem, UT
61, joined Dec. 2008
This is a story I found, not a girl I dated. They did go out a few times later and remained friends. Always had something to laugh about.
12/7/2009 9:37:15 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Salt Lake City, UT
65, joined Jul. 2009
Probably put her hands and arms out as a defense mechanism whenever they met again. LOL
12/8/2009 2:07:56 AM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Sandy, UT
59, joined Aug. 2009
once a jerk, aways a jerk.......shame on you! your making me brake my pledge? wtf is right??? linda? your a lot better than him!!????
12/8/2009 9:00:14 AM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Syracuse, UT
56, joined Oct. 2008
Tazz, Linda was JOKING.
O/W? I know I am a pain. But if you want a lady, you treat her like one.
In the words of Collective Soul, "It's Simple."
I would like to keep my teeth tho.....
12/8/2009 9:27:52 AM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |
Sandy, UT
41, joined Oct. 2009
linlou.....sorry baby next time i will try to focus only on you... notice i said TRY
and R....safety is 100% right here....I know of the two she is refering to and they are not from this site nor would they no anything of this.....it was COMPLETELY innappropriate of him and if there was any question about that all you had to do is look at the way she was glaring at him!!!!
You know lately you seem to be the ''feelings'' police and trying to keep everyone from stepping on toes.....well that is life.....perhaps maybe you are just dealing with things in your own life but continue to take it out on all of us in that kind passive agressive way you have....I love ya R but maybe you are a little to sensitive at times in trying to keep peace where there isnt any conflict
12/8/2009 9:59:23 AM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |
Morgan, UT
50, joined Sep. 2008
This is my favorite blind date video EVER!
[Edited 12/8/2009 10:00:56 AM ]
12/8/2009 10:59:40 AM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Ogden, UT
56, joined Dec. 2008
No, Ranger, I completely disagree.......and, she knows it. Constantly we are *dragging* peopel through the mud and it must be stopped. If we are supposed to be friends on this board.........then let's have fun rather than making spectacles of other's wrongdoing OR NOT. It NOT anyone places to discredit anyone. You've made mistakes like everyone elses and got blasted for it ON THE BOARD. Enough is enough. That is all I am saying........It's inappropriate........and if someone's not speaking up then I will. I won't apologise for that. Enough said.
12/8/2009 12:52:06 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |
Sandy, UT
41, joined Oct. 2009
R while i can appreciate what you say that isnt at all reality!!!! we live in a world where there are differences and conflict....opinions and judgements....i would MUCH rather have some one up front and honest with how they feel and what there opinions are then to continue to PORTRAY themselves as something other then they are not.....that already happens WAY to much in this state......so the more opinions the better....i am not going to pretend that we live in this story book little world....just as i respect your opinion and the things you say....everyone else has an opinion to what they want to say as well......remember that little thing we like to call...FREEDOM OF SPEECH....who are u to try and take that from anyone because you are uncomfortable with the confrontations that happen as part of life
12/8/2009 12:57:25 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |
Sandy, UT
41, joined Oct. 2009
R you preech to everyone about speaking privately about issues they might have with others on the board.....how ever you just took it apon yourself to confront safety in what you ''FEEL'' was innappropriate....dont you feel that is a little hypocritical? perhaps before you start attacking others for what they say you should take your own advice
12/8/2009 1:08:31 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Ogden, UT
56, joined Dec. 2008
Go back and read her post, Ranger.........she OPENED the door.......I was entitled to walk through and gave her open criticism. She's a BIG girl without you *rescuing her*.....this is between her and me.......And, as for free speech....that's exactly what I did to challenge her to be fully aware that her action is wrong. She has backpeddaled to her so called fact. First of all.....only people on DH has seen I SCREAM thread and attended to such events. If those two people were NOT from DH......then how does she knows the intentions of both people? Hmm.. As I said earlier, Ranger.......let it go. She opened the door and I challenged her statement. No different than what I have done EVER on this board. She OFFENDED me with her dragging these people for no reason. I have rights to speak my mind as YOU have, Ranger. You're getting too riled up over this, Ranger. Let it go.
[Edited 12/8/2009 1:10:23 PM ]
12/8/2009 3:57:01 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |
Sandy, UT
41, joined Oct. 2009
yes r you do have that right to speak your mind.... i am not trying to take that from you.....all i am saying is that you want to preach at everyone to deal with issues privately but when you have an issue you bring it on here....just as you had your own opinion about what she said....i have my own opinion about what you said.....STOP putting my frienship with her as the REASON i am saying something.....that is such a liberal BS way of dealing with things....if you wanted to keep it between you and her then maybe it shouldnt of come on here.....when u post in open forum ANYONE can respond to your post.....if you dont like it...I am sorry....next time keep it in an email
This is not your forum and it is not your responsibility to police it......I am not sticking up for her...rather agreeing with what i saw with my own two eyes...i happen to agree with her opinion...i honestly am not sure why you would take offense to it ....but you are entitled to your opinion as is everyone else....
12/8/2009 4:29:00 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Ogden, UT
56, joined Dec. 2008
Geez, someone needs to take laxatives.
12/8/2009 6:13:27 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |
Jackson, WY
53, joined Jun. 2009
there is always the sheap herders special.
12/8/2009 6:14:55 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |
Jackson, WY
53, joined Jun. 2009
Geez, someone needs to take laxatives.

12/8/2009 6:19:01 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |
Jackson, WY
53, joined Jun. 2009
R while i can appreciate what you say that isnt at all reality!!!! we live in a world where there are differences and conflict....opinions and judgements....i would MUCH rather have some one up front and honest with how they feel and what there opinions are then to continue to PORTRAY themselves as something other then they are not.....that already happens WAY to much in this state......so the more opinions the better....i am not going to pretend that we live in this story book little world....just as i respect your opinion and the things you say....everyone else has an opinion to what they want to say as well......remember that little thing we like to call...FREEDOM OF SPEECH....who are u to try and take that from anyone because you are uncomfortable with the confrontations that happen as part of life
12/8/2009 6:20:14 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |
Jackson, WY
53, joined Jun. 2009
Geez, someone needs to take laxatives.

12/8/2009 8:28:14 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |
Tooele, UT
68, joined May. 2008
Hi mouse, I like casual. At a car show etc where you can inner react. I'm out for dinner or movies where you can't talk. That stuff is for later when you have established some sort of understanding. Can't get anywhere staring at a movie screen.
12/8/2009 10:24:38 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |


Ogden, UT
56, joined Mar. 2009
My favorite dates are where the women buy me dinner. Nice and cheap for me.
12/8/2009 11:28:59 PM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Syracuse, UT
56, joined Oct. 2008
Ramona, I wasn't dragging anyone through the mud. What I described that happened merely and perfectly illustrated on-line dating and how backwards and confusing it can be. I did no backpeddling. The people were not from this website. For I Scream Tuesdays, I have combined mingle, meet-up, facebook and DH. It has been LOVELY meeting more people and rounding out from what was the core for most of the summer.
I am sorry again that I offended you, but I still truly have no personal qualms with what I posted. To suggest and/or infer that what I wrote was "with intent to hurt someone" was initially extremely offensive to me because anyone that truly knows me, knows that I wouldn't harm a fly. But, I have chalked up my initial feelings of offense to the fact that you don't know me and your opinion of my post was based far more upon something from your personal experience.
I wasn't going to say anything until I came here tonight and read your recent posts which repeatedly referenced mine and made me more fully aware of what you think of me. And that is fine too. Because, I know who I am and that is all that matters.
12/9/2009 1:14:04 AM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |
Cokeville, WY
56, joined Sep. 2009
I am so pissed.
I just spent the morning rubbing my eyes and trying to focus on a very well thought out response to this thread and it disappeared!!! 
By the way, I owe you an apology. I read it that you had a THOUGHT and it escaped you...sorry about the Alzheimer's comment..
12/9/2009 1:16:17 AM |
Inexpensive First Date Ideas |

Syracuse, UT
56, joined Oct. 2008
MP, I have learned to have a thick skin. And I have also learned that this is the internet and things will be misinterpreted.
You don't owe me a thing. But thank you!