12/20/2009 3:48:27 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Newton Falls, OH
age: 46

Kristine who we all loved and still do, has passed away this morning. She is my best friend and always will be, I'm missing her deeply. Krissy you will always be in my heart forever. Please say a special prayer for all her family and friends. I know all of you here on DH loved her deeply as I do. She will never be forgotten. 
Meet singles in your area here at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free for everything! Join now!

12/20/2009 3:52:01 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Akron, OH
age: 48
OMG steve what happened??? I thought she was doing better????? omg this is awful...
my prayers are with her, her family and you if there is anything I can do please feel free to ask... I am not that far away
12/20/2009 3:55:16 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Pemberville, OH
age: 53
I'm sorry to hear this sad news. My deep sympathy to her family and friends, may they find comfort in her memory. Rest in peace, Krissy. 
12/20/2009 3:55:19 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Wooster, OH
age: 60
OMG,what a shock indeed. I did'nt know her that well,but I do know that she leaves a major void in the Ohio Chat.....RIP..... 
12/20/2009 3:59:03 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Mansfield, OH
age: 49
WTF?????How terrible!Shit!Lesson learned ...say what ya want to say to folk,tell em how you feel,they may not be here tommorrow.What a wonderful woman ,she will always be remembered fondly.My prayers and thoughts go out to her family...Damn!
12/20/2009 4:13:56 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Omaha, NE
age: 51
sighs....steven *hugs*

I know she missed her son deeply and I also know she suffered mentally about this..she also had her own illness to deal with..She had a lot on her plate
I know She went peacefully in her sleep.
Be happy for her my friend for she is with her son now .. she suffers no more
Krisy You are loved by many and we will miss you
12/20/2009 4:39:55 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

New London, OH
age: 44
My thoughts and prayers are with you and the family and all her friends on here and else where.     
12/20/2009 4:48:49 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Omaha, NE
age: 51
12/20/2009 4:59:06 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |
Lakewood, OH
age: 52
I never met her, yet felt a kinship with her here. I will remember her as a kind and gentle woman whose heart she freely exposed. My condolenses and prayers are with her and her family. Rest in peace dear sweet soul.
12/20/2009 5:43:05 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Newton Falls, OH
age: 46
I've gotten emails that send prayers and thoughts to the family and friends. Thank you, from Krissy's family. There are some who asked about sending cards and flowers. You can email me and I'll email the families address that you can send them too. The family thanks you and has given me permission to email the address so you can send cards and gifts. From my heart, I thank you all. She loved everyone of you here on DH. I know from talking to her almost everyday that she has some really special and awesome friends here. Kristine was my neighbor which she used to live four houses away from me, then moving to Newton Falls. But we always kept a very special friendship that I will cherish forever. Thank you to all.
12/20/2009 6:00:27 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Wooster, OH
age: 60
This really puts the fraility of life in prospective....RIP Kris...... 
12/20/2009 6:04:52 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Shelley, ID
age: 46
Jim's on the phone with Steve! He's in shock to say the least!! Talked to her daughter!! This is a sad, sad day!! She will truly be missed!!
12/20/2009 6:36:41 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Toledo, OH
age: 48
OMG I was just on here the other day and she said she was doing better. My heart goes out to her family during this sad time. May God watch over them and her friends.
12/20/2009 7:00:55 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 42
Kris, honey, I'm just lost at the moment...my heart is heavy for ya. You were the one person who would put a smile on my face every day with a goofy text. Sweety you may be gone, but damn it,, you will never be forgotten !!!!Damn it God why her? And why now???
You are truely a friend in my heart, and will forever be!!!I just wish I could have one more conversation with you. You are such an inspiration to many people that knew you.And you will be missed. I love your wit, your stronghold on life issues, and most of all, your honesty.
I just feel that Ohio has lost a true angel !!! God bless your family. I know you all have been through so much this year, but at least you are with Jeremy now for this emotional holiday.
And I will see to it that the music you held will always be played....I miss you already!!!!
12/20/2009 7:10:40 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Walton, KY
age: 48
Peace . . .

12/20/2009 7:14:31 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 42
No longer an angel among us, but an angel above us.......
12/20/2009 7:17:28 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Shelley, ID
age: 46
12/20/2009 7:18:53 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Newbury, OH
age: 45
yes the frailty of life...kris you will surely be missed
my heart goes out to you and your family
so sorry 
thank you steve and jim
thank you all
[Edited 12/20/2009 7:19:14 PM PST]
12/20/2009 7:23:05 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Shelley, ID
age: 46
12/20/2009 7:53:32 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Toledo, OH
age: 48
This song makes me cry when I hear it, but it's really awesome and although I didn't know this lady, this is for the memory of her....
I'm Spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this Year
I see the countless Christmas trees,
Around the world below.
With tiny lights, like heaven's stars,
Reflecting on the snow.
The sight is so spectacular,
Please wipe away that tear.
For I'm spending Christmas,
With Jesus Christ this year.
I hear the many Christmas songs,
That people hold so dear.
But the sounds of music can't compare,
With the Christmas choir up here.
For I have no words to tell you,
The joy their voices bring.
For it is beyond description,
To hear the angels sing.
I can't tell you of the splendor,
Or the peace here in this place.
Can you just imagine Christmas,
With our Savior, face to face?
I'll ask Him to light your spirit,
As I tell Him of your love.
So then pray one for another,
As I lift you eyes above.
Please let your hearts be joyful,
And let your spirit sing.
For I'm Spending Christmas in Heaven,
And I'm walking with the King.
~© Wanda Bencke ~
12/20/2009 9:05:42 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Columbus, OH
age: 40
I did not know her, but i know she was loved.
12/20/2009 10:26:42 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Omaha, NE
age: 51
mt ..Thats a Beautiful song
I know Krissy would have loved it
Thanks for posting it..sharing it with all of us
When Steven called me I was like**WHAT** OH MY GOD **WHAT** I was in shock
I didnt get to talk to her while she was in the hospital ..I had lost my voice that week
I did leave her some music on FB and I did call her but she didnt get to call me back
Steven said that Krissy was planning on contacting me.....sighs...it never happened and here we are..all in shock ..She wasnt old either but she did have serious medical issue's
I think that infection caused her death
sighs....Its so sad.
I do pray for her daughter who is left behind..who not only lost her brother this year her Mom now too
Her X hubby...I pray for as well..he was always there for Krissy helping her out
(you just dont find that too often now do ya)
Steven give her daughter a hug from me plz..I know you miss her Steven,its going to be very different now for you as well
think I'll give u a call right now
12/20/2009 10:44:49 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 42
I'm still in the numb stage, many friends have e-mailed me, and quite a few phone calls on my side as well,but the thought of losing such a sweet person is just so heartfelt. And will be for days to come. What is tomorrow going to bring?
I know that I will look at my phone often, waiting for my daily text messege from her that won't come now.....    
12/20/2009 11:14:06 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Newton Falls, OH
age: 46
I do know Derby that you are one of Kris's dearest and closets friends on DH, she talked to me about you and your new love. She cherished her friends. I know what you mean about the phone. I kept looking at mine waiting for Kristine to call. She always called. And We always told each other when we hung up, sweet dreams. But I always threw in the no wet ones to her and she laughed. I'm on the phone with Julie (foxylady) right now and we just can't believe Kristine is gone. Kristine is a angel that came in to my life when I was down and she was there ever since. I'm missing her so much. She loved everyone on DH. Derby will tell you how big her heart was and still is because she's affected all of us here.
Kristine, I love you, I miss you, you will always and forever be in my heart.
[Edited 12/20/2009 11:16:17 PM PST]
12/20/2009 11:41:22 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |
Sandusky, OH
age: 54
My heart goes out to all who know Krissy, in your time of sorrow, My prayers are with her family and dear friends, I only knew her from here on DH.
There is a song that I wanted to post, it was played at my husbands furneral, and i still listen to it daily, brings me comfort when I here it, I just don;t know how to post it. The song is sung by Brad Pasley and Dolly Pardon, "When I get where I 'm going" It is a beautiful song. She will never be forgotten.

sweetcheets319 (Barb)
12/20/2009 11:45:41 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Walton, KY
age: 48
There is a song that I wanted to post, it was played at my husbands furneral, and i still listen to it daily, brings me comfort when I here it, I just don;t know how to post it. The song is sung by Brad Pasley and Dolly Pardon, "When I get where I 'm going" It is a beautiful song. She will never be forgotten.

12/21/2009 12:00:48 AM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |
Sandusky, OH
age: 54
Thank You, phina1, so much for Posting that for me. I know Kriss, would have liked that song too. 
sweetcheeks319 (Barb)

12/21/2009 12:15:35 AM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Newton Falls, OH
age: 46
Derby, you couldn't explain any more to us what a angel is than what you just have done with this video. There's a reason for everything in life. I believe deep down in my heart Kristine was brought to us to be our angel. Here on DH, here at home. Those who knew her threw the internet, those who knew her by phone, those who knew her in person. Each one of us has been touched by her heart. She always had a smile, I don't even care if she was crying, she still was smiling and made a joke from it. She always in her little kwirky ways and that West Virginia accent had a way to make you smile, laugh, cry and laugh all at the same time. I myself had seen Kristine in pain, in person, longing for her son that passed away a little bit ago, and then dealing with her sickness, that was taking a toll on her, she still laughed. A few weeks ago she was hospitalized, in ICU, she called me, and said, now damn it steve what are you doing, You didn't call me this morning, Well I took the hit, and we laugh for an hour. Her being sick as she was still throwing a laugh out to keep one others heart going for the day. To make you feel she was ok, not to worry about her, I know Derby and Foxylady can say that was Krissy. Know matter what, she made you laugh, left you with a smile for the rest of the day. and then she would do it all over again the next day.
Kristine's love, her heart, her mind and soul can never be replaced. She loved her family, Her son, daughter, everyone that she touched, she loved. There was a couple she disagreed with, a couple here on DH, but Kristine still, always loved everyone here. Her friends she talked to day in day out, posting. Laughing back and forth, she loved all of you. She wasn't happy until you was happy with a smile and a laugh.
I know all of you here on DH, will miss her. But keep her always in your heart like she did with us. God has made an angel like Derby, Julie, and her friends have mentioned. She was here for a purpose, to make us smile, laugh and love one another. She may be gone, but her presents still is felt. Her love is still here, among all of us who she has touched.
Forever in my heart, my mind and soul, I love you Kristine. Your not going anywhere, your still here. We all still feel your heart.
12/21/2009 4:32:00 AM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Coshocton, OH
age: 52
This is such a sad shock. God rest her soul and bless her family & friends.   
12/21/2009 5:59:36 AM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Oregon, OH
age: 46
My heart goes out to all who knew her...what a beautiful person!
Such beautiful songs...
12/21/2009 6:19:59 AM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Akron, OH
age: 63
How sad. Krissy will be truly missed here on DH and among all others her life has touched. It's ironic that she was gone in a heartbeat as her son was a year ago. My sincerest condolences to her family and all her friends on and off the internet. Rest in peace, Krissy.............
12/21/2009 6:54:29 AM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Omaha, NE
age: 51
I found this on Krissy's Facebook..something she wrote..she wrote this Dec 18,2009
The philosophy of mine earth can be summed up as this: Sunshine creates happiness, and I create myself. Nights are long and life is predominantly good. Wind is refreshing. Tea is wisdom. Do the best you can, and be good to yourself so that you can above all be good to others.
Fri at 2:33am
12/21/2009 6:55:57 AM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 42
Thanks for sharing Foxy....
12/21/2009 8:12:22 AM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Akron, OH
age: 48
she seemed so sweet, my only regret is that i did not know her better, i will miss her beautiful post and humor rest in peace kris and be happy with your son
12/21/2009 8:41:32 AM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Findlay, OH
age: 52
Quite a shock to hear. Prayers to her family with Christmas so close upon us.

12/21/2009 11:31:17 AM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |
Salem, OH
age: 29
My gosh I didn't know her that well either but she seemed like a nice fun lady. Looks like she gets to celebrate Christmas with Jesus this year. What better way to have Christmas? I will pray for her family and friends who have to deal with her loss.
12/21/2009 11:49:03 AM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Cleveland, OH
age: 45
When I got a call yesterday with the news I, too, was shocked. We only shared a few personal emails, but I truly enjoyed reading her posts here. She reminded me of myself in a lot of ways. Yes, she will be missed.
Steven, please pass along my sympathy to her family. And to yourself, be strong. She will forever be in your heart.
Finally, in your words Kris.......Peace Out!!  
12/21/2009 12:16:23 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Newton Falls, OH
age: 46
I put this in my blog, I want to share it with you.
" My Friend, I fell in love with your heart".

I'm in love with someone who stoled my heart from the first time we've met. Some of you know her on here as sxybdgrl4u.
Kristine was my best friend, she ment everything to me. Our friendship was so deep that you couldn't help but love her. She made you fall in love with her, she is the kind of person that God created to watch over everyone, to make them smile, laugh, enjoy life know matter what.
Kristine passed away yesterday, alot of hearts are broken. My heart is so lost. I miss her so deeply. I was up late last night till 5:00am waiting for that call, Hey hun, how you doing. Those where always her first words. She was always worried about how I was doing, and not being worried about anything else.
Kristine and I never became that girl friend, boy friend relationship thing. Our friendship was better than that. Can you fall in love with someone that isn't your girl friend, or not married too, or that intiment relationship that two people have? Yes you can. There's many different kinds of love, many different kinds of ways you can love someone. Kristine had such a heart for everyone that you couldn't help but to fall in love with her. Everyone loved her so much. Her friends here on DH, here at home, her family, she was and still is loved by so many people.
Kristine lost her son about a year ago, Jeremy. She also has a daughter, Beth, (pinkdiamond89) as some who know her on here, she was so broken hearted about her son passing, and then her sickness just resently that took a toll on her. But she always day in and day out had a smile and a laugh that kept everyones heart filled and not worry about herself. Her family is the same way, Beth has a heart like her moms. When you walked into Kristine's home, you can feel the love floating in the air. Kristine's ex husband still, was always there to even help her with everything around the home. Help other's who came into there home. This is what kind of love Kristine always had around her.
I lost my very best friend yesterday. But she is not gone. I can still feel her love, her heart, her presents. I can still hear her laugh, see her smile, and feel her hugs everytime I saw her. Can you fall in love with someone with just having a friendship?, yes you can,
Kristine will always be in my heart, my mind, and I know she's watching over everyone she loves. She will be missed by many here on DH, here at home in Ohio, and everywhere she has been and the people who she has touched.
I love you Kristine. You will always be with me know matter where I'm at, or what I'm doing. Thank you for letting me fall in love with you my sweet dear friend. I'll never forget. 
[Edited 12/21/2009 12:17:08 PM PST]
12/21/2009 12:16:50 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Wooster, OH
age: 54 online now!
I lost my Dad a week ago and now I have lost a friend who I cherished. She was the first person to talk to me here on D H and helped me meet others. She helped me through a rough time just by being herself.Her comments and the music she loved to play would put a smile on my face so I could go through another day. My deepest sympathy goes out to her family and, Steve, and Jim. Krissy you are already sorely missed.
12/21/2009 5:23:25 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Wooster, OH
age: 43
wow what a shock. i have not been on here in a while and am truely shocked to see this post. she will be missed deeply by all. in one way or another she has touched all of our hearts, whether it be by her funny posts, funny songs, or kris just being herself.
she will be missed. god bless to her family and friends. Ed
12/21/2009 6:09:47 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 42
Ed, glad to see you, ya need to come around more often...And to the other's...thanks for the words. You all are right, this lady has touched many lives in one form or another....
12/21/2009 6:50:40 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Newton Falls, OH
age: 46
I lost my Dad a week ago and now I have lost a friend who I cherished. She was the first person to talk to me here on D H and helped me meet others. She helped me through a rough time just by being herself.Her comments and the music she loved to play would put a smile on my face so I could go through another day. My deepest sympathy goes out to her family and, Steve, and Jim. Krissy you are already sorely missed.
My very deep condolences to you Rick, I know, I lost my mom two month ago, and now this. I just found out a few hours ago that the kids I grew up with and remained friends with thru the years, there dad just passed away. This is driving me up the wall. Is it ever going to end. I'm hoping and praying tomarrow the sun will shine once again.
12/21/2009 7:08:04 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Wooster, OH
age: 60
My very deep condolences to you Rick, I know, I lost my mom two month ago, and now this. I just found out a few hours ago that the kids I grew up with and remained friends with thru the years, there dad just passed away. This is driving me up the wall. Is it ever going to end. I'm hoping and praying tomarrow the sun will shine once again.
No it is never going to end.. ..In fact,the older you get the worse it gets. It seems like you know so many more that pass,with each added year that you age.....

12/21/2009 7:54:12 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Pemberville, OH
age: 53
No it is never going to end..  ..In fact,the older you get the worse it gets. It seems like you know so many more that pass,with each added year that you age.....

No, it never ends, death in the cycle of life. Knowing that always reminds me to treasure each moment of this life, even the bittersweet ones, and to cherish the simple things that make life worthwhile.
Peace to the grieving hearts.     ...
12/22/2009 6:59:01 AM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 42
My text messeges have never been so quiet as it has been these past two days......
12/22/2009 7:44:21 AM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Lorain, OH
age: 40
 she seemed so sweet, my only regret is that i did not know her better, i will miss her beautiful post and humor  rest in peace kris and be happy with your son
This song always makes me cry. We played this song at my sister's funeral.
12/22/2009 7:46:40 AM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Lorain, OH
age: 40
My prayers and thoughts with the family...
12/22/2009 7:51:18 AM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Washingtonville, OH
age: 39
She will be deeply missed. Didn't know her in person but her friendship and charecter were evident in the few emails we shared.
12/22/2009 9:30:45 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Newton Falls, OH
age: 20
She was a wonderful woman who would do anything for anyone. R.I.P. Mom you'll be in my heart in memories and someday you me and jeremy will all be together no worries and pain free. i am just happy all the sufferin is over!
12/22/2009 9:43:58 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Newton Falls, OH
age: 20
Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers for me and my family. it means alot and is greatly appriciated!
12/22/2009 11:36:00 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 42
Thanks for coming back to us Beth..... 
12/23/2009 6:23:10 AM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Omaha, NE
age: 51
She was a wonderful woman who would do anything for anyone. R.I.P. Mom you'll be in my heart  in memories and someday you me and jeremy will all be together no worries and pain free. i am just happy all the sufferin is over!
*hugs* Krissy's daughter
12/23/2009 10:40:37 AM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Litchfield, OH
age: 44
God's speed with her on her final path, she has touched our lives!
12/23/2009 2:58:43 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Newton Falls, OH
age: 46
She was a wonderful woman who would do anything for anyone. R.I.P. Mom you'll be in my heart  in memories and someday you me and jeremy will all be together no worries and pain free. i am just happy all the sufferin is over!
I know I miss her today as I did yesterday and will miss her even more tomarrow. I know I talked to you yesterday Beth, always remember baby girl, I love you as much as I do your mom. I will always be here for you.
R.I.P. my dear friend Kristine. I know your watching over us with your son. Your heart is still felt. We all still love you, and always will.
12/24/2009 12:03:47 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Middletown, OH
age: 32
OMG... she was such a sweetheart.... i know i didnt know her well, but she always made me laugh and was one of the MAIN reasons i visited this board so often, she will be truly missed by everyone here 
12/31/2009 8:06:56 AM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Newton Falls, OH
age: 46
Happy New Year to you my friend Kristine, I miss you so much. I know your having that big party with your son way up there in the sky. You will always be loved.
1/1/2010 2:36:38 AM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Columbus, OH
age: 22
WOW.. I havnt been on in a long while not since about May but she and I would talk and joke around on here a lot. I'm really saddened and my prayers will go out to her family...If you guys dont remember me, Its CHOKER from earlier this year. I had actually met someone on here (the girl in the pic) and we were together until this past November, anyways enough about me... Kris you will never be forgotten, she was the heart and soul of the ohio forum, everybody knows that.
1/1/2010 9:18:23 AM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 42
Hey Choker, glad to see ya back. And Yes Kris was a piece of the backbone here.She is missed by so many, that she will never be forgotten! She has touched way too many of us, for any of us to forget.My phone hasn't been the same. I still wait for a goofy text from her......     
1/3/2010 9:19:05 AM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |

Mingo Junction, OH
age: 27
OMG I just saw this thread for the first time. It literally made me breakdown she was such a sweetheart always knowing the right thing to say at the right time to lift someones hopes and spirits. She has brightened my days plenty of times, You wil truely be missed and not forgotten
1/5/2010 1:24:20 PM |
In memory of sxybdgrl4u |


Dayton, OH
age: 40 online now!
Umm wow Now I am sad... She was a face looked forward to seeing a post from.