1/6/2008 4:10:06 PM |
The more times you are married do you become de-sensitized? |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
This might be a stupid questions but it’s crossed my mind
The more times you are married and divorced do you get de-sensitized to the values of marriage?
I mean once you have been married and divorced more than once are you more likely to say to yourself …. “well, I can always get out of it”
Disclaimer: I don’t mean any disrespect to those married a number of times.
1/6/2008 8:07:46 PM |
The more times you are married do you become de-sensitized? |

Williams, IN
age: 48
I was married 3 times before I actually GOT IT. I fell head over hills, unconditionally in love with my 3rd husband. I mean it. I never EVEN thought about another man, never looked. Every kiss made me tingle. I was sad to experience the "'til death do us part" occur. I still love him every second, every minute, every hour, every month. My 1st husband abused me, I divorced & married a 2nd abuser in a matter of months, divorced him & decided to raise my kids on my own & figure myself out. I was with my 3rd husband 11 years & all 11 years NEVER once looked at another man as a potential lover.
I married my 1st very young, from parents' to husband & was so lost when we divorced, married another....1 month later got a divorce & decided I needed to figure myself out. So, that's what I did. It wasn't that I didn't value marriage, it was just that I got in a hurry to "grow up". I got it right after I knew me.
[Edited 1/6/2008 8:09:51 PM]
1/8/2008 3:24:20 PM |
The more times you are married do you become de-sensitized? |

Venice, FL
age: 55
No, I do not believe it does. In my case (two marriages and a live in arrangement) I can honestly say, that each time...I tried harder, stayed in a bad situation longer, because I did not want to feel like I had failed....again. It was like but I gave more and more...until when the end came...there was very little of "me" left to start over. Complete devastation...although I knew I had done the right thing in each case. I have not been in a committed relationship for almost 15 years...and the one thing I have learned...you can only give so much..you have to save some for yourself.
1/9/2008 10:42:33 AM |
The more times you are married do you become de-sensitized? |

Valdosta, GA
age: 48
Count me as yes on this one. I am tired of wasting time try to fix things, especially when I am the only one trying. So with me it is fish or cut bait, and I don't mind cutting. After all after the first divorce, the next ones are only a half a day in court.
I am going to post this one in the forums, just to see the GREAT DEBATE!
[Edited 1/9/2008 10:44:23 AM]
1/14/2008 8:25:09 AM |
The more times you are married do you become de-sensitized? |

Fargo, ND
age: 36
It's sad that people need quick exits on relationships.
For me, getting through those bad times together can only end up strengthening the relationship. Chosing to stay and work things out is an act of will, not an act of a mindless beast who is ruled by their genitals (regardless of gender).
1/15/2008 12:32:02 PM |
The more times you are married do you become de-sensitized? |

Kyle, TX
age: 70
I was listening to one of the talk shows on the radio today and they were giving statistics of miseray in marriages..the divorced ones were still miserable and some more so after divorce than those who stayed together and worked thru their differences..
I had two marriages of five years each and both times his children broke us up..one died and the kids were so hateful I was not mentioned in his obit...I had two other marrieages that were rebound and then annulled as the men had not divorced their wives...
So once you go thru the pain of a long marriage, all the rest are trivial, love em and leave em...just that simple..Ya damn right I am de-sentisized,..it would take one big man to talk me into another relationship....and oh, the first marriage was of twentyone years and three children...he was and is meaner than a junk yard dog....
1/15/2008 5:35:55 PM |
The more times you are married do you become de-sensitized? |

Baltimore, MD
age: 44
I sure hope not. While I am not so keen on it right now. I do beleive in marriage. I do beleive in love. I believe in partners and life mates. I think you have to very carefully find that right person but, there is something to be said for having that someone to turn to.
1/23/2008 10:40:49 AM |
The more times you are married do you become de-sensitized? |

Brainerd, MN
age: 35
no i think you value your vows more and want to keep it to gether by yor self if you have to
1/27/2008 7:36:45 AM |
The more times you are married do you become de-sensitized? |

Mount Clemens, MI
age: 46
Not me .If i love someone enough to marry im init for the long haul baby.So if anyone reads my profile realize this  