Harlingen, TX
age: 26 online now!
i have a 5 month old preemie baby. hes a miracle.. he weigh 1 lb 11 he weighs8lb close to 9 lbs. it was stressful at first .but hes a fighter i love u isaac . check him out on profile
Ivel, KY
age: 41
I had twins prematurely. I was 13 weeks early, they weighed 2lbs 5oz and 2lbs 1oz. But the smaller dropped to 1 pound 15 ounces before he started gaining weight. You are very lucky and very blessed.
Alvin, TX
age: 24
My son was born 5 weeks premature at 4lbs 1.7oz lost one pound before he started gaining weight and was in the NICU for 4 weeks before coming home. He is now 27 months old and weighs abou 23lbs so still small but still growing. Good luck!
Towson, MD
age: 38
My ex-gf is a NICU nurse so I have heard the horror stories as well as the joyious ones.
Morrison, IL
age: 38
I actually had 3 preemie babies. My oldest daughter who is now 21 years old was born 2 months early. To see her now you would never guess she weighed 4 lbs. 9 oz. when she was born. She is now in college and plans to be an early elementary teacher she has been very healthy and Thank God no learning or health problems. She has always had such determination with everything she has done in life ever since she was born. And I also had twin sons that were born 2 months early- 4lbs. 9 oz and 4 lbs 8.5 oz. They are 15 now and same as their sister they are healthy and active no side effects from being born premature. Good luck to you and I am sure things will be fine for your child and you.