1/17/2008 7:31:45 AM |
What am I doing wrong? |

Portage, MI
age: 32
Where and how do I meet a good woman? All my tries have failed. What am I doing wrong?
1/17/2008 8:32:17 AM |
What am I doing wrong? |

Hardin, MO
age: 36
Explain what u are looking for in a woman ???
1/17/2008 8:55:56 AM |
What am I doing wrong? |

Fairburn, GA
age: 32
Whats a good woman to you? What are u looking for in a realationship and a person?
1/17/2008 9:45:31 AM |
What am I doing wrong? |

Portage, MI
age: 32
I don't know anymore
1/17/2008 2:14:53 PM |
What am I doing wrong? |

Opp, AL
age: 38
Well, if you don't know what you're looking for, how will you know when you find it? Seriously, it could be right around the corner and you wouldn't see it. Easiest thing to do is make a list of what you want in a partner and go from there. I've been single for 2 1/2 years now and although it's not the best situation in the world it's much better than having chosen the wrong one again. I know what I want and I'll know it when I see him. That doesn't mean you don't have to leave yourself open for all the posibilities just that you have to set certain standards and people either fall above or below that bar. Best to make sure those standards aren't superficial though, you might find yourself alone again if they are.
1/24/2008 11:51:14 AM |
What am I doing wrong? |

Webster, MA
age: 32
I ask myself the same question all the time.My friends tell me not to worry and I'll meet the right one someday.I've been single for almost 10 years so i know how it feels.
1/25/2008 6:21:45 AM |
What am I doing wrong? |

Lakewood, OH
age: 40
I think this site is pretty new, not many people on it yet.
1/26/2008 3:42:55 AM |
What am I doing wrong? |

Halifax, NS
age: 39
I don't think that it really is anything that you are doing wrong. If we are all single and can not find someone then are we all doing something wrong? NO..... Online dating is hard and harsh, real world dating is hard and harsh. I look at other couples and wonder why I can't find someone too.
Deciding what you want, the type of woman you want and being very honest about how you want to live your life is a great start. I don't know if everyone is supposed to have someone in their lives as the "one and only". I know that it is what we are told we need and want, but what if maybe we need many people who fill different needs? We usually have a few different friends that we do different things so maybe that is the way with love. Having said that I know I would like one person too that gives me love and great sex but it's really hard to find and may not be a reality for me.
Being happy with yourself and planning things around you is most important. When you are happy you attract happy. Until I meet the guy that can tick off the boxes on my list and make me feel giddy, special, loved and desired, then I am my main focus! I have to be... being loved starts with loving self first!
Any help? make sense? Hope I have not depressed you..LOL!
1/26/2008 1:55:08 PM |
What am I doing wrong? |

Lakewood, OH
age: 40
you need better pics
1/31/2008 8:46:46 AM |
What am I doing wrong? |

Kingsport, TN
age: 38
I guess maybe you need to look South... Lots of beautiful women down here who can't find a decent guy... 
1/31/2008 9:15:28 AM |
What am I doing wrong? |

Plymouth, IN
age: 37
What are any of us doing wrong? The answer is nothing everyone is just doing the best that they can sometimes you get lucky and you find happiness for awhile. If it lasts great if it doesn't you just pick up the pieces and continue on. Things happen for a reason. Be glad you found happpiness at one point in time and just be patient it will happen again. I know that is much easier said than done but what else can you do? 
1/31/2008 6:06:20 PM |
What am I doing wrong? |

Pocatello, ID
age: 37
hi i am Will and i,m have some problems gating woman jest to go to lunch i am thinking its my disability i have t.b.i how do i let woman no i will not heat them or be bad to them im jest a little slower but not dumb can you tall me how do i mack woman fill safe and relaxed arond me and jest be a friend to me?
2/4/2008 11:00:30 AM |
What am I doing wrong? |

Shreveport, LA
age: 39
Maybe you are moving to fast, women like to take it slow!!!!! You can't just jump in the driver seat and drive when you have never had a lesson. 
2/6/2008 12:47:12 AM |
What am I doing wrong? |

Meadow Vista, CA
age: 39
Women are attracted to a man that is confident and funny.If you act like a wussie and are boring nothins gonna happen man!
2/21/2008 4:29:43 PM |
What am I doing wrong? |

Oshkosh, WI
age: 36
Well I don't really know you, so I cannot say what you are doing wrong, but here is a couple of tips to break the ice. THe old saying 'Flattery will get you everywhere' is true. Compliments (Even outrageous over the top flattery, for instance,If someone were to just walk up to you and say 'I just must say U really are a thing of beauty... Thank you for the view...' you are very likely to get a positive response) do not come around often enough, no matter who you are. Say anything! The more unexpected the better, point is to get their attention! Even if it fails you will be remembered.
Listen and respond! Focus is required! You do not like to feel ignored to your face do you? Neither does anybody else... If you do concentrate on listening and responding it will pay off in the end.
Honor your word. Do what you say you'll do! If, because of unforseen events, you cannot keep your word, call, IM, e-mail, smoke signals, singing telegram, whatever! Do not ever leave someone waiting on you. It irritates everyone to be left hanging in the dark.
Other than that I can't help very much.