Suffern, NY
age: 20 online now!
Dear Lord we thank thee for are youth today
Who know such love for thy great truth and way
They close their eyes to earth's corrupting charms
Choosing instead thine ever lasting arms
When flesh would rise like giants in their strength
Defying truth and boasting at great length
Destroying faith,Discouraging the heart
Defend thine own draw near and take their part.
When Satan whispring with his subtle voice
Tempts them to be untrue to heaven's choice,
Grant them them the wisdom to avoid his snares.
Help them to know their heavnly Father cares.
Dear Saviour,keep them hour by hour
Wthin the circle of thy, wondrous power
Doing each thoughtful deed
Meeting each kingdom need
Sowing our lives s seed to live ever more.

Lillington, NC
age: 51
Amen missyroo
You are a true saint, God’s love to you.
I love it when the young generation as yourself rejoices in The Lord Jesus. May you always keep His Light shinning.
God’s blessings to you

Suffern, NY
age: 20 online now!
Three types of stone
Some fall apart.
Some will not be worked with.
Some can be molded.
Satan will tell us what we want to hear.
But the Holy spirit will tell us what we need to know in our prayers.

Suffern, NY
age: 20 online now!
The ripples of our influence flow to the shores of eternity.

Lillington, NC
age: 51
O’ If I was about 30 years younger, LOL