2/3/2008 10:42:31 PM |
How soon do you date after a divorce? |

Frisco, TX
age: 33
Does it take women or men longer to get back in the swing of dating after a divorce? 
2/9/2008 10:52:37 AM |
How soon do you date after a divorce? |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29 online now!
I guess that would depend on the people involved. In my case I am trying to get back into dating and my ex has no desire. But I have a female friend whose divorce is not finalized and she is already dating, her ex is not. I don't think that gender makes a difference, just one's emotional needs 
2/9/2008 9:30:20 PM |
How soon do you date after a divorce? |

Galion, OH
age: 47
Nicola, it's an individual issue. I think one of litmus tests is, can you go out and not talk/think/discuss your ex.
Of course, many of us have dated before we were quite ready and did the first cardinal sin, talk about our ex.
2/9/2008 10:05:56 PM |
How soon do you date after a divorce? |

Texarkana, TX
age: 44
Kindof like the other guys have said. I don't believe it has anything to do with gender. I think it has more to do with who left who. Most of the time the one that was left has their head spinning for a while. I'd say wait as long as you can. Don't be too dependant on others. Get to know yourself. Enjoy who you are, then try to help others that may need your help.
If you left your spouse...Imediately.
If your spouse left you...Maybe a year or two.
2/10/2008 7:31:23 AM |
How soon do you date after a divorce? |

Mount Clemens, MI
age: 46
If your the leaver your usually already dating.If you are the one that has been left get yourself together first or your not gona enjoy it.
[Edited 2/10/2008 7:31:46 AM]
2/11/2008 4:56:07 PM |
How soon do you date after a divorce? |

Versailles, MO
age: 41
I feel in my past I have started dating too soon after a seperation and it was hurtful to the next person I dated. I feel if you are divorced than obviously it is fore a reason. I have never met anyone who said their divorce was fun and fullfilling. I had hard feelings and resentments and had been rung through the ringer. I knew I would never allow myself to be that vonerable and stupid again and by God every man I met understood my feelings because I was a cold hearted b*tch and made them pay for my x-husbands crap. I never wanted to be the way I was. I dragged all my bagage into the next relationship. I have also been on the other end of the stick and the guy I dated was insainly jelious because his x cheated on him. I had not done anything to deserve his jelious feelings but that did not make them go away. Needless to say, I couldn't handle being treated like I was or that I was going to be a cheater. In my personal oppinion, people do not allow themselves time to heal and let go of their hurtful feelings. We all think they will go away if we date someone else when in fact it just makes the feelings come back to haunt us...................food 4 though..................just my thoughts.........
2/20/2008 10:49:29 AM |
How soon do you date after a divorce? |

Downingtown, PA
age: 51
I think after a divorce, EVERYONE needs to look into themselves about what went wrong and how WE chose the wrong person. I got into a relationship while divorcing and I thought he was the man for me. However I realized I was "rebounding" from the first one. After many years of being divorced, I can honestly look for the qualities I really want in a man. Content to stay single if I do not find them. Peace is better then drama any day.
2/20/2008 4:02:17 PM |
How soon do you date after a divorce? |

Morrill, ME
age: 41
I think it depends on wether the person can be alone or not...some dont mind being alone, and then theres some that just cannot be alone, and will settle just so they are not alone....
I myself, will not settle just so I am not alone....
2/21/2008 3:18:58 AM |
How soon do you date after a divorce? |

Princeton, LA
age: 50
Good morning from Shreveport LA and I believe that it all depends on the person when you feel your ready to date again you will
2/21/2008 5:51:32 AM |
How soon do you date after a divorce? |

Falmouth, KY
age: 60
Some have no problem with it ,their dateing around is what caused part of the divorces,men and women, [ not all ]