5/18/2010 8:03:21 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |
Bangor, ME
age: 26
I'm from Maine!! lol 
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

5/20/2010 7:57:27 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |
Bucksport, ME
age: 36
I am a Maine Gal, born here.. lived lots of places, no Maine accent kind of a bilingual mutt..lol but 'tis all good.. WHERE R ALL THE GREAT SINGLE MEN? thats what I wanna know!!
5/20/2010 8:33:28 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |
Bucksport, ME
age: 36
OK! asking where are they and getting no response..lol GO figure they AREN'T here!!!
which is my popular findings... guess Beer 30 comes early today..hahaha!
5/20/2010 12:15:19 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Edmonton, KY
age: 56
 I am a Maine Gal, born here.. lived lots of places, no Maine accent kind of a bilingual mutt..lol but 'tis all good.. WHERE R ALL THE GREAT SINGLE MEN? thats what I wanna know!!
Great, Being an old fart around the block a few times; run over run down and run over again,I may be able to answer some of that. No this is not directly pointed at you, I don't know you, you may be as sweet and sincere as all get out. And no it's not a come on either. It's a general observation I have seen in people who want the right one and wind up with the wrong one. I'm answering because so many like you didn't get a response to this question and you asked twice. This goes for men too, men who want an arm hanger but say they want a good woman.
In short. They are out there; but don't come out of their lairs very often, they are not the players you find everywhere, prowling, leering, tongues dragging the gravel, latest fashion and too much stinky scent on looking for nothing but another notch on their conquest list. They aren't the bad boy, woman beater abusive type too many women attach themselves to instead of the plain guy with a heart, devotion, morals and honesty. Girls like the bad boy; but say they are looking for the good man, well hon the two don't live in the same person. The good ones are quiet, sometimes reclusive. They don't look like Antonio Banderas, they don't sound like Sam Elliot, they drive a pickup not a "pick them up" half a** cool car and while they are with you they are still swiveling their heads around and looking for the next one after you. If he's not totally with you, leave then.
How many times in my life have I seen women marry verbally and physically abusive husbands and stay with them because they look good on their arm, silver tongued, or too insecure to leave. If they get smart enough to leave it, then they say I'm not going to do that again, I am going to find a good man. Then if they actually do and he is usually right there; he appears too plain looking, although he IS "the good man" and they pass him up because truthfully they want the player,bad boy,arm hanger and the glitter. That's from too much life of experience, observing and being alone most my life.
Your question? They are there, their not easy to find, they are shy, may not have the words you want to hear at first and they are NOT at the bar for beer 30. You may find them at the market, if you see a guy shopping alone with a full basket ever wonder why? He's alone and most likely doesn't want to be, strike up a conversation, "oh have you tried that before, is it any good" even a smile and good morning. See the guy appears a bit sad sitting at the park or beach with no one else, he's alone and lonely. It's not the 50's, it's OK to ask him if he would like a few minutes company. Maybe he's the good one. S_B
5/23/2010 6:05:48 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |
Waterville, ME
age: 53
No, I live in Maine to!!!!
5/28/2010 12:23:38 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Biddeford, ME
age: 44
VERY nice, Shawnee.......and I think you hit the proverbial nail on the head with that post.
The really good ones dont post, they kinda sit back and watch, and well...if you are lucky they email you and stand out from the crowd of testosterone induced come-ons which seems to be the thang these days.......NO I really dont wanna hear about how you can last all night, your latest conquest OR the exact length and girth of your goodies, and NO, I dont want a pic of it...... and NO I dont want to go out with someone who is within a ten year age range of my oldest son! Call me a prude, (oh, god, someone is SO gonna have fun with that one..... )
And I will say I do apologize for the generalization, because, NO...NOT all of you, I will say I have had some really wonderful guys email me, polite, funny, and def. worth chatting with!
Unfortunately, that seems to be the exception to the rule.
AND? Most definately NOT applied to Maine guys only.
Sigh......Innit it fun here in Maine?
Well...at least the weather has been great.......and my 8 year old actually did the swing down on the saco river, I am so proud......LOL!!!!!!!!
Myself, well, I am in a "relationship" undefined.......
With a local guy.......I think he is the bomb......he is doing that fun mid life crisis thing and I am here and convenient, I think. To be fair he is also going through a huge family crisis at this point so.......who knows what the future holds...he makes no BS promises and treats me well, I cant ask for much more at this point, just be there as much as I can.....some nights, though, like tonight? I run away.....
Because well........
I am in a holding pattern......
I hold his pattern as often as he lets me.......
I would SO love to get the hell OUTTA here.......
OKAY, OKAY, my point? 

Hell, I am such a tangent queen even I missed it......
I think my jist is never overlook the quiet ones! 

5/28/2010 4:29:21 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
I'm awesome as f**k.
5/28/2010 5:04:11 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Edmonton, KY
age: 56
Thank you Lovin. I haven't been here in a bit. I appreciate what you said.
"I would SO love to get the hell OUTTA here....... " Yes, my pace has been for sale since 2004 at 3/4 appraised price. I have been here 11 years, that's too long. Besides, Sagittarius have a wanderlust anyway.
Good luck to you and your "Bomb." Seems the ones I click with the most live southwest, where I rather be anyway. Other side of the Mississippi is a different world.
I think women get more of the pervs messaging them. I get plenty messages but the sentence above applies. Not much marketable to my taste in Northern Maine and I go to Bangor once every 3 years if I have to or VA Togus but split as soon as my mandatory VA appt is over. Up here the favorite pickup line is "my what a lovely tooth you have".
5/28/2010 5:59:23 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
I don't even reply to 90% of the messages I get because they're too unbearably stupid to dignify a response.
5/28/2010 8:46:29 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Edmonton, KY
age: 56
Doug. Have you ever read a MSAD reports grading students against the rest of the country? Last I time I looked in 2006, 70% did not even meet the average with half of them far below the average. Shawn
5/28/2010 11:21:03 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
All I know is that I get messages from people all over the country on a daily basis and the majority of them I just shitcan immediately because they're flat-out stupid. It's like, why would I bother replying to somebody who can't even form a coherent sentence? It's a waste of my time. I even stress in my awesome profile that I won't reply if somebody writes like a 'tard. Man, I really hate everybody.
5/28/2010 11:47:07 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
I is am through buttercream but over in pants like eight.
5/28/2010 11:50:47 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
The sad thing is that made about as much sense as some of the messages I get through this shithole site.
5/28/2010 12:27:05 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Palermo, ME
age: 25
Check it out Maine is getting bigger
5/28/2010 12:51:40 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
haha, i thought youd like that.
5/28/2010 12:55:45 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Edmonton, KY
age: 56
It's the new world Doug. Check out DIOGENES LAERTIUS; google it, not yourself you'll go blind. Many good websites on him, classicpersuasion .org is a good one to click on. I really relate, you may too. Shawn
5/28/2010 5:12:36 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
Oh, okay.
I had a super realistic dream I was being chased by Freddy Kruger and when I woke up a Red Bull can fell off of my desk and scared the piss out of me.
5/29/2010 5:13:13 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Edmonton, KY
age: 56
OK, so you had a nightmare, spilled your warm flat beer and pissed yourself. Life is good.
5/29/2010 5:23:17 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
Only it wasn't warm, flat beer. It was an empty Red Bull can.
5/29/2010 7:14:12 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Edmonton, KY
age: 56
Well that's better than wasting warm flat beer.
5/29/2010 7:15:16 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
Why, do you like to drink warm, flat beer?
5/29/2010 8:09:45 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Edmonton, KY
age: 56
I don't drink. When I did I preferred it cold and carbonated. I home brewed beer for years. Also worked in a microbrewery a year just to pick the Brewmiesters mind; and did, he was German and knew his beer. Even cultured our own yeast.
edited to spell "our" correctly, damn three letter words.
[Edited 5/29/2010 8:10:47 AM ]
5/29/2010 8:11:11 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Edmonton, KY
age: 56
double post, really with it today.
[Edited 5/29/2010 8:12:05 AM ]
5/29/2010 12:12:05 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
I don't drink either.
5/29/2010 12:13:01 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Edmonton, KY
age: 56
I know.
5/29/2010 2:22:38 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |
Damariscotta, ME
age: 39
you are not the only mainer...lol
6/14/2010 2:51:00 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |
Woolwich, ME
age: 18
no your not the only one sweetheart, i am right here with ya!!!!
7/29/2010 2:15:22 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Baileyville, ME
age: 21
another mainer here! Baileyville anyone from around here?
7/29/2010 3:00:34 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Old Town, ME
age: 40
No. I'm here.
7/30/2010 5:52:17 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |
Stockton Springs, ME
age: 57
Nope, Mainer here.
7/30/2010 7:16:12 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Lewiston, ME
age: 29
mainers showing up everywhere
7/30/2010 7:38:39 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |
Brunswick, ME
age: 44
7/31/2010 10:35:37 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Dahlonega, GA
age: 37
I am the only Georgian. I am going to put my name on all these threads.
8/10/2010 11:52:33 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |
Biddeford, ME
age: 26
i'm a mainer
8/11/2010 8:56:49 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Dahlonega, GA
age: 37
I am here. It is funner in GA Chat.
8/17/2010 6:53:56 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Old Town, ME
age: 25
I'm a mainer, Born in Bangor, Maine and live in Old Town!
8/19/2010 6:14:34 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Winn, ME
age: 27
I cannot believe this thread is still alive!
8/22/2010 11:06:23 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bangor, ME
age: 61
I'm Julie, from Bangor Maine, nice to meet so many from Maine....now if there were some great guys over 50.......

8/23/2010 3:47:41 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Madawaska, ME
age: 46
you're not the only mainer. i may be the only way up north mainer though.
8/24/2010 3:35:52 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |
Machias, ME
age: 55
No, you're not the only Mainer.... Sometimes however, I feel that I am..... damn!
8/24/2010 2:33:37 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Old Orchard Beach, ME
age: 31
I am in Maine as well. Not a "mainer" per say.. I am from Ohio but, I live in Old Orchard Beach now..
8/25/2010 4:24:53 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |
Machias, ME
age: 55
I am in Maine as well. Not a "mainer" per say.. I am from Ohio but, I live in Old Orchard Beach now..
Yeah, I also live in Maine and have for more than 8 years, from the Boston area originally.... Sorry to say that we are considered "Flatlanders" lol You could live here for generations and STILL be called a flatlander.... Which really sucks in a small town like Machias, cuz unless you "know" someone, a local, you'll never get a job... very frustrating indeed....
8/29/2010 11:21:24 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |
Princeton, ME
age: 57
I am a mainer to the bone .Can go back over 100 yrs in just one generation.An my kids are as well ,even if two live out of stste to make a living . they will always be mainers at heart.
9/1/2010 10:49:41 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Camden, ME
age: 31
I'm a Mainah. ayuh..born in Brunswick..raised in Lisbon, and currently living in Camden.
9/2/2010 10:16:45 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Acton, ME
age: 24
I'm a Mainer....but not for much longer haha.
9/7/2010 6:28:03 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Skowhegan, ME
age: 33
I am a Mainer,born in Madison,live in Skowhegan now.
9/7/2010 6:57:02 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Portland, ME
age: 48
hi im from portland
9/8/2010 1:38:53 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |
Auburn, ME
age: 40
no say high its me in maine
9/8/2010 1:40:01 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |
Auburn, ME
age: 40
any 1 from l.a
9/9/2010 9:54:26 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |
Edgecomb, ME
age: 57
No way."that you ain't" and no one from Mass can pretend they are.
9/20/2010 5:31:23 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Augusta, ME
age: 30
just realised how old this post is so im probly waisting my time but for the record i am a mainer. so stick that in your pipe and smock it.
9/24/2010 11:55:19 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |
Auburn, ME
age: 38
I am michelle i am a Mainer lol
9/26/2010 3:45:55 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Waterville, ME
age: 20
hey. i Am Ryan and i am a Mainer. anyone from the Waterville area?
9/29/2010 8:56:05 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Lisbon Falls, ME
age: 23 online now!
Us Mainers rock!
10/9/2010 11:10:34 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Sanford, ME
age: 35
mindy, form southern maine 
10/22/2010 10:20:36 AM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Gouldsboro, ME
age: 20
add another mainer to the group. im rite here wit ya
10/23/2010 10:24:02 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |
Harrison, ME
age: 61
I am from Harrison, moved here from Missouri when I was 18, been here ever since, my kids and grandkids were all born here in Maine...2 daughters live in Waterford,the other daughter and her family live in Lewiston and my son and his family live in Yarmouth.
10/26/2010 4:41:25 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |
Bethel, ME
age: 44
hey there we havin a party or what

10/26/2010 4:44:58 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |
Bethel, ME
age: 44
luvin it here smilen....
10/29/2010 7:45:37 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |
Brunswick, ME
age: 49
Hi everyone..I m so new to this thing so I apoligize first If i am doing something wrong...I am from Brunswick maine...how us everyone tonight?