Rocky Ridge, MD
age: 29
Why does it seem harder to date after a longterm relationship? It seems so much different than it was in high school. Now that you are wiser from the experiances,and you know more about what you want in life, it seems you cant find the match for you.

Tulsa, OK
age: 38
Because you learned something, maybe fear, could be a lot of different reasons. I'm in the same boat. So...take your time, get to know people. Its the first step anyways. Have fun and enjoy. Lots of nice peeps on here

Towson, MD
age: 38 online now!
As we get older there are less ppl to choose from which means it harder to find some one who we are compatible with and we know it.

Dixon, MO
age: 30
I agree
The more experiences I think we tend to over analize stupid things people do
& associate it with someone else in your past.
remember when you were younger
it would be like
I think your cute you wanna go out

Waynesville, MO
age: 29
i feel the same way it is so hard to find anyone anymore

Rocky Ridge, MD
age: 29
I did learn many things, some good, and some bad. I think that most people look at the bad things more, and let them get in the way of moving on. I don't believe that their are less compatible people out there. I think we just missout on them because most peoples hectic schedules doesn't allow them the time to to get around or search for them.